Author Topic: Daniel Shaddox, or the Shaddox Tribe  (Read 11226 times)

Offline debbieredbear

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Daniel Shaddox, or the Shaddox Tribe
« on: January 23, 2006, 04:08:47 am »
Probably should put this in the frauds category, but just in case (yeah, right), I will stick it here. It came from Rosie:

I wondered if you might know of someone in Underwood, WA.  Does the name Daniel Shaddox, or the Shaddox Tribe, mean anything to you?  The reason I am asking is I have a friend from Pine Ridge incarcerated in Colorado.  He saw this guy's address in his Native Peoples Magazine.  He wrote to him, and this guy, who calls himself the "Uku (Great Hight Priest) and White-Peace Chief of the ANI or Aedomah (Redmen) Nation," sent him some information.  Well, Jon sent it to me, so I can scan it and send it to you, if you want to see it.  It's 4 pages.

I found a few things on this organization.  This is truly strange.  I don't know much about the Cherokee Culture, but this doesn't seem right to me.

here's his picture


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Re: Daniel Shaddox, or the Shaddox Tribe
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2006, 09:30:36 pm »
Daniel shaddox>"shaddox tribe>ZDK foundation???? NO this is nothing to do with cherokee in fact this is yet another fraud site with all kinds of midevil aspects all being knights and accounts of native history twisted to fit there agenda?? How rediculous!!Now we have nights running around with shields calling themselves   a lost cherokee tribe and if you read there web site it comes with a warning to  discourage anyone who speaks out against them,  called "Realm Security" states" your activities here will be monitored, and if warranted, your activities after departing here may be monitored as well. Be advised-- security and surveillance systems are in opperation, so your privacy and anonymity should not be assumed."

Is this or is this not a threat??? I do feel and it is my opinion this is a very dangerous group. "ZDK.F universe". More research needed.

Le Weaponnier

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Re: Daniel Shaddox, or the Shaddox Tribe
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2006, 09:47:29 pm »
  I read their site. Iam not sure whether or not it takes itself seriously. I notice all the names in one section have photos of the SAME GUY.
 Is it a wacked out scam? Or is the guy putting it up as a hoax, or is this some completely delusional character.....?
 It's so outlandish andtoo crazy to be believable.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Daniel Shaddox, or the Shaddox Tribe
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2006, 04:51:30 pm »
I wondered of the guy was serious too. It seems like an online role playing game, or maybe an althistory site that takes itself too seriously. After all, not just Jewish Cherokee but Viking Cherokee too? Medieval Cherokee with heraldic shields? Pacific Coast Cherokees? The whole thing could be a satire.

And even more wacky, their Tribal Membership Course:
Mediavel Cherokee Eschatology (End Times) and some surprising predictions of Redmen's Space Travel! (Our Hebrew-Viking-Cherokee Nation Out Among the Stars.)
Concepts and Details for Modern Mediavel Cherokee Membership - AstrilannZ Celestial Citizenship.
#14. ANI CIVIL SERVICE EXAM - (Optional):
Score needed for Tribal Employment (and ANi Leadership Positions), so consider."

And just when you thought it couldn't get stranger:
"by doing a careful reading of the Divine Commission in this light, we find that it really says: GO YE INTO ALL THE ***WORLD*** [Kosmos, starry-heavens, Universe), AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO EVER LIVING CREATURE! (Mark 16:15)....
CONSEQUENTLY, we hold that some kind of Judeo-Christian Star Trek, Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, etc. (involving the Modern Mediavel Cherokee--US) is about to transpire. And we, the ANi will be right there, in the middle of it all. For this has become, our NEW MANIFEST DESTINY!....
The Holy Scriptures predict the impact of a giant meteor, that will kill 1/3 of Earth's population and destroy 1/3 of all plant and animal life. This meteor is named WORMWOOD (Revelation 8:7-11). And, right now, the scientific community is abuzz with the news that astronomers have found a large meteor that seems on collision course with the Earth, and will impact us in 2029 A.D. So, it looks like were are almost there!
The Holy Scriptures also warn us that the Sun is about to go Nova (Isaiah 30:26). And by the current rising trends of Global Warming, this Nova event is about to occur! At that time, the Earth will be turned up-side-down and be vacated by Mankind (Isaiah 24:1-6), and will leave its orbit (Isaiah 13:13), with the shift in the glacial ice pack at the poles grinding most of the mountains flat, into a plain (Isaiah 40:4). Now, do you really want to stick around, through all of that? We don't!
Future ANi Space World
THEREFORE, rather than sticking around, through all this downfall of everything on the Planet Earth, we, the ANi intend to be about our Father's business--migrating to, and colonizing the stars."


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Re: Daniel Shaddox, or the Shaddox Tribe
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2006, 03:35:52 am »
The thing that concerns my friend (and me) is that this space invader is listed in Native Peoples Magazine.  


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Re: Daniel Shaddox, or the Shaddox Tribe
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2006, 11:52:51 pm »
Interesting, this was popular in TN for a while, as was the Atlantis, space thing in Georgia. They moved their sites, closed them or changed their names. The one is in Kentucky now. I wonder if they are all related. No Vikings as I remember though. frederica