Author Topic: Ruby Sylina Lynch AKA Sylina Buehne AKA Sylina Two Bears AKA Sylina TaliniYona  (Read 100104 times)

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Here is a woman selling ceremony. You can see her event on Facebook. Sylina TaliniYona -  She claims to be a Cherokee medicine Woman and a Mayan Shaman.

[Just changed title-Al]
« Last Edit: December 23, 2016, 02:22:30 pm by educatedindian »


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Re: Sylina TaliniYona
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2016, 02:48:34 am »
Also uses the name Sylina Two Bears

Works as an online psychic

Sylina Two Bears is a Seventh generation healer channel hypnotherapist and intuitive. She has worked in the medicine ways of her Creek and Cherokee Ancestors with her Grandmother since she was young. She spent many years studying the shamanic techniques and ceremonial practices with the Mayan Elders in Guatemala. While there she studied the ancient Mayan Calendar learning the long count and mastering many sacred Mayan healing practices including the sacred Mayan Fire Ceremony. She has worked as an instructor at the Edgar Cayce Association of Research and Enlightenment teaching skills for deeper connection and communication with Spirit. She also studied at The Monroe Institute and is certified as an Outreach Facilitator. Sylina holds a Ph.D in Herbal Medicine Metaphysical Sciences and Divinity. She has a Master of Science degrees in both Business Management and Organizational Leadership and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. She has dedicated her life to raising the consciousness on this planet and serving her community through healing modalities.

She offers workshops in Mayan Healing Techniques Native American Traditions

Also uses the name Sylina Buehne

SYLINA BUEHNE "Two Bears" is a Native American medicine woman of Creek and Cherokee heritage.


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Re: Sylina TaliniYona
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2016, 03:15:27 am »
Some background:

For the last eight years Sylina has been locked in a pitched battle with her ex-husband for custody of their three children. She is well-educated and gainfully employed, and despite having drained $500,000 of her personal net worth to engage in this fight, she can support her family. She has submitted to every alcohol and drug test, no matter how invasive, as well as a battery of psychological tests and financial reviews. Not one shred of evidence has been revealed to challenge Sylina’s fitness as a parent. Nevertheless, she is denied her children simply because she is openly gay and dares to practice the spirituality of her Native American heritage.
It could be easy to brush off Sylina’s complaints as the whining of just another desperate housewife who didn’t get her way, except that the issues at the heart of Buehne v. Buehne in Virginia speak to very large civil rights and constitutional matters. The judge in this case has allowed Sylina to suffer multiple day-long sessions of cross examination of her gay life, as if she spent every day in a rainbow-soaked sapphic orgy. For the record, Sylina has been in a long-term monogamous relationship.

The family court judge also permitted Sylina to be interrogated on her occasional participation in a sacred Native American sweat lodge ceremony — a day of fasting and prayer — as if it were a peyote-drenched magic carpet ride.

A past web site

There may be several women named Sylina Buehne. Our Sylina Buehne may have a different first name, haven't pinned that down yet.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Sylina TaliniYona
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2016, 02:19:12 pm »
The Mayan Fire Ceremony is actually the Nuage teachings of Erick Gonzalez, a white Guatemalan posing as Mayan we've discussed much before.

Here's her Linkedin. That's clearly her, despite the blond beehive hairdo in the photo. Contrary to her claims of being sooper spirchul traditional, she worked mostly for Mary Kay until 5 years ago. Before that, HR and accounting.

Her FB shows her moving every couple years.
Canton, Georgia Current city
Mill Spring, North Carolina Hometown
Chesapeake, Virginia Moved on August 6, 2009
Corpus Christi, Texas Moved on August 6, 2003
Whidbey Island Moved on June 6, 2000
Jacksonville, Florida Moved on January 6, 1997
Lubbock, Texas Moved on January 6, 1996
Pensacola, Florida Moved on September 6, 1995
Columbia, South Carolina Moved on August 6, 1992
Charleston, South Carolina Moved on September 6, 1988

Her spirchul pose didn't start until she went to University of Metaphysical Sciences. That's a useless degree mill we talked about here. "PhDs" in a year, "degrees" for a couple hundred bucks.

There's nothing remotely Cherokee or Creek in what she teaches, whether or not she has ancestry. Faux Mayan Nuage ceremony selling for profit. Moved to Frauds.


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Re: Selina Buehne AKA Selina Two Bears AKA Sylina TaliniYona
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2016, 03:06:06 pm »
She was born Ruby Sylina Lynch

A brother has passed away, his obituary includes her name

She is Sylina Lynch Buehne in court documents involving her former husband in Chesapeake Circuit Court, Virginia.
The Lynch side of her family is laid out in public research Looking over records on the rest of her family, I don't see anything to back up her heritage claims.


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Re: Selina Buehne AKA Selina Two Bears AKA Sylina TaliniYona
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2016, 04:16:40 pm »
Sylina's partner is Alisha "Scout" O'Brian.

Soul Medicine, Inc offers intuitive counseling, hypnotherapy, healing sessions, Mayan astrology readings, past life regressions, guided meditation and life coaching by Sylina Buehne, Ph.D. (“Two Bears’) and Alisha O’Brian, MSN (“Scout”).

Our community is in the process of teaching our young people, as well as all walks and ages, how to return to a sustainable way of life. This entails learning many many things. Some include how to plant and grow a large community garden that will feed many. As well as re-creating a Creek and Cherokee village where we will live in peace and harmony with all our relations. Where we will honor each other and care for our Mother Earth

The costs of the land, supplies, equipment, state and federal paperwork for the NAC, etc.

HELP our Tribe better serve our community by becoming a Native American Church

Soul Medicine Inc.  is a registered 501c3

But Soul Medicine, Inc. in Canton, Georgia is no more:

Business Name:    SOUL MEDICINE, INC    
Control Number:    14094649
Business Type:    Domestic Nonprofit Corporation    
Business Status:    Admin. Dissolved
Business Purpose:          
Principal Office Address:    3725 SIXES ROAD, STE 103-106, CANTON, GA, 30114    
Date of Formation / Registration Date:    9/26/2014
State of Formation:    Georgia    Last Annual Registration Year:    NONE
DissolvedDate :    12/07/2016

Looks like they did not keep up with paperwork and fees, so the corporation was dissolved.

Uploaded here is a clip from the Articles of Incorporation for Soul Medicine, Inc., shows Sylina's name Ruby Sylina Buehne. Partner Alisha Mae O'Brian.


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Re: Selina Buehne AKA Selina Two Bears AKA Sylina TaliniYona
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2016, 04:29:40 pm »
Alisha O'Brian in Canton, Georgia owns Harvest Moon Natural Market

Alisha has been an intricate member in the natural health industry for over 15 years. She has earned a Masters of Holistic Nutrition degree and is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Holistic Nutrition. She has many years of experience in lifestyle counseling and offers extensive one on one sessions for those who require additional attention.

Since Sylina and Alisha plan to start a fake NAC, I think it is especially important to keep an eye on them. I assume they plan to pay James "Flaming Weasel" Mooney for a branch membership in his Oklevueha scam?

Where the money goes
* NAC Federation paperwork, legal fees  and expenses are  $5000

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Selina Buehne AKA Selina Two Bears AKA Sylina TaliniYona
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2016, 01:17:04 am »

...As well as re-creating a Creek and Cherokee village where we will live in peace and harmony with all our relations. Where we will honor each other and care for our Mother Earth

The costs of the land, supplies, equipment, state and federal paperwork for the NAC, etc.

HELP our Tribe better serve our community by becoming a Native American Church

Everyone, please take time to report them to GoFundMe for being in violation of their TOS, for fraud and deception. Click both links above and hit Report This Campaign. This is the msg I sent for both campaigns:

"Organizers are white New Age imposters posing as American Indian medicine people. Organizers are falsely claiming to be part of the Native American Church and needing money for "NAC paperwork." Actual NAC is open only to enrolled members of  American Indian tribes and does not charge. For more on their false claims see Native human rights groups NAFPS research at"

The goofy grinning photo of her in playing Indian in "Mayan" dress reminds me of Keisha Crowther.

Offline ChikashaTruth

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I have reported this campaign to Gofundme. This crap is going on right in my backyard! It's hard to watch good folks being scammed!


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I reported too. Hopefully others do also, hopefully the Go Fund Me folks listen.

Looking over Sylina Buehne's social media presence, I can see that she is positioning herself as a supposed expert. She claims she is NDN, she is not, she claims she can speak knowledgeably for NoDAPL work, she cannot. She should not, she should only point out authentic fund raising and speakers, and not use her own Paypal account for any of this.

Sylina is not a licensed mental health professional. Nor is she working with a team of professional peers. She wants to be the center of attention. Please do not trust her for any mental health help. Or help with addictions. Her fake NAC is not going to be a healthy answer, not for PTSD or drug addiction or anything else.

Sylina does have a lot of sales experience. Shifting from selling Mary Kay cosmetics to Nuage is not a big leap. She is still selling, still looking for a way to close a sale, which now would mean admiring and listening to her and giving her plenty of "donations".

Some bits from an upcoming event:

We believe that we are in a time that these prophecies are being fulfilled: The Eagle/Condor prophecy, The Rainbow Warrior Prophecy, The Black Snake Prophecy, and the Red Kuchina and Blue Kachina Prophecy.

You are invited to a sacred ceremony on January 14, 2017. You are registered once you send an email to

Before being allowed onto the ceremonial grounds you must:

-Sign in at the registration counter

-Receive your red string

-Present and/or sign the release forms (you must sign a separate release for every sweat you attend)

Please remember that your monetary donations help insure that these ceremonies can continue to be available and if you can give more, then those who can't give are provided for. There is no charge ceremony and the only way we stay sustainable is by the love offerings.

Info on the Rainbow Tribe faux prophecy

Red string? She may be riffing off the modern trend led by Madonna and other famous types, centered around a destructive cult known as the Kabbalah Center led by Phillip S Berg

Maybe someone can get a copy of those release forms and post here on the forum.

Her birth name really is Ruby Sylina Lynch  The name Sylina is an alternate form of Selina, uncommon, but it is out there. Can the title be changed to reflect this? She has always been Sylina.


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Some of her past web sites are down and were not captured by the Wayback Machine, this bit is still available.

" ... in her Native American community of combined Creek and Cherokee tribes. Seven maternal generations of Taliniyona women were respected healers."

Looks like she is trying a Yraceburu / Ywahoo here - inventing her own fake tribe.

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Here is the response I got from her after posting this page on her sweat lodge event on Facebook.  "I hope this finds you well.  Thank you so much for letting me know of the sudden ongoing attack on me and my relatives.  Here is the response that I have posted and I do invite you if you have questions about me or who I am or where I come from to feel free to ask.  There is much pain around this subject with many of my relations that we each have to work through in our own way.  Here is my response and thank you again for letting me know so that I can address it.  My Grandmother always said to only speak of the good in others and it has been something I work very hard to do but is not easily done especially in these times.... It has come to my attention that I am now being personally targeted.  Since becoming involved at a deep level with Standing Rock and on the cusp of standing for what is right I am being attacked virtually.  Since some of us, medics, mental health workers, security, and protectors have brought into question and supported a investigation of the donations and the large camp funds for Oceti Sakowin there have been personal attacks.  It is easy to sit behind a computer screen and attack people without any validity to support the story line you would like perpetuated but this doesn't make it truth. 

 If anyone has questions about this situation at Standing Rock you can reach out to the Head of Security, Vaughn Bull Lodge.  He knows me personally as well as what is happening at camp.  My heart soars knowing that the truth will come out and we will find a balance.   If anyone has any questions for me, I am always an open book.  This is the way my Grandmother taught me and I honor it. 

I love you all and I appreciate the stand you take for truth, honesty, healing, peace, harmony, and love to return to our Mother and to all our relations.  Remember hurting people hurt people.  We cannot expect better behavior from the perpetrators then what we are exhibiting as for our own relations.  So let's make sure we only speak of the good in others and walk peacefully and prayerfully on our Mother and with all our relations."

Offline ChikashaTruth

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More response trying to justify her acts. "Sorry for the confusion with mentioning Standing Rock, as it is only mentioned because this attacked ensued at the exact same time that myself, my brother Vaughn Lodge, and some others shared postings, and had discussions about our concerns over financial donations that have not been making it to camp.   I am encouraging good conversations and clarity.  I don't know why you wouldn't be able to see the invite as we sweat once a month and have for many years.  You should still be able to view it.  Here it is again for you in case there is an issue."


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Yeah, unfortunately this is standard operating procedure. Those of us questioning are deemed "haters" etc.

Researching, questioning, expressing opinions is all good. When someone claims they are special, descended from seven generations of healers, and that they have a specific heritage - we all have the right to reply "hmm - I wonder if their claims are accurate?. This is a good thing.

Sylina is positioning herself here as even more special, so special that supposedly grand dark forces are conspiring against her. But it ain't so. If she uses this to pull followers in closer, I hope people can free themselves and regain their ability to think clearly and critically.

 Sylina has put herself on the public stage. She claims she has things to teach us. We have the right to look her over.

Offline ChikashaTruth

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For sure. She didn't explain why she pulled the event off her personal facebook page, but the event is still visible through "events". Does anyone know this fellow she keeps name dropping, Vaughn Bull Lodge ?