Pt 2
SHEILA ANDERSON-LEWIS" <ladyspirithawk@...>
Date: Wed Feb 1, 2006 7:13 pm
Subject: Re: [chickamauga_researcher] Appalachian Confederated Tribes?
I'm sending the article to the list so everyone will have to adjust their computers to read it. It over laps in some places so just line it up and tape it if you print it out.
It is my 3 great grand fathers brother that is being interviewed, not my ggggrandfather. So if he is stating that he is Cherokee at the age of 97 years old wouldn't that make his brothers and sister Cherokee also?? What would he gain by lying??
I also have the news letters where they have gotten grants to hire a volunteer coordinator for 75,000 a year for 3 years, 1,000 dollars to compinsate them where they cleaned up the Bear Mountain Cemetary,instead of doing it for nothing cause it ain't that big.
2,500 for a new tribal roof that has been put on since 1996 and still is not there(so where is the money over the years gone to)
They have a scholarship fund that pays 1,000 for each student that is from a private person and they still want people to send money in for the monacan scholarship fund,not one single child has gone to collage with the scholarship only older adults. Plus they want you to send a 500 word essay on how you help your tribe,how can some people that live so far away do that,they don't know what is going on except what is being told to them.
If anyone wants copies let me know and I will send you copies of the news letters.
I also have proof of fordged documents that was done by one of the members of the monacan nation and I was told to burn them after I had made copies,but guess what I didn't start no fires.
Also I was told that I was going to get into trouble because I asked to many questions. This was said to me by the one who told me to burn the documents.
I ask questions to learn if they have nothing to hide then why would I get into trouble.
They are messing with the wrong one,I know what I know because I have it on DOCUMENTS and can prove what I say.
And yes I said that I have what my dad said to me and it was Cherokee!!!!! Who can you learn more from your family or starangers or money hungry people?

My dad should have knew who he was, he was a JOHNS and his people came from there. William B. Johns would have been his 2nd great uncle,his brother his 2nd great grandfather.
"Vance Hawkins" <vancehawkins@...>
Date: Fri Feb 3, 2006 9:56 am
Subject: Re: [chickamauga_researcher] Appalachian Confederated Tribes? Excellent article about the Monacan's. The author, Karenne Wood, Program Director, Historical Research Office, Monacan Indian Nation, from my understanding, is very well respected. Also if you read to the bottom, you will the bibliography link. Click on that for the original source material.