Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1506221 times)

Offline Litsehimmel

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Re: About me ...
« Reply #1170 on: April 08, 2013, 08:28:46 am »
With regard to LG (Keisha Crowther) I sent an email to Admin explaining the current state of things. Here's an extract of said email:

Well, here's the deal: the school does indeed meet all the criteria for official primary education as stated in Dutch Law. The qualifications of the teachers is up to parr, as is the pupil following system. Then again, that might say more about Dutch Law than about the school itself. The online Education Inspection Report can be found here  Unfortunately, it's all in Dutch, so it probably won't do you any good.

The official address of establisment is Vijlen, municipality Vaals, province of Limburg. It has a temporary address in Kerkrade, porvince of Limburg. Interestingly enough, both towns are about a 30 minute drive from Maastricht which is, yep, current hometown of LG! And it gets worse. The IBBO (Ik Ben Bewust Onderwijs = I Am Aware Education) school was founded by Alphonsine Heijnen-Leurs and Gentille Boymans. When I read those names (not your typical true type Dutch names by any way) little alarm bells started to go off.

Alphonsine Heijnen-Leurs can be found here:
therapist/psycho-social therapist/polyenergetic therapist/regression therapist/reincarnation therapist/hypno therapist/NLP therapist/relation therapist/Inner Child therapist/system therapist/Voice Dialogue therapist
She also has a Facebook page:

Gentille Boyman can be found here:
She has a FB account as well:

As for taking down Keisha: you're going to have a rough time of it! I reacted to a topic on her about a year ago, and the responses I got were so incredibly venomous and rabid that it surprised the heck out of me. The Netherlands are rife with followers and practitioners of New Age stuff, and trying to debunk it there is like trying to part the Red Sea. Ain't happening. Having said that, if you would like more info on her or other frauds, just give me a holler.

Regards, Litsehimmel

Offline Litsehimmel

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Re: Re: About me ...
« Reply #1171 on: April 08, 2013, 08:41:20 am »
Finally ... I translated part of the introductory text of the school website

Our education is for ages 4-18 and up. It aims at recognizing the internal process. Individual help and tailor-made education are the focal points in this! Every child/young adult has the right to attention, love and coaching. IBBO takes the passion and talents of every child as starting points. These are emphasized in order to develop further. Attention is also given to the developmental points of the child/young adult. These developmental points are embraced instead of frowned upon.

IBBO works from a positive approach and views the learning process of the child/ young adult with an open and honest attitude. IBBO is temporarily established in Kerkrade. Strolls through beautiful nature, being creatively active are the focal points besides study hours. Our basic concept is that curiosity, a sense of well being and involvement are conditions for the further development of the child/young person. If these are partially or completely lacking, a child / young adult develops not at all or insufficiently. Mentors, parents and child/young adult then jointly search for solutions to increase the sense of well being and/or involvement.

This attitude offers students many possibilities for taking initiative and forming their own learning process. This means that we don't just follow how students develop with regard to 'educational' subjects as they have been described in the core objectives of primairy and secundary education, but also with regard to all other apsects of the development. We think it's important to discover and emphasize the talents of each child/young adult, and to offer students the chance of further developing these. In order to accomplish this, there is a broad spectrum of activities with regard to art, culture, nature, music, sports, technical subjects and foreign languages. Furthermore it is imperative for the development of each individual that we guide each child/young adult along the road of self awareness.

It could be conceived as a genuine attempt at developing all aspects of a child's character. Having said that, I wonder how these kids will cope in today's society. Learning about nature and creative arts is a good thing but unfortunately does nothing towards being able to deal with the rat race which is going on. Wonder if the 'sense of well being' of these kids will remain intact once they have been inundated in the pool of dishonesty, greed and pro-personal-gain which is covering the earth today  :-\


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Re: Re: About me ...
« Reply #1172 on: April 08, 2013, 11:32:03 pm »
Thanks for all the information, Litsehimmel.  I am still baffled as to how a government-recognized school can run on all volunteer teachers (as LG said).

This is from their site (very bad Google translation):


A few weeks ago Ibbo by Jean Freer, Kiesha Crowther and her partner Joyce Brown may encounter. Kiesha, known as "Little Grandmother, wisdom keeper, together with Joyce offered Ibbo get support.

For those who do not yet know, we refer to the website:
Kiesha is March 30, 2013 in Irene Congress Hall of the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht met 500 people from all over Europe came to her. Alphonsine and Gentille were with her on the podium after Kiesha on Ibbo told. The reactions were heartwarming and many people have pledged their support.
Read the article by Kiesha here. Ibbo named therein. icon Little Grandmother

No, there is no question about "taking LG down".  Her followers are very vicious when questioned.  But we can put as much truth as possible in one place so that those who have questions can get some answers. 

Do you have any idea who the "Mayan" is who presented with her in the Crystal Ceremony?  See my comments on her thread:

Offline Litsehimmel

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Re: Re: About me ...
« Reply #1173 on: April 09, 2013, 08:32:33 am »
Kathryn ...

Sometimes we get banned users trying to join with proxy servers, so sometimes we have to make sure it's not someone who is going to troll or harass our members. Sorry if we seem hypervigilant at times, and welcome to the crew. :)

I read through the discussions with the other Saskia and understand why you would want to check whether I was the same person. Being 'hypervigilant' seems prudent, so no problem there . And thanks for the welcome   ;)

Autumn ... the teachers at the IBBO school have, according to the government report, the correct qualifications for teaching. The school board consists of the following persons:
*Alphonsine Heijnen-Leurs, president (mentioned earlier);
*Herman Boijmans, secretary; cannot find anything about him on the net, but I suspect him to be the partner of Gentille Boijmans-Schellings, mentioned earlier; Gentille has a site called  Waardeneducatie (Values Education; which is part of the Human Values Foundation Holland which is an "independent, non-profit voluntary foundation which aims to promote value education in all layers of society, especially in the established educational institutions and currently restricted to primary education and the first years of secundary education"; another member of this family is also connected linked to from the school site: Myrthe Boijmans at;
*Frans Heijnen, treasurer; also basically untraceable on the net, but presumably partner of A. Heijnen-Leurs;
*José Pfeiffer, board member; not found any info on this person as of yet, besides her having a Facebook page which is sewed up tighter then, well ...
*Stefania Dinklage, board member; linked via her Facebook to Alphonsine Heijnen-Leurs, José Pfeiffer and Gentille Boijmans; no further info as of yet

As for the *cough* 'Mayan' lady present at the crystal thingie, I've been looking for her but haven't found anything yet. However, her face does seem familiair, as if she made the news in one way or another fairly recently. I'll continue looking into who she is, will let you know as soon as I've found anything.


Offline Litsehimmel

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1174 on: April 09, 2013, 01:06:36 pm »
Has anybody by any chance seen this page?

It is from a blog by Pi-Qui Baltink, director of a Dutch media company called Cineversity.TV who was planning on doing an interview with LG in Febr. 2012 but iced the idea after "hearing stories". There's some interesting stuff on there, most of all a reply email by LG herself where she defends herself against certain accusations.


Offline Superdog

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1175 on: April 09, 2013, 02:58:23 pm »
First time I've seen it.  Her responses are as honest as anything else she does....

When she first began advertising herself and the site emerged, she absolutely claimed over and over and over again that she was "made shaman for the Sioux and Salish tribes"....when we began questioning that, the story changed to a mysterious person named "Falling Feathers" who supposedly gave her the impression that she was "the" shaman for the Sioux and Salish she's claiming she never did any of these things.  That's why this thread is valuable, not to mention those old videos of her where she directly states that she was "made shaman for the Sioux and Salish tribes".  The rebuttal about Don Alejandro (Wandering Wolf) is also a lie.  She absolutely did claim that he publicly recognized her as a "wisdom keeper".  That story remained for years until Wandering Wolf's FB page submitted a direct comment about her claiming to not even know who she is. 

The rest of it is won't see anything in this thread claiming she was running sweatlodges...she used to post pictures of herself holding a pipe surrounded by folks in one of her crystal laying ceremonies....those pictures disappeared not long after her questionable background began to be exposed as well.

Nice try Kiesha....but a serious fail....


Offline Litsehimmel

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1176 on: April 09, 2013, 05:32:13 pm »
Here's someone else liasoned to LG. Her next event is a "meditation received from Little Grandmother Kiesha" on April 11th. This is her site:

She offers - amongst other things - sweat lodge and medicine wheel ceremonies. Here's a translated part of her introduction about herself.

"I am Lilian Timmermans and, besides being an energetic therapist with a Shamanistic wink, I'm also a massagist and herbalist. But I am much more ... I was born in 1960, so by now I am a wise woman. Lilian means Lily and is the symbol of Lotus, the sacred flower. I have also prepared a flower remedy out of the White Lily and pure quartz. Initially to remind myself of the presence of the Devine within myself ... and the accompanying affirmation is ... from the swamps of Mother Earth, risen from the waters, searching for the light, pure of heart, always moving in the spiral of being ... I AM

I live together with Wim, my support for over 29 years already, a Red Sky Walker and with Lakota, a female Australian shepherd, a White Magician like myself. The Indians used to call the Aussie "Ghost eye's" and consider them to be their Sacred Dogs."

She ends her page about sweat lodge ceremonies and her page on prayers with O Mitakuye Oyasin but her page on spirals with O MISAKYO OYASIN. Finally, she received her insight due to a divorce, the early death of her mother, and rape. These things made her realize that there was "more between heaven and earth". She then followed KI-courses, intuitive and other massage courses, an energetic therapist and herbalist study, and finally found her calling in shamanism. Most of the courses she gives and the articles she wrote are inundated with 'native american' lore, and saying, and ceremonies, etc.

Not sure if she's harmful, but she definitely misappropriates other cultures.



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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1177 on: April 09, 2013, 05:46:44 pm »
...Kiesha has never presented or described herself as a Sioux shaman.

Yet here are some photos of Kiesha doing her version of "Sioux shaman":

Offline Litsehimmel

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1178 on: April 09, 2013, 07:44:17 pm »
Well, she is still described as "the world's most famous shaman" for an upcoming event on May 18th in The Netherlands.

Living in The Netherlands as she does now, you would think that she would ask her Dutch helpers as well as people announcing events to keep the facts straight, like she claims she does and did. However, as this translation shows ...

Saturday 18 may, Little Grandmother: Kiesha Crowther
The New Age has dawned…

Kiesha Crowther, also known as ‘Little Grandmother’, is the world's most famous shaman. On Saturday 18 May she gives a lecture at the Spiritual Café Heerlen (province of Limburg, close to where she lives) From a young age, Kiesha received telepathic messages from her ancestors, which often were accompanied by visions and clairvoyant dreams. Around age thirty she was initiated as a shaman and chosen by various indigenous tribes as Keeper of Wisdom. Since then she has traveled the world as 'Little Grandmother' to share important information.

... she still continues the fabrication of being a shaman. Hmm ...

« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 07:45:57 pm by Litsehimmel »


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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1179 on: April 09, 2013, 08:38:33 pm »
And the above photo was on a website just last year:

And this is a bad Google translation from that page:

An old powerful Atlantic crystal (of the caliber that the world consciousness can
change) has been reactivated and will end this summer ceremony on the Earth
returned. When looking for a place where this grand ceremony the
best place to find the Elders (chiefs of various Mayan, Hopi and
Navajo Indians) come together. If they look at the world they see no limits
of countries and cities, but surrounds them what is happening energetically. At the
scanning the Earth currently see them mostly black on the surface, with
exception of three areas where it is much lighter: Norway, Denmark and
notably the Netherlands (!). Above shows a vortex of golden energy to circulate. Here
are already enough people who live from the heart. "You should be so proud of
yourselves! "she said

Ah, Holland!  The land of milk and honey!

But, KC/LG, the internet is everywhere.

Offline Litsehimmel

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1180 on: April 09, 2013, 08:50:34 pm »
Milk, yes. Plenty of cows here. Kiesha does a fair bit of 'milking' herself, I'd say.  ::)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1181 on: April 10, 2013, 06:30:09 pm »
"Amaya" the crystal whacko recently doing scam shows with Crowther now has her own thread, here:


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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1182 on: April 10, 2013, 06:45:36 pm »
I think i have never met a more elaborate liar than Kiesha Crowther... When i first found her videos and her messages, it generally felt positive, and it seemed plausible to me that she was really recognized by the "Sioux/Salish" tribes, because i didn't know anything about them or about indigenous spirituality. I guess this is the case for many if not all of her supporters.

Later on it just got scarier and stranger with the 2012 mumbo jumbo and more and more talk of Crowther's supposed extremely extraordinary abilities, and i noticed how i personally had actually regressed in my emotional development since i found this Tribe of Many Colors stuff... i was overly sensitive and could get really angry about very small issues, things that i would otherwise just laugh about. Stuff like this is bad for people's psyche. I've learned a lot though and i'm fully recovered now, lol.,95049,96670#msg-96670


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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1183 on: April 12, 2013, 03:09:24 am »
From her upcoming Beijing tour promos (google translations):

300 people class specific curriculum content: First, how to use crystal therapy more body; how crystal clear personal energy; how Crystal Healing Earth; how to clean up and put their ideas on the crystal medium. ? How to use Crystal to protect themselves against a variety of radiation injury.

Father was white and mother is Sioux / Salish tribe.

About 200 years ago, North American aboriginal prophecy will become wisdom guardian and mentor, a blond woman comes in a new era of the Earth to teach people the true wisdom and love.

Dear family members:

The first batch of 300, the imprint of the "home" series Crystal have all been sold out, and now we begin the pre-sale No. 301 - 1000 Crystal. If necessary, the family can be photographed after payment Remarks numbers, we will contact you by phone to confirm. To ensure that orders are not canceled by the system, we will in the form of a virtual logistics for your shipment, you confirm.

Delivery date in April 2013. Please keep the phone unblocked, when we will be the first time for you to express.

Because of the large number of crystal, small grandmother they need a personal blessing and then transported to Beijing, so please understand.

Bless you, my dear family

Piece of crystal in your hands, it comes from the United States a holy mountain, the small grandmother personally blessed in hand, has to have a deep connection with Mother Earth, and on behalf of our family's imprint.

All the contents of the box:
1, small grandmother blessings Crystal
2 small grandmother wrote friends buy crystal folding
3 small grandmother autographed card

You buy Crystal each a small grandmother in the United States himself in hand blessing, purified. You still need purification,

Offline Freija

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1184 on: April 12, 2013, 07:45:52 am »
At the scanning the Earth currently see them mostly black on the surface, with
exception of three areas where it is much lighter: Norway, Denmark and
notably the Netherlands (!). Above shows a vortex of golden energy to circulate. Here
are already enough people who live from the heart. "You should be so proud of
yourselves! "she said

Oops...used to be "much lighter" in Sweden, but apparantly the light went out and got transferred to the Netherlands.
I wonder if "the light" equals money?  8) 8) ::)