Author Topic: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi  (Read 62391 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« on: February 04, 2017, 04:17:48 pm » - "Fan page" - profile page - scamming money - running a fake pipeline resistance group

We have a number of mentions here on NAFPS of non-Native Jim Graywolf Petruzzi selling fake Lakota "shamanic" ceremonies, and promoting non-Native frauds like Rachel Holzwarth, who calls herself "White Eagle Medicine Woman". He's a ceremony seller and shameon, and recently he's been trying to exploit the pipeline resistance movement, notably at the Sabal Trail camp in Florida. There are quite a few posts right now about this on Facebook.

So if folks could compile some of the details on him here, it would be good to have something to refer people to as right now there are a lot of questions from the new activists, especially the non-Natives who still don't understand how to spot the frauds. Thanks.


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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2017, 06:48:26 pm »
Six months ago we were asked to be part of the Standing Rock Water Protectors movement. We are now handling the virtual end of this - with almost 60,000 global members.

James P Petruzzi Jr and Susan Ilene (Carrigan) Petruzzi went bankrupt in 2015. Please do not give them money.


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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2017, 06:53:47 pm »
I've uploaded the full 2015 bankruptcy here.

This may be a pattern we see more and more with aging Nuage frauds. They don't pull in as much money as they want, they find themselves in debt, they file and achieve bankruptcy, then they work to run more scams.


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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2017, 07:14:46 pm »
For the past 12 years she has worked directly with a pack of gray wolves. Wolves who accept her as a member and allow her to move among them.

Yet another reason to not give them money. Sue Petruzzi travels with wolves, so she obviously doesn't need any money.

Their current corporation Sanctuaries of The Mother Earth, Inc. was first incorporated in New Mexico, now they are in Colorado.


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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2017, 10:10:27 pm »
They want money for their retirement home:

We need you! The board and supporters of SOTEM are working on securing funding to acquire a large parcel of land for the first physical Sanctuary. We are meeting with our potential major donors and putting out appeals to all who support the vision of Sanctuaries.

We will need a great deal of funding

On the board:

Jim Graywolf Petruzzi, President, Colorado
Sue Graywolf Petruzzi, Vice President, Colorado
John (Jack) Martin, New Mexico/Florida
Rod Feigle, Treasurer, Colorado
Adam Dubbin, MSc Environmental Archaeology, Florida

Support council:

Rebekah Simpson, Arizona (  she is active once again :
Rebekah J Simpson Ancestral Teachings, Life Coaching and Earth Medicine Healing

Edie Palmer, Bellvue, Poudre River Corridor, Colorado
Tracy Urban, Denver, Colorado
Jay Bai, PhD Ecology, China/Mongolia – Colorado
Tasha Hannah, Colorado
Brock Foster, British Columbia, Canada
Janie Grost / Mcol, Great Britain
Sharon White, Australia

I had a wonderful meeting with LaDonna Allard (who began the protest there) and her husband – and other incredibly amazing people like Daphne Singingtree.

When we talked with LaDonna in Sacred Stones Camp, I knew more was needed and she also agreed. I remember LaDonna saying to my wife Sue and I, “Do whatever you need to do to bring in as many people as you can, let people know, get people energized, get them to be part of this”.

The Petruzzis want money for their retirement home, for travel, and for a fully equipped and staffed office.

Donate to SOTEM and we will use your gift where we feel the keenest need or specify where you want your money to go. Either way, our planet, our children and our children’s children thank you.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2017, 11:40:38 pm »
When #NoDAPL activists from the Standing Rock camps found out Petruzzi was behind that Facebook group and selling ceremony at the Sabal Trail camp, some prominent ones dropped their support of the Sabal Trail camp until Petruzzi is kicked out.

Word is he's been kicked out, but I'm still waiting to see how it pans out. Any claims on his part that he was asked by any reputable organizations to participate in fundraising,  ceremonies or activism are blatantly false.

I think it's clear the guy is a fraud and an exploiter, but I'll leave this in research needed for a bit longer to encourage folks to add info. Thanks for working on this, Piff.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2017, 12:37:44 am »

That site has them selling a wide variety of ceremonies. "Reiki, Level I; Shamanic practices for self-healing; sound and scent therapy; journeying...Jim leads a chanupa (pipe) ceremony or leads prayers around ancient medicine wheels..." They even claim their dog is a healer.

2015 he was at the Star Knowledge conference, a wide range of UFO types.
"His primary spiritual teachers were Lakota and Mayan, but he has also lived with Australian aborigines, African Garifuna and Celtic teachers....In Colorado he and Sue work with Rod Feigle, another on the spiritual road, presenting workshops, drum circles, hosts radio shows and spiritual groups and leads ceremony."

No naming of his alleged elders. Since he claims the Nuage title of "pipe carrier" it's a safe bet they were too. Garifuna are mostly in Honduras. The Celtic claim is another red flag.
All this, plus leaching off NoDAPL, is enough to move him to Frauds.


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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2017, 01:01:21 am »
Shortly after his arrival Jim met Carolyn Fiscus, a member of the Blackfoot tribe. Carolyn served as Jim’s first teacher in indigenous people’s studies.

Through Carolyn Jim met Lawrence Little Thunder and began more in depth studies of Lakota spirituality, beliefs and ceremony.

 Lyman Yellowhair, a medicine man of the Lakota, also began instructing Jim shortly thereafter.

As well as George Two Bears a year later.


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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2017, 01:21:12 am »
I don't know who "George Two Bears" is. The other two men listed I believe are men that Petruzzi at some point talked with, or heard of, and then outright stole their names to claim as special teachers.

He may have met Lawrence Little Thunder when they both lived in Fort Collins, Colorado.


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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2017, 02:36:39 am »
According to one of his books Petruzzi enrolled for a degree in natural resources at Colorado State University.

The President of the Native American Students association at the time was Lawrence Little Thunder.

While there, Petruzzi became involved in the Environmental Learning Center.

Petruzzi says he was asked to help sweat lodges be made available on the ELC land.

Through this project he met Lyman Yellowhair and George Two Bears.

In 1992 Jim moved to Colorado and began his tenure at Colorado State University. His main goal was to earn advanced degrees in the environmental field. The University asked him to run their non-profit Environmental Learning Center.

Jim Petruzzi has built a substantial part of his Nuage bio on people he knew at Colorado State University in the early 90s.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2017, 04:11:08 am »
One of the Florida camps have now made their group private. This is a photo from an event last night, and what Petruzzi has to say about it. His vile, racist ranting about "dark energies" "attacking" him? He's talking about elder Native women, leaders in the #NoDAPL resistance, who have called him out.

The "dark, evil energies" he's asking people to fight...  are NDNZ.

The Natives he's accusing of being DAPL plants... are the very founders and leaders of this entire struggle, fighting to maintain their culture from colonial thieves... like him.

Jim Graywolf Petruzzi - Shamanic Practitioner
Like This Page · 1 hr ·
Sacred Water Camp Drums for Standing Rock and the Water is Life Movement

We were very honored to be able to stream some of our drum circle at Sacred Water Camp in Florida last night. It was amazing energy to see so many of you from around the U.S. and the world join in and comment. Some of you drummed with us, some sang, others said they danced and still others just allowed themselves to enter the energy of the drum.

Sue and I have carried that drum around the world and used it in spiritual and healing ceremonies - from within Stonehenge, to the shores of Scotland, to Dine land, to the coast of California, to the mountains of New Hampshire and all in between. It carries the energy of all the places it goes and shares it with new places we go. Now we use it in our Water is Life Movement work. It travels with us to the camps and the living rooms of supporters and sponsor. Sue leads songs and drumming and others contribute as they wish. Beautiful energy.

We are glad you all got to be a part of this - and we will do it again. As we share the words and thoughts of water protectors everywhere and people who have just begun to here about the movement. We share with written words, videos, live streams and through music.

These are days of sharing and coming together, as many prophecies have foretold. I have spoken of this often. And mentioned the vision of Black Elk and others who saw the four colors of people coming together to share their wisdom and unite against the common enemy - greedy destroyers of our world and spirit. I am honored to have been taught these prophecies and the ceremonies I carry by my elders of many cultures over 35 years. And to be able to share them now as a small part of my contribution to our collective spiritual evolution. Even as each of you carries your part which, taken together, we create a new way of living with. I thank each of you for this.

I want to keep this post positive and light, but will mention the dark energies for a moment here. Hate, fear and confusion come in all colors. As does greed and ego. White, black, yellow and red all know some of those who walk in this way and try to destroy the new way of living we are creating. Three or four showed up during the drumming last night. Spewing ignorance and arrogance - judgment and darkness. They were promptly removed from the streams, but we are sorry for the disharmony they can cause. Some will continue to attack. Let them. They are either so afraid of change they lash out or they are the plants of the fossil fuel companies. Either way - pity them and send them prayers. Then let them go. We have no time for these.

For the hundreds who were listening and sharing - blessings for working with us to build the light. We are all one. Thank you for hearing us.

~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2017, 04:13:59 pm »
Shortly after his arrival Jim met Carolyn Fiscus, a member of the Blackfoot tribe. Carolyn served as Jim’s first teacher in indigenous people’s studies.

Through Carolyn Jim met Lawrence Little Thunder and began more in depth studies of Lakota spirituality, beliefs and ceremony.

 Lyman Yellowhair, a medicine man of the Lakota, also began instructing Jim shortly thereafter.

As well as George Two Bears a year later.

GTB has long since passed away. Found his grandson's obituary.

Fiscus and Little Thunder are both academics, respectively nursing and psychology. Yellowhair I found mention of him as guilty of a misdemeanor, and nothing else. I briefly met his brother Milo some years ago at a conference when I was still a student. His model for decolonization is often used in AI/NA Studies.

Like others said, Petruzzi is taking either brief meetings or working together on non-spiritual issues and twisting to claim someone "instructed him in spirituality" or ceremony. Look at how he twisted a brief meeting with Ladonna Allard, someone we've known in here for over a decade.

Even briefly "living with" members of a people he twists to make him seem an expert or more holy. So what if he lived next to Garifuna? Tourists do so all the time. I traveled to Machu Pichu and met Quechua people all the time on that trip. It doesn't make me an expert, no more than a few Quechua students I've taught or Quechua I met at local Peruvian and Bolivian festivals around here.

If he were working on NoDAPL without self promotion, leaching away needed funds, or Nuage prosletyzing, it'd be different. His "drum circles" don't do a thing for NoDAPL. It's feel good nonsense for gullible whites playing NDN who don't want to do the hard work of actual activism.


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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2017, 07:32:15 pm »
"Spiritual Sacred Stones Camp '16 " Jim Petruzzi claims that he quotes Ladonna Allard here. He also behaves divisively by saying that supposedly one camp is more spiritual than the other.

His full name is James Patrick Petruzzi, Jr.  He was born in 1949. He identifies himself accurately as an Italian-American Catholic white boy from Philly. His current wife is Susan Ilene (Carrigan) Petruzzi, born in 1953 NY.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2017, 10:04:39 pm »
"Spiritual Sacred Stones Camp '16 " Jim Petruzzi claims that he quotes Ladonna Allard here.

Yeah, well, he pretends to respect women out one side of his mouth and spits on them out the other. Just read the vile insults against Indigenous women that he posts on his page when he lets his guard down, when he's not performing and pretending to be a spiritual person.

Ladonna has been doing public posts on FB for years now, and in order to reach as many people as possible to protect the water, began accepting any and all "friend" requests this year. She doesn't have the time to screen comments and requests, and rarely has time to delete even the most disturbing stuff. Some truly appalling people have posted on her page and it's been awful to see. Like many organizers at Standing Rock, she added livestream videos to her public page this spring. Unfortunately, we've seen that this gives strangers the idea that they know people and have some kind of relationship with them when, really, they don't. Not at all.

She has become a public figure, meeting with tens of thousands of people at this point and speaking to mainstream media. White strangers like him now know who she is and can quote her.  As she posted earlier, all the frauds have shown up at Standing Rock this summer, and no one can keep track or stop them all. Anyone who's read what she says among old friends knows what she thinks of these people. He is just the latest in a long line of boundary-violating culture vultures who thinks he knows someone because he watched a livestream, left a comment on a public page, or pestered a now-public figure in a crowd. It's shameful.

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Re: Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2017, 01:47:24 am »