Author Topic: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf  (Read 26821 times)

Offline dancegirl

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Re: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2009, 11:31:49 pm »
she is a very good person

Offline sungazer

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Re: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2009, 07:22:22 pm »
I am one to stand and watch things unfold...there is much more to this situation than just one side. WE each are accountable for our actions...but I have watched this unfold for a few years in regard to Ms.Runningwolf. There is a big difference in calling someone on their stuff and a all out  verbal attack...

I have wondered why Mr. Davis is beating another dead in a bit of peace and let others do the same!! Things come full circle...could be Ms. Runningwolf...or Mr. Davis. I seem to remember hearing about an attorney's letter for slander and it was not against Ms. Runningwolf. It is to easy these days to call others on their "stuff" based  on OUR  almighty opinion.....we need to remember that one is no better than the next....the lessons are just different.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2009, 02:27:20 am »
It seems as though Ms. Madison's friends and/or followers are here in force. It might help their case (and hers) if they actually said something besides snide irrelevant self righteous remarks, or unproven and extremely vague claims (She's a good person).

Could you tell us what you know of her personally, and show us any proof you have that the complaints against her are false?

Offline sungazer

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Re: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2009, 09:52:28 pm »
Question; Is there actual proof that any of what has been posted here is indeed truth regarding to
 Ms Runningwolf?  Is there any truth/proof that it is false? Since when do we totally have the right to be judge and one knows who is actually at the key board typing what!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2009, 02:03:03 am »
Once again, it would help both your case and hers if you actually said something besides a rude unrelated rant that is close to being spam and/or trolling.

It also would help if you bothered to read before going on your rants. This thread is under Research Needed. So far we've received very little information to say one way or another about Madison, and you don't help her by avoiding the subject.

And again, if you'd bothered to read, many of us are quite open about who we are offline. Unlike you.

So let's please try starting over. Tell us who you are and what you know about Madison.

Offline sungazer

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Re: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2009, 05:52:33 am »
First, I do not rant and rave, my words have not been cruel or damaging, I HAVE NOT attacked anyone but instead made simple, CALM statements and been from a place of truth. Who am I? I am just a human being that can make mistakes, maybe more, maybe less than most, I guess that would depend on who you would ask :) I am an elder, a Sundancer and have taught Traditionalism in the SW. I am no one...a human being like you, taking one day at a time, doing the best I can do and trying to be the best I can be.....NOW moving on....there was a posting by a Waylaela...She  Ms."T" IS a vet...her military record IS closed to the public.....she has native family in the US and Canada. One of the verbal attackers was addressed a few years ago with a legal presentation of "slander" and backed off quickly,  they are on this site..... No Ms "T" is not perfect by any means but then who is?? She talks to much, she can be loud, get on your nerves BUT if I needed my back covered she would fit the bill!! I do have a problem with  someone that continues to haress others, lies and torments. And yes it looks like a lawsuit is pending or in the works. Am I a personal friend of hers? NO. Have I met her?...YES....Enough said. Let's move on to something positive! Cedar down for you all, may your fire be warm and your prayers strong!

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2009, 06:23:57 pm »
OT, sort of:

I am an elder, a Sundancer and have taught Traditionalism in the SW.

No disrespect, and I'm not trying to invade your privacy here, but you should know that we've seen a lot of anonymous people come here and claim to be "elders". I don't know about you, but for me, when people on the Internet call themselves elders without saying who they really are, or even what Nation they're from, it sets off red flags for me. I really don't know much about Southwest cultures (I assume that's what you meant by "SW"), but I thought only Plains nations have the Sundance. What Southwest nations have a Sundance tradition?

she has native family in the US and Canada.

Again, this is usually a red flag when people don't name specific Nations.

I'm still confused about whether we're talking about one person, or multiple people here. If these inquiries were being made about someone who is very private, it would be one thing. But once someone puts themselves forward in public as some sort of leader, it's legitimate to ask who they are and where they're from. And when someone claims to be an elder, it's relevant to know which group of people named them such, or whether it's self-proclaimed.


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Re: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2009, 11:28:38 pm »
That was part of the original problem.  No one could ever figure out if it was the same person on 2 to 3 people.  It looked like there was more than one. 

Offline sungazer

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Re: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2009, 05:33:52 am »
Yes, there are Sundances in Co...NM...AZ....TX...(Many of your Plaines Nations migrated back and forth in certain areas)... an there was no offense taken by your words. I am what I am and I say that with all/much humility. None of us here actually "know" who we are speaking with. We are all on guard in some manner or we should be!  All we have to go on is a few letters on a white piece of paper...If you have been to Sundance you will know that many nations now come together even if it is in the Dakotas'...WindRiver area, Navajo country....there will be many nations represented from all should know that. It is sad that we cannot talk without pointing fingers and questioning every word spoken by the other because it doesn't sound "indian" enough.

Have a good evening...

Offline sungazer

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Re: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2009, 05:35:54 am »
Fredrica...I think there are 2-3 people in the confusion regarding Ms. Madison/TRunnningwolf.

Offline kosowith

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Re: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2009, 03:29:59 pm »
According to a couple of Native Viet Nam vets there are no Native American women POWs from any war, nor any MOH

Offline kosowith

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Re: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf
« Reply #26 on: January 30, 2009, 12:44:24 pm »
I am curious and unsure what is being said here.  Is this person saying that there are two “Blackfeet nations in Montana?  If so, they are incorrect.  There is one Blackfeet Confederation in Montana with the tribal Offices in Browning, Montana.

At the time of first contact the HBC called everyone living in the Niitsitapiskaku (Blackfeet/Blackfoot Territory) Niitsitapi. The Niitsitapi are Ahpikuni (Peigan), Southern Ahpikuni (Montana Blackfeet), Ahkainah (Bloods) and Siksika (Blackfoot).

Today the Confederation is comprised of 4 groups, Pikuni (Peigan), Northern Pikuni (Northern Peigan) Kainai (Bloods) and Siksika (Blackfeet) –

Also, I have studied quite a bit of tribal law, and first and formost it is not universal. Choctaw  statues are not the same as Blackfeet/Blackfoot or Dine’. Every nation sets (within certain limits) their own laws. For many nations enrolment information is public access.  I do not know what the rules are for the Blackfeet, but I do know the tribal attorney and can find out rather quickly if anyone is interested.  I have worked with Red Crow College in Canada, it is one of the only non-US tribal colleges, and know the woman there who is one of the cultural teachers, and also is a granddaughter (they don’t usually use the great-great add-on) of Red Crow.  Perhaps she will be able to clear this up and verify Tamara credentials.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Tamara Madison aka T Runningwolf
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2009, 02:23:53 am »
The POW network site points out there were only three women POWs during Vietnam (she's not one of them) and no female MOH winners. The wing she claims to have been assigned to never heard of her and they had no such "special assignment." Claiming "it was all classified" is what many phonies hide behind. Anyone who was given a classified assignment knows better than to brag about it publicly.

There are phony "Sundances" in Texas run by Mary Thunder and co, but no legit ones I'm aware of. It could be there is one which they choose to keep very quiet. But the closest to Plains tribes in Texas today are tribes now in Oklahoma, like Naishan Apache and Comanche. Maybe of the recognized tribes you might call the Kickapoo a Plains tribe...but that'd be a stretch even in the past, and certainly not now at the TX-MX border.