Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 496146 times)

Offline educatedindian

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I just got an absolutely hysterical email from Hopson. I had trouble opening the doc she claims is Johnson's original birth ceritificate and asked permission to send it to Don. She exploded at the suggestion and absolutely refuses. I think also what set her off was my mentioning Don had found proof on that last site that Johnson is a Binay, and thus tied to the Nuwaubians and Washitaws.
"Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle is....
A Member of: Black Indians & Inter Tribal Native American Association"

Links of interest

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
TBE is obviously an African American who denies it. That is called self hatred. Only dysfunctional people of any race suffer from self hatred. Hey folks TBE is a black man, a black Muslim, Washitaw/Nuwaubian, what he is not is an Indian.The documents that I received were obviously altered, as substantiated by educatedindian. He's a fraud, just like his mentors. He was exposed and I trust that members will be on the look for TBE and his groups and will continue to expose him wherever he goes. We have provided irrefutable proof that his genealogy is fabricated, the Mohawk Nation has provided proof that his "tribe" is a sham, and now we have proven that his documentation is falsified.
These groups will continue to grow and spread their lies unless their leaders are challenged and exposed. I have found a group calling itsel inronically '' where the Nuwaubians are spreading their racist venom. Perhaps if Hopson knew what the Nuwaubians real plans are she would be such a strong supporter of TBE. I've been fighting these people on the internet for over 10 years now, I know and understand what drives these people, I grew up in black communities in the US and have seen these people at work. Yes they are frauds, the worst kind, they sell false identities to vulnerable people, they sell promises. Join our "tribe" and we'll get you casino money, or lifelong welfare, or healthcare. They claim that all black Americans are "indigenous" and therefore entitled to all the lands and "wealth" that goes to "red" Indians. A kind of convuluted logic that in itself fosters racism against Indians.
The fact that some black people, probably about 10%, have some degree of Indian blood, further complicates the issue. Many of those vulnerable black people believe that Indian people got "reparations" and they should have, so they should be able to have casinos etc. I remember seeing an Indian raise objections to the term "black Indian", pointing out that white mixed bloods don't call themselves "white Indians". That poster was told that "black Indians" are the "true Indians", and superior to the weaker "red Indians" who were mixed bloods!
I used to think that these were just religious cults, but now they have evolved into a growth industry, false genealogies, faked DNA, selling names, "tribal memberships and ceremonies are all parts. TBE like Jerry "Eaglefeather" call themselves chiefs of their self created tribes, they both profit from their activities on and off the internet. Educatedindian, Niiki and myself and all the supportive member of NAFPS have done the indigenous people on both sides of the border (formerly the "invisible line"), and all others who may become victims of these frauds as long as we confront TBE and his ilk and continue to expose them for the frauds they are...

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
This what TBE and his friends believe in.

From: Amexem INDIGENOUS Aboriginal
> <allpraisesduetothec reator@yahoo. com>
> Note: The semi-illogical description name of “Black” INDIANS would
> instantly raise a reasonable questionable inquiry as to the
> suggestive possibility of “Yellow” INDIANS, “Blue” INDIANS, “Green”
> INDIANS, “Purple” INDIANS, “Brown” INDIANS, “White” INDIANS, etc.
> Here again, it seems as though the word BLACK is symbolically used
> to negatively refer to the “Highly Sacred” Melanin Hue Pigmentation
> which is known to be prevalent in the various Hue-Peoples worldwide
> (most of them with the default additional characteristics of Wooly
> Hair, Wide Noses, and Thick Lips). Hue-Peoples are the ORIGINAL
> primary default “natural” creations consisting of the HUE-Man, HUE-
> Woman, and HUE-Child (“ HUE ” as in Melanin Hue Pigmentation) .
> The Meriam-Webster Dictionary definitions of INDIAN are 1- A native
> or inhabitant of India or of the East Indies; also: a person of
> Indian descent and 2- American Indian.
From luv4self_network. There are some very prominent black Americans who belong to the group, including film stars, rappers/musicians, even elected members of Congress and mayors.
> My civic activity is a National Sovereign Birthright. I encourage
> the complete reformation of ALL Natural Indigenous Aboriginal
> “Melaninated” Hue-Peoples and highly encourage them to proclaim
> their Lawful NATIONALITY and Creator-Given BIRTHRIGHTS. I would
> sincerely hope and pray that the negatively mislabeled “Colored
> Black Negros” currently of North America would especially feel
> compelled to act so they can truly learn to love instead of hate
> and greatly acquire much needed “knowledge of self” and overall
> “identity awareness”. This essential act of performance would
> instantly and immediately result in honoring/re- honoring their own
> Fore-Mothers and Fore-Fathers. Just as other so-called civilized
> nations support and establish institutions to serve and preserve
> their posterity, I recognize that MOORISH Families and MOORISH
> Children need institutions and organizations to serve, preserve,
> and protect the Moorish Nation (which is a highly essential and
> integral part of the overall Hue-Man/Hue- Woman Family of Nations
> under the ONE “Grand-Master” CREATOR).

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
Birth and death certificates are notoriously INaccurate when it comes to Natives. Some states wouldn't list Natives at all, some it was based on what the person reporting assumed, or what a family member said. Sometimes Blacks and Indians would each claim to be the other hoping to get lesser discrimination, especially true in the northeast US. At best it might indicate what Johnson's parents told him, or what they in turn had heard from family.

The scan of Johnson's birth certificate that Hopson sent me has his birth name as Tecumseh Brown Eagle, not James Oliver Johnson III. Obviously it's not the original, so it's useless. In fact it was issued only a month ago. So when Hopson and Johnson were claiming to have so much proof many months ago, they were lying.

And the "proof" is no such thing. No race listed for Johnson. Which itself is very strange. I suppose Hopson or Johnson's defense will be that the legal name change altered the name and everything else is the same as the original. In the year Johnson was born most states listed race on birth certificates.

The alleged death certificate of his mother is stranger. It lists Johnson as "informant" indicating he provided the information. Again, this makes it useless since he's the source of information on the document. There's not even a place to indicate "informant" on the father's death certificate. Obviously either the forms used are different, the county switched to newer ones, or one of the documents may be false.

Hopson also sent an old Nov 6 1989 article where Johnson goes by the name Abdul and claims to the reporter to be training for the 1990 Olympics. A lot of it's blurred and smeared, but the end of the article is a promo for a martial arts school. This suggests that the reporter just passed along Johnson's promo materials of his school for the articles. Not of much use other than for repeating what Johnson has claimed.

Finally, Hopson sent a supposed certificate from the Shriners you would have to see to believe. I suppose they want us to believe he's a Mason of the highest rank based on this? It shows less than six years membership, since July 2003.

If this is the caliber of supposed "proof" they have....In any case, here's a further reply and set of excuses from Hopson.


I am not even going to bother addressing anything you have written here other than to say "I have allowed you all to waste too much of my time.  Which is the reason the Chief has not replied to any of this.  He has his people to take care for.  Note:  He NEVER asked me to reply to any of you EVER at any time, this I did of my own accord, big mistake.... just wasted time.  Your numbers 1 to 7 are all WRONG!! 

We have requested your real name, not wasting more time looking.  If you are sooo interested go to the EIMBTN office and read the 20,000 or more documents.


Intertesting the number of documents keeps changing, and how their claims keep changing. In an earlier post, Hopson claimed that Johnson had tried to join the forum several times.

...and how incompetent they are at research. They must be the only ones here who can't find my name, or Don's.

And here's something interesting. Johnson has been a member of NAFPS for two years, joined way back in March 2007. This was long before we ever began posting on him .

But he's never posted, not even to defend himself. I wonder if he's lied to Hopson about that for some reason, or if Hopson is the one lying?

The fact that TBE is the "informant" means that he can claim anything as his parent's race. My question is what did their birth certificates say was their race. Clearly TBE is a liar and if he uses these documents for legal purposes he is gulity of misrepresentation.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Niawen gowa Don and Educated Indian for your posts. They are very informative.

Which is not the same that I can say for "wahyahahnae" aka Cindy "wish-she-was-a native" Hopson , Johnson's girlfriend.The name that she uses on this forum is not a native name but is a Nuwaubian and Washitaw name. Go figure!! 1+1=2. She is just another white newager ! She is nothing to us and has no voice among any of us real people, Ongwe Onwe!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 02:04:46 pm by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
I just got an absolutely hysterical email from Hopson. I had trouble opening the doc she claims is Johnson's original birth ceritificate and asked permission to send it to Don. She exploded at the suggestion and absolutely refuses. I think also what set her off was my mentioning Don had found proof on that last site that Johnson is a Binay, and thus tied to the Nuwaubians and Washitaws.
"Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle is....
A Member of: Black Indians & Inter Tribal Native American Association"

Links of interest

More on TBE and his agenda. Hamza is a black cultist, he calls himself Hamza Bey AKA Sid Cattlett (son of a famous jazz drummer) who is now a Nuwaubian and has an on line radio programme. They are now claiming ties to the Cherokee Freedmen and other Freedmens descendants. I have also found ties between Hamza and former OK Republican J.C. Watts. It appears TBE and his Nuwaubians are trying to force the government to grant thems status. After seeing this I have changed my mind completely about the Freedmens cause, and Gypsy Wyatt, now that I know that non descendants and black people with no Indian blood like TBE are using them to get recognition.

Steve Pruitt,

I am in receipt of your last email changing the date of the conference call. Allow me to please point out a few important concerns.

FD5CT, Inc. met you in April of 2006 alone with representatives of 5 of the Indigenous (Freedmen) Nation., coming from California, Colorado, Kansas and Missouri. Please note that we rallied to attend with less than 10 days notice at our own expense. (Our good faith effort). At that meeting we were presented a game plan as to our gaining the recognition that we have spent the last 20 years working toward. We were making head way by route of the Department of Interior, who had advised the BIA to address the concerns of the 5 Freedmen Nations. (Copy of that letter was forwarded to you). Our progress was stalled based on your campaign proposal

In your presentation you advised of the two types of tribal entities that the J. C. Watts, group would represent. The historical Tribe and the Freedmen Tribes. Tecumseh Brown-Eagle was to chair the historical side and I, Eleanor “Gypsy” Wyatt was to chair the Freedmen side.

The first face to face meeting was to occur in June 2006 (this did not happen) however based on your words FD5CT, Inc. in a good faith effort and to gain the support of congress spent a total of 252 hours putting together congressional 43 reports including Diane Watson, background history of our plight, letters issued by congress in the late 1800s calling for the correction of the disenfranchisement of the Indians with black skin a courtesy report done on your mother’s maiden name for you and letters from the Department of the Interior. We included 6 executed contracts and burned our citizens names and address along with the above mentioned report to disc for your convenience. I was instructed by you after the Onam to Morgan Stanley change to send the invoice to you for payment (it is Attached, however this invoice remains unpaid).

The following are the scheduled dates for meetings that were to be held in Washington, DC that were canceled.....Dec. 4-6, 2006, Jan. 22-24, 2007 and Feb. 19-22, 2007. after the first scheduled meeting of June 2006 did not occur.

Conference calls have met the same faith however let me recap one that did occur: conference call of May 8, 2007


The following are points of expression that you shared with the Tribal Representatives during the conference call on Tuesday, May 8, 2007.


· “House passed the Virginia Indian's Bill; it moves onto the Senate - the importance of this move is now we know who supports our efforts”,

· “We have all 42 Congressional Black Caucus members on board”,

· “We have Diane Watson, John Conyers, and Jesse Jackson, Jr. and A. Davis introducing our Bill the first week of June as a Private Bill; what this means is we by-pass the Bureau of Indian Affairs and it will not require the full vote of the Senate. It will go to Committee and what they recommend is the way it usually rolls”,

· “Morgan Stanley does not want the Bill delayed”,

· “The 3rd Thursday of each month is when Private Bills are considered by the Judiciary Committee thus it could occur in June or July”,

· “I will be sending the certified copies of the signed Cooperative Agreements of all the Tribes who are at present included in the Campaign”,

· “Tribes will be added to our website as clients some time in the next week or two as an update has been planned”,

· “Black Caucus/Congress sees the big picture now; not just the Black Cherokees; Campaign will not be delayed for other Tribes that wish to come on board; and add on at a later date is in place”.

· “The only problem we face right now is to hope Bush is not impeached; if they start the impeachment process….everything goes on the back burner”.

· “I will attempt to have another conference call sometime next week to hopefully set up the D.C. Campaign kick-off meeting”.

There are hundreds of thousand Freedmen descendants many have called Rep Diane Washington’s office and all are told the same thing THEY KNOW OF NO OTHER GROUP OR ANYTHING ABOUT A PRIVATE BILL. Per the information in the May 8, 2007 conference call Diane Watson, John Conyers, and Jesse Jackson, Jr. and A. Davis were to introducing our Bill the first week of June as a Private Bill that too did not happen. (This was taken from an email you have confirmed was the summary of that conference call.). Meaning the bill was already drafted without the input of those who it was to cover. I am not an attorney, however I know my history better than any attorney, for I’ve research it for the past 25 years and other than Dr. Gavin Clarkson, choctaw attorney and professor I know of no attorney that is well versed in the history of all 5 Freedmen Nation. I may be sticking my neck out on a limb here but I’m willing to say the same for Hamaz and Tecumseh Brown-Eagle.

How does one function as a chairman of anything when they are not informed of the inter-workings? All information I have receive comes from news reports, speaking among ourselves (Hamaz and Tecumseh Brown-Eagle and myself) and online message boards. Hamaz has shared an email from you more or less stating you are the star player. This raises grave concerns for me as Indians with dark skin play this game as a team, we have NO star players. I was under the impression that you were working toward the betterment of Indians with dark skin, none of us puts ourselves above the rest. None of us has not followed through on anything we have stated for our word is our bond.

This campaign was to kick off one year ago as of June 2007, the only people who knows anything about the limited amount of action is a select few. I note all your emails are sent to my chiefs, council members, my United Nations contact, Hamaz and Tecumseh Brown-Eagle. (The people I keep informed). Who are the others that are in this campaign? Are they informed as well?

I understand Rome was not built in a day but surly they laid the corner stone in a year. We have seen no action NONE in a year and two months. You say Morgan Stanley is backing this campaign is that a true statement for we have nothing to say they are. If this email sounds disgruntle then it has served its purpose for there is trouble in paradise, we are NOT happy campers. The simplest thing as adding our names to your websites client list was not done. I do however note Joe Byrd is listed. A good faith effort is needed on your part. Paying the attached invoice is needed on your part. Communication that is not enlisted by one of us is needed on your part.

Our word has been our bond from the onset with the exception of your health issues we can not understand the delays for your words have produced NO fruit.

As too our lost contracts due to staff turn over did all these you have previously mentioned leave the campaign? JCWC will have a 6 member project management team working on this project. In addition to Steve Pruitt, the team will include Ms. Angela Sailor, Ms. Lindsey Mitchell, Mr. Tripp Baird, Mr. Joe Byrd and Mr. Elroy Sailor.

Eleanor “Gypsy” Wyatt

Chairman of the Board, FD5CT, Inc. (A 501 c3 Native American Foundation)

Clan’s Mother to 5 Indigenous Freedmen Nations (Chickasaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Creek and Seminole

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
More on TBE and his allies. Their true agenda is getting paid by the US government, either by claiming to be "Indians" or by bankrupting the US economy. Most reparations activists are simply con artists trying to blackmail the US government to pay every black American over 18 $350,000 for payment for their enslaved ancestors. Many black people who have been able to overcome racism, discrimination and ignorance and realise that this idea would destroy the economy oppose reparations. Those who have not been able to get off of welfare or crime, have little or no education or skills, support reparations, because they see it as another massive welfare programme.
I know Mustapha Ansari, a real black racist. He is a community college teacher from California and a black Muslim. He claims to be an "international jurist" representing the "auchotone "Indigenous" people of America i.e. Black people claiming to be the original 'indigenous' people of the Americas, the Washitaw.

Do check out this communications between "Brother Pruit" and Ansari...
Original Message-----
From: Ansari Mustafa [mailto:mustafaansari2002@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 11:59 AM
Subject: [Africa-Politics] Re: [unioNews] AN OPEN LETTER TO MINISTER LOUIS

As-Salaam-Alaikum, Minister Louis Farrakhan and Minister Al-Arkam

I join in the discussion and the call for unity of Minister Al-Arkam. I
too am respectfully oppossed to another march, simply because the next day
we are in the same position. Instead I would suggest a strategy that takes
us from servitude and oppression to liberation called a "Plebiscite". I do
so because it is apparent that we have the same goal in mind, which is a
territorial inter-succession from the U.S.

Accordingly, the strategy of a UN monitored 'democratic' vote in all 50
states will take us from A to B. The processes and the result of the vote
will 'unify' any difference[If any] that we have in approach. As you know
the Muslims [Point 4 of what the Muslim wants] for his brother and himself
has been for over 40 years these types of self-controlled territories.
Likewise, the African Indians have long sought these type of territories.
Similarly the Africans in America who are Tri-Racial and indigenous are
entitled to these lands as reparative tithes.

In this regards, I join Minister Al-Arkam and Silas Muhammad to urge you
most respectfully to join us in proceeding out of America to the UN. I do so
out of no secret or hidden agenda of my own to undermine your undying
efforts to bring our people together, I am simply suggesting a legal
methodology to do so. I do so in the name of our political father [The
Honorable Elijah Muhammad], our brother {Al-Hajj Malik Shabazz} my current
Imam {Imam Jamil Al-Amin} , our ancestors and children.

I have a staff of International lawyers that will wind us through the UN
and I am totally willing to share duties and obligations with NOI, Brother
Silis, Panthers, NCOBRA, Baptist, CARR, NBUF, and anyone else who desires to
obtain a distinct self-determining identity. In this regards, I have no
discernible ego, except to insist on being free from the authority of

On this Saturday we will be discussing the implementation of the aforesaid
Plebiscite with activist, groups, African Indians and interested Africans in
12 states and I invite you not only to participate but to sit as Co-chairs
on the Indigenous Plebiscite Committee [IPC] as it will take a joint effort
to hold a National Plebiscite.

I am also inviting to serve as Co-Chairs,

Eleanor[Gypsy Wyatt} Chairman or Angela Molete of the 5 civilized Tribes
Kwaku Duren National Panther Vangard Movement
Brother Pruitt Committe for African American Reparations
Dr. Nikita Imani -Indigenous African American ReparationsTribunal
Shereeta Lacy Youth NCOBRA
Dr. Conrad Worrill NBUF
Ukali -Republic of New Africa [RNA]
Randall Robinson
Manning Marable
El-Zakur Washita Tribe
Queen Quet -Gullah Geechee
Empress Chi [Million Womens march]

This list is not exclusive and does not serve as a list of exclusion of
any and every qualified African in any of the 50 states.

The telephone number for Saturdays conference is 641-497-7300
Access code 784315
Time Saturday December 11th at 11:00 A.M. Eastern Standard time.

Dr. Mustafa Ansari
Chief Justice
Indigenous African American Reparations Tribunal

As-Salaam-Alaikum, Minister Louis Farrakhan:

I hope that this letter finds you and your entire family in the best
of spiritual and physical health.

Thank you for making Reparations for our long-suffering people one of
your top priorities.

Thank you also for inviting me to accompany you in March 1977 on your
visit to both Egypt and Uganda, where I was blessed to interview
President Idi Amin (may peace be upon him).
The articles commemorating that historic tour were published in Bilalian
News, First World and Sepia.

Recently the moderator of BlackSolutions@yahoo asked the
members to share their views on the next Million Man March planned for
2005. Some were pro, others were con.

In a message entitled "Are Leaders Willing To Set Aside Egos And Unite
On Reparations Demand?" I wrote that, instead of another march, I
believe that our people would obtain a far greater benefit if all the
Civil Rights and Black Nationalists leaders would confer and agree upon
a common strategy to secure Reparations.

In addition to yourself, some of the other leaders I have in mind
include: Representative Cynthia McKinney, Representative John Conyers,
Professor Charles Ogletree, Mr. Silis Muhammad, Mrs. Dorothy Lewis, Dr.
Mustafa Ansari, Professor Manning Marable, Mr. Randall Robinson and
Elder Osiris Akkebala.

For the past twelve years a few dedicated African-American scholars
and activists (including Mr. Muhammad, Mrs. Lewis and Mr. Akkebala) have
been working inside the United Nations to establish Human Rights and
secure Reparations for all Afro-Descendants in the Western Hemisphere.
In numerous interventions before diverse U.N. bodies, including the
Human Rights Commission, they have documented how the U.S. government's
long-term practices of ethnocide and forced assimilation blatantly
violate U.N. Covenants. They have also called upon the U.N. to place a
Reparations Sanction upon the guilty USA.

Although I have every right to politely express my views on the March
and to request that all leaders who desire Reparations work together
more closely, a person who identified himself as one of your followers
reacted in a very disrespectful and emotional manner to my perspective.
Reuben Muhammad inaccurately charged me with disrespecting you and
compared me to a devil and a hypocrite. (See his message #3369 posted on
December 6th).

One of the reasons I am writing this Open Letter is to let you know
that I am well aware that the rude and abrasive language of Reuben
Muhammad does not properly reflect you as a leader, nor does it properly
reflect the civilized attitudes of the vast majority of Muslims I have
encountered over the decades.

In contrast to his harsh verbal attack, which mistakenly assumes that
I have evil motives, I want to commend some of your followers here in
Boston who have repeatedly shown me respect and courtesy and who have
always been shown respect and courtesy by myself and the other followers
of Mr. Silis Muhammad.

Circa 1995 some friction occurred in Boston between your followers and
the followers of my leader, Mr. Silis Muhammad, as they were
enthusiastically selling the Final Call and Muhammad Speaks in Roxbury.
To our credit, Minister Don Muhammad and I spoke by phone and agreed
that there was absolutely no reason for any friction or conflict. And
that established enduring peace.

Many times since then I have seen Assistant Minister Rodney Muhammad
at the WRBB Radio station, where we both have programs, and each time we
have greeted each other with courtesy. The same was true when we both
addressed the opening session of the National Black Agenda Convention
earlier this year.

All Afro-Descendants have the right to freely follow whichever leader
they deem worthy of support. And no one should verbally attack a
brother or sister for favoring or disfavoring a march as a strategy or

I am certain that our people, who have now been in bondage for 449
years, yearn for the day when all the Civil Rights and Black Nationalist
leaders will stand on the same platform and communicate to them A SHARED

As I explained to the members of Black Solutions, this is not an
either-or situation. Many of our people may choose to both March on
Washington again AND encourage our best and brightest scholars and
activists (including yourself and Mr. Silis Muhammad) to converge on
Geneva, Switzerland and take a UNITED STAND ON REPARATIONS at the next
meeting of the U.N. Human Rights Commission.

According to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (may peace forever be upon
Him) there will be no peace anywhere on Earth until the so-called
Negroes (today identified as Afro-Descendants) are separated from our
open enemies and return to our Original Homeland.

For us Reparations means far more than financial restitution for 310
years of chattel slavery and many subsequent decades of de-facto
apartheid. Reparations means Restoration. We deserve our own
Government and our own Economy on some of this Earth that we can call
our own.

Thank you for reading this letter.

Minister Malik Al-Arkam

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
This is from a group calling itself BNAA Black Native American Association, which has of course no Native Americans...

More from Mustapha Ansari on the black Indians

From: Dr. Mustafa Ansari <dr.mustafaansari@ >

Subject: Re: [bnaa] Wannabees are Wannabees not Indians

To: bnaa@yahoogroups. com
Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 7:56 PM

Who gave you your definitions of who is an Indian and who is not??? The white man. Indians are not a race. Indians are admixtures of Africans (Black is the colloquialism) and Asian...and guess what the Africans preceded the Asians by at least 3,000 years. Your name does not reflect an aboriginal. Your name intimates that you are mixed with Spanish blood [European}, so how are you an aboriginal?? ?....and do you know who you are??? So, you had better re-think who is delusional. Africans are the aboriginals and that is a archaeological fact. I think you should study before you try to insult the real aboriginal native Americans.

This man is totally delusional, but black people believe him and his co-religionist TBE

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
Please understand that this person is totally delusional his language is offensive and rather colourful. These are TBE people, black Muslims claiming to be "indigenous". This is an example of Nuwaubian "theology"...

The problem with this "Nation of Islam" is the fact that your shrewd leaders did not (or do not) compel you all to "Lawfully" and "Genuinely" change (meaning positively alter by way of declaring and/or proclaiming) your negative presumptive status of a "Colored Black Negro" U.S. SLAVE citizen (which has been negatively branded and forced on us by the European Albion Race). Islam is a way of life and Muslim is a Faith. Prophet Mohammad was not under the negative presumption of being an Artificial/Fictitious "Corporate" U.S. BLACK citizen (neither was Yeshua/JESUS). So you all are not truly honoring the same exact Prophet in which you claim you respectfully honor. You all have been running around in the "Corporate U.S." with millions of people named Muhammad, but you are clearly subjects, slaves, property, and jurisdiction of ROME, ENGLAND, GERMANY, and any other filthy European who wants to own you. The absolute only way that Asiatic Aboriginal so-called "BLACK People" can be citizens of the "Corporate" U.S, is by CON-TRACT (either knowingly or unknowingly). The U.S. is a "British" Corporation by way of Blood-Thirsty England. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS HUGE "NATION OF ISLAM" IS A 501C3 Non-Profit Tax-Exempt Organization. If so, this particular con-tract clearly and blatantly put all of you Muhammad-Maniacs (including your charismatic Leader) under the continued negative presumptive STATUS of being SLAVES/WARDS of the Federal "Corporate" U.S. Government (currently known as The UNITED STATES/SNAKES Inc. of AmeriKKKa). LET'S BE LOGICAL, REASONABLE and most of LAWFUL and stop being so damned delusionally emotional. WHY ISN'T LOUIS FARRAKHAN'S LAST NAME MUHAMMAD (like the rest of you)?
Straight up, YOU ALL ARE NOTHING MORE THAN U.S. "BLACK" CORPORATE MUSLIMS WHO ARE PROPERTY AND ASSETS AND SLAVE JURISDICTION OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (Washington D.C.). DON'T HATE ON THE MESSENGER. The year is now 2009 and this foolishness has go to stop. Your smooth Leaders should have long-time ago had you "Officially" and "Openly" LAWFULLY Declare/Proclaim some sort of Indigenous Aboriginal SOVEREIGN Tribe or Nation of peoples. THIS "PALE-FACE" WHITE MAN DEVIL IS A MASTER OF CON-TRACTS. You so-called "Nation of ISLAM" Members are in EUROPEAN Con-tracts up to your necks. You have U.S. Birth Certificates, U.S. Drivers Licenses, U.S. Vehicle Registrations, U.S. Voter Registrations, U.S. Marriage Certificates, etc. YOU ARE NOT SOVEREIGN. Your collective names reflecting MUHAMMAD is not Bullsh%tting anyone but yourselves. That just shows that you are coachable and trainable. Remember, Jim Jones trained his Sheep-Like people to all collectively wear the same color shirt or the same type of shoes when they all drank the poison Kool-Aid just before they all went to a "White Man's" HELL. There is a 2010 U.S. "Racist" Census coming up in AmeriKKKa in order to OFFICIALLY close the door on the Dumb-Ass 14th Amendment "Colored Black Negro" U.S. SLAVE citizens which have been collectively bullsh%tting for 500 years. Unfortunately, "Black" Sheep-Like People cannot or will not be counted. This U.S.Census is literally forcing you to openly display some sort of "Lawful" Nationality. Being a "Black" U.S. MUSLIM will not and cannot suffice as "Lawful" Nationality. You are practicing an acceptable MUSLIM FAITH (of your Ancestors) but you are not "Lawfully" in your Proper STATUS. I should not have to be sharing this with you all at this late time in the present hour (this is what "YOUR" so-called LEADERS are for). Now, I understand that the highly-Corrupt/Racist UNITED SNAKES has allocated approximately 5 Billion Dollars in Welfare Money for the so-called American-Indian (which is another inaccurate mislabeling of a Native American Peoples). So what is the "Nation of Islam" now going to do (run and try to all of a sudden be an American INDIAN)? AIN'T NO MORE FUTURE IN YOUR FRONTING. YOU ARE EITHER A "SOVEREIGN" Or A "SLAVE".   

Offline educatedindian

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Hopson has sent me a string of ever more unhinged emails, all empty bluster and insult. She's still afraid to send you the supposed actual birth certificate Don.

Could you post a link to what you reposted above? It's not exactly clear how it's tied to Johnson either.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
The posts come from the following yahoogroups,, and These groups are all tied to the Nuwaubians, who are tied to TBE and his "Erie Moundbuilders". TBE's discourses about the "Ancient Ones" IS  the Nuwaubian mythology/ideology. TBE is a member of all these groups as well as a follower of the Islam as taught by W.D. Fard who founded the "Moorish Science" movement which is also based on the Nuwaubian myth. These black supremacist views lie at the very heart of the the black Muslim movement, and separate them from all other orthodox Muslims.
I will post the links to these posts, however it may be impossible to access them because of membership requirements...

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257

This link is to black Indian open forum. TBE and Nuwaubians forward about the procedures required in getting federal recognition. Note the people and groups who are copied. BTW this is Jerry "Eaglefeather" Monroe's groups, the Binay yahoogroups. TBE is a member of the Binay tribe.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
--- On Fri, 12/26/08, Tecumseh Brown-Eagle <> wrote:

From: Tecumseh Brown-Eagle <>
Subject: what i did on friday nite
Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 10:50 PM

Islamic Association of Erie

Men’s Organizational Chart











Executive positions and duties:


A.   President(seated in the East)

1.     To open and preside over the meetings of the Masjid when present and to make all necessary provisions for the performance of that duty when absent.

2.     To preserve the charter of the Masjid with care and deliver it to his successor in office.

3.     To see that the by-laws of the Masjid, the Constitution and the Holy Qur’an be understood, respected and obeyed during the meetings and events.

4.     To give Islaamic instruction at every meeting at the Masjid.

5.     To advise the other officers and give them assistance on any business involving the Masjid.

6.     To represent the Masjid, along with the First and Second Vice Presidents at all public and private Islaamic functions and Eids.

7.     To see that the proper officers collect and keep moneys of the Masjid; to see that the assets and other items are not wasted, damaged or lost.

8.     To Sign all checks or money bills drawn on the Treasurer, with the consent of the officers and trustees of the Masjid.

9.     To act on the standing committee of Zakat.

10.  To appoint all committees.

11.  To see that all non Islaamic conduct in the Masjid be corrected in the most respectful manner possible.

12.  To guarantee that those who are in violation of un-Islaamic conduct in the Masjid is given proper instruction in the most courtesy manner.

13.  To preside at the burial services of a deceased member and to assign a funerary and burial team.

14.  To appoint those Appointive Officers.

15.  To fill all vacant offices by appointments to complete the term of the vacated office.

16.  To call the Masjid to meetings, whenever there is a need to do so.

17.  To install his successor in office.

18.  To see that all visiting brothers, their families are welcomed to the Masjid and have courteous attention.

19.  To give the casting votes in the event of a tie.

20.  To appoint a committee on finance on the day of his installation.

21.  To read and expound to the Masjid on any activates in the Mecca , Al-Medina and Jerusalem .

22.  To decide all questions of the Masjid.

23.  To see that all annual and semi-annual reporting’s are filed to the proper authorities by the Secretary and Treasurer offices on time.


B.    First Vice President(seated in the West)

1.     To succeed to and exercise all powers of the President, in the event of his absence.

2.     To represent the Masjid with the President and Second Vice President at all public and private Islaamic functions and Eids.

3.     To act on the committee of Zakat.

4.     To take charge of the Masjid during meetings under the guidance of the President.


C.   Second Vice President(seated in the South)

1.     To exercise all the powers of the President in absence of the two officers above him.

2.     To represent the Masjid with the President and First Vice President at all public and private Islaamic functions and Eids.

3.     To act on the committee of Zakat.

4.     To take charge of the Masjid during refreshments and all complaints made by the brothers of un Islaamic conduct, irregularities and bring those concerns to the officers of the Masjid if he feels it necessary; provided this shall not be a bar to any brother bringing his complaint directly to the Masjid’s meeting or Officers.


D.   The Treasurer(seated at the right of the President)

1.     To receive all monies from the hands of the Secretary; keep a just and regular account of the same, and pay them out at the will of the President and consent of the officers.

2.     To prepare semi-annually(six months prior to Thw al-Hijjah Eidul Adha day it begins from the 10th of the 12th month of Islamic lunar calendar and on the 10th of the 12th month)

3.     To promptly deliver to his successor in office all the funds of the Masjid together with all of the recording books, vouchers and statements etc., having any reference to the financial business of the Masjid.


E.    The Secretary(seated at the left of the President)

1.     To receive all monies and give a receipt for the same, pay them over to the Treasurer and take his receipt for the same.

2.     To attend to recording the proceedings of each meeting.

3.     To furnish copies of said meetings to whomever when instructed to do so by the officers of the Masjid.

4.     To furnish diplomas, certificates, etc, signed and sealed by the Masjid.

5.     To record all expulsions and suspensions from the Masjid.

6.     To keep a registry of Members and record all important facts relative to Islaamic history of each member of the Masjid.

7.     To keep an account of all member groups by nationality for representation on the board/council of the Masjid.

8.     To preserve the seal of the Masjid with care and at the close of his term of service deliver it to his successor.

9.     To promptly deliver to his successor in office all of the books, papers, vouchers, etc., in his passion, having any reference to business of his office.

10.  It shall be the duty of the Secretary to enter into the records of each stated meeting the amount of money received from each person for any purpose since the last stated meeting and for what it was received, and all monies must be paid to the Treasurer without delay.  And at each stated meeting, as a part of the regular order of business, the president shall inquire: “have all the monies received by the Secretary been paid to the Treasurer and receipts taken therefore?” In any case where a Secretary shall neglect to promptly pay over money so received, except such neglect is caused by the absence of the Treasurer or other good cause, it shall be the duty of the President to perform that duty as necessary.

11. All petitions and documents of every character, handed to the Secretary on the business of the Masjid, shall be labeled, filed for preservation and kept in some safe and secure place and only delivered up by order of the Masjid. 

12. To prepare semi annually (six months prior to Thw al-Hijjah Eidul Adha day it begins from the 10th of the 12th month of Islamic lunar calendar and on the 10th of the 12th month) an official statement of his accounts with the Masjid and deliver it to the president at the close of his term. 

13.  The Secretary shall make all governmental and non governmental reporting with the approval and the help of the Treasurer as required by law.


F.    Auwal Mudir(First Manager seated right front of the President)

1.     To act as the President’s messenger/attendant.

2.     To announce and attend to visiting brothers.


G.   Tani Mudir(Second Manager seated at the right front of the First Vice president)

1.     To act as the First Vice President’s messenger/attendant.

2.     To handle the security of the Masjid.

H.   Wakil(2 Stewards seated in the south fronting the Second Vice President)

1.     Take charge and care of the assets of the Masjid.

2.     Provide refreshments for the brothers.

3.     To keep the Masjid and all rooms of the building clean.



Legislative Branch


The legislative branch will vote on the by-laws and Constitution of the Masjid.


 Before going into judicial and legislative you need the people to determine who they are.  The above organizational chart should be used by every nation represented in the Masjid. Then we can have smooth transitions and organization of programs activities and general business practices.

Each community should have a male and female representative in either the men’s group or the women’s group.  The above is for the men’s group but can easily be adapted to female group. Let’s say that the President of the Bangladesh is sitting on the men’s council and is representing his peoples vote for president of the Masjid and let’s say that person he voted for based upon agreement of his group of Bangladesh is from Somalia then that’s their vote and voice of the Bangladesh People. Very simple no drama and they are properly represented. Let’s say you always keep an even number and allow the host nation the American Indians as the group to make the number odd so no ties can exist. If you have 12 foreign groups then the host American Indians will vote even though you have European Americans and African Americans. If you have an odd number of foreign groups then the American Indian (true host Nation) will abstain for consideration and the betterment of the need for foreign groups to overcome adjustment issues and their concerns can be addressed sooner.


So each group of foreigners will have a male and female representative.  Males to Men’s council Females to the Women’s council.  Each foreign group will have the same officers same duties to have uniformity and clarity of duties and obligations for both men and women groups. The President of each group of men and women will be the representative on the Masjid’s main council. If any president of any foreign group cannot make meeting then their first vice president or second vice president will attend without interruption.


That representative will vote on behalf of the group and necessary proposals will be taken back to their group to vote on and their vote will be recorded at the next Masjid council meeting or if everyone is together it can be voted on after a short deliberation.


Now the number of Legislators is one per country per gender. If you have 10 foreign plus 1 American Indian then you have 11 representatives on council. If you have 9 foreign representatives then you will have 10 on council but the host country American Indian will abstain from voting.


Judicial Branch:


Judicial branch should be one past president from each nation or an Islaamic scholar from that nation represented.  Their duties are to resolve conflicts and interpret by-laws and the Constitution of the Masjid. Their organization structure will be the same as the Executive and Legislative branches. Gender can be either male or female.


Order of business


1.     Opening Prayer.

2.     Calling the Roll of officers.

3.     Reading of the previous meeting minutes(recordings of the meeting)

4.     Communications/correspondence.

5.     Receiving petitions/requests.

6.     Report of Committees.

7.     Balloting for membership/shahada and issuance of certificates.

8.     Unfinished business of previous meetings.

9.     New business.

10. Shahadas.

11. Reading and Approving of the Minutes.

12. Closing.

13. Prayer.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
--- On Fri, 12/26/08, Tecumseh Brown-Eagle <> wrote:

From: Tecumseh Brown-Eagle <>
Subject: what i did on friday nite
Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 10:50 PM

Islamic Association of Erie

Men’s Organizational Chart











Executive positions and duties:


A.   President(seated in the East)

1.     To open and preside over the meetings of the Masjid when present and to make all necessary provisions for the performance of that duty when absent.

2.     To preserve the charter of the Masjid with care and deliver it to his successor in office.

3.     To see that the by-laws of the Masjid, the Constitution and the Holy Qur’an be understood, respected and obeyed during the meetings and events.

4.     To give Islaamic instruction at every meeting at the Masjid.

5.     To advise the other officers and give them assistance on any business involving the Masjid.

6.     To represent the Masjid, along with the First and Second Vice Presidents at all public and private Islaamic functions and Eids.

7.     To see that the proper officers collect and keep moneys of the Masjid; to see that the assets and other items are not wasted, damaged or lost.

8.     To Sign all checks or money bills drawn on the Treasurer, with the consent of the officers and trustees of the Masjid.

9.     To act on the standing committee of Zakat.

10.  To appoint all committees.

11.  To see that all non Islaamic conduct in the Masjid be corrected in the most respectful manner possible.

12.  To guarantee that those who are in violation of un-Islaamic conduct in the Masjid is given proper instruction in the most courtesy manner.

13.  To preside at the burial services of a deceased member and to assign a funerary and burial team.

14.  To appoint those Appointive Officers.

15.  To fill all vacant offices by appointments to complete the term of the vacated office.

16.  To call the Masjid to meetings, whenever there is a need to do so.

17.  To install his successor in office.

18.  To see that all visiting brothers, their families are welcomed to the Masjid and have courteous attention.

19.  To give the casting votes in the event of a tie.

20.  To appoint a committee on finance on the day of his installation.

21.  To read and expound to the Masjid on any activates in the Mecca , Al-Medina and Jerusalem .

22.  To decide all questions of the Masjid.

23.  To see that all annual and semi-annual reporting’s are filed to the proper authorities by the Secretary and Treasurer offices on time.


B.    First Vice President(seated in the West)

1.     To succeed to and exercise all powers of the President, in the event of his absence.

2.     To represent the Masjid with the President and Second Vice President at all public and private Islaamic functions and Eids.

3.     To act on the committee of Zakat.

4.     To take charge of the Masjid during meetings under the guidance of the President.


C.   Second Vice President(seated in the South)

1.     To exercise all the powers of the President in absence of the two officers above him.

2.     To represent the Masjid with the President and First Vice President at all public and private Islaamic functions and Eids.

3.     To act on the committee of Zakat.

4.     To take charge of the Masjid during refreshments and all complaints made by the brothers of un Islaamic conduct, irregularities and bring those concerns to the officers of the Masjid if he feels it necessary; provided this shall not be a bar to any brother bringing his complaint directly to the Masjid’s meeting or Officers.


D.   The Treasurer(seated at the right of the President)

1.     To receive all monies from the hands of the Secretary; keep a just and regular account of the same, and pay them out at the will of the President and consent of the officers.

2.     To prepare semi-annually(six months prior to Thw al-Hijjah Eidul Adha day it begins from the 10th of the 12th month of Islamic lunar calendar and on the 10th of the 12th month)

3.     To promptly deliver to his successor in office all the funds of the Masjid together with all of the recording books, vouchers and statements etc., having any reference to the financial business of the Masjid.


E.    The Secretary(seated at the left of the President)

1.     To receive all monies and give a receipt for the same, pay them over to the Treasurer and take his receipt for the same.

2.     To attend to recording the proceedings of each meeting.

3.     To furnish copies of said meetings to whomever when instructed to do so by the officers of the Masjid.

4.     To furnish diplomas, certificates, etc, signed and sealed by the Masjid.

5.     To record all expulsions and suspensions from the Masjid.

6.     To keep a registry of Members and record all important facts relative to Islaamic history of each member of the Masjid.

7.     To keep an account of all member groups by nationality for representation on the board/council of the Masjid.

8.     To preserve the seal of the Masjid with care and at the close of his term of service deliver it to his successor.

9.     To promptly deliver to his successor in office all of the books, papers, vouchers, etc., in his passion, having any reference to business of his office.

10.  It shall be the duty of the Secretary to enter into the records of each stated meeting the amount of money received from each person for any purpose since the last stated meeting and for what it was received, and all monies must be paid to the Treasurer without delay.  And at each stated meeting, as a part of the regular order of business, the president shall inquire: “have all the monies received by the Secretary been paid to the Treasurer and receipts taken therefore?” In any case where a Secretary shall neglect to promptly pay over money so received, except such neglect is caused by the absence of the Treasurer or other good cause, it shall be the duty of the President to perform that duty as necessary.

11. All petitions and documents of every character, handed to the Secretary on the business of the Masjid, shall be labeled, filed for preservation and kept in some safe and secure place and only delivered up by order of the Masjid. 

12. To prepare semi annually (six months prior to Thw al-Hijjah Eidul Adha day it begins from the 10th of the 12th month of Islamic lunar calendar and on the 10th of the 12th month) an official statement of his accounts with the Masjid and deliver it to the president at the close of his term. 

13.  The Secretary shall make all governmental and non governmental reporting with the approval and the help of the Treasurer as required by law.


F.    Auwal Mudir(First Manager seated right front of the President)

1.     To act as the President’s messenger/attendant.

2.     To announce and attend to visiting brothers.


G.   Tani Mudir(Second Manager seated at the right front of the First Vice president)

1.     To act as the First Vice President’s messenger/attendant.

2.     To handle the security of the Masjid.

H.   Wakil(2 Stewards seated in the south fronting the Second Vice President)

1.     Take charge and care of the assets of the Masjid.

2.     Provide refreshments for the brothers.

3.     To keep the Masjid and all rooms of the building clean.



Legislative Branch


The legislative branch will vote on the by-laws and Constitution of the Masjid.


 Before going into judicial and legislative you need the people to determine who they are.  The above organizational chart should be used by every nation represented in the Masjid. Then we can have smooth transitions and organization of programs activities and general business practices.

Each community should have a male and female representative in either the men’s group or the women’s group.  The above is for the men’s group but can easily be adapted to female group. Let’s say that the President of the Bangladesh is sitting on the men’s council and is representing his peoples vote for president of the Masjid and let’s say that person he voted for based upon agreement of his group of Bangladesh is from Somalia then that’s their vote and voice of the Bangladesh People. Very simple no drama and they are properly represented. Let’s say you always keep an even number and allow the host nation the American Indians as the group to make the number odd so no ties can exist. If you have 12 foreign groups then the host American Indians will vote even though you have European Americans and African Americans. If you have an odd number of foreign groups then the American Indian (true host Nation) will abstain for consideration and the betterment of the need for foreign groups to overcome adjustment issues and their concerns can be addressed sooner.


So each group of foreigners will have a male and female representative.  Males to Men’s council Females to the Women’s council.  Each foreign group will have the same officers same duties to have uniformity and clarity of duties and obligations for both men and women groups. The President of each group of men and women will be the representative on the Masjid’s main council. If any president of any foreign group cannot make meeting then their first vice president or second vice president will attend without interruption.


That representative will vote on behalf of the group and necessary proposals will be taken back to their group to vote on and their vote will be recorded at the next Masjid council meeting or if everyone is together it can be voted on after a short deliberation.


Now the number of Legislators is one per country per gender. If you have 10 foreign plus 1 American Indian then you have 11 representatives on council. If you have 9 foreign representatives then you will have 10 on council but the host country American Indian will abstain from voting.


Judicial Branch:


Judicial branch should be one past president from each nation or an Islaamic scholar from that nation represented.  Their duties are to resolve conflicts and interpret by-laws and the Constitution of the Masjid. Their organization structure will be the same as the Executive and Legislative branches. Gender can be either male or female.


Order of business


1.     Opening Prayer.

2.     Calling the Roll of officers.

3.     Reading of the previous meeting minutes(recordings of the meeting)

4.     Communications/correspondence.

5.     Receiving petitions/requests.

6.     Report of Committees.

7.     Balloting for membership/shahada and issuance of certificates.

8.     Unfinished business of previous meetings.

9.     New business.

10. Shahadas.

11. Reading and Approving of the Minutes.

12. Closing.

13. Prayer.

This is from Sutherland's site...

Tecumseh Brown-Eagle AND Friends ,
Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation

General Discussion with Mary Sutherland .
on the Ancient Races, the Mysteries and societies thereof  and decoding the cryptic messages.

Peter Moon, Tecumseh, Hamsah, Mary Sutherland , Sarah Simmons and Friends
Discussing Codes , Montauk Indians, The path of the Pharoahs in North America.

James Scott, Tecumseh , Mary Sutherland and Sarah Simmons
discuss the Mysteries of Kentucky , Atlantean Temples in Kentucky, The Ancient Israelites in kentucky ...and "Did James Scott release a geni during one of his digs? Mary Sutherland thinks so!" . Listen to this show

Its pretty clear from this listing that TBE is a new ager, his "Ancient Ones" are the Washitaw/Nuwaubians mythology of the African in America, and the rest is flying saucers nonsense.

Anyone who believes this person is at all credible is a gullible and totally unintelligent person. Even people like Ms. Hopson should be able to see through TBE unless they are either ignorant or in for part of the action...

Offline educatedindian

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  • Posts: 4762
--- On Fri, 12/26/08, Tecumseh Brown-Eagle <> wrote:

From: Tecumseh Brown-Eagle <>
Subject: what i did on friday nite
Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 10:50 PM

Islamic Association of Erie

Men’s Organizational Chart....
Legislative Branch

The legislative branch will vote on the by-laws and Constitution of the Masjid.

 Before going into judicial and legislative you need the people to determine who they are.  The above organizational chart should be used by every nation represented in the Masjid. Then we can have smooth transitions and organization of programs activities and general business practices.

Each community should have a male and female representative in either the men’s group or the women’s group.  The above is for the men’s group but can easily be adapted to female group. Let’s say that the President of the Bangladesh is sitting on the men’s council and is representing his peoples vote for president of the Masjid and let’s say that person he voted for based upon agreement of his group of Bangladesh is from Somalia then that’s their vote and voice of the Bangladesh People. Very simple no drama and they are properly represented. Let’s say you always keep an even number and allow the host nation the American Indians as the group to make the number odd so no ties can exist. If you have 12 foreign groups then the host American Indians will vote even though you have European Americans and African Americans. If you have an odd number of foreign groups then the American Indian (true host Nation) will abstain for consideration and the betterment of the need for foreign groups to overcome adjustment issues and their concerns can be addressed sooner.

So each group of foreigners will have a male and female representative.  Males to Men’s council Females to the Women’s council.  Each foreign group will have the same officers same duties to have uniformity and clarity of duties and obligations for both men and women groups. The President of each group of men and women will be the representative on the Masjid’s main council. If any president of any foreign group cannot make meeting then their first vice president or second vice president will attend without interruption....

Now the number of Legislators is one per country per gender. If you have 10 foreign plus 1 American Indian then you have 11 representatives on council. If you have 9 foreign representatives then you will have 10 on council but the host country American Indian will abstain from voting.

Judicial Branch:

Judicial branch should be one past president from each nation or an Islaamic scholar from that nation represented.  Their duties are to resolve conflicts and interpret by-laws and the Constitution of the Masjid. Their organization structure will be the same as the Executive and Legislative branches. Gender can be either male or female.

This group seems to be pretty influenced by Moorish Science. Note the bold, where American Indian host nation and foreigners or foreign nations are used repeatedly. I doubt there are enough actual American Indian Muslims in the city to make up a distinct group. The city of Erie has 100,000 people, metro area about double. The NDN pop is so small I couldn't even find stats on it. So the host nation for this mosque is Johnson's group, which holds itself by their own words to not be African.