Author Topic: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl  (Read 207771 times)

Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #90 on: February 21, 2016, 04:42:59 pm »
I've considered a few times starting an independent thread here on Babs Stevens, the Chief Administrative Officer of the Skidegate Band Council, Haida Gwaii. Because she looks to be the main reason Haida Gwaii is being hammered on by both Chuck Spezzano and Erick Gonzalez. But I think she ultimately is a victim. Ms. Stevens has been thoroughly hooked by these two major frauds and she has enlisted many many others to be hooked also.

Ideally she would be a strong voice in protecting the Skidegate Band, working to stop the flow of illegal drugs altogether. She would advocate for the return of all cultural items from Erick Gonzalez. By removing herself from all this negative influence, she would be able to truly strengthen and heal herself so she can be better at her job of public service.

I myself want my own public officials to be sober, service minded, and clear headed. I want them free of undue influence.

I agree, starting a thread on Babs Stevens is necessary as she is actively supporting these harmful cult leaders Gonzalez and Spezzano to continue to have access and continue to effect the wellness of our communities on Haida Gwaii.

She is incapable of critical thinking and attacks citizens who have spoken up about the harm and damage committed by these cult leaders. She has become an additional threat to our community because she does not care what happened to anyone , and additionally openly encourages these sick men to continue their work. We are not safe with her in a leadership position. Our lives are at risk with her pushing the agenda of Gonzalez and Spezzano and their followers.

Below is a affirmation of Babs devotion to these people:

Babs Stevens shared How to Raise Your Vibration's photo.
14 hours ago
Lency Spezzano Chuck Spezzano Heddi Neale Erick Gonzalez and all my Pov family around the world
Message from the "team"
Recommit, Revitalize, Remember
Peggy Black and the "team"

We are here to offer a clear coherent vibration of revitalization to you. When we observe those who have been anchoring the new reality with their actions and intentions we can sense the weariness that you carry. Be embraced with our deep gratitude for holding the template and calling forth a reality of harmony and well-being for all.

Do not be discouraged by what is unfolding; do not allow anger and fear to dominate your thoughts, feelings and energy field. Recommit. Recommit, revitalize and remember the truth within your sacred heart. You are here at this time of great changes on purpose. You are the anchor as well as the doorway for the galactic family of light to unite. You hold a physical position on this planet by your conscious presence.

It is most important for you to continue to refuel and renew yourself often. There are certain requirements that your physical vehicle needs in order to function at its highest and best. You are aware of the valuable role of water, eating organic fresh foods if possible, giving yourself time for rest, and interface with nature to replenish a calm state of mind. These are all common sense suggestions for your personal well-being.

We would like to remind you also of the care and maintenance of your energy body. Just as you would wash your physical hands if need be, continue to clear your field often throughout the day. Remember to send all energy that does not belong to your personal energy signature back blessed and transformed and call your energy back blessed and transformed as well. This is basic energy hygiene 101.

Remember each morning upon opening your physical eyes to envision and claim that you are fully embodied, anchored to this planet as well as connected to your own clear divine guidance. This simple action invites a partnership between your physical body and your multidimensional star self. It is the conscious awareness of this true partnership that totally empowers you. This declaration also creates a coherent energy field around your physical body. Anchor this coherent energy in your heart. This is a most valuable practice since you are feeling the oneness and the energy fields of others.

Practice gently integrating the energy downloads that are being offered, using conscious tools that support your balance and integrity. Each day invite the energy of your sun into every cell of your physical body. Reach out and call forth renewing vibrations of nature, the stars and the offerings from the planets and celestial beings. Your physical body is the requirement needed to be here at this time and this place; remember, however it is only the chalice for your divine multidimensional consciousness.

It is your multidimensional consciousness that is woven into the oneness. Let this awareness become your foundation and continue to invite and infuse a deep real connection to others of like mind and heart. There are limited words in your language that allow us to truly express these subtle yet profound concepts and connections.

We are aware of your personal longing to have this rich connection with others who carry a vibration that is attuned to your soul note and frequency. It is time to begin to call forth and welcome your soul group. These beings of consciousness, this soul group, may embody any age or race. We are speaking here of your divine aspect and divine nature. These are others who are connecting by an energy thread to your energy fabric.

These are beings of light that connect through your DNA. Consider your DNA as your high-speed wireless vibrational interface with this soul group. Imagine that your pituitary/pineal glands are the router to this wireless connection, and your heart is the device that allows these messages and connection to come forth into your awareness.

We want you to realize that you may never meet these individuals in your physical daily life although there are those who do and who are aware of their galactic threads of connection. We invite you to be willing and open for this possibility. However also realize that you can and will connect with most of your soul group in the quantum field of the dimensions.

It starts with the awareness that there is an aspect of your multidimensional self that is also connected to a larger energy fabric or conscious group of beings who are also in physical form on this earth at this time. Once you are open to this possibility you can begin to call forth the connection and allow the synchronicity of all that is to arrange the conscious link up.

You can begin to sense and invite this meeting taking place in the quantum field of your imagination. Give yourself permission and play with this possibility. Create a sacred chamber you might go to in your imagination that would allow you to connect energetically with some other individuals who are a part of your soul colleagues.

This is the time of the coming together. Each individual human is here as a part of this evolution of consciousness. You, so to speak, are a part of a larger gathering of conscious star beings who are working together on the inner planes and dimensions to bring about this new template of reality. Reach out energetically and begin to allow yourself to connect to your group, who are also embodied and anchoring a physical form.

As a multidimensional being you also have an aspect that is connected to a larger consciousness that is non-physical. Here again we are just triggering you to remember; always inviting and encouraging you to own the many levels and many dimensions you are engaged and actively participating in. Most of this engagement and participation is done while the physical body is at rest or asleep. We are encouraging you to begin to connect actively while fully aware and awake. Begin to see or sense the non-physical beings that are a part of your star community.

Know that there are other humans just like you living upon this planet who are here doing powerful transformative work simply by holding the form and feeling the emotions. Remember it is through the consciousness of the human heart that transformation takes place. We can support you and encourage you; the work, however, is yours to do

We observe the intense focus that the physical aspect seems to demand, and we certainly want you always to take care of this form in the ways that are necessary for your well-being and balance. However it is time for you to allow your awareness to expand, to begin to call forth and connect with the other aspects of your team, both physical and non-physical. You are the portal for the energy and the light of transformation to be fully anchored and embodied here in this timeframe and this reality. You have incredible support available and we are here to remind you to connect to that support and your team of light beings.

Remember you are the focus; you are riding these waves of energy, observing the chaos and the dysfunctions of this planet all the while inviting support and connecting with more and more aspects of your multidimensional family both physical and non-physical.

You are here to stabilize all the new vibrations that are being offered by the galactic conscious community of light beings. This earth reality requires a conscious being in physical form to be the inviter, the doorway, the portal and the anchor. Celebrate, honor and acknowledge your connection to the woven web of oneness. Celebrate, honor and acknowledge that you are an important aspect of all that is unfolding.

Allow yourself to expand into the spaciousness of the oneness with the energy and fabric of light. Call forth and invite the many divine connections that are yours by divine right. Once the seeds of knowing your truth have been triggered by these words and our blessings of energy, you will become aware of yourself connecting with your soul communities on many levels and dimensions. You are not alone, never have been and never will be. That is an illusion we invite you to release and sweep away.

We honor and acknowledge you for your service and your precious willingness. Know that you are held in the embrace of our love and support. The 'team'

©2012 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

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Heddi Neale Aho! Thank you Babs Stevens, love and miss you! Howaa for being part of the team...
12 hours ago · Like · 1

Erick Gonzalez Matiosh Chawe Aunti is good to read this thoughts at this time..,,,,thank you
11 hours ago · Like · 1

Babs Stevens Meet you Heddi Neale and Erick Gonzalez in the quantum field of the Dimensions<3
11 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
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Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #91 on: February 22, 2016, 04:33:14 pm »
Fortunately the plans for a Gonzalez led longhouse in Haida Gwaii have fallen through. Locals say they don't want to live near witchcraft.

Some people mistakenly believe that this is all under the umbrella of a Native American Church. Erick Gonzalez's group is not NAC, he is not a member. His drug dealing in US and Canada is illegal.

This post from earlier in thread is important:

As you can see, Gonzalez is an imposter who poses as a Mayan healer. He is not Mayan at all. A true Mayan would identify which of the several dozen ethnic Mayan groups they are part of, Kiche for example, and likely would also identify by their community.

A further sign of him being an obvious imposter is taking an alleged Native name which is not even Mayan, but Nahua or Aztec, from central Mexico and not Guatemala, and him not even knowing the meaning his allegedly Indian name.

Gonzalez is criollo, Latin American but entirely of white European ancestry. He has no standing or support among Mayans in Guatemala. What he does is sell "pay to pray" ceremonies that he pretends are Mayan to non-Native people in northern California and elsewhere.

A true Native medicine person would not be trying to profit off of Native traditions. They would not go to make money in the US, but would be where they are most needed, among their people. Both his imposture and exploitation of Native traditions are deeply offensive to Native traditionalists and regarded as crass and unspiritual.

In addition you can see at the link that Gonzalez promotes illegal drug use and abuse. His "ceremonies" involve heavy use of amanita muscaria, which is very dangerous, destructive, and illegal.

He also gives out peyote at his "ceremonies". It is illegal to sell, possess, or use peyote, unless one is an enrolled tribal member and a member of the Native American Church (NAC) who use it under very limited controlled circumstances. Gonzalez is neither an enrolled Native nor an NAC member.

For more information on NAC read these are friend of court briefs by true Native American Church groups, with explanations as to what is true and what is fake, concerning here yet another fake group yet still applicable to EG.

Multiple sources say that Erick's events are drug parties, unsafe ones that at times involve minors.

Funders should be aware of how Gonzalez and his enslaved women hussel funds for their "important projects", reason to get money to survive since they do not have a real job or careers

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Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #92 on: February 23, 2016, 03:38:22 pm »
Erick is all about self promotion, he exploits indigenous youth to drum up business:

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #93 on: February 23, 2016, 09:51:06 pm »
In the video, he says Bobby Lake took him in the first sweatlodge. We have a thread on Bobby Lake-Thom.

Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #94 on: February 28, 2016, 04:31:07 pm »
In the video, he says Bobby Lake took him in the first sweatlodge. We have a thread on Bobby Lake-Thom.

Gonzalez retreats are high risk and Earth People's United non profit status should be revoked!

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #95 on: May 15, 2016, 05:07:52 pm »
after reading this article ,

it remeinds me of a woman that was diagnosed with cancer and erik gonzalez told her he can cure her with his "medicines" .erik had one of his fake "shamans" administer hallucinogenic substances to her and she stopped taking western medicines, needless to say erik's promise to cure her was all bullshit, she passed away.
 before she passed she told the fake shaman to stop the medicines,stop the fires ,stop the ceremonies. they're all no good, it's too bad she realized to late gonzalez "teachings" are all lies.
the herion overdose article makes me wonder if erik gonzalez and his fake shaman could be help accountable homicide in the death of his woman ,she asked for other healing methods but the cancer was too far advanced to be helped by anyone, we'll never know what chances she would've gad in surviving other healing modals but we'll never know because she was poisoned by erik and one of his accomplices, maybe they should be charged with some sort of murder charges, like manslaughter .

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1458
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #96 on: July 03, 2016, 04:04:09 am »
Gonzalez retreats are high risk and Earth People's United non profit status should be revoked!

They don't claim to have non profit status here. Do they elsewhere?

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1458
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #97 on: July 03, 2016, 04:09:21 am »
We have a thread on Bobby Lake-Thom.

There are actually two threads, the first one from 2006:

Then this one, where in 2014 you said you will merge them:

Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #98 on: July 03, 2016, 06:16:19 pm »
Gonzalez retreats are high risk and Earth People's United non profit status should be revoked!
if you go to
They don't claim to have non profit status here. Do they elsewhere?

if you go to non profit facts and search for Tinamit Junan Uleu-Earth Peoplesunited in Yreka , California, it is listed as a church with unconditional exemption

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 409
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #99 on: July 03, 2016, 06:26:55 pm »
NAFPS appears to be having some issues with the attachment function, so here is what volcano woman found at » California » Tinamit Junan Uleu- Earth Peoplesunited

Tinamit Junan Uleu- Earth Peoplesunited in Yreka, California (CA)

Employer Identification Number (EIN)   204881046
Name of Organization   Tinamit Junan Uleu- Earth Peoplesunited
In Care of Name   Heddi Neale
Address   PO BOX 96, Yreka, CA 96097-0096
Subsection   Religious Organization
Ruling Date   06/2007
Deductibility   Contributions are deductible
Foundation   Church
Organization   Corporation
Exempt Organization Status   Unconditional Exemption
Tax Period   12/2007
Assets   $0
Income   $0
Filing Requirement   990 - Not required to file (church)
Asset Amount   $0
Amount of Income   $0
Form 990 Revenue Amount   $0
National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE)   Religion-Related, Spiritual Development: Religion Related, Spiritual Development (Not Elsewhere Classified)

1 User Review:
canadian citizen
Added on Aug 24, 2015 12:41 PM
RCMP in Haida Gwaii B C Canada are investigating Gonzalez and his spiritual business of drugging participants and acquiring family heirloom valuables at his gatherings, demanding large sums of money to attend his drug retreats and recruiting youth and getting them addicted to hallucinogenics.

APTN Investigates (aboriginal tv network) in Canada has released a report called "Plastic Shamans' 2013 and review 2015.
Would you recommend Tinamit Junan Uleu- Earth Peoplesunited to others? No

Read more:

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1458
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #100 on: July 03, 2016, 08:36:18 pm »
if you go to non profit facts and search for Tinamit Junan Uleu-Earth Peoplesunited in Yreka , California, it is listed as a church with unconditional exemption

Thank you! I found it, as did Sandy S:

Deductibility Contributions are deductible
Foundation    Church
Organization Corporation
Exempt Organization Status Unconditional Exemption

Isn't it strange that they don't mention that here, which, supposedly, would make donating more attractive?

They don't claim to have non profit status here. Do they elsewhere?

Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #101 on: July 04, 2016, 01:30:23 am »
after reading this article ,

it remeinds me of a woman that was diagnosed with cancer and erik gonzalez told her he can cure her with his "medicines" .erik had one of his fake "shamans" administer hallucinogenic substances to her and she stopped taking western medicines, needless to say erik's promise to cure her was all bullshit, she passed away.
 before she passed she told the fake shaman to stop the medicines,stop the fires ,stop the ceremonies. they're all no good, it's too bad she realized to late gonzalez "teachings" are all lies.
the herion overdose article makes me wonder if erik gonzalez and his fake shaman could be help accountable homicide in the death of his woman ,she asked for other healing methods but the cancer was too far advanced to be helped by anyone, we'll never know what chances she would've gad in surviving other healing modals but we'll never know because she was poisoned by erik and one of his accomplices, maybe they should be charged with some sort of murder charges, like manslaughter .

there is a term being used
"reckless indifference"
for drugs and or substances that are harmful to give to people ending in homicide.I wonder if that applies here?

Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #102 on: August 05, 2016, 05:52:25 am »
We invite you to join us in supporting the
future generations...
To our Earth Peoples United Family~

It has been a few years since we have had the request and support to create a youth-focused event at Deer Mountain, beyond personal ceremonies for our daughter Ixchel who is now a year and a half old. When we created a schedule for this year, we saw that August 18th was the Mayan Calendar day of Jun Ajmak - the day that the Maya do ceremonies to celebrate, honor, and bless the children. This seemed like a wonderful opportunity to create something at Deer Mountain.

A small group of people came together in a beautiful way at the Summer Solstice ceremonies to make a request of Tata Erick to create a family-style gathering with  intention to bring beautiful and powerful support to and an honoring of our children and youth; bringing blessings to their lives, the lives of their families and communities; offering prayers to keep them safe, well and protected, and to re-kindle and keep the connection to that which is sacred alive in their hearts. 

Due to the limited number of people we can accommodate, invitations have been sent out and a small but diverse group of elders, adults, youth, and children will be coming together at Deer Mountain for the powerful ceremonies (see schedule below).

Although our space is limited, we would love to invite your participation in the following ways:
•   Donate to help with the expenses of this event: Click HERE
•   Donate to help support the ongoing needs of the Deer Mountain Sanctuary: Click HERE
•   Help serve the land at Deer Mountain on the weekend of August 13-14 or take down on Aug 22-23 - contact for more info...
•   Send a message to be shared with the children & youth to
•   Send offerings for the fires to PO Box 96  Yreka, CA 96097
•   Send gifts for the youth/children or elders to PO Box 96  Yreka, CA 96097
•   Join your prayers with ours on any of the days of this event

Now Gonzalez and his wife Heddi exploit their own newborn child to drum up business and recruit new families! Looks like this baby will never know privacy or her true self. Everyone is exploited in Erick's "ceremonies"!



Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #103 on: August 30, 2016, 12:15:54 am »
Below is Erick Gonzalez promoting himself with fees for every kind of "spiritual service".

Join Tata Erick Gonzalez, Mayan Aj Q'ij (Spiritual Leader) for sacred ceremonies in the Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts and Southern Vermont.
September 1st - 9th, 2016

Within the traditional indigenous circles and within the native people of the Maya, Tat Erick is called an Aj Q'ij and a KamalBey (spiritual teacher). His entire life has been walking between the worlds, the physical/mental with the spiritual/elemental. And with this lifelong experience, he has become aware of the supernatural beings that hold and co-create cosmic natural elemental forces. In the ceremonies, he has received their blessings and their manifestations, so that it becomes more than a human ceremony experience, but a true dimensional spiritual experience. 
This incredible journey has guided him to create sacred spiritual sanctuaries north of Mt Shasta in Northern CA through Earth Peoples United and Lake Atitlan, Guatemala- places of profound beauty, learning and healing.

Forest Medicines Sanctuary** welcomes you to join us for a 5-day retreat & daily events with Tata Erick Gonzalez of 
Earth Peoples United

The Retreat includes a personal session, evening teachings on Thurs and Fri, Mayan Fire Ceremony on Sat, Teachings & Sweat Lodge on Sun, Camping, Meals and the closing circle on Mon for $450, or people can attend separate events. 
Thursday September 1st
 (2 T'zi - Mayan Calendar day of the Clan & community) 
* 1 pm - 5 pm: Personal sessions by advance reservation (see below for more information) 
* 7 - 9:30 pm: Evening teachings: "How setting up a ceremonial mesa (altar) reflects how you are setting up your community" 
Suggested donation: $30 
Friday September 2nd (3 B'atz - Mayan Calendar day of the thread and weaving things together) 
*9 am - noon: Personal sessions
* 2 pm - 5 pm: Personal sessions 
* 7-9:30 pm: Evening teachings: "Becoming the People Made of Honey in the New Era" 
Suggested Donation: $30. Tata Erick will share about the energetic shift of the new cycle that officially began on December 21, 2012 that prophesies say is a Golden Era where we can become People Made of Honey with higher consciousness. What can we do to align ourselves with these energies and help make the shifts that are needed at this time to leave a better inheritance for the future generations?  
Saturday September 3rd (4 E - Mayan calendar day of the path/destiny and the directions) 
*10 am - 4 pm: Community Mayan Fire Ceremony, followed by a potluck meal   Suggested Donation: $50 (See below for more information)

Sunday September 4th (5 Aj - Mayan Calendar day of the staff, bundles & family)
* 10 am - 4 pm: Teachings and Sweatlodge Ceremony, followed by a potluck meal .
Suggested Donation $30-50. Due to size limitations, pre-registration is suggested.
Monday September 5th (6 Ix - Mayan Calendar day of the Mother Earth, sacred sites, and medicine plants) 
*9 am - noon: Sharing Circle to close retreat time 
* 2 pm - 6 pm: Personal sessions (email to reserve a time). 
Tuesday September 6th (7 Tz'ikin - Mayan Calendar day of the birds, beauty, vision) 
*9 am - noon: Personal sessions (email to reserve a time).
**FMS, Inc. is a 501(c)3 faith based non-profit supporting the integration of indigenous wisdom in the healing with the Love from Nature. 
To Register: Send a 50% deposit via PayPal as Donation/Gift to Follow up information will follow. 
Retreat Schedule: Arrive Thursday afternoon - depart Monday afternoon.
Daily Camping and Meals: Donation $60,  included in Retreat Fee of $450 for 5 days.
Directions: Located in the Berkshire Mountains- address & directions sent upon Registration
FOR MORE INFORMATION, to register, or if you have any questions, please contact Mayer at 413-822-5337 or
A new partner to solicit from "Forest Medicine Sanctuary"


  • Guest
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #104 on: September 26, 2017, 12:39:49 am »
Uploaded here is an article from 2009-  A Case of Possession. Journal of Spirituality & Paranormal Studies . Apr2009, Vol. 32 Issue 2, p102-110. 9p. Author Gusch, Elene. Abstract: "A healer encounters a patient who is possessed by a demonic entity, and finds herself utterly unprepared to deal with the consequences"

My own summary: a Nuage "healer" who doesn't know what the hell she is doing, acquires a client who is mentally ill, physically challenged,  and unstable. Rather than refer her client to proper resources, she eventually decides the client is possessed.

Months of "treatment", eventually the author herself feels ill. She turns to Erick Gonzalez.

I'll paste in some excerpts concerning Erick Gonzalez. This can help us understand more about how he operates.

The healer, Erick Gonzalez, was going to be meeting clients at a home on the west side of Albuquerque, and I made arrangements to take Jeanne to see him.  As soon as we got out of the car, the people at the house made a wide berth around us and kept everyone from getting too close.  We didn’t have to tell them that something evil was coming toward them.  They could feel it, and more than that, as they explained to me later, they could smell it.  That smell was a primary diagnostic symptom.  The possession was all too real.  I have to tell you a bit about Erick Gonzalez, what little I know.  Recently, in an attempt to prepare for writing this article, I tried to find some current contact information for him.  In looking him and his organization up on the Web, I could only find a couple of references, and what I did find was rather ominous.  A site belonging to a Native American group listed him among people and groups that were pretending to be Indians but were not.  They said that Erick was neither Mayan nor an authentic shaman, that he was a complete charlatan.  I don’t know if Erick truly has Mayan ancestry, but I can say absolutely that he has a real connection to the spirit world and can accurately see what is going on inside a person.  I am uncomfortable about this question and nonplussed about what it means.  It’s just one more bit of surreal confusion to add to the rest of this strange story. 

Erick was consulting with clients in a small room upstairs.  As I had been told to do, I gave him some crystals and some herbs from my office as gifts to help the exchange of energy.  I told him that I had been feeling strangely and severely sick lately, in a way that I had never been sick before, and that I didn’t know what was wrong with me. 

“Is this just since you’ve been working with…?” he asked, inclining his head in Jeanne’s direction.    “Yes,” I replied.  “Yes,” he repeated.  It wasn’t necessary to say anything more.  Here is the strangest part: when the entity realized that Erick was on to it, it suddenly jumped out of me a little and toward him, so that we both could see it.  It was like a reptilian mask superimposing itself on my face for just a moment, then fading back inside my body.  It was terrifying—but not really surprising
