Author Topic: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio  (Read 68448 times)


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Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« on: March 04, 2008, 04:59:45 am »
Alleghenny Lenape:
Redhawk45 (Eric Macuski)
In his statement of his membership at his group @ RNS

 Alleghenny Lenape

Category: American Tribes
Type: Public
Created: Oct 23, 2007
Members: 3
Views: 29
Location: Massillon, United States

Definition of this group or his Tribe as he puts it so well:

"This group is an online way of getting out to the thousands of Native Americans, no matter what tribe they are of. We definately accept those who are trying to find their geneology and are rejected from the Federal Recognized tribes. We are fighting to be Federally recognized, but we will NOT have such strict rules as other tribes do when that time comes.

Again, everyone is welcome...even if you are of another F. R. Tribe.

Some Rules: NO ONE harms another - meaning do not put someone down regardless of who they are. Two, Have fun! Those are the two main rules. I will post a comprehensive one as well.

Eric Red Hawk"



Further more membership is explained

POSTED BY: redhawk45 on Oct 25, 2007  [ QUOTE ] 

Ok...Alleghenny Lenape isn't just a group, it is a fully functional state recognized tribe here in NE Ohio, with members stretching cross-country. It is majority Lenape (Delaware), but has members of other tribes within. Not adopted, but with a distinct tribal heritage that could teach all something. We are of one blood, no matter what.

There is no membership fee...we work only by the donations of members and others. There is a newsletter that goes out every season, email and postal. Whatever group activities there is are put together as a tribal unity....everyone contributes something, including if we have a powwow or gathering.

Battling to be federally recognized, it is hard when there isn't enough members to do so. A tribe only needs a church or some sort of center to be federally recognized...and as many members as possibly can with a voice.

Required is a geneological history (including photos) of your family. Be honest now. I believe some people can have a bad heart and tell lies, like so and so is related to Chief Corn one can REALLY trace it to a famous person in history EXCEPT a certain few...and they're already Federally Recognized.

You can email me at if you are interested.

Eric Red Hawk

His official document:  HR NO 155

If we go to:
You will see a search That looks like this..

Search for Legislative Information
All bill searches will be for the current General Assembly session (2007-2008) unless otherwise noted.


Find Bills by Bill Number
Bill Number:
House Senate Both
127th General Assembly  (2007-2008)
126th General Assembly  (2005-2006)
125th General Assembly  (2003-2004)
124th General Assembly  (2001-2002)
123rd General Assembly  (1999-2000)
122nd General Assembly  (1997-1998)

Back to Top of Page

Type in 155
Select House and select 123rd
What do you get ?

If you were to click the links both have nothing to do with State Recognition of a Tribe in Canton or Massillon Ohio, and guess what... no H.R. No.155

You can further the search through the house of representativess journal in pdf format.

No HR 155. If this was an official binding document , it would of been listed.
Goes to show you how some groups in Ohio take a ceremonial only document and try to blow it up to some more than what it is.

Now lets take a quick little stroll over to :

about the 7th Generation prophecy...topic posted Thu, October 20, 2005 - 2:18 PM by Unsubscribed

I have just read about such a prophecy just last week, and then I come onto and find this group. Talking about a prophecy coming true.

I am the 7th generation and he 5th generation of Lenape here in Ohio. I believe in the old ways, and try to live my life as traditional as I can. I even made my own regalia...out of the traditional materials the People would have had before colonial contact.

Another reason why i believe in this is because a lot of my talents were innate. I learned to flint knap myself, learned how to bead, make weaponry, make clothing, drilling shells for beads, flute play and much more...without no one actually showing me nor from reading books about such. It was after the fact when I started reading the books available to us today which astounds me to this day. How did I know how to do all this stuff?

I have Spirit Dreams, or as some people call: visions. Many of them are just downright horrifying for the future. I cannot tell all, but I will say there will be a large war in the future between those who call themselves American Indian/Native American/etc and the Others who have no such blood. If we do not do something to help ourselves soon, we all will be wiped out!

I so much believe in the old ways that another Spirit Dream I had had told me that the sacred bundle needs to be reformed whole again. Anyone know what that means? From some research with the Shawnee, I know they have a piece of 'artifact' that they've had since who-knows-when. Those types of pieces, I believe are from the first Sacred Bundle which was passed down so, so, so long ago. I don't know if other tribes/nations has such an object to this day, since colonization and theft may have taken a lot, but could this be true? Should someone remake this sacred bundle 'from the ashes' and maybe unite the tribes/nations under one whole People with varied religions and cultures and beliefs? Could the bundle vary well be the key on helping us out?

I've rattled on enough already. All I know is that if something ain't done soon, I don't think there will be a future for the People of Turtle Island.

posted by: Eric

Re: about the 7th Generation prophecy...
Fri, October 21, 2005 - 12:06 PM
In this day and age, I've noticed more and more of the People are trying to reclaim old land rights long ago. Just recently the Eastern Shawnee of Oklahoma just filed a lawsuit against Ohio for land rights west of the Tuscarawrus River, which even includes the Shawnee Unitied Reminant Band who are State Recognized. One way I'm happy because the Shawnee URB were very rude to my mother and I, yet another is sad because the Shawnee URB worked hard to buy the property needed for their own.

As I stated, I'm a member of the Alleghenny Lenape (Delaware) tribe here in NE Ohio. They got their State Recognition back in 1999, but was a little too late to do anything about a Paleo Indian site that is now under real estate homes:(

Yes, the ancestors tries to guide us anyway they can, whether through visions/Spirit Dreams or by sending us signs or just plain out talks to us. I've had a Spirit Dream a LONG time ago...well, long time as in late I was in this black void, floating. I can't remember much of it, but the area lightened up to a bright white, and supposidly I heard a male voice, with me asking him "Who are you?". He told me this (.... equals things I can't remember): "I am you, and I am not. I am First Man.........spiral is in chaos........". Then I was woke up by my alarm clock (which pissed me off because that probably was the reason why I cannot remember any more of the Spirit Dream).

I don't know if it was actually First Man, though in the Dream he told me he was. I was brought up not to lie, as is tribal custom, though even my mother back then didn't realize the significance of it until after we began diving into our heritage. Yes, even in my heritage it was the same as yours, and for good reason. It wasn't just to blend in and not be looked down on, but also so generations to come doesn't have to marry American Indian and live on reservations. Even whole tribes kinda blended in as well into the settlers society.

There is a major connection as to why we, as the 7th G, have these Dreams. I have a feeling that it is our duty, if elders will listen to us 'young people', in the future to unite the People and keep traditions, language, religion and cultures alive.

Eric Red Hawk

And Ther you have it another "group" born out of a piddley ceremonial only document from the state.
Some more ..
redhawk45 says:
Ngangche Macheu Meechgalenne, Untschi Alleghenny Lenape.

Translated, I am Red Hawk of the Alleghenny Lenape, Wolf Clan, here in NE Ohio. Full name of Eric Red Hawk Macuski. Being 'Native', as the one above me states, is just me. You can see me in the most newest pics with me and my wolf hide headdress.

I'm also decendant of Rev. Charlene Starwolf Eckelberry Macuski, of the Alleghenny Lenape, Wolf Clan, and Reverend of the Alleghenny United Indian Church, the first Native American Church here in NE Ohio.

I'm leader of the Wolf Nation Society, an off-branch society of the Alleghenny Lenape; Keeper of the Sacred Wolf Bundle of the People.

Basically I'm into many crafts: flint knapping, beadwork, leatherwork, carving...just about anything. I play the Native American Cedar 5 hole flute and soon will have a small band to start recording. My mother got me into photography, so I'm avid with that, whether I model for the camera or I take the pictures.

Being Native isn't just blood, it isn't just is what you are in your spirit that counts the most.
Posted 25 months ago. ( permalink )

For those that like to look at pictures. Heres a collection!
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 05:43:43 am by TheRebel »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2008, 11:31:35 am »
This thread on another forum says he was convicted of stealing an artifact from an Ohio state forest:

Is there anyone who can find out more about that from the Ohio state govt?

And this thread accuses him of impersonating an archaeologist:

He graduated from high school in 1997:
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 11:46:17 am by Barnaby_McEwan »


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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2008, 01:09:09 pm »
Barnaby , I'll see what I can come up with on these accusations. But knowing going from how groups in general operate, its more than likely these accusations hold some weight to them. When I get more info on this I'll post it out here.

Offline NanticokePiney

  • Posts: 191
Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2008, 01:43:59 pm »
  He was convicted for selling stolen artifacts and  he does claims to be a archaeologists.
  See if you can find the court documents Rebel. The conviction was in your home state (Ohio).

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2008, 02:20:52 pm »
Macuski looks extremely young, and I'd guess any heritage is very distant. He claims that he's technically an archaeologist since he's majoring in it. But even someone still in grad school, rather than an undergrad like him, knows to be careful about claims like that. Until you get that advanced degree and are hired, you can't make that claim.

Seems he's been accused of posting defamatory messages about an ex and making threats online to send her anthrax in the mail.

I'm not clear about Macuski's role in this group, Allegheny Lenape, who in some docs are a council and other a "tribe."
Nonprofit status says council.
PO BOX 7298
Canton, OH
Asset Amount 0
Income Amount 0
In Care Of Name
(the officer, director, etc. to whose attention any correspondence should be directed) LOIS M CROSTON

A geneology page has what is claimed to be the resolution doc discussed earlier.'sPage/lenape.htm


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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2008, 09:49:50 pm »
Looks to me like he is starting his own group. The only state recognized tribe in Ohio is the Allegheny Nation (Ohio Band). Lois Croston is a writer/genalogist of sorts from West Virginia. She has been living in Sharpe County (Canton/Massillon area for a while.  I would take it that these are the same group.  They did file a petition for federal recognation, but can't find if it is still on hold or denied as yet. He seems to stretch the truth or probably worse. The part about his parents having the "first" Native American Church is a stretch. I believe that was the Wyandots back in the 1800's and that closed. But not sure how he is interperting NAC. It would be interesting to know if the rest know what he is doing.

Offline NanticokePiney

  • Posts: 191
Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2008, 10:05:09 pm »
Looks to me like he is starting his own group. The only state recognized tribe in Ohio is the Allegheny Nation (Ohio Band).

Lois Croston is a writer/genalogist of sorts from West Virginia. She has been living in Sharpe County (Canton/Massillon area for a while.  I would take it that these are the same group. 

They are the same group. She is rumored to be his aunt. I don't know how true this is. I just started looking into him after reading Beaderman's blog.
 The Ohio and P.A. Frauds fraternalize heavily. I've been waiting on info.   


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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2008, 02:46:04 am »
They have sent in 2 letters on intent for Petition for Federal Recognition, one in 1979 and one in 2005. Use the name Alleghenny Nation Indian Center (Ohio Band)  Canton OH.  No action.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2008, 03:34:28 pm »
Macuski looks extremely young...

And extremely stupid! As TheRebel mentioned, he's posted photos of himself in his "regalia" on Flickr. This one's called, and I quote, " not know...who you're MESSING WITH!"

There's another one called "consulting the spirits", believe it or not.

He threatened more than one person in that forum you mentioned, Al:

I have filled the papers out. There is just so much info that it is taking a while to get a lawsuit going. But, then again, if no lawsuit happens, I'll just hire someone to do a job for me.

What a sad sack.

Offline NanticokePiney

  • Posts: 191
Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2008, 11:54:26 pm »
Macuski looks extremely young...

And extremely stupid! As TheRebel mentioned, he's posted photos of himself in his "regalia" on Flickr. This one's called, and I quote, " not know...who you're MESSING WITH!"

There's another one called "consulting the spirits", believe it or not.

He threatened more than one person in that forum you mentioned, Al:

I have filled the papers out. There is just so much info that it is taking a while to get a lawsuit going. But, then again, if no lawsuit happens, I'll just hire someone to do a job for me.

What a sad sack.

  I was looking at his Flickr pics a few weeks ago. The kid is dumb. Those threats can be considered "terroristic" and get him in a lot of trouble


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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2008, 02:35:57 am »
yep, but most of it is 2-5 years old, wonder what he been up to recently. aside frome starting his own tribe?
« Last Edit: March 06, 2008, 02:48:49 am by frederica »

Offline NanticokePiney

  • Posts: 191
Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2008, 03:29:04 am »
 His mother's name is Charlene "Starwolf" Eckelberry Macuski, Reverend of the Alleghenny United Indian Church not his ancestor as he says on that post but I can't find anything on the web about her or the church.
 edit:  A former member of one of the PA groups also told me he was busted for digging artifacts at some place called Prairie Lane in Adena grave mounds.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2008, 03:35:33 am by NanticokePiney »


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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2008, 06:12:09 pm »
Siyo everyone. I just recently found you and joined this group. I am a member at the Rednationsociety. This RedHawk45 I think was on the old rns. I am not aware of him joining the new one yet. Now I am battling a lot of fakes and have recently exposed a group called UCN of Arizona. I have a group I made just for exposing the truth. We are trying to clean up RNS and it is for the bridging of both Worlds because most of us are in both Worlds. We have struggled with both most our lives and want to educate the general public on facts. Any fraud exposed needs to be researched and backed up with facts before posting. I have been battling the New Age Cults and they are really angry with me in which I do not care. Any information anyone here has on people and groups, please let us know so we can do what we have to do?

There also is this man who claims to care about us and cleaning up the frauds but I have found he has other agenda's. He goes by the name of Beaderman or Frybreadbuns. If you know of him being here this is your heads up.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2008, 06:43:55 pm »
Hmmmm I actually know Beaderman.....he's one of my close personal friends, and I find he exposes the truth very well actually, and from what I know of him, he has no secret agenda. We at NAU put alot of faith into Beaderman and his findings, and we fully support him in all he does. But, it does seem there are many 'others' out there claiming to expose truths merely to elevate their own personal status...which indeed would be a 'secret agenda' of such....not to mention a huge red flag in my humble opinion.

However I do find RNS is A Twinkie City, full of people claiming to be enrolled in one nation, and then switching to yet another as time goes on, due to being called out and checked up on. Stories seem to change to suit Im sure you are fully aware of.

Picking fights with other 'truth finders' sometimes is not the way. But what would I know...Im just a humble ndn woman.

Tsissy (NAU ~ Native American Unity)
There are no leaders in Unity

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2008, 06:49:51 pm »
Incidently, the topic here was Alleghenny Lenape Group, Massillon, Ohio....not who Raven Crow is and what she does (this can be posted in Member Introductions) and lets all bash someone she does not like without reason, cause or evidence....but forgive me for pointing that out...I just felt it was necessary.

With respect,

Tsissy (NAU ~ Native American Unity)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 07:02:40 pm by Tsisqua »
There are no leaders in Unity