Author Topic: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha  (Read 133100 times)

Dianne Harris

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On a shamainic site in the Fakes in Canada thread I found this about Chulukai Quodosha :

 "Reach higher levels of orgastic intensity and sexual ecstasy; learn breathing techniques including the Firebreath to open to your natural life force rhythms. Balance your feminine and masculine within; gain knowledge of genital anatomy types."

  What the hell is this Chulukai Quodosha (sp?)
  Is it a real thing or is it a load of new age sex for the mentally impotent?
  I read somewhere they actually have live sex in the courses.
 Does anyone know?

[edited to expand title -kpn]
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:34:33 pm by Kathryn »

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2005, 11:12:21 pm »
It's a scam that a scumball named Harley Reagan perpetrated. If you use the search feature, you will find plenty about Harley the pervert Reagan who calls himself "Swiftdeer" and "THunder Strikes".

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2006, 08:23:33 pm »
Yeah, they have sex, but I wouldn't call it sex for pleasure. It's done as a cult mind control technique, getting people to do outrageous things so he can more easily control you.

I protested and handed out flyers outside of one of these. Some of these people do go to these because they can't get laid any other way. Some are couples who naively think it's just a better sex course. And the worst thing is that some are extremely lonely and desperate lost people. There was one poor girl who I swear looked barely 18 and was so shy and timid I honestly believe she went to this just to have someone to talk to.

Basically this cult has people insert objects up the rectum as a group and masturbate anally. Sometimes women wrestle in the nude while men watch and cheer. Sometimes groups of men and women sexually assault one woman. Sometimes men are pressured into sex with a male cult leader. Pretty much whatever they think will break the will of someone. And if they try to get out of it they are told they can't get the thousands of dollars they were charged until they complete the course.

Again, warn anyone you know far far away from this insane cult.

This and the Frauds From Canada threads were both moved to Frauds.

Le Weaponier

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2006, 05:49:44 pm »
Quote:"It's done as a cult mind control technique, getting people to do

outrageous things so he can more easily control you."

Here is a link to one article about the workshops:
Sex secrets of the Phoenix fire woman. By Annie Sprinkle

Best line in the article:
"all the workshops were great, but in 02 actual fucking takes place."

I'd like to know when the Cherokee or any other Native American teachings discovered the word "Chakra" Does she call her self a Phoenix fire woman because she's from Arizona? or does she think it's a reference to the mythical bird?  Would Chicago Fire woman sound as mysterious?
Now if anyone should doubt this article, they should know that the author Annie Sprinkle is a friend or Harley the Pervert and also a porn star.

Anyone but a complete idiot should know that Chuluaqui Quodoushka is

bogus. Any psuedo-religion that uses sex as part of it's curriculum is

guaranteed to be either totally misguided or as in this case a complete scam.

I'd be staying away from these people, they're dangerous and extremly f--ked up I'd also stay away from anyone who had been to one or more of these workshops and still thought they were good. Only a pervert or slut could
enjoy this nonsense.

Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2006, 04:34:19 am »
 So what I get from this is that it's just basically an orgy but everyone pretends it's for self-help?
I read the link you provided, then I looked up Annie Sprinkle and Harley Reagan.
What a pair of pigs!
I did a lot of searching about them on the Internet.
I have since heard that these people have drugged women and had sex witrh them without their knowledge.
They are supposed to also use sex as part of a healing ceremony.
 Another site said something about coercing women into group sex.
Is there no one investigating these people?

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2006, 04:50:39 am »
If you know of someone who was drugged and raped by these creeps, they should bring a lawsuit. The only way to stop this perv is to put him in jail.

Le Weaponnier

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2006, 11:25:28 pm »
Quote:"  They are supposed to also use sex as part of a healing ceremony."

I've heard of this before too. It's the old 'internal massage' gag.  They start with a massage then tell the woman they need to be massaged internally to 'fix' the problem. Then the hand gets replaced by a penis  and you can guess the rest.

It's not restricted to cult groups. It's one of the oldest forms of sexual abuse.
Any time a doctor or healer claims she needs an internal massage, she should get out of there right away, she's in the hands of a sexual predator. She should also report it, as these types will go on to do it to other women and even young girls.

Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2006, 08:50:21 pm »
I found this today, same sort of thing.
Monday, December 12, 2005

Three more women have come forward and accused a Grand Junction massage therapist of sexually assaulting them while he was giving them massages.

Mark Earl Luttrall, 42, was arrested in October after three women accused him of fondling their pelvic area and breasts during massages at the Ancient Arts Healing Therapies he runs out of his home at 923½ Road 23.
Just another pig taking advantage of gullible women. If women don't speak up then it just happens to even more women. At least this guy is getting what he deserves. However too many other so called 'Shamans" are still using sex in ceremonies for theri own perverted pleasure.

People have to realise that anyone using sex as part of a ceremony or healing is just a pervert No real ceremonies involve sex!

I have learned enough now to know that the Chulukai Quodosha has nothing to do with Native American ceremnoies. It's all made up hokum, put together to make money from gullible people.  The techniques they teach may even be harmful in some cases. Not to mention the very very high risk of getting an STD from the others in the course because theres a lot of sexual contact between the students and instructors.

Offline vikinglady

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2006, 09:24:54 pm »
A month ago a New Age healer here in my home town (whom I have met several times) was accused of sexual misconduct during his sessions.  Two women finally got enough courage to come forward, backed up by a friend of mine. However, the District Attorney couldn´t get a case going since both women were to scared to testify in court.

Shortly afterwards one of these women tried to commit suicide and is now in hospital. He messed her up totally! Up till now another 20 women have come forward - still noone who wants to face him in court, though. And this healer guy just carries on like if nothing had happened....! It´s incredible!


Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2006, 09:33:20 pm »
To find out more about this sex workshop try a few variations on the spelling. The most common being Chuluaqui Quodoushka.

Increasingly individuals are turning to 'quodoshka' to explore and come to terms with their sexuality. For some it is an enlightening experience, others find it sordid and are unable to come to terms with the teachings.

'It was OK to start with when we were talking about the healing aspects of sexuality but some of the other exercises made me feel very uncomfortable and it all seemed more seedy than sacred',' said Jackie, 36.

I found it interesting that all the New Age sites promote this as a real teching but on other sites that are not New Age, there's a strong aversion to this.  It's like the New Age sites are all working together to create this false belief in their hokum.


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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2006, 01:31:45 am »
From another post in another thread
The Nuagers Dictionary

"Sacred Sex"- The Nuage way of appeasing guilt over sex by charging gullible people money to do it in the context of a ceremony of dubious origin. Usuallly includes less socially accepted sexual practices like homsexuality/bisexuality, self-sodomy/wanking, and downright deviant practices like chickenhawking/pedophilia.

Le Weaponnier

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2006, 04:26:11 pm »
I just have to ask.

What the hell is 'chickenhawking'?

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2006, 05:16:47 pm »
Grown men going after young teenage boys I think.


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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2006, 06:43:17 pm »
 posted on reseacher needed but perhaps this is the group i was talking about. a friend attended a weekend workshop in MN. a workshop called Pasayan. Does anyone know what this word means?? She said "energy work from the Kundalini" which related to the sexual energy according to yoga and rakie. Anyone know anything about this, all she said is Guru Dece led it but unable to get a real name. She states "I vubrated at a certain harmonious voltage with guru dece. He literally transports me to a new plane. Am now grounded in this wonderful state of's peaceful and serene..blissful..yes, a delicate flavor of bliss comes with these practices. It's my desire to continue to be lead by guru dece."
                                                Joyce A


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Re: Chuluaqui Quodoushka
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2006, 06:34:40 pm »
Quote:"To find out more about this sex workshop try a few variations on the spelling. The most common being Chuluaqui Quodoushka.  "

I did that, but mostly all you get is a bunch of self-supporting Nuage sites all saying the same thing.

You really have to search hard to find out the truth instead.
 The truth is out there, and it's pretty scary. They seem to take great delight in teching people to degrade themselves. I guess people with low self-esteem just eat this stuff up. Normal people wouldn't be bothered.
 You just want to shout to these people:
None of this stuff stands up to proper scientific methods. It's all Nuage Hype.

Sorry for my rant but it's like watching children playing in traffic, you want to yell at them for their own good.