The qoutes below are yours Tachia, and my reply to them.....enjoy

the only reason i posted this was because some of us had been talking about this two-faced thing some of the people in here engage in
Would you provide proof that I have flamed Dr. Al or this board at any time in the last few weeks. If you can not provide evidence of that, then you are either lying or telling half truths.
When I first came to this board about a year ago I greatly admired Dr.Al and his work. Prior to coming to this site I had never even heard of him.
I did debate with him and others about a year ago over some issues, but debates and discussions do not equate to disrespect, hatred, or dislike. Even in my debates with him and others here I learned from him. It was sort of an honor to me when Moma Porcupine in recent times said something to the effect of " how even though she did not agree with, she learned some things from my perspectives." Don't remember her exact words but it was something like that.
When your thread turned into an investigation of Ben, is when I did start to get angry with Dr. Al, and this board. So yes I did say some things on other places in regards to this board, and I am sure he has already seen the majority of what I said since I made no secret about it.
Even in a thread in which I recently showed Dr. Al proof that one of your associates is making threats against me and my safety, there are probably people in that very thread blasting this group and people here. However I do not take responsibility for their words, or actions. If am to be held accountable for the actions of people that I know on myspace, then I can then hold you responsible for the actions of your friends.
So going by your logic in regards to what you wish to blame me for when it comes to any statements or actions done by anyone that calls me a friend, I can then hold you just as responsible for the threats of violence against myself and others, and the racist threats of violence I have seen in emails sent from your friends to mine. If you think that I can not hold you personally responsible for those actions, then neither can you hold me responsible the words and actions of others unless it can be proven I forced them to do it some how, or took part in it.
As for me saying one thing here, and another in other places. Again show proof of where I have said anything bad about this site in recent times. I have already acknowledged being angry with people here, and especially you and your buddies. I have already acknowledged in that anger I have spoke in anger about this place and some of it's members. A lot of that had to do with issues I already feel have been settled between myself and Dr.Al.
What has happened in more recent times is that one of your associates made the exact same threats against me nearly word for word as they did in the past. They made the mistake of doing so in the open, and I provided links to those threats to Dr. Al in private. Dr.Al has since acknowledged he seen those threats. So in my mind my talks to Dr.Al in private cleared my name, and he now understands that I am not coming here being a liar, or ever denying or refusing to speak on my actions like you and your associates have.
I have mentioned on several occasions the threats against myself and others by one of your male associates who is a member of this group. He never acknowledged he did them, but now we have proof he does act in that manner, and that proof came by his own words. You have refused to acknowledge that you have took part in similar threats against other people, and we are currently looking for the evidence to show everyone you have. I have not forgotten the threats you made to that young couple. Both you and your associates like to come to this site and bring up those fights of long ago, always mentioning how I was flaming people and using profanity etc. Funny thing is that neither of you acknowledge you took part in it, or how I was defending friends and loved ones from attacks from people you associate with. The thing with that conflict is that is has nothing to do with what is going on here, and yet you and your friends constantly try and use it as a reference to discredit me. When I mention your part in all of that, you either ignore it, or cry that I am trying to derail things. Yet you think it is fine and dandy to continue to speak of it.
All of these factors lead to me becoming angry and frustrated with this place and I vented elsewhere, and did so to call YOU and your associates on a few things. Since then as I have said before, I have proven my claims of threats and stalking against me, and I do not feel that Dr.Al considers me a liar any longer.
So for the record I will say that I have no problem with Dr.AL, or NAPFS regardless of my opinions of the investigation of Ben and Cat Carnes. If you persist in trying to make it seem differently, then I will go to places you know I have influence over people and endorse this site and Dr. Al, but in that endorsement also let it be known that I feel the investigation has corruption involved in it, and that corruption is not from this site, but by YOU and your associates. Furthermore if I was being "two faced" in my actions, then why would I have spoken openly in anger where everyone here could see it? I hid nothing, and you know how I do speak my mind and always and I were even friends once in day long past.
the thought was to see what others in here had to say, if they saw the same thing etc .. the reason i posted it in here was because this is the thread that "they" have referenced in their "flaming" elsewhere
So for now on every time one of your friends posts something I will make sure to blame you for anything they say.
The flaming you are speaking about I have already acknowledged and spoken about above, and in my first post in this thread. I have given my reasons and taken accountability for my actions, when will you and your associates take accountability for yours without trying to make everyone think you are victims. In my book victims are not people that make threats of violence or stalking even if they have been flamed, those people are
perpetrators we have all seen others do this as well .. from what i can see, the great majority of members in here that do post on other forums, wear the same face no matter where they post .. we were just wondering at those who so obviously do not
If this is so, then why does one of your associates endorse Betsy Ashby aka Guardian who openly flames this site on, accuses Dr.Al and everyone here of being white supremacists,and has targeted one of the women here with numerous personal attacks.
If your friend was wearing the same face, then they would do as I have done and challenge Betsy Ashby on her words against this site and it's members, and let people know what Ashby is saying is nothing but lies. It is in the power of one of your associates to do so, and yet I have seen them do nothing lately but come out endorsing Ashby and her actions.
Oddly enough, your associate is in my opinion, behind your part of the "investigation" you are helping on the Carnes; yet at the same time endorsing somebody who says this site is a white supremacist site.
Does, or would either you or your associate allow a Neo Nazi site to take care of your business, or help in an "investigation" on a native man and his family you were involved in? We both know that answer to that, and so why is your friend endorsing somebody who is making that charge against this site?
I can provide links as evidence to my statements here if you wish to challenge them.
i have absolutely no intention of "engaging" mike in any way whatsoever
Going back at least 3 years both you and one of your associates has continued to use my name in threads, and you have done so to let me know just how much you have violated my privacy. The gaining of my real name has been a tool all of you have using to try and stalk me off the internet. I have spoken to people that have told me that even YOU were trying your hardest to get my personal info simply because I had flamed you.
I have seen both you and other people whine and complain when you
think I might be mentioning the names of one of your family members, even when I had done no such thing. Yet oddly enough all of you continue to try and gain my personal information, and when you get make sure to post it up as much as you can. Hence, why you like to use my real name when I have never gave you permission, having always used nothing but internet screen names
Over the years both you and your associates have tried to accuse me of being a federal agent, a drug addict, a hippie, and a host of other things. Oddly enough by some of the attacks one of your friends has done against me using stalking and other means, you all know that is not true. Still you continue to whine when you
think I might be using personal info of you or your families, but never once has it bothered any of you to dig to gain mine or others.
Good case in point....when you all joined in on a thread on myspace attacking the nativeness of a man because he was a victim of adoption policies that put him in a white home instead of a native one.
One of your associates some time back asked me never to mention somebody in their family, even though they made a thread about them. In exchange for that request they agreed to never mention my personal information on a thread ever again. I kept that promise to them, and yet they still continue to use my personal information gained through stalking, just as you have.
Perhaps since this usage of personal information is okay with you, I should start releasing personal information on you and your families so that you know exactly how that kind of violation feels.
there is no point, as we all know .. .. i will not answer to any of his BS nor will i stoop to his level for any reason
Oh, but of course you won't

You know that engaging in that kind of a conversation would force you to answer to so many of your actions and allegations, and that would put you in a far different light then any of you wish to be seen in on here.
At least in my case, I have always admitted to not being any sort of angel, and that in the course of fighting have done things that I probably should not have. You on the other hand pretend you didn't have any part of it, and pretend to be victims even though many of you tried using threats as a way to intimidate people. All I ever did was flame, or copy paste things up so to use your very own words against you.
he has enough puppets dancing on his strings,
Remember that you have said this, because I am going to use this against you for now on every single time one of your friends says or does something stupid. You are not responsible for their every action, just like you try and hold me responsible for the actions of associated with me.
[Long of very personal remarks and attacks removed.]
Just so you and and your friends know....there is sooooo much I know about that has been going on behind he scenes for such a long time, and a lot of that I know for sure that none of you would want to see put in public. Thing is, once I finally get that permission, trust me I am going to sing like an opera singer about all of those things.
Pretty soon you can all start referring to me as Pavarotti huh ayes