Author Topic: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl  (Read 207891 times)


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #75 on: January 07, 2015, 08:32:17 pm »
Fortunately the plans for a Gonzalez led longhouse in Haida Gwaii have fallen through. Locals say they don't want to live near witchcraft.

Some people mistakenly believe that this is all under the umbrella of a Native American Church. Erick Gonzalez's group is not NAC, he is not a member. His drug dealing in US and Canada is illegal.

This post from earlier in thread is important:

As you can see, Gonzalez is an imposter who poses as a Mayan healer. He is not Mayan at all. A true Mayan would identify which of the several dozen ethnic Mayan groups they are part of, Kiche for example, and likely would also identify by their community.

A further sign of him being an obvious imposter is taking an alleged Native name which is not even Mayan, but Nahua or Aztec, from central Mexico and not Guatemala, and him not even knowing the meaning his allegedly Indian name.

Gonzalez is criollo, Latin American but entirely of white European ancestry. He has no standing or support among Mayans in Guatemala. What he does is sell "pay to pray" ceremonies that he pretends are Mayan to non-Native people in northern California and elsewhere.

A true Native medicine person would not be trying to profit off of Native traditions. They would not go to make money in the US, but would be where they are most needed, among their people. Both his imposture and exploitation of Native traditions are deeply offensive to Native traditionalists and regarded as crass and unspiritual.

In addition you can see at the link that Gonzalez promotes illegal drug use and abuse. His "ceremonies" involve heavy use of amanita muscaria, which is very dangerous, destructive, and illegal.

He also gives out peyote at his "ceremonies". It is illegal to sell, possess, or use peyote, unless one is an enrolled tribal member and a member of the Native American Church (NAC) who use it under very limited controlled circumstances. Gonzalez is neither an enrolled Native nor an NAC member.

For more information on NAC read these are friend of court briefs by true Native American Church groups, with explanations as to what is true and what is fake, concerning here yet another fake group yet still applicable to EG.

Multiple sources say that Erick's events are drug parties, unsafe ones that at times involve minors.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #76 on: January 07, 2015, 08:45:41 pm »
Turns out some followers believe that they are NAC members. Erick has led them to believe that he is a NAC member. Some followers  who do peyote themed beadwork claim they are NAC.

Erick Gonzalez is lying. What a surprise.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #77 on: January 07, 2015, 11:00:46 pm »
When Erick and Heddi lure devotees to their Patziapa Center in Guatemala do they include this info:

Penalties for possessing, using, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Guatemala’s are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines.  In Guatemala, driving under the influence could land you immediately in jail.  If you break local laws in Guatemala, your U.S. passport won’t help you avoid arrest or prosecution.

Guatemala is a country with many different and firmly held local beliefs and customs. Particularly in small villages, residents are often wary and suspicious of outsiders. In the past, Guatemalan citizens have been lynched for suspicion of child abduction, so we recommend that U.S. citizens keep a distance from local children, and refrain from actions that could fuel such suspicions.

Avoid close contact with local children, including taking photographs, especially in rural areas. Such contact can be viewed with deep suspicion and may provoke panic and violence.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #78 on: March 07, 2015, 08:24:28 pm »
Erick Gonzalez needs to return everything he has taken from the Haida Gwaii people.

He needs to stop displaying all the gifts like trophies on his walls and shelves. Erick used manipulation to obtain these items, he needs to give them back.

Surely he and his wife Heddi Neale can find a gracious way to do so. They could thank people for the loans of precious items and say that they now know that it is time for the gifts to be returned to their rightful owners - the people of Haida Gwaii.

The other significant concern being communicated by community members is that traditional Haida gifts are being given to the groups founder, Erick Gonzalez. These culturally relevant gifts are provided in addition to a fee that is required to attend the ceremonies and take part in the spiritual gatherings. There is concern among community members that the motivation for accepting these gifts is for the monitory value of the gifts instead of the cultural significance that is usually associated to gift giving in the Haida Nation. The tradition of gifting is an widely accepted practice and is not suggested that it should be stopped. What is of concern is the expectation of receiving a gift. Any group or individual that expresses an expectation to receive a gift, should be questioned in regards to their motives.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #79 on: March 07, 2015, 08:33:40 pm »
Erick Gonzalez and Heddi Neale also of course need to stop running illegal drugs. These drugs are not being used as Erick claims as "sacred medicines", nor is Erick's group part of the actual Native American Church.

One of the concerns raised by the public is that the group is encouraging and facilitating the use of hallucinogenic drugs during the religious ceremonies in order to experience a spiritual state of mind. It has been reported that drugs such as peyote, mescaline and ayahuasca are being used during these ceremonies to elicit hallucinations that are then being interpreted as spiritual or ceremonial. It should be noted that mescaline in any form is a controlled substance and is listed in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) under Schedule III of the act. As such possession or distribution of mescaline would contravene the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and could result in charges under the CDSA.
The Masset RCMP is urging the public to think critically about the use of these so called "healing" or "spiritual" drugs. Not only are some of these substances illegal in Canada but it has been reported that they can produce negative long term side affects to a persons health and well being. These side affects have been described as insomnia, anxiety, emotional instability and headaches which can also be accompanied by various other physiological reactions. The illegal nature of these hallucinogenic drugs and their health risks should be taken very seriously if considering their use.

Erick and Heddi seriously endanger their followers (including youth) with health and legal risks. Erick and Heddi specifically endanger the people of Haida Gwaii. Just like Chuck and Lency Spezzano of Psychology of Vision (except for the illegal drug part), Erick's group has targeted Haida Gwaii - providing drugs, taking precious cultural items, and altogether screwing the people over.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #80 on: March 07, 2015, 08:54:27 pm »
I've considered a few times starting an independent thread here on Babs Stevens, the Chief Administrative Officer of the Skidegate Band Council, Haida Gwaii. Because she looks to be the main reason Haida Gwaii is being hammered on by both Chuck Spezzano and Erick Gonzalez. But I think she ultimately is a victim. Ms. Stevens has been thoroughly hooked by these two major frauds and she has enlisted many many others to be hooked also.

Ideally she would be a strong voice in protecting the Skidegate Band, working to stop the flow of illegal drugs altogether. She would advocate for the return of all cultural items from Erick Gonzalez. By removing herself from all this negative influence, she would be able to truly strengthen and heal herself so she can be better at her job of public service.

I myself want my own public officials to be sober, service minded, and clear headed. I want them free of undue influence.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #81 on: March 12, 2015, 07:18:54 pm »
Thurs May 28th: 8 Q'anil Mayan Fire Ceremony- Bless the Seeds
8 Q'anil is the day that the Maya celebrate big ceremonies to bless all their seeds -  in which they bring the bundles of the seeds that are going to be planted the next season. The energy of the fires and the prayers encodes the seeds so that they can have a good harvest. We will offer a Mayan Fire Ceremony to bless the seed bundles- the bundles for the future harvest. These can be seeds of all kinds - not only the physical seeds!
9 am - 5 pm 
Suggested donation: $50

Walking with Medicine Staffs Ceremonial Retreat
June 1st - 3rd
Mon June 1st  ~ 12 E:
Fire-keeping teachings and sweatlodge ceremony
Tues June 2nd ~ 13 Aj:
Flowering Staff ceremony & Full Moon Blessing
Wed June 3rd ~  1 Ix:
Ceremonial Pilgrimage

On 12 E we will be doing fire-keeping teachings, preparing the lodge, and doing a sweatlodge ceremony to help us have perseverance and endurance on our paths, so that we can reach our full potentials the following day. 13 Aj is the day of the Mayan Calendar where we plant the full potential of the staffs of our intention to manifest and to crystallize the thought forms that we want to create into the earth. This day also falls on a full moon! We will be ceremonially creating flowering staffs to help us reach the full blossom of our potentials by using the medicines of the flowers to cleanse, heal, and inspire us. It is time to pierce the earth with the staffs and drop the seeds- the time that we decide that this is what we are going to do, and we ground that intention to fulfill it.  The following day on 1 Ix we will take a pilgrimage to leave our staff as an offering to a sacred site of the Mother Earth.
Fee: $395

Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #82 on: August 25, 2015, 05:04:25 pm »
I've considered a few times starting an independent thread here on Babs Stevens, the Chief Administrative Officer of the Skidegate Band Council, Haida Gwaii. Because she looks to be the main reason Haida Gwaii is being hammered on by both Chuck Spezzano and Erick Gonzalez. But I think she ultimately is a victim. Ms. Stevens has been thoroughly hooked by these two major frauds and she has enlisted many many others to be hooked also.

Ideally she would be a strong voice in protecting the Skidegate Band, working to stop the flow of illegal drugs altogether. She would advocate for the return of all cultural items from Erick Gonzalez. By removing herself from all this negative influence, she would be able to truly strengthen and heal herself so she can be better at her job of public service.

Ideally wouldn't that be the logical critical thought procedure but Skidegate is literally held captive by
the imbedded agenda of new age leaders taking what they want and justifying it no matter what the feedback is. How did a band manager self promote themselves into the village healer and change their position to CEO. Sounds like the ladder of success instilled by POV Leadership roles.

No one asked Babs to do this in her job description and no one was asked if they wanted to be saved by her. Testimonies of POV trainers state that they represent their people and nation. That is not true. These roles are imposed on our  FN villages and their families by this POV trainer.
Babs has direct access to personal information of each family member of Skidegate , she uses this information to manipulate members into the "shut -up or give in" pressure of abiding to her ways or you  get nothing. She has exploited her position of power and continues to do so.

Chuck Spezzano Psychology of Vision business owner has taught the type of leadership that ruins people, he has taught his advanced trainers to lead the way by justifying themselves in their taking.
Why does the so called self appointed head of Skidegate not care about Gonzalez poisoning their people and island residents with ammanita mushrooms? Why does this self appointed leader who is Haida not care about peyote being generously distributed to youth for addictive purposes?
If anything Babs has taken great strides to damage and silence victims from having a voice.
It is sad that the members of Skidegate and residents of Haida Gwaii are subjected to the continuous abuse that affects so much that we care about.   

I myself want my own public officials to be sober, service minded, and clear headed. I want them free of undue influence.

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #83 on: November 10, 2015, 05:31:42 pm »
 this article totally applies to what erik gonzalez did to all the people he targeted, he didn't want only the peoples money but he told his victims to bring valuable items from their family homes to put on the "alter"
 all the alter amounted to erik gonzalez was his own personal christmas tree because he high graded the valuable objects to take and put on display in his home
 people that con valuable art and family possessions from their victims,like under this bs... bring and give something valuable to the alter and your prayers will be recognized and answered quicker by the spirits from the spirit world ..they should face criminal charges, there must be laws protecting the vulnerable people from these scam artists.

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #84 on: February 11, 2016, 03:05:58 am »
here is an answer from an enrolled member of the ONAC that erik gonzalez claimed he belonged to, erik got caught in another lie, claiming to belong to another fake fraud group, why claim to belong to another fraud??? possibly he's taking to much of his own "medicine"as a recreational drug like he "taught" his devotees how to take it, in large copious amounts,
I have spent some time researching this guy (Erick Gonzalez) and if he has any connection to us. He does not. There was a film documentary done about 15 years ago called "Chasing a Good Day To Die" about how Peyote Ceremonies saved a young man's life and family. The ceremonies were conducted by James Flaming Eagle Mooney who is our founder who has had similar success with many other people, but we did not sponsor nor do we have any ownership of the movie. He only allowed the cameras to document some parts of the experience. As a background part of the documentary the director and producer interviewed Tom Green who spoke about how powerful native medicines are in healing. We have had no contact with him since that point and did not know of his activities until you contacted us. We are going to write him a letter telling him of the accusations and letting him know that we are willing to hear his side, but if the concerns are accurate, we do not approve of his activities and would encourage him to live by the Code of Ethics we require of our medicine people and members, even though he does not belong (nor has he ever belonged) to Oklevueha Native American Church. Please feel free to share this letter with your tribal councils and members. I quote from the Code of Ethics.

Oklevueha Native American Church accepts Indigenous Earth-Based Healing Sacraments as central to our established religious belief. These include: a. Peyote – the significant Indigenous Earth-Based Healing Sacrament (Eucharist) for this church. b. Any other Indigenous Earth-Based Healing Sacrament (Ayahuasca, Cannabis, San Pedro and etc.) that has been found to benefit the health and welfare of the recipient, so long as it does not place them in harm’s way.

The names for Spiritual Leaders (Medicine Man/Woman) of Oklevueha Native American Church are known by a variety of sacred callings:  Chasta, Clergy, Curandera, Doctor, Elder, Mara’akame, Reverend, Roadman, Sacred Prayer Pipe Carrier, Water Pourer and etc.  Those who are experienced in some American Native Spiritual Empowering and/or Healing practices and who act to facilitate the spiritual practices of others that are honored with these titles. An Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine Person need not claim exclusive or definitive knowledge of his or her practice, since wisdom and competencies are frequently developed over years of observation and experience.

Even though Oklevueha Native American Church’s primary purpose is to administer Sacramental Ceremonies, an Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine Person is free to choose not to administer a sacrament during any particular American Native ceremony.

All Oklevueha Native American Church Indigenous Ceremonies of North and South America (Birth, Breath, Holy Anointing, Marriage, Passing Over, Prayer Pipe, Sacrament, Spirit Dance, Sun Dance, Sweat Lodge, and Vision Quest, but especially Birth, Sun Dance, Sweat Lodge, and Vision Quest) may include or facilitate extreme mental, emotional and physical transformations. Therefore, when a member chooses to participate in any American Native Ceremony with the assistance of an Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine person, both take on special responsibilities and understandings:

1) RESPECT. Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine People are to practice and serve in ways that cultivate awareness, empathy, and wisdom for all Members during ceremonies.

2) PREPARATION AND SAFETY. Each participant in Oklevueha Native American Church ceremonies must agree to comply with all directions or instructions concerning the safety and well being of all in attendance, from  one-hour prior, during, and three hours after ceremonies being conducted by an Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine Person.

3) INSPIRATION AND CHANGE. Efforts should be made to ensure that Oklevueha Native American Church Spiritual Practices are always inspired and conducted in ways that respect the common good, with due regard for public safety, health, and order.  Often, the increased awareness gained from American Native Spiritual ceremonies will catalyze a desire in the participants’ lives for personal and social change. In most cases, these changes should only be made after deep introspection and consideration as to how they will affect the other beings connected to the participant. Medicine People shall use special care in assisting the direction of energies of those whom they serve, as well as their own energies, in responsible ways that reflect a loving and respectful regard for all life.

4) CONSENT OF PARTICIPANT. The autonomy and dignity of each Member and/or Authorized Participant are respected and preserved by Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine People. Participation in any Oklevueha Native American Church Ceremony must be voluntary and based on prior disclosure and consent given by each participant while in an ordinary state of consciousness.

a. EXISTING CONDITIONS. Disclosure shall include, at a minimum, discussion of any elements of the ceremony that could reasonably be seen as presenting physical or psychological risks. In particular, first time Authorized Participants must be advised that American Native Ceremonies can be difficult and dramatically transforming.

b. WATCHFULNESS. The Medicine People will monitor the Health and Safety of participants during the ceremony and the few hours of vulnerability that may follow a ceremony carefully with reasonable preparations.

c. LIMITATIONS. Limits on the behaviors of Members and Authorized Participants Medicine People are to be made clear and agreed upon in advance of any American Native Ceremony.

d. CONFIDENTIALITY AND CUSTOMS. Cultural / religious customs and confidentiality are to be accepted and honored.

e. OTHER APPROACHES. Oklevueha Native American Church respects all empowerment and healing modalities; Indigenous Spiritual Ceremonies, allopathic medicine, and naturopathic medicine. ONAC Honor’s the fundamental Hippocratic principle of Do No Harm to the Spiritual, Emotional and/or Physical Being of any of our Earthly relations. It recognizes that each modality is intended to promote the health and well being of the participant. It believes that all forms of care can be incorporated into empowerment and/or healing for all of our relations, in a complementary manner.

5) INCLUSIVENESS. Oklevueha Native American Church ceremonies are to be conducted in the spirit of service. Medicine People accommodate Members and Authorized Participants without regard to race, religious affiliations, gender, cultural background, financial status, and/or political affiliations.

6) VULNERABILITY. Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine People are aware during ceremony that Members and Authorized Participants may be especially open to suggestion. Medicine People pledge to protect participants and not to allow anyone to use that vulnerability in ways that harm themselves or others.

7) EMPOWERMENT, NOT SALVATION. Oklevueha Native American Church makes absolutely no claims about being in authority or having the ability to conduct saving ordinances.

8) INTERNATIONAL COALITION. Oklevueha Native American Church is part of an indigenous Spiritual Earth Based Healing and Empowering International Collective that serves individuals and the wider community when and wherever an ONAC member resides.

9) ATTRACTION, NOT ADVERTISING. Oklevueha Native American Church is committed to growth through attraction through service rather than proselytizing for membership.

10) ABUSE NOT PROTECTED. Oklevueha Native American Church abhors; any manner of physical and/or sexual abuse of any under aged person, and any abuse and/or exploitation of ‘any’ person in ‘any’ physical and/or sexual form.  The violation of this Ethic by any ONAC member will subject the violator to the full consequence of the Laws of the Land.

11) SACRAMENTS UNDER DIRECTION OF MEDICINE PEOPLE. Oklevueha Native American Church believes any substance admitted into the body may be considered to be a sacrament and has the potential to be harmful if inappropriately used. The Oklevueha Native American Church does not approve of the utilization of any sacrament in a manner that would be likely to cause harm to one’s self or to others. “Controlled” substances must be used under the direction of medicine people to be legally protected.

I hope this will help your people to heal and that they will understand how a medicine person should act and that they will reject those who profess to be caring for them but do not follow these or similar guidelines.

Let us know if we can be of service to your people in any way.

Shaun McCausland
ONAC membership

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  • Posts: 71
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #85 on: February 11, 2016, 04:55:14 am »
here is an answer from an enrolled member of the ONAC that erik gonzalez claimed he belonged to, erik got caught in another lie, claiming to belong to another fake fraud group, why claim to belong to another fraud??? possibly he's taking to much of his own "medicine"as a recreational drug like he "taught" his devotees how to take it, in large copious amounts, erik also left unattended bags of peyote with his recruits, if you had $500.00 for one of his "intensives" you're welcome to him, there were people that showed up at a place called mount moresby on Haida Gwaii still drunk in party mode, some still high on cocaine , they weren't screened because their participation was already paid for by a cult outpost group for chuck spezzano called ngystle society.

here is an olde internet add for ngystle society advertising both gonzalez and spezzano workshops, eriks drug retreats are called "intensives" and there are pictures of some participants in one of his peyote fire ceremonies.

I have spent some time researching this guy (Erick Gonzalez) and if he has any connection to us. He does not. There was a film documentary done about 15 years ago called "Chasing a Good Day To Die" about how Peyote Ceremonies saved a young man's life and family. The ceremonies were conducted by James Flaming Eagle Mooney who is our founder who has had similar success with many other people, but we did not sponsor nor do we have any ownership of the movie. He only allowed the cameras to document some parts of the experience. As a background part of the documentary the director and producer interviewed Tom Green who spoke about how powerful native medicines are in healing. We have had no contact with him since that point and did not know of his activities until you contacted us. We are going to write him a letter telling him of the accusations and letting him know that we are willing to hear his side, but if the concerns are accurate, we do not approve of his activities and would encourage him to live by the Code of Ethics we require of our medicine people and members, even though he does not belong (nor has he ever belonged) to Oklevueha Native American Church. Please feel free to share this letter with your tribal councils and members. I quote from the Code of Ethics.

Oklevueha Native American Church accepts Indigenous Earth-Based Healing Sacraments as central to our established religious belief. These include: a. Peyote – the significant Indigenous Earth-Based Healing Sacrament (Eucharist) for this church. b. Any other Indigenous Earth-Based Healing Sacrament (Ayahuasca, Cannabis, San Pedro and etc.) that has been found to benefit the health and welfare of the recipient, so long as it does not place them in harm’s way.

The names for Spiritual Leaders (Medicine Man/Woman) of Oklevueha Native American Church are known by a variety of sacred callings:  Chasta, Clergy, Curandera, Doctor, Elder, Mara’akame, Reverend, Roadman, Sacred Prayer Pipe Carrier, Water Pourer and etc.  Those who are experienced in some American Native Spiritual Empowering and/or Healing practices and who act to facilitate the spiritual practices of others that are honored with these titles. An Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine Person need not claim exclusive or definitive knowledge of his or her practice, since wisdom and competencies are frequently developed over years of observation and experience.

Even though Oklevueha Native American Church’s primary purpose is to administer Sacramental Ceremonies, an Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine Person is free to choose not to administer a sacrament during any particular American Native ceremony.

All Oklevueha Native American Church Indigenous Ceremonies of North and South America (Birth, Breath, Holy Anointing, Marriage, Passing Over, Prayer Pipe, Sacrament, Spirit Dance, Sun Dance, Sweat Lodge, and Vision Quest, but especially Birth, Sun Dance, Sweat Lodge, and Vision Quest) may include or facilitate extreme mental, emotional and physical transformations. Therefore, when a member chooses to participate in any American Native Ceremony with the assistance of an Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine person, both take on special responsibilities and understandings:

1) RESPECT. Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine People are to practice and serve in ways that cultivate awareness, empathy, and wisdom for all Members during ceremonies.

2) PREPARATION AND SAFETY. Each participant in Oklevueha Native American Church ceremonies must agree to comply with all directions or instructions concerning the safety and well being of all in attendance, from  one-hour prior, during, and three hours after ceremonies being conducted by an Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine Person.

3) INSPIRATION AND CHANGE. Efforts should be made to ensure that Oklevueha Native American Church Spiritual Practices are always inspired and conducted in ways that respect the common good, with due regard for public safety, health, and order.  Often, the increased awareness gained from American Native Spiritual ceremonies will catalyze a desire in the participants’ lives for personal and social change. In most cases, these changes should only be made after deep introspection and consideration as to how they will affect the other beings connected to the participant. Medicine People shall use special care in assisting the direction of energies of those whom they serve, as well as their own energies, in responsible ways that reflect a loving and respectful regard for all life.

4) CONSENT OF PARTICIPANT. The autonomy and dignity of each Member and/or Authorized Participant are respected and preserved by Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine People. Participation in any Oklevueha Native American Church Ceremony must be voluntary and based on prior disclosure and consent given by each participant while in an ordinary state of consciousness.

a. EXISTING CONDITIONS. Disclosure shall include, at a minimum, discussion of any elements of the ceremony that could reasonably be seen as presenting physical or psychological risks. In particular, first time Authorized Participants must be advised that American Native Ceremonies can be difficult and dramatically transforming.

b. WATCHFULNESS. The Medicine People will monitor the Health and Safety of participants during the ceremony and the few hours of vulnerability that may follow a ceremony carefully with reasonable preparations.

c. LIMITATIONS. Limits on the behaviors of Members and Authorized Participants Medicine People are to be made clear and agreed upon in advance of any American Native Ceremony.

d. CONFIDENTIALITY AND CUSTOMS. Cultural / religious customs and confidentiality are to be accepted and honored.

e. OTHER APPROACHES. Oklevueha Native American Church respects all empowerment and healing modalities; Indigenous Spiritual Ceremonies, allopathic medicine, and naturopathic medicine. ONAC Honor’s the fundamental Hippocratic principle of Do No Harm to the Spiritual, Emotional and/or Physical Being of any of our Earthly relations. It recognizes that each modality is intended to promote the health and well being of the participant. It believes that all forms of care can be incorporated into empowerment and/or healing for all of our relations, in a complementary manner.

5) INCLUSIVENESS. Oklevueha Native American Church ceremonies are to be conducted in the spirit of service. Medicine People accommodate Members and Authorized Participants without regard to race, religious affiliations, gender, cultural background, financial status, and/or political affiliations.

6) VULNERABILITY. Oklevueha Native American Church Medicine People are aware during ceremony that Members and Authorized Participants may be especially open to suggestion. Medicine People pledge to protect participants and not to allow anyone to use that vulnerability in ways that harm themselves or others.

7) EMPOWERMENT, NOT SALVATION. Oklevueha Native American Church makes absolutely no claims about being in authority or having the ability to conduct saving ordinances.

8) INTERNATIONAL COALITION. Oklevueha Native American Church is part of an indigenous Spiritual Earth Based Healing and Empowering International Collective that serves individuals and the wider community when and wherever an ONAC member resides.

9) ATTRACTION, NOT ADVERTISING. Oklevueha Native American Church is committed to growth through attraction through service rather than proselytizing for membership.

10) ABUSE NOT PROTECTED. Oklevueha Native American Church abhors; any manner of physical and/or sexual abuse of any under aged person, and any abuse and/or exploitation of ‘any’ person in ‘any’ physical and/or sexual form.  The violation of this Ethic by any ONAC member will subject the violator to the full consequence of the Laws of the Land.

11) SACRAMENTS UNDER DIRECTION OF MEDICINE PEOPLE. Oklevueha Native American Church believes any substance admitted into the body may be considered to be a sacrament and has the potential to be harmful if inappropriately used. The Oklevueha Native American Church does not approve of the utilization of any sacrament in a manner that would be likely to cause harm to one’s self or to others. “Controlled” substances must be used under the direction of medicine people to be legally protected.

I hope this will help your people to heal and that they will understand how a medicine person should act and that they will reject those who profess to be caring for them but do not follow these or similar guidelines.

Let us know if we can be of service to your people in any way.

Shaun McCausland
ONAC membership

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  • Posts: 71
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #86 on: February 11, 2016, 05:00:37 am »
I've considered a few times starting an independent thread here on Babs Stevens, the Chief Administrative Officer of the Skidegate Band Council, Haida Gwaii. Because she looks to be the main reason Haida Gwaii is being hammered on by both Chuck Spezzano and Erick Gonzalez. But I think she ultimately is a victim. Ms. Stevens has been thoroughly hooked by these two major frauds and she has enlisted many many others to be hooked also.

Ideally she would be a strong voice in protecting the Skidegate Band, working to stop the flow of illegal drugs altogether. She would advocate for the return of all cultural items from Erick Gonzalez. By removing herself from all this negative influence, she would be able to truly strengthen and heal herself so she can be better at her job of public service.

I myself want my own public officials to be sober, service minded, and clear headed. I want them free of undue influence.
babs stevens latest picture after a 10 day workover trainers workshop held at spezzanos property in Hawaii, she does not look well,

Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #87 on: February 20, 2016, 05:01:54 pm »
He uses Amanita Muscaria? Seriously? While it is true that it has been used to put people in a state of delirium, for shamanic reasons, it is dangerous. I belong to the local mycological group and amanita muscaria destroys part of your liver EVERY time you use it. EVERY time. There was a study done in a Scandinavian country, can't remember which one off hand, where there was a village that men died in their 40's and women lived into their 80's. It was found that the men, starting at puberty, took amanita muscaria during rituals. By the time they readched their 40's, their livers were gone. The women never used it.  And I am clear on the word delirium. That is what the toxin causes. This guy is stupid and he is harming people.

Below is a quote from a dedicated 9 fire trained woman that devotted many years to Erick's ways. This is her correspondance sharing some of her experinces. :
"I was getting sicker and couldn't figure out what was going on. All the healers I went to said I was being attacked or loosing energy somehow. Then in Aug 2011 I ended up in the hospital ER twice needing blood transfusions and then the 3rd time ended up with 11" of my small intestine removed.. later to find out it was a super rare cancer that probably took 7/8 years to grow ( funny that's about when I started my training!)" 

Erick doesn't care what happens to the women he trains. He advises his group not to communicate with the women who have questioned or had conflict with.

"The short very physical version is that I was sick for almost 2 years... it began right after I sponsored a big community fire ceremony and medicine ceremony - Ericks suggestion.. then it escalated after I did the 2nd 9 fires later that year. In Feb of 2011 my Dad died and I called Malika to tell her and have her tell Erick and everyone.. None of them ever called or contacted me in any way! That was really painful ( actually a large part of what I had to heal - that betrayal from the women I had been doing all this with for almost 8 years!)"  

How long is this guy going to get away with harming women?

"Yes his dealings around money were questionable and not in alignment with what he said.
The last community fire I sponsored for him yielded over $6000 and the conversation before was that everyone involved should be compensated .. They have me $200. I did have some other conversations that didn't lead anywhere except the parrot feather story about doing it all without expectation of return."

Part of Erick's tricks is to keep his female servants in an oppressive relationship to keep you subserviant and loyal. He will use you up and run you down energetically and financially.
Sponsoring a fire for Erick means a great deal of labor and organization of summoning the public to attend and donate ingredients, gifts, money and food.
The hours are long and you are his fire slave thru it . Helping him for many hours until completed. Sometimes on your knees praying on hard ground for hours.

Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #88 on: February 20, 2016, 06:55:33 pm »
Erick Gonzalez and Heddi Neale also of course need to stop running illegal drugs. These drugs are not being used as Erick claims as "sacred medicines", nor is Erick's group part of the actual Native American Church.

One of the concerns raised by the public is that the group is encouraging and facilitating the use of hallucinogenic drugs during the religious ceremonies in order to experience a spiritual state of mind. It has been reported that drugs such as peyote, mescaline and ayahuasca are being used during these ceremonies to elicit hallucinations that are then being interpreted as spiritual or ceremonial. It should be noted that mescaline in any form is a controlled substance and is listed in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) under Schedule III of the act. As such possession or distribution of mescaline would contravene the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and could result in charges under the CDSA.
The Masset RCMP is urging the public to think critically about the use of these so called "healing" or "spiritual" drugs. Not only are some of these substances illegal in Canada but it has been reported that they can produce negative long term side affects to a persons health and well being. These side affects have been described as insomnia, anxiety, emotional instability and headaches which can also be accompanied by various other physiological reactions. The illegal nature of these hallucinogenic drugs and their health risks should be taken very seriously if considering their use.

Erick and Heddi seriously endanger their followers (including youth) with health and legal risks. Erick and Heddi specifically endanger the people of Haida Gwaii. Just like Chuck and Lency Spezzano of Psychology of Vision (except for the illegal drug part), Erick's group has targeted Haida Gwaii - providing drugs, taking precious cultural items, and altogether screwing the people over.
This is Erick's Medicine Rap for justifying his actions that he posts on his advertisements:

Breaking through hundreds of years of interference by the Euro-Christian years and the damage they left our peoples with, by reconnecting the trade routes it gives a sense of self-identity, dignity, and honoring of the sacred ways of the Americas. It also heals the generational trauma that it is now being passed on as dysfunctional ways of being.  Through our efforts of reconnecting spiritually, culturally and in the ceremonial healing ways, we see that it makes an incredible difference to the younger generations.

                                         -OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez, 2009

He's become a glamorous drug pusher and thief under the hidden guise of shamanic healer. Time to give up the gig and come clean!
Beware if you have a passion to correct colonists' ways and join Erick in his pursuit of fame and fortune. :o :o

Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #89 on: February 21, 2016, 04:08:28 pm »

Photo gallery - so many photos of ceremonies, of groups of identifiable people including young children

Tat Erick has gone through an intensive ceremonial life with many initiations in various native traditions to receive many ceremonial bundles and to now hold the elemental and spiritual forces at the sanctuaries that he has co-created at Deer Mountain (north of Mt Shasta) and Patziapa (Lake Atitlan, Guatemala). As a hollow bone or spiritual medium, the elemental, natural, supernatural forces come through him, and for each individual Erick can show them the door to walk through and experience a true spiritual experience for themselves, and on their own terms. As the conductor of the ceremonies, Erick continues to fulfill the "door in, door out" concept that all goes well. So that from the moment of the initial thought to performing the ceremony, to the door out when people take responsibility for the instructions given, he is responsible for the wellness of the individual (provided they follow the instructions given).

Erick is insane! His instructions are lethal. He instructed his participants to go up to the altar 4 times and drink a cup of poisonous amanita brew each time as one of his spiritual retreats in Patziapa in Guatemala, his special isolated drugging hut. Participants fell into toxic comas.
This man is dangerous and delusional . He destroys and ruins people with his arrogant sociopathic behavior. He uses women , seduces them with his spiritual longing and rebirth rap. He makes them believe that he is legit. They become "lovers" for his cause, his wife is his slave and female role model of a devote unto him and their pretend rituals.

I wonder if he plans on spoon feeding his new born baby daughter with all his powerful "medicines". He administered amanita poison to one his older daughter's Sylvia Gonzalez and to his wife Heddi. No one is safe in his circle. I pity their poor innocent daughter who will be subjected to these high risk parents that have no critical thinking or accountability unto the people they have injured and harmed.