Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 496265 times)

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
Found this today on the Binay "tribe"...

"BlackIndians & InterTribal Native American Association"
U.S./Canada--*Old url here, may be slow to load. The "Binay tribe," headed by self-proclaimed "Chief Jerry Eaglefeather," is not at all a real tribe. "Located across the United States and Canada, including members in Hawaii, and even Europe." Red Flag right there. Information goes on to say they are "a prestigious Native American Intertribal organization." They are simply an "association" for blacks who claim to have Native heritage whether they actually have it or not. The application to join has a space to include your tribal affiliation, but they go on to say "If you don't know this, please put that you don't know or the tribes you believe from information you gathered or what you have heard from parents or grandparents." They request no actual proof. They are not a tribe yet they still pick chiefs and give themselves "Indian names." This is no different then other groups who do this, though people will often overlook all black groups who form similar associations and claim to be Indians though it should not be excused anymore then the others.

Even though they are only a widespread "association" this group is also making up unofficial (fake) "Tribal Rolls" and claim that "bands" are being formed in those given states. They also appear to have plenty to sell you online, as well as a personals service. Be forewarned that this "tribe" charges $25.00 per month to be a part of their group, on top of a $20.00 application fee and first months dues of $45.00. DO NOT be fooled by this group, who are associated with "Monroe Enterprises," they are FAKE and only looking to take your money.
Words from a former member Or it if ever disappears, click here.
Example of this group's fake "membership card"
Afraid of being called fake? The text clearly seems to be an attempt to protect their fraudulent, culture thieving ways.

*Note: Please see my further commentary of this group's "benifits" page.

"New Apache Sauce" by Binay Chief Eaglefeather, from the heart
of Wannabe Apache homeland...Harrisburg, PA. (Which it's not.)

UPDATE (6/24/08): "The Next Step in Completing your membership" This page lists all the "suggested" ways you can pay to join the fake "tribe." All of which are monthly payments, plus an application fee that stupidly varies, which makes NO sense. Of course, when you click on a "subscribe" button you are told that it is $30 for the first month. OR you can choose to "pay life time membership of $300.00 and receive a research packet along with the $1600.00 in amenities. Plus a Free T-Shirt & CD." (Plus shipping and handling of $63) Oh boy! So when it comes down to it, they are certainly in the business of just making money off gullible people who are desperate to belong to a "tribe."

Although for some reason the site states they are not currently taking applications and that their (fake) "trible rolls" are closed. Which is kind of weird because the site is still accepting money. In fact this other link has yet more payment options not listed on the previous page. Including current limited time reduced fee offers. Yet the lifetime offer on THIS page is suddenly about $400, with shipping and handling of over $83. What gives, are they shipping you an end table?

No refunds. Naturally. "You must try and make at least 1 gathering event a year." Why? "You must NOT misuse your Tribal Card. If you do, your membership will be canceled without refund." And what on earth way could you even misuse a FAKE "tribe" card? By being an idiot, buying into this, and letting real native people see it, trying to use it to "get in to stuff," because you are gullible enough to think it's real? "Once you are a member you will need to install the tribal community toolbar in your browser." Again, why? Because that's just kind of stupid.

"New Apache Sauce"

UPDATE (9/25/08): Please note that this whole group is clearly primarily a business ploy, all designed to get money out of people (including gullible wannabes). They could not possibly make it anymore clear when they say... "We are now offering a special membership to Binay tribe. This is a win, win opportunity for you. When you sign up under us with the Black Business Builders, your Binay membership will be included."

Pennsylvania--Wannabe Binay Chief Eaglefeather has created a new sauce for you! His "homemade Apache sauce" that he created five years ago to "taste good on just about everything and make you remember what you had eaten." But if it's just as full of bull**** as he and his fake tribe are, then I would pass! Even the "reviews" sound pretty made up.

Offline educatedindian

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Welker is tied to Princess Pale Moon AKA Rita Mae Suntz so his credibility is not the greatest. He runs, the site owned by the American Indian Heritage Foundation, founded and owned by Suntz. Recall also that Suntz's son is an extremist militia member, one of the phony Little Shell Pembinas.

But even so, that hasn't stopped someone on his yahoo group from bravely challenging Johnson. A member of the Hawaiian sovereignty movement has denounced Johnson as a New Age fraud.


Tecumseh Brown Eagle AKA Abdul Abdullah Muhammed AKA James Johnson who claims to be the Chief of a phony black tribe, the Erie Moundbuilders (dugyadamounduya, of the Washitaw Empire) is now opposing the Hawaiian native people's indigenous rights. He has been exposed by Canadians and Americans as a new age fraud and a black supremacist. This is from members of New Age Fraud
and Plastic Shamans. Please spread the word about Tecumseh Brown Eagle and his phony black tribe...

Aloha mai no kakou! Greetings to you all!

Mahalo to you for allowing me to join your group. I appreciate the opportunity
to read your posts regarding James O. Johnson III and his shameless sham.

New Age Fraud has reared it's ugly head again and has come to Hawai`i.
There was a post on a Indigenous Hawaiian forum
It was a post from a guy from Erie, PA J. D`Alba is his name. He posted a
message from the Chief of the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation. I got
suspicious with the use of Tecumseh's name and of the Moundbuilders Tribal
Nation Being a graduate student in American Indian Studies with prior
knowledge all the phonies trying to form "tribes" for financial gain, I quickly reviewed
the posts on the New Age fraud forum.

I believe that J. D`Alba may be a follower since his posts from Erie, PA. and
seems to discredit what I post regarding the information from the New Age
TBE is trying to give his support to Kanaka Maoli in their struggle against
the Akaka Bill, which would give federal recognition to Maoli. Ordinarily,
Hawaiian Nationalists would welcome support against this bill, but I don't think they
would want a scammer's support.

With your permission, I will post the order from the Council of Erie Indians
for TBE to cease and desist. If anyone else would like to post their mana`o
(thoughts) on this guy, you would have to join

In my application to this group, I didn't have room to explain who I am. I am
a 3rd generation Japanese, with Kanaka Maoli children. We are actively involved
in the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program, and committed to sovereignty and
independence of our Nation. I am studying Indian Nations' history so as to support in
solidarity, our common goals of freedom and affirmation of indigenous rights.

Mahalo again- Naone Morinaga-Kama

Offline educatedindian

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Found his posts further denouncing Johnson.

 Comment by naone morinaga on June 12, 2009 at 9:44am Aloha, Free Hawai`i and MaoliWorld members,

I am posting this out of respect for Kanaka Maoli and my Indian friends and relatives. I am a graduate student in American Indian Studies and have lived in Indian Country for a few years. I would submit to you all that "Chief" Tecumseh Brown Eagle is not a chairman of a federally recognized Indian Nation as he claims to be. There are over 67 pages of posts on a web site...This specific post specifically disawows any association with Tecumseh Brown Eagle and the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation by David Redwolf the Taiaiak`on (Toronto)Historic Preservation Services Director;wap2

Moreover, Tecumseh Brown Eagle aka Abdul Abdullah-Muhammed has tried to apply for membership in various Indian Nations such as the Seminole and the Saponi tribes to no avail. He operates a business Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation, LLC. which says it is T.E.R.O. certified ( Tribal Emploument Rights Ordinances)
which means that a federally recognized tribe's TERO commission certified him as a legitimate federally recognized Indian contractor. I ask which tribe certified him, or was it his own "tribe" who certified him, who really can't since they aren't federally recognized.
Read the 76 pages of posts from a woman from Tyendinaga Mohawk territory, where the clan mothers called him out for using a geneaology that was not his. There other posts and web pages that show his relationship to new age religion and Nation of Islam protocol. Why doesn't he just come out and say he is Nation of Islam; what is his motivation to claim Indian koko? Read the posts and decide. Mahalo for your time. naone


Reply by naone morinaga on June 11, 2009 at 2:17pm
Aloha, J. d'Alba-

Who is Tecumseh Brown Eagle? And how did he become chairman of the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation? Self-proclaimed - as research into his identity show that he is Abdul Abdullah Mohammed - a member of the Washitaw/Nuwabian group. Is he really of the Nation of Islam? If he is, why does he not represent himself as such. From what I have read, he is not Indian and has been passing around geneaology that is not his; officials from the Tyendinaga Mohawk Nation know of this fraud. The Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal nation is a LLC, that offers business consulting
services, most notably in the area of Indian gaming. Tecumseh Brown Eagle last year came out in support of Issue 6 in Ohio, that would support a ballot initiative to establish a casino in western Ohio.

Maoliworld members - be careful of those from Indian Country, who claim Indian heritage but do not have the koko - they just want to benefit from Indian status, especially with gaming and make money for the few "tribal members". It's fraud and a scam.

Mahalo, Naone

Reply by naone morinaga on June 12, 2009 at 11:42am
Aloha, J.D`Alba-

If you google Tecumseh Brown Eagle - you will see a site devoted to new age fraud;wap2 and you will see his alias. and if you look further tothe Supreme Court of Pennsylvania page that shows he did change his name from Abdul Abdullah-Muhammed tpo Tecumseh Brown Eagle.
Note on page 8 of the new age fraud posts, that David Redwolf, Director of Taiaiagon (Toronto) Historic Preservation Services disavowed any association with Tecumseh Brown Eagle and the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation and its 139 members.

In the book, THE RIGHTS OF INDIANS AND TRIBES: the Authoritative ACLU Guide to Indian and Tribal Rights by Stephen Pevar (ACLU) in appendix F. as of 2005, or on the BIA website
there is no listing for the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation under federally recognized tribes nor Tecumseh Brown Eagleas a tribal chairman, chief. In fact there are no tribes in Ohio nor Pennsylvania that are federally recognized. The Shawnee, United Remnant Band is the only State of Ohio recognized tribe, but that is under debate.

In order to be recognized, the tribe would have had to have a land base at the time of the Indian Reorganization Act (Wheeler-Howard Act) of 1934. Since the Erie Indians were initally defeated by the Iroquois in 1656, and were thence absorbed into the Seneca. some escaped but it wasn't until 1680, when Iroquois finally defeated them. So to have been recognized as a tribe the Erie would have had to have a land base, which they didn't.

The constitution posted on the EIMTN website was not ratified nor approved by the Secretary of the Interior, as it is one of the requirements for federal recognition. As I said before, the EIMTN is a limited liability corporation not a tribal nation or entity. Read the posts and decide......Mahalo for your time given this matter, Naone

Reply by naone morinaga on June 12, 2009 at 1:05pm
Aloha - J. D`Alba-

Bottom line, if he is claiming T.E.R.O(Tribal Employment Rights Ordinances) certification as an legitimate federally recognized Indian business/contractor as he is doing, he will get Indian preference when it comes to bidding on government contracts like for training minorities. If he is not Indian, basically he is stealing employment and contracts from bonafide T.E.R.O. Commission- certified Indian employers/businesses. That is fraudulent business practice.

Mahalo, Naone

Offline Don Naconna

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TBE himself posted this in Indigenous Peoples Literature. I love being called a racist by a racist, it shows that I struck a nerve.Iam waiting to see the proof that TBE is going to post about his "bloodlines". Damn the man has claimed to be descended from everyone except Jesus so I'm looking forward to hi "proof"...

Thank you

Thank you to the Indigenous Peoples Literature Group. Thank you for not allowing
racist in the "Newagefraud" site to attack me in your forums. I will soon email
all of the proof as to my bloodline and more.

Peace and Universal Love to all.

Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle
Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation

Offline Niiki

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TBE himself posted this in Indigenous Peoples Literature. I love being called a racist by a racist, it shows that I struck a nerve.Iam waiting to see the proof that TBE is going to post about his "bloodlines". Damn the man has claimed to be descended from everyone except Jesus so I'm looking forward to hi "proof"...

Thank you

Thank you to the Indigenous Peoples Literature Group. Thank you for not allowing
racist in the "Newagefraud" site to attack me in your forums. I will soon email
all of the proof as to my bloodline and more.

Peace and Universal Love to all.

Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle
Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation

We have seen his so-called proof already... his proof is all OTAH!!

Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Don Naconna

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The fact that some Indian people still believe this man is really the issue. As long as parasites like TBE can still get people to support him he can convince he wins. Get the word out and for those folks here in Canada let everyone know about TBE. I'm still doing research and will post everything I find. But its really up to members to spread the word.

Offline bls926

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Don has been one of the few people working on this thread, other than Al. Don't you think you might be shooting yourself in the foot to attack him?

Offline Don Naconna

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I'm hardly shooting myself in the foot and in fact I'm trying to research the other groups TBE is affiliated with. I hope that Niiki is able to find more info. This thread was side tracked by the Renz thread, and I hope that folks are still concerned about TBE as well as Renz who also appears to be a fraud or someone who has fraudulently stolen a family history. All frauds have ulterior motives and it isn't always easy to find...

Offline ny1

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Speaking for Myself I'm still concerned about TBE, but i haven't found anything new.

Offline bls926

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I'm hardly shooting myself in the foot and in fact I'm trying to research the other groups TBE is affiliated with. I hope that Niiki is able to find more info. This thread was side tracked by the Renz thread, and I hope that folks are still concerned about TBE as well as Renz who also appears to be a fraud or someone who has fraudulently stolen a family history. All frauds have ulterior motives and it isn't always easy to find...

Don, that post was directed at Niiki. She copied and pasted posts you'd made on another forum (where you were arguing with crazyeagle), your resume, and your name onto this thread; the same things she posted on the Walter Renz thread. I guess she was upset with you because you asked her why she'd changed her mind about Renz. In her anger, she had started to attack anyone who questioned Renz. After Al deleted Niiki's last post on this thread, I can see how you misinterpreted my post.

Offline Don Naconna

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Forgive my confusion,but this thread seems to have morphed into the Renz thread.

Offline Don Naconna

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I wanted to add this to the TBE thread. The Washitaw/Nuwaubians who call themselves "mound builders" and believe that they were original indigenous people of the Americas, like TBE and his "tribe". They produced this video, it is actually quite funny because they claim to have come to the Americas during Pangea, when all continents were linked. They claim that the slave trade didn't happen and that "red Indians" sold them to white colonists.The problem is that Pangea was 100s of million years before the first homo sapiens existed (200,000 years ago). This is what they all base their claims on, and their claims include the entire Louisiana territory, under their Empress Verdice Bey and over 20 "quadrillion" in reparations. Thats right "quadrillion"!....

Offline Don Naconna

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Tecumseh Brown Eagle an the phony tribe Erie Mound Builders (dugdamoundsduyah) Nuwaubians are running an online casino and trying to get a casino in Ohio claiming to be the original inhabitants of all the lands from the Mississippi to the Great Lakes...

Offline Don Naconna

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I have reached the conclusion that both Tecumseh Brown Eagle and Niiki (Walter Renz) are both frauds. Niiki really had us going until Keely showed up. It is really disgusting that both these people are clearly no aboriginal and are only interested in getting paid and recognised, when they are NOT aboriginal.
I am particularly disgusted by Niiki, a non aboriginal who got caught. Its time to move "Niiki" and Renz to frauds...

Offline Don Naconna

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Has anyone seen either Renz or TBE DNA tests? This is why TBE is a fraud...