Author Topic: Guy Lone Eagle and the Butterfly Clan  (Read 24405 times)

Offline webbydeb

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Guy Lone Eagle and the Butterfly Clan
« on: November 30, 2006, 05:29:35 am »
Okay, I'm trying to be fair here.  This whole Metis lineage thangy to me seems extremely suspicious, but being Irish American, I'm trying not to judge harshly. 

Here's the link:
This woman seems like a ripoff, and the person that they also refer to (Guy Lone Eagle) who a friend of mine says she studied with, all appear to me to be ... well, white folks pretending to be other than who they actually are.

Any feedback is appreciated.

My friend by the well, helped me a great deal with the body work she does, but being a wiccan, I questioned her choice of teachers.  Maybe it's just me.

Deb O'Keefe
Deb O'Keefe

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Re: Guy Lone Eagle and the Butterfly Clan
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2006, 05:40:34 am »
The deer tribe ain't Metis (there are real Metis people it isn't just a fancy name for mixed blood) and they are perverts. Yup. I said it. Having orgies is not  scared Indian ceremony. And there grand guru, Harley Reagan, advocayes people teaching youing children to have sex. That's pervert stuff to me. n the archives there is more on Harley Reagan aka Harley swift deer. Fake Cherokee. Fake  medicine man. Fake war hero. Fake human too as far as I sam concerned.

Offline webbydeb

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Re: Guy Lone Eagle and the Butterfly Clan
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2006, 05:54:26 am »
Okay, how sad is that?

I like your first name btw  ;).
Deb O'Keefe

Offline Ric_Richardson

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Re: Guy Lone Eagle and the Butterfly Clan
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2006, 04:13:13 pm »

While there are seemingly many, who claim to be Metis, when they cannot achieve recognition as Aboriginal through any other way, the true Metis people are still alive.  Our Culture has not only been a mix of Native and non-native, but we have languages and a Culture that is distinct and continues to exist, although only officially recognized in Canada's Constitution.

In the US, I would definitely question any who claim to be Metis, although there were some, who fled Canada after the uprising in 1870, known as the "Red River Rebellion" and who continue to live in the Northern Midwestern States, including at Turtle Mountain.

We are a "Bridge" people, who combine the ways of both of our Heritages and were Traditionally the ones who helped to bring knowledge of both Native and non-natives to each other.

I hope this helps you to understand us!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Guy Lone Eagle and the Butterfly Clan
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2006, 06:16:39 pm »
You were right to be skeptical Deb. Anytime you see "Pleidian lightwork" or other obivous nonsense pretending to be Native, trust your instinct. If it doesn't pass the Laugh Test or the Vomit Test (if it makes you want to laugh, or to vomit when they teach people to have sex with kids) it's fraud.

"May the Great Turtle love you into your Sacred Destiny by becoming your magical mysterious character."

Absurd stuff like that...
I can do without turtlelove, thanks. I just get this vision of a turtle trying to hump my leg like a dog does, except very slowly.

"Fee Exchange:
$610 for each New Moon "Turtle" weekend
$2,440 financial commitment fee due by the New Moon on June 25, 2006
$1,000 fee for CEREMONIAL WEEK due by the New Moon in March, 2007"

I hope your friend didn't fall for this. If she did, please urge her to sue.

More importantly, warn her as loud and as often as you can, THE DEER TRIBE OFTEN SEXUALLY ASSAULTS WOMEN, often by claiming it's part of a "ceremony."

They routinely gang rape their women members, or get the men and women to assault each other, as a way of breaking down their resistance.

If this happened to her, go straight to the cops and the district attorney. This cult is incredibly dangerous, not simply bizarre.

"Stephanie Rainbow Lightning Elk-has been on the Metis Medicine Path since she was 12 years old. She is of the Twisted Hairs Metis Cherokee lineage, a massage therapist, author, playground/workshop leader, co-chief with Guy Lone Eagle of the 13th Moon Mystery School Kivas of North Idaho and co-founder and co-chief with the former Guy Lone Eagle of the Butterfly Clan of Northern Idaho (1999-2002), and a FireMedicine Woman of Chuluaqui-Quodoushka traditions.
Crystal Pathfinder
Fire Raven Who Sees The Dawn                     
Eagle Woman Who Dances In The Light
Dreams Through Waters
Mountain Star Light"

No one in this group is named Bob or Mary, it seems. They all have these ridiculous names they think are NDN.

But these "teachers" are victims themselves. Some of what they went through is pretty disturbing.

"Fire Raven:
...Having grown up feeling trapped in my body and on this planet, I had devised as many ways to escape 3D reality as there are hours in the day.
Whether it was being an active alcoholic and drug addict, having sex addictively, eating sugar, or just leaving my body and floating in space, I was an expert at staying out of my physical world...
I learned how to enjoy staying in my body, sometimes through the difficult discipline of staying present in emotionally charged or otherwise challenging situations, where before my first instinct would be to flee, at least energetically. I also learned how to make Pleasure my teacher, and let go of the tyrant of pain...
I chose to step into my power and learning of the mastery of the physical, and to take my power in each moment of my earth walk.
Having glamorous experiences out of my body was sometimes fun, sometimes scary, and always a way to get validation, but I have experienced what it is to hold my power and light in my body in the third dimension, and have felt the joy that results...
The Kiva assisted me in owning my wisdom about what needed to die, even when I really didn’t want to hear it....
It seemed at the time an odd goal – to go through a mystery school, learning some of the most esoteric teachings ever brought to this planet, just so I could be in my body and be fully present in my 3D world. However, if not to be present and enjoy being an incarnated being of light on this magical planet, then why am I here? ...The honor that I carry as a warrior in the light was gained by engaging with life, engaging with the mirrors presented to me."

Here they took a woman who had been abusing herself most of her own life, and basically told her her self abuse was OK as long as they led her in it and controlled her when she did it. "I learned how to Pleasure my teacher"? Sounds like she's describing learning how to love being used and abused by them.

So now many of them live in a fantasy world.

"Eagle Woman Who Dances in the Light - AKA Debra Porter, MA
Educator, Metis Medicine Way Teacher, Lightworker and Massage Therapist"

I'm still amused by people who think being a masseuse makes them spirchul.

"Dreams Through Waters"
In October 1977 I left the comfort of my beautiful country, Italy, my family and friends, in search of my identity....
Many years of searching brought me to the 13th Moon Mystery School Kivas in Sandpoint, Idaho....Money and how to manifest it through doing what I loved was the tyrant I wanted to embrace...
Today I can proudly say I am a Métis Medicine Way Light worker."

Or rather, an Italian pretending to me Metis.

Another disturbing story of how they use people.

"It looked like I had everything – a beautiful home, 4 healthy kids, a nice husband – a social life - nice cars - affluent lifestyle - many nice things...
Upon entering the 13th Moon Mystery School in March of 2001 - I was a 44 year old suburban wife and mother - with kids ages 6, 7, 11, & 14 and a husband of 20 years- an orthopedic surgeon –- angry at my husband (sex was almost non-existent) - sick and tired of motherhood and all of its demands - sick of my life. I felt that I had lost myself - didn’t really know who I was anymore and where I was going and began taking pain medication (and became addicted) for this ailment or that ailment...My pattern was to have surgery on some part of my body when things got really bad - this was my 10th surgery....
I entered the 13th Moon Mystery School - scared to death but ready to do something different and looking for some connection to myself - to God - to Spirit. I began to learn more about the Métis Medicine Ways.  I began to find MY voice - speak MY truth (what was true for ME...
I found and continue to nurture my connection with the 4 worlds (plants, animals, minerals, and humans) and I’m healing my deep loneliness....
I practice and live many of the tools and teachings I was taught such as Lightwork - which are energy clearings and healings. Besides receiving Lightwork sessions, I do them for others...
My family and I have a wonderful gift - Dove Creek Ranch - where the next mystery school will be - the 13 Healing Moons of the Great turtle Mystery School. We are renovating and co-creating a beautiful space for many to experience!
-Laurie Mountain Star Light"

Also keep in mind the Deer Tribe is heavily armed, has survivalist and militia ties, and has proclaimed at times they are preparing for a race war.

Offline Ric_Richardson

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Re: Guy Lone Eagle and the Butterfly Clan
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2006, 07:16:48 pm »

As a Metis person, who has grown up with Traditional Medicine being used, I would caution anyone to be wary of any group claiming to have "Metis Medicine Ways", since our Traditional Medicines always have come from our Aboriginal ancestry and I have never heard of "Metis Medicine Ways" without those Medicines being attributed to our First Nation ancestry.

In our home, Traditional Medicines come from our Cree (Nehiyaw) ancestry.  Some Metis people have learned some of these Medicines and use them.  I have never heard of sex being a part of any of the Traditional Medicines that I know of, although we sometimes hear of people abusing their Gifts, in order to acquire sexual favours. 

Additionally, I have never heard of any Metis person who is Metis due to "Cherokee" lineage, or of any Metis "Tribe."

Offline webbydeb

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Re: Guy Lone Eagle and the Butterfly Clan
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2006, 09:03:07 pm »
I appreciate all the info.  My friend did fall for it.  Because I care for her, I'm having a hard time resolving how I'm going to address this with her, or if I am going to address it at all.  She tells me that the Turtle School woman is a real fake, but that the guy she was studing under (this Guy Lone Feather) is real.  Yeah....I know.  It's sad. 

She has a wonderful energy and an ability to do body work that truely helped me with letting go some anger and toxicity from my father.  The thing is, she calls herself Rainbow Feathers (which I try not to tell her sounds so f*ckin' ridiculous it makes me want to laugh) and really, is it my place to blow her bubble?  So I'm struggling with it, and it makes me sad and angry that she can't see that the trappings she surrounds herself with is bs.

Since she is no longer with them, I haven't felt the burning need to discuss it with her, but it's always at the back of my mind.

It's so sad that we all can't be happy with who we are, but that we need some 'trappings' to feel okay with, and validate, our beliefs.

Thanks again for the info.  I had not be aware of the Metis name at all.

Deb O'Keefe

Offline webbydeb

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Re: Guy Lone Eagle and the Butterfly Clan
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2006, 09:05:42 pm »

"May the Great Turtle love you into your Sacred Destiny by becoming your magical mysterious character."

Absurd stuff like that...
I can do without turtlelove, thanks. I just get this vision of a turtle trying to hump my leg like a dog does, except very slowly.

OMG!  I love that picture in my head!  I almost spit my Diet Coke into my keyboard!  ;D
Deb O'Keefe