Author Topic: Just what kind of person becomes a newage tantric pornographer?  (Read 5020 times)

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Let's face it, this is a question that many of us here have asked ourselves as we peruse the online evidence of predatory perverts, rapists and assorted newage criminals and their trail of devestated, traumatised victims.

I just discovered a recent news story that throws some light onto the issue.

Luke Irvin Chrisco, aka Skye Oryan, first came to the attention of the cops when it was discovered that he was the man who had been discovered hiding in the tank of a porta-pottty at the Hanuman Yoga Festival in Boulder Colorado.   He later fled the scene covered in human waste and (understandably) was not apprehended at that time.   

He was later arrested for pan-handling and an astute cop realised that the skinny 6'7" man fitted the description of the now notorious "Porta-Potty Peeper".

Turns out that this man aspired to run a newage pornographic website dedicated to "goddesses".  He also offered his services as a tantric escort and porn star as well as pimping his teenage girlfriend.

More here (for those with strong stomachs)