Author Topic: Sudhiro Miyaca Olowan in Italy  (Read 10842 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Sudhiro Miyaca Olowan in Italy
« on: November 03, 2017, 01:40:22 am »
Got reports about him selling ceremony in Italy, Switzerland, and Taiwan, trained by several of the more notorious frauds, bolded below. Mostly faux Lakota, with the ridiculous claim of expertise in multiple traditions from all over, and some obvious Nuage practices.


Sudhiro was born in Portsmouth, Virginia in 1950, of Irish-Filipino descent....

Sudhiro's Lakota name is Miyaca Olowan (Coyote song) He has been guiding Circles and healing camps, Inipis (purification sweatlodges), and Hanbleceyapis (vision quests) throughout the world for over forty years. He has completed fifteen personal hanblecas... He carried four Lakota pipes for twenty-eight years...

He has led, or assisted in, twelve Osho Mystic Rose meditations and facillitated four intensives. Recently, he completed teaching a three year training in Shamanism through the Academy of Light, Awareness and Art, Maiolo (RI), Italy.

...His Native American teachers include Shimta (Dineh-Navajo), John Fire Lame Deer, Wallace Black Elk and Good Horse Nation (all Lakota), Patch (San Juan Pueblo), Guadalupe de la Cruz (Huichol), Grandfather David (Hopi), Rosemary Clear Lake (Tlingit) and Medicine Story (Wampanoag). Tungi (Kele-Nigeria), Zen Roshi Santosh (Hiroshima, Japan), and H.W.L. Poonja-"Papaji" (India)

....ceremonies include: Inipi (purification sweatlodge), Hambleceyapi (vision quest), Chanunpa (sacred pipe), Shakope Oye (six powers) and Hanble Maka (earth vision) dances; Ancestors Walk (honoring relations), Talk and Negative (energy clearing) Sticks, Starlight, Medicine Wheel, Circle Massage, Tunnel of Love, Mirroring, Directional Clearing and the Osho Mystic Rose (laughter, tears and watcher on the hill)....

The Lame Deer claim is obviously phony. He died in 1976, before Olowan began his claimed training.

See threads on WBE, "Good Horse", and Francis Talbot, the white imposter calling himself Medicine Story. Talbot is not simply a fraud but a long associate with abusive cults, and his own followers are entirely European and know he's a white imposter.

Claiming he's gone thru 15 different vision quests...why? It's a once in a lifetime ceremony for adolescents.

Haven't found Shimta yet. The only ones with that name I've found so far are in India.

Rosemary Clear Lake only shows up online on Olowan's site.

Cruz was a Huichol woman that many outsiders have made exploitative claims about.

The other alleged Native teachers have vague names that make it difficult to track them down.


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Re: Sudhiro Miyaca Olowan in Italy
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2017, 06:25:39 pm »
Michael Lani Donovan: his book Four Directions Home

An Irish-Filipino, dysfunctional, American family's saga into healing. Told through four unique perspectives, interwoven time frames, and a backdrop of domestic violence, war and racism, the book spans the late 1800's to 1997, climaxing with the father's death.

He continues to be an Osho/Rajneesh devotee, Swami Sudhiro Donovan

Sw. Sudhiro Donovan (Miyacha Olowan, Coyote)

Sudhiro has been guiding healing camps throughout the world for almost forty years. He is a Circle leader, Osho disciple, Lakota vision quester and sponsor. A published poet and novelist, he currently resides in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.

Mentioned here in 2010

Tracking Down the Light

Tracking Down the Light added an event.
October 17 at 6:23am ·

A co- led winter camp to renew and strengthen gratitude. Ceremonies include the Inipi Purification Lodge, Master of Emotions Clearing, Heart Meditations: Healing Through Touch, Color and Sound, Kali Meditation, Four Door Activation, Drumming and Singing the Sacred, Starlight Tuning: What is Above is Below, Shakope Oye- six powers Dance and the Chanupa (pipe).

Sudhiro has been conducting healing camps throughout the world for forty-three years. He is a Circle guide, Hanbleceyapi (vision quest) sponsor and Osho Mystic Rose facilitator. In 2015, he completed teaching a three year Shamanic Training at the Academy of Light, Maiolo (RI), Italy. He is a published poet and novelist.


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Re: Sudhiro Miyaca Olowan in Italy
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2017, 09:01:22 pm »
He lists one of his influences as "H.W.L. Poonja-"Papaji" (India)". On his site he has a photo of himself with this man, I uploaded the photo here. Compare with

After Rajneesh/Osho died, many followers then moved on to H.W.L. Poonja.

In 1990, Osho died and many of his followers began to visit Poonja instead. The number of visitors grew so large that a satsang hall had to be built near Poonja’s house.

Michael Donovan has never left Rajneesh, that is a bad sign. Rajneesh/Osho was a horrible man. His followers even committed bioterrorism attacks He said that disabled children should be euthanized.

Donovan says he leads Osho Mystic Rose meditations - here is a description of that

He's a Rajneesh sannyasin, so why is he doing pretendian Lakota b.s?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Sudhiro Miyaca Olowan in Italy
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2017, 01:41:21 am »
It's not unusual for cult followers to be in multiple cults. They get disillusioned with one, leave and move on to the next. Or in Olowan's case, he kept looking for the quick fixes that Nuage imposters offer.

It's important that anyone considering paying Olowan for fraudulent ceremony know what he truly is and believes. Some other important points about the Osho/Rajneesh and Poonja cult:

They teach that only the wealthy can be truly enlightened/saved.
They are notorious hedonists, live extravagantly in obscene ways that no Native tradition would endorse. Osho was notorious in the US for his 93 Rolls Royces.
Heavy drug user of valium and nitrous who admired Hitler.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Sudhiro Miyaca Olowan in Italy
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2017, 04:07:16 am »
Rajneesh/Osho was a horrible man.

I agree 100%. I have been at war with that evil man's Scandinavian followers for more than 30 years,

Offline bezinka

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« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2018, 02:50:12 pm »
Does anybody know this guy?
He organize sweet lodge, vision quest in Italy.


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Re: Shudiro
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2018, 04:03:12 pm »

Offline bezinka

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Re: Shudiro
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2018, 06:32:15 pm »
Thank you. The people keep calling me for information about him.
Now i can tell them his true resume.