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Pa' Ris 'Ha
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June 22nd - Worldwide Web Broadcast
~Link Live to The World Puja Network~
Join us at 7-8:00 PM EST Key participants include World Puja and The Yalaha Village Project founders Lee Hanks and Guenter Herold, and Grandmother Pa' Ris 'Ha live and a recorded message and prayer from Avrol Looking Horse.
Pa' Ris 'Ha of Native American and European heritage, is known as Elder and is addressed as Grandmother, a position of honor and valor to indigenous peoples. She is a Peacekeeper and Wisdom Path Teacher. She gives credit to her Native Elders and global mentors, and teaches in stories recalling her life experiences with her Native Grandmother growing up in the Great Smoky Mountains.
Grandmother will discuss healing with sound and color in her words;
Indigenous Peoples approach disease as an intelligence, a presence, that can be negotiated with. We view it as a life and we work with sound and color to send it to another plane of existence where is it not parasitical to the physical body. All energy is life, and life is given by the Giver That Gives All Things. It is not ours to destroy. So we work for balance and harmony of the Body, Mind and Spirit, this happens through Sound and Color.
June 26th, - Live Worldwide Web Broadcast
~Link Live to The World Puja Network~
From the New England Sound Healing Research Institute's (NESHRI) Annual Conference, from the beauty of the First Churches Sanctuary, in Northampton, MA, USA.
Join us at 4.44 PM EST for a one and a half hour celebration of sound and healing for the planet.
4:44 PM EST (+5 GMT)
4:44 PM Kirtan (call and response / ecstatic chanting), with Christopher Kavi Carbone
At 5:00 PM, key participants will discuss our vision, the need for, and nature of planetary healing, and the use of sound, prayer and intention.
At 5:20 PM, Otomi-Toltec elder Thaayrohyadi offers a traditional invocation.
At 5:30 PM, Master Sound Healer Kevin Michael will guide us in personal attunements.
At 5:45 PM, Zacciah Blackburn will offer a healing ceremony dedicated in prayer to the Earth
Key participants include World Puja and The Yalaha Village Project founders Lee Hanks and Guenter Herold, World Sound Healing organizers Zacciah Blackburn and Annie Bond, NESHRI board member and sound healer Kevin Michael, Otomi-Toltec elder Däbädi Thaayrohyadi and the participants of the NESHRI Conference.
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