Author Topic: Rain's Rants and Personal Attacks  (Read 21642 times)


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Re: Rain's Rants and Personal Attacks
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2015, 11:18:49 pm »
After this post I'm going to refrain from participating in this thread unless Rain is comfortable with my interaction.  I know Rain, I know that she is a he and that it is not Cate.  Rain, I am under the impression that your old issues have resurfaced.  I would suggest talking to individuals at Iskatewizaagegan that may be able to help you, like your Dad for example.

Eta - going by information that only admins are privy to, both rain accounts belong to the same person. One of the accounts is no longer viable.

Thanks, Sky.  I hope Rain finds peace.  Sometimes on this site, it is hard knowing exactly what is being discussed, especially when posts are deleted. 
« Last Edit: April 05, 2015, 12:12:08 pm by Autumn »

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: Rain's Rants and Personal Attacks
« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2015, 04:42:55 am »
The NCAI is about protection government and land, the National Congress is busy with watching the United States on all their moves,
Each tribe must set up their own because all of our cultures are different and there is no one rules for our beliefs, except in most
NO NON-Natives allowed.
We also need a form set up on all these so called " I WAS ADOPTED BY TRIBE FRAUDS" then who is really Native and who is not, this form is just the beginning, We have put out proclamation on our belief but many Non-Native don't listen to them, the proclamation states NO NON-Natives may run ceremonies, or hold pipes, or speak for our people.
NON -Native don't listen and think they have some sort of right to other people belief, they are thief and steal from a people who hold these ways in their hearts, I find that Non Native "who want to be us" are usually mental ill or damaged in some sort of way that they are looking for a quick fix to their problems instead of dealing with their issues, they come from background of abuse, or just plain unhappy with their world so they want to steal another world, when our ways are too hard for them they change them to fit their quick fix, like a junkie on heroin, Then if you says "No can do that", they get mad, get defensive like a person who has their drugs taken from them.
I find that these so called NON-Natives take these crazy names with no understanding of how or who give or gets names, I even seen where these crazy people give themselves names, they we ask who are you related too, it is always some dead, or some unnamed "shaman", which is a laugh because we have no shamans. Then we have crazy white women who want to be goddess so claiming to be he White Buffalo Calf Woman but we have no goddesses in my culture.
None of these so called shaman do anything for my people and yes we are angry, "no we are NOT the peace-all harmony Indian people, we are warriors and we will fight you, we know our way of life. Thats my rant for the day everyone have a good day.
Totally with you on a lot of that, Earth. The NCAI needs a cultural protection branch backed by law or just have some actual teeth in general. We could already be headed towards political representation in the US government as an ethnic entity had they worked things right (a sovereignty issue). But lots of other Indigenous peoples have representation in various Parliaments around the world in nations far less progressive than the US and Canada.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Re: Rain's Rants and Personal Attacks
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2015, 05:44:37 am »
Good to know there' is a true council in USA....Iam in Puerto Rico...and we been having lots of problems with
People claiming to be Chiefs and Shamans of The Native American Tradition and stealing my people blind
When I have known first hand true Chiefs dont conduct themselves in such manner,
Thank you for making me aware there is a place we can seek help.

Offline Larry Cope

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Re: Rain's Rants and Personal Attacks
« Reply #33 on: May 22, 2015, 04:04:45 am »
NON -Native don't listen and think they have some sort of right to other people belief, they are thief and steal from a people who hold these ways in their hearts, I find that Non Native "who want to be us" are usually mental ill or damaged in some sort of way that they are looking for a quick fix to their problems instead of dealing with their issues, they come from background of abuse, or just plain unhappy with their world so they want to steal another world, when our ways are too hard for them they change them to fit their quick fix, like a junkie on heron, Then if you says "No can do that", they get mad, get defensive like a person who has their drugs taken from them.

Earth, I'm new to this forum, but wanted to comment on this statement in particular. I was associated with the NeoPagan community in Columbus Ohio for maybe 3 years. I witnessed the appropriation of many cultures' beliefs. Things I did not agree with.

Many who want to do this to the native belief systems are themselves ungrounded. They are under the false impression that stealing someone's culture will provide the culture they lack. Perhaps, they are too lazy to ferret out their own cultural heritage.

Furthermore, non-Natives live in a world of religious and ceremonial smorgasbord where anything goes. Regarding native ways, a former acquaintance of mine said " anything that benefits me spiritually, I'm entitled to" and my response was, " the people that made that spiritual path are entitled to allow or disallow whatever they choose for it is their path". To these ones, the native path is another spiritual"meal" they can eat free of charge or so they delude themselves into thinking.

Which brings to a third point, the matter of respect. The people who do this have no respect for any faith or cultural spiritual path. I doubt if they respect themselves. In this, they are to be pitied.

I truly wish there was an answer to end it. Perhaps, one day, people will wake up and find that respecting another's cultural heritage is a joyous thing and, then, the need to steal it will vanish.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Rain's Rants and Personal Attacks
« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2015, 03:38:24 pm »
Thank you Larry, I have met some great people who respect our ways and are accepted because they
don't want to take what is not their to take, They come and help out and our job is to pray for them
there is balance in this, but i have seen so many who do these things for self gain not for healing
In Spirit