Author Topic: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl  (Read 207795 times)


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #105 on: September 26, 2017, 12:51:32 am »
I asked Erick what the thing was, and he replied, in an offhand manner, “It’s a demon.”  As if demons show up every day, which perhaps they do in his line of work.  I never did get really clear whether it was a single entity or a group. 
So we were sure the thing was there; it only remained to figure out what to do about it.  Erick’s style of healing relied largely on a traditional Mayan fire ceremony (or a fake, made-up Mayan fire ceremony—what do I know?).  He explained the long list of supplies I needed to get in order to do the ceremony.  It wasn’t easy to come up with the dozens of candles in specific colors, the alcohol, the chocolate—and the hundreds of dollars to cover all that and Erick’s fee.  I didn’t feel that I had a choice.  I was in huge trouble and I had to do something to get out of it.  I felt utterly unable to manage this on my own. 
Erick also took a more general look at me, which he called “looking behind my eyes.”  He gazed steadily into my eyes, and I could feel him connecting.  What he said about my life overall was that I was in difficulty because I wanted to succeed in my practice and to help people, but at the same time I wanted to be left alone.  At the time, I was struggling to find enough patients to make a living, and this seemed like a perfect description of my situation. 
Erick had a look at Jeanne, as well, and she left feeling hopeful that he could help her.   Unfortunately, she did not have the resources that I did to put a ceremony together, so the situation was even more difficult for her

I went out to buy a huge pile of supplies for the fire ceremony.  The hardest part was the collection of candles in different prescribed colors; I can’t remember how many colors or how many of each, but it was a lot.  Fortunately, we had a candle store at the mall.  I also had to have chocolate, alcohol, and an egg or two.  I brought extra offerings of moxa and other herbs from my office that I thought might be worth something to Erick.  This was in addition to a few hundred dollars or so for Erick himself.  I was distressed at the large outlay of money on top of everything else, and I didn’t make it clear to my family how much I was spending.

The ceremony was held at the home of one of Erick’s associates, Patricio, on the west side of Albuquerque.

An egg was used to help cleanse my body of the entity.  Erick ran the egg all around me, the way curanderas do for a limpia.  Then he broke it into a jar of water and showed me what he said was the shape of the entity.  I wasn’t sure if I saw what he saw, but everything else was dramatic enough to help my belief along.   

I had to smoke enough tobacco to make me throw up.

Because Jeanne, disabled and unemployed, had essentially no money, I had bought the candles and other materials for her.  When I spoke to Erick later about the outcome, he said that one reason things weren’t going well was that Jeanne wasn’t putting any of her own effort or resources into the deal.  I don’t know if he completely understood how little she had to work with, but he was talking about the spiritual as well as material aspects of the situation.  He said that she didn’t truly want to get rid of the entity, because it made her feel special.

The last I ever heard from Jeanne was a frantic phone call at my house one evening late in 1999.  She was in a cab on the street outside, and she was begging me for help.  I desperately wanted to be able to help, but I knew that there was nothing I could do.  Her problems were way too big for me.  The cab driver spoke with me.  He was thinking of taking her to a hospital, and I told him that that was the best idea I could think of as well.

I know that she wanted to die and had considered suicide many times; she had said that she was too much of a “coward” to actually do it.  Perhaps death was her best option by that time, and perhaps that is what happened eventually.  I suppose that is my hope.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #107 on: January 15, 2018, 12:34:55 am »
This is currently pinned at the top of their Facebook page

So they don't want "criticisms and controversial energies". Fortunately we are all free to continue to criticize.

I wonder if some followers are trying to branch out on their own and Gonzalez hopes to stop this.

The information and content on this page comes from our personal spiritual connection, based on traditional indigenous knowledge and practices. We share this intellectual property to support humanity as we negotiate these changing times. This content is provided to enrich and instruct. Spirit Jaguar and Tat Erick Gonzalez are not responsible for how you receive this content or for what you do with it in your life. Please do not appropriate any teachings, ceremonies or media content from this site and use it as your own. Significant training is necessary to earn the right to carry and share this medicine. Everyone is invited to read, appreciate and be inspired. Questions are welcome. Criticisms and controversial energies are not.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #108 on: July 20, 2021, 02:55:22 am »
James Uqualla (plastic shaman friend of the "Sedona Temple")

And there's Uqualla, a Havasupai exploiter whose been needing his own thread for a long time.

James Uqualla has a thread: