Author Topic: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl  (Read 207802 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« on: August 28, 2011, 02:51:21 pm »
His name has come up briefly before as someone who has worked with the exploiters at Manataka. Gonzalez is NOT Mayan, but seems to be a Guatemalan of criollo ancestry selling ceremony all across the US.

The name Omeakaehekatl is not a Mayan name.  Mexican names that end with the letters -TL are Aztec, not Mayan. The Aztecs speak the Nahuatl language, which has no historical relationship with the Maya.  Erick Gonzalez lives in Northern California. Claiming to be a Mayan priest, he is involved in selling workshops on “Mayan Shamanism“, ceremonies, incense, tobacco, herbs, and associated items.


Got reports from someone wishing to remain confidential. Altered to keep identity secret.


I do know someone that has had bad experiences with him and his group.
It goes on in [deleted]. He has used peyote, wachuma, aminita mascaria, poison frog venom, all in his secret "ceromonies" which is why people don't know about it.
He charges a lot of money. We are getting a lot of very intimidating looks and had several threats from people in his group for educating people to make informed choices as to what is really going on in his groups.
[There was] someone that was chucked out of their program for questioning their methods and techniques. [Deleted] was told was twofaced and could'nt be involved with any one that wasn't in ceromony.
They spy on one another, stick together, are given "sacred medicines" to take after he leaves and has people bringing it in when he is not even here.
He is separating people. He has people give and make him a lot of gifts. He promoted himself as teaching ancient indigenous medicines. They ended up on peyote and following his agenda which is totally different from what they signed up for.
Nine Fires Training, you get a red sash at the end of training.
It all amounts to nothing to do with healing, which is what these people went in for, mostly women.
They are mixing several different cultures medicines, beliefs,and practices together and calling it ancient traditional ways. It amounts to new age ripoff.
This turned out much bigger than helping someone to exit a cult. We are looking for a safe place to bring peoples attention to it and for them to be educated as to see what this really does to you and make informed choices.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2011, 10:48:46 pm »
He uses Amanita Muscaria? Seriously? While it is true that it has been used to put people in a state of delirium, for shamanic reasons, it is dangerous. I belong to the local mycological group and amanita muscaria destroys part of your liver EVERY time you use it. EVERY time. There was a study done in a Scandinavian country, can't remember which one off hand, where there was a village that men died in their 40's and women lived into their 80's. It was found that the men, starting at puberty, took amanita muscaria during rituals. By the time they readched their 40's, their livers were gone. The women never used it.  And I am clear on the word delirium. That is what the toxin causes. This guy is stupid and he is harming people.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2012, 07:23:20 pm »
Apparently Gonzalez has been doing quite a bit of harm to many of the Haida. I received this account of his "ceremonies" with drug abuse, ceremony selling, and cultlike control of followers. Moved to Frauds.


Presently we are trying to educate our local citizens about the hazards of not keeping to your own territorial protocol. We have experienced serious repercussions for letting Erick Gonzalez into our territory. He took full advantage of the vulnerable and knew exactly how to seduce the right ones to get what he wanted. many people with addictions were sucked in to his"sacred medicines".

First he comes in humble presenting himself as a spiritual leader that conducts a community fire ceremoney, this actually costs $400 and up. At this gathering he can determine who to zone in on and further his solicitation skills.

His next tool of entrapment are his "one on ones", where he has private consultation with whoever is seeking spiritual help. This is probably the worst trap anyone could get in with him because he can and will begin to seduce you and impress upon that person what their next step is in order to make their payment to the spirit world to enhance their ability to become aligned. Erick investigates his clients and evaluates their worth and skill and service for his own fulfillment. It is tragic how many people we have witness to be exploited by him. And when he feels he has achieved his particular extractions from that resource ,he becomes uninterested in you and moves on to the next person, or he'll up the ante and challenge you to come up with a bigger commitment of service, payment or whatever seems unattainable in order for you to rate.

This is where a lot of the damage kicks in , especially for the women who have become involved with his 'sacred teachings and ceremonies'. He solicits service from to organize and recruit members of our community to finance his next visit, line up one on ones, organize sweat lodges and community fire ceremonies and then the big wham o, organize and arrange an intensive filling it with as many people as possible earning him thousands of dollars as well as acquiring many valuable gifts which are to be offered to the altar as payment to the spirit world. One for the animal.plant,mineral and the spirit. He lectures us on orientating the ones who attend to think about their gifts and to be committed in their value. We would get in trouble if the gifts seemed inferior, it would piss him off and he would go into punishment mode to make us hound the others to improve upon this each time.

Erick in the end received many many valuable gifts, family heirlooms and gifts of gold jewellery,silver, gems, furs, valuable pipes indigenous to our territory, drums, eagle feather fans, traditional dancing button blankets, penedleton wool collectors blankets,carved paddles used by our dancers, series of carved argillite poles, cedar woven hats indigenous to our clans and heritage, songs, even a Haida name from our territory, eagle whistles, flutes, elaborate beadweavings, clothing with our crest (vests, jackets, capes , scarves) valuable books about our artists and history, and more.

The women became weak as he continued to seduce them with their private one on ones ,saying special prayers with them and putting them into trancelike states, hypnotic methods of inducing them with his directions and needs. He would reboot these ways by phone, they cost $100 and we also had to send gifts that expressed our gratitude for those prayers.

The intensives were essentially a psychoactive drug retreat where he controlled our every move thru a dusk to dawn event and we could approach the altar to consume whatever he was dishing out as many times as we liked and any amount that we wanted to spoon into our mouths, or drink down the concoction that was there. We had to have permission to go to the bathroom, which was outside in the dark and had to have permission to come back in. We had to wait for the right cues to approach the altar and on and on it goes.

He had very strong concoctions of peyote brew and powder, wachuma, and the frog venom which he had us smoke from a glass pipe. He also administrated ammanita brew and ammanita caps, many addicted people hooked on cocaine, crack, pills, alcohol, tobacco and marijuana attended . We could not understand how this was going to heal anybody as they would always continue to do their drugs after he left. when the ceremonies were over he would give each participant a bag of peyote buttons and peyote brew and instructed them to share with those who they deemed needing the sacred medicine. so there was no damage control with his activities and his was continuously soliciting vulnerable people and making followers out of addicted souls.

One woman he recommended she take the ammanita tea often and work with the medicine, he also had her roped in to giving him valuable gifts, and he started to leverage her into a position of a spiritual elder and seduced her to believe that she was a wisdom keeper. He saw her important political position and access that she had in her community with village business, and he knew he could count on her to back him with the funding he was seeking for his next event.This lady had physical aliments and we noticed as she got deeper in with erick attending his deer mtn events and guatemala events that she started looking sicker, she soon died and when she died her body turned instantly black. We asked elders in the south what does this mean, and they commented that it was peyote poisoning, which she would have been taking regularly under erick's advice as he claims peyote heals everything. Ammanita is declared a poison in our toxicology center.

One of us who experienced erick's amanita medicine events described the results to our local chief of staff at our hospital and they said we were having a full blown poisonous reaction and that we were damaging our livers and do not know what we are damaging. The one who reported this experienced severe memory loss and extreme arthritic attacks that lasted for 3 years.  Erik is very dangerous and we want people to know that he doesn't care about you, even if you die, people need to know that he is greedy to any extent and will create poverty in your family, and will not give up to continue to get more.

Even to this day as we talk to concerned members in our community ,rcmp, doctors, clergy, chiefs and whoever will listen we see he continues to solicit people in our community to make them believe that he is a spiritual elder and there is still vulnerable women with identity crisis and needy who are falling for him sending him love on his facebook communications. His wife Heddi Neale is constantly solicitng for erick , targeting our indigenous youth to attend wisdom elders and youth conference or gathering, also known as 7th annual wisdom keepers gathering at deer mountain. They want our kids to attend and go across the border, they make it sound like it's for youth and that is a healthy affair, but it is another psycho active retreat with freaks from allover. we are trying to warn the parents and also let them know that travel insurance does not cover drug retreats and if they are physically harmed they will not be covered. We do not want to see any more victims and people need to know what has happened .

Right now erick is planning his next stage of attack at blue deer center in ny. I don't know these people but when you look at the sales pitch on erick in their coming events i would highly recommend to whoever is invested in blue deer center to not engage with ercik as he has a master plan to seek and destroy that is relentless. He will be there in april and he is charging $575 for his fire ceremony.

Another note the amounts of peyote give at the retreats here were too abundant and it stimulated and feed the addictions of some of the youth who attended and now they are hooked on peyote and are recruiting youth for ercik the problem with our youth they are still developing their critical thinking and do not know that they are being abused. they also mix their peyote with other drugs which lead to may ambulatory cases here which the doctors couldn't explain until we disclosed to them what was happening. erick makes everyone involved lie and keep secrets to protect his activities.

He puts phobias into them and makes us swear not to discuss the sacred medicines. it's all pretty pathetic but true. sad for many of us who are left wounded wondering what happened, feeling ashamed and embarrassed and helpless to find redress. On the deathbed of the woman who died , a friend of ours told us that her last words were, stop the ceremonies,stop the fires, stop the medicines. it was too late for her to straighten out the damage done to her.3 days after her death, a man died of exposure from a psychotic break given the so called sacred medicines from some one in our community, seems pretty important when people begin to die to warn others sacred medicine shouldn't kill you. erick had a popular theme to all of his intensives, "you will go on a shamanic journey and experience a shamanic death and when you come back you can redesign your life" well it happened parts of us if not all of us died , not recommended if you want to be here to watch your children grow. I want everyone to know that this is criminal and don't be hoodwinked no matter how starved you are for a spiritual journey.It should be common household knowledge that erick and his wife Heddi are no good.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2012, 10:29:45 pm »
What an evil and disgusting man!

I am horrified by how one man can do so much damage to 1st Nations people. 

I did a little digging via google.

He has a website called Earth People's United where he advertises the services of various "wisdom keepers"

according to the site
Tata OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez

OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez, International Coordinator and member of the Great Confederation of the Councils of the Principal Mayan Ajq´ijab´ of Guatemala, was initiated into Native sacred rites over a thirty year period with direct participation, teachings, and guidance from various Native spiritual elders from Mexico, North America, Colombia, Peru, and Guatemala. He has worked with Native Elders and Youth Councils throughout the Americas supporting the work of international sharing and preservation of sacred wisdom teachings since 1979, promoting increased cooperation and unity between diverse communities throughout the world.

OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez was born in Guatemala and moved to the U.S. with his parents when he was 11 years old. In 1978 he was adopted by the Mexiko Teotlkalli Kalpull Koatlkalko and the teacher Tlakaelel and given the name OmeAkaEhekatl in 1978. He was made an Aj Q’ij (Mayan Spiritual Guide and Daykeeper) in 1994 with the Great Confederation of AjQ’ijab of the Original Peoples of Guatemala and received his bundle through the teacher Apolinario Chile Pixtun. In 2005, he was adopted into the Ts’aalth Clan, the five finned killer whale people of the Eagle Clan of the Haida, and given the name Gaada, meaning supernatural light.

Erick is a member and representative of various councils of Indigenous elders, youth, and spiritual guides. His personal healing and ceremonial work can be seen in more depth through Mayan Shamanism.

OmeAkaEhekatl is working to create two models of spiritual land stewardship: one in Guatemala on the shores of Lake Atitlan, and one north of Mt. Shasta in Northern California. These are being created to demonstrate how to live in harmony with and appreciate the natural and spiritual worlds, restore land and create natural food and medicine gardens, and be places for indigenous wisdom keepers to come together to share their wisdom and ceremonies.


the other "wisdom keepers" listed are

Nana Heddi Neale

Marsha Forrest

Medicine Grizzly Bear

Dabassah Guyo

Hua Anwa

Troma Rinpoche

Sweet Medicine Nation

Grandfather Whitewolf

Oshun DeBellay

Julie Tinamait


Here's Gonzalez's FB page

Here's Heddi Neale's FB page

Their mutual friends include

Adam DeArmon (aka Adam Yellowbird)

James Uqualla (plastic shaman friend of the "Sedona Temple")

Medicine Nation (a "wisdom keeper" apparently)

Whitewolf Robert Switzer (the same whitewolf as their "wisdom keeper?)


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2012, 03:32:11 am »
Video (uploaded 2010) Bridging Heaven & Earth Show # 99 with Erick Gonzalez -Promo for Erick starts about 7:56 Interview 13.41

Erick is a Mayan spiritual guide and healer. He was initiated into Native sacred rites over a twenty year period with direct teachings and guidance from various Native spiritual elders from Mexico, the United States, and Guatemala. Erick is a member and representative of various indigenous elders and spiritual guides from many nations.

Video (uploaded 2007) Bridging Heaven & Earth Show # 182 with Erick Gonzalez Interview with Erick starts about 15.01 mark

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2012, 06:13:32 am »
His Nahuatl name translates to Two Reed Wind.

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2012, 04:45:39 pm »
his haida name" gaada " means WHITE ,this is what it is taught to mean in the elementary classes. not "supernatural light" as he claims ( could his name be a result from indian humor?)

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2012, 12:04:04 am »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2012, 07:44:14 pm »
I wrote this email to the Earth Day organizers. Email addresses are here: Wrote to Neale, Gorlin, Low, and Hawk.

Here's my email to them. I urge others to write also, feel free to use my email as a model. With any luck we can get him  pulled. If not we can contact local media and police and urge an investigation since likely he's going to be recruiting students there to come to his workshops and take drugs.


My name is Dr. Al Carroll. I'm a history professor at Northern Virginia Community College, teaching American, American Indian, and Latin American History. I'm also a moderator and volunteer researcher at NAFPS or New Age Frauds Plastic Shamans.

We investigate and put out warnings to the general public about imposters and exploiters who pose as American Indian medicine people for profit, to gain a cult following, or otherwise abuse those with an interest in Native spiritual traditions. More on NAFPS is here at this link.

I'm writing to each of you with strong concerns about one of the presenters at your Earth Day Conference, Erick Gonzalez. We have a thread devoted to research on Gonzalez.

As you can see, Gonzalez is an imposter who poses as a Mayan healer. He is not Mayan at all. A true Mayan would identify which of the several dozen ethnic Mayan groups they are part of, Kiche for example, and likely would also identify by their community.

A further sign of him being an obvious imposter is taking an alleged Native name which is not even Mayan, but Nahua or Aztec, from central Mexico and not Guatemala, and him not even knowing the meaning his allegedly Indian name.

Gonzalez is criollo, Latin American but entirely of white European ancestry. He has no standing or support among Mayans in Guatemala. What he does is sell "pay to pray" ceremonies that he pretends are Mayan to non-Native people in northern California and elsewhere.

A true Native medicine person would not be trying to profit off of Native traditions. They would not go to make money in the US, but would be where they are most needed, among their people. Both his imposture and exploitation of Native traditions are deeply offensive to Native traditionalists and regarded as crass and unspiritual.

In addition you can see at the link that Gonzalez promotes illegal drug use and abuse. His "ceremonies" involve heavy use of amanita muscaria, which is very dangerous, destructive, and illegal.

He also gives out peyote at his "ceremonies". It is illegal to sell, possess, or use peyote, unless one is an enrolled tribal member and a member of the Native American Church (NAC) who use it under very limited controlled circumstances. Gonzalez is neither an enrolled Native nor an NAC member.

Gonzalez is listed as doing a "workshop" at your event:

Is Gonzalez planning to give out or encourage the use of illegal drugs?

How would it look if the media were to receive reports of illegal drug use (or promottion of drug use) going on at a conference at a public university?

Even if he is not planning on handing out drugs, likely he will recruit students to come and take drugs at his "ceremonies."

As you can also see at the link, there are complaints of Gonzalez operating an outright cult or cultlike conditions, of people pressured into giving him all their money or valuables, of dissent not being allowed at gatherings, and of damage done to the health of those at his faux ceremonies.

In the strongest terms I urge you to reconsider having him at your event. Such an exploiter should not be given legitimacy by having his name associated with such a noble cause as Earth Day.

Though it is unfortunately only a short time til your event I am urging other members of NAFPS to contact you. And should Gonzalez be giving out "workshops" at your event and recruiting for his cult, I will do my best to contact local media and law enforcement and urge them to investigate him and any drug sales or abuse he carries out at his workshops.

Thank you for your attention to this matter,

Dr. Al Carroll


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2012, 10:53:38 pm »
I've emailed them, sent out a warning via Twitter, here are some more contact link ideas:

The Mayor of Portland OR is very active with social media including Twitter:!/mayorsamadams

Portland Police also active!/portlandpolice
Portland Police Facebook

The Oregonian newspaper!/oregonian

Portland Tribune!/ThePortlandTrib

(I can't seem to get the Twitter links to work properly, the url needs to be copied and pasted into your browser)

« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 10:59:04 pm by Epiphany »


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2012, 11:15:59 pm »
Portland Oregon went through a lot back in the Rajneesh days, many folks ended up in the hospital there, all of Oregon has already gone through a lot with the cult/drug/crime scene. Hopefully a reporter or two is then more likely to listen to concerns about Erick Gonzalez.

More media contacts:

Portland Mercury



Michelle Brence, Editor
503-412-7059, Fax: 503-294-5023

The Portland team covers City Hall, neighborhoods, schools, Multnomah County government, urban issues and the people, spirit and neighborhoods of Portland. The team also covers Gresham and east Multnomah County and Vancouver.

Portland Tribune

News Jim Redden Reporter 503-546-5131
Jennifer Anderson Reporter 503-546-5138

Peter Korn Reporter 503-546-5136
Steve Law Reporter 503-546-5139

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2012, 01:24:37 am »
i've found these links on the internet so they must be for all of the public to see .i can't help but wonder about the youth that are used to promote his business, are their parents aware of what they are involved in, are they given drugs under the guise of sacred medicines? these sacred medicines are real medivines when used properly,using poison and calling it traditional medicine is a criminal act,
  all of those that promote and support earth peoples united are just as guilty as gonzales and his crew, i hope that the people doingf so will get their critical thinking back and help stop people such as erick gonzales or any other high demand group that makes participants follow what the leader says is good for them (the leaders agenda) ,instead of finding answers that are good and siutable for making themselves well.
 if you or a loved one believe that you were decieved ,manipulated or duped into joining a high demand group such as gonzales's or a psychology,psychotherapy group that is usually newage , reading this link may help you to determine if you have been recruited or someone that you know has been recruited
 this is an online book that anyone can read , a highly recommended read for all those that have concerns and to show that you are not alone and may be a start to get out and get your life back

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2012, 01:59:23 am »
this site is very helpful to understand and help you to recover from high demand groups and spiritual abuse these groups come under many disguised names ,  beware of what is promised and be aware of hidden agendas, ask questions and demand answers from any group you may be thinking of joining.
  this is the online book i meant to add in last post..
  it is a valuable read for anyone that needs help to get their lives back. it shows that what happened to you is real and that you are not alone ..

  the author asks that you submit feedback about book to her...thanx

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2012, 04:08:56 pm »
 andawiify's comment is thruthfull, the devoutees become clones of their leader..