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A Certificate in Native American Teachings
Dont know if anyones come across this one before, I am going to look into in further.
They are offering a Advanced Certificate in Native American Teachings, for 190 UK pounds. Think I better mail them to see what this lil ndn boy can learn.
Will keep you posted
Should be called the BS group. What a load of bull their courses are:
Subjects included in the course:
The Native American concept of life
The Medicine Wheel – A Roadmap for Life
Connecting with Your Totem Animals
The Concept of Balance in all Things
Native American Divination Techniques
How to Discover your Sacred Space
Finding Your Sacred Mountain
Native American Prophecies for the Future
--- Quote ---Should be called the BS group. What a load of bull their courses are:
Subjects included in the course:
Finding Your Sacred Mountain
--- End quote ---
If they could find a mountain near Holsworthy, they'd be very clever people. Why not phone 'em on their toll-free number, Piya, rather than emailing them?
I know these people and many years ago did a counselling course with them. They are one of these correspondence course schools. You read their info and as from what they say the sun would burn holes in their underwear. You pay the large amount of money and do the course. Once you pass, and you will it's so easy, you can actually put letters after your name to show you have the certificates they have given you as an award.
The certificates are not recognised by any proper organisation and not worth the paper they're printed on, nor give you any formal qualifications contrary to what they claim.
They have been doing a course on Shamanism for several years and although it doesn't give you any Shamanic teachings, it gives an insight into Shamanism, or did at the time. By now they might even make you a Plastic Shaman by correspondence course.
^. .^ FASC, MASC(P. Th.), MASC (Ad.C.S.)
Take a look at who certifies them, a cosmetology assn and an astrology assn.
On the other hand, there are two groups who claim they must live up to high ethical standards, ODL and ABCC. Writing them to ask about what they think a group of yoga instructors are doing giving courses in Native teachings might bring an interesting response. Esp since they don't seem to have a single Native belief right.
Some of those ideas are begging for comedy. "Find your sacred mountain"? I'm trying to picture a Dineh "losing" one of their four sacred mountains, or an Apache "losing" Mt Graham...
"Finding your sacred space" brings to mind all those old hippie cliches, "It's my space maaaan!"
And my favorite comeback to Nuagers bleating about "balance.":
So if you have an inner ear infection, can you still "walk in balance?"
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