Author Topic: Mother Yellow Owl  (Read 8311 times)

Offline debbieredbear

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Mother Yellow Owl
« on: September 04, 2005, 03:33:47 am »
There is a woman in the Phoenix AZ area, calling herself "Mther Yellow Owl" and "initiating" people in "THe Native American Religion." Anyone know this oerson?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Mother Yellow Owl
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2005, 08:35:32 pm »
I sure never heard anything about her when I lived on Phoenix. The main (and the only as far as I could tell) twink bunch was Harley Swiftdicks's over in Scottsdale. There was only one Nuage bookstore in the areas as far as I could tell, and I was amazed to find they didnt have a single book on NDNs there. Guess some skins had made it clear to them how they felt about such things...

The only thing I could find on MYO was this thread which mentioned her as someone who'd passed on and had a kid calling himslef Bruce Two Crows.

Couldnt find anything else on BTC. Perhaps our new member whose part of the UAOD could ask around? It seems they were doing a ceremony together.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Mother Yellow Owl
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2005, 03:29:23 am »
N she's still alive. TRhat samre person ("fruitydruid") osted the following:

"Mother yellow Owl, our indian shaman priestess, has allowed me to
share with you a sacred song that will help to temporary stop some of
the disasters till every one finds "the way". To do it, yoou sing the
words, and beat on a shaman drum using the stars to show the number of
beats at the same time. You have our permission to share the song, as
long as you dont sell it.

hi * ya *** hey ta ***

hey *** ya ** hey *** ya 8*

hi ** yo * he *** te **

hi *** ya *** hi *

May the great Spider Woman hear our song!!!!
"americas oldest druid grove"

And this:

"Down and down it comes
from the big sky water
with thnder like a tom tom
like a scalping axe sound. "