Author Topic: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle  (Read 194117 times)

Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #60 on: March 27, 2013, 01:09:29 pm »
Yes, some of us know all too well the evil these two spin in the name of the Cherokee Nation and Jesus Christ! They will be exposed! They will be exposed!

Offline wolflover

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #61 on: March 27, 2013, 04:47:50 pm »
Roy Glass and Sharon Glass have been lying to people for so many years that they believe their own lies. DO NOT trust these two people. They will con you, steal from you and it will all be done under the  name of Jesus Christ their Lord and Savoir. They better hope that their Lord and Savoir WILL be with them, because when every truth about them is revealed he will be the only one left for them to turn to.

Offline roy glass

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #62 on: March 27, 2013, 10:53:12 pm »
This man is from Buffalo, SC and claims he is a Cherokee Holy man of 3/4 blood. He claims he was born in Tahlequah, OK but records show he was born in South Carolina. He rides into Pow Wows in the Southeast on horseback carrying the Cherokee flag claiming that he is there authorized by the Western Band to represent them. He has scammed a lot of people out of a lot of money. He has claimed to have played the flute on the David Letterman, claimed to be nominated for a Grammy in 2011, claimed to have played with Bill Miller, Mary Youngblood and Robert Mirabal. Has anyone else had dealing with this man?
in response to all first things first . I do not claim to be Cherokee I am Cherokee the pic of my CDIB card that this sight clams to have investigated doesn't say much for the way it is conducted.the post clearly said any time anyone wanted to see it just ask me . Now as far as where I was born I have never said I was born Tahlequah OK once again does not say much for this investigation. Now as far as me riding into powwows on horseback this has never happened I have never rode my horse or any other horse at a powwow. As far as the clam about being on the late show once again get your facts straight I have never been on the late show but was being getting booked to do and I made a public statement saying why I was not going to do the show. Now as far as playing with Bill Miller he was at the veterans powwow and my sons and one of that has put post up here was on that drum as well. We did do a concert and that is that once again this doesn't say much for this sights so called investigation. As far as Mary Youngblood and Robert Mirabal I have never said I played with them but only that I know them. I also know these people that are putting this on hear and why they are . Witch brings me to this point of all this money and people where is it all our events we do are manly for charity and most we do not get any money and for the ones we do we just ask to take care of our expenses  . Now lets get to the part of family . I have two sons and the bottom line is they where with their grand parents when they crossed over they know what is and who they are as well . Our family well its really nobodys business but ours as to the so called geanologist  you should get your facts straight and make sure you have the right Glass be for you try to slam people and once again does not say much for this sight newagefraud reads more like newageslamming so my last words are I don't  care if you hate me I am Christian and will pray for you all


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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #63 on: March 27, 2013, 11:05:33 pm »
Now as far as where I was born I have never said I was born Tahlequah OK


I am cherokee born in OK.

Roy, where were you born in Oklahoma?
« Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 02:01:15 am by Epiphany »

Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #64 on: March 27, 2013, 11:43:18 pm »
It appears this man has bitten off a little more than he can chew! Therefore he will spit out anything he can in hopes to swallow any pride (or false pride) he can find in his scamming carcass!

Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #65 on: March 28, 2013, 12:06:34 am »
Going to a public website and obtaining information that is publicly displayed is stalking... ?  I guess every website on the W.W.W. is being stalked..
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Superdog

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #66 on: March 28, 2013, 12:42:06 am »
Welcome Roy.  Personally I'd like to hear about the Grammy nomination...the Grammy site shows nothing.  What's your response to that?

« Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 12:48:41 am by Superdog »

Offline loudcrow

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #67 on: March 28, 2013, 01:01:13 am »

Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #68 on: March 28, 2013, 01:55:14 am »
Gee. And to think of the many many times I've repeatedly visited a website, staying for long periods of time too.. and then shared something from it and posted the link. I didn't know I was supposed to email the webmaster and tell them the reason for my visit and why I am spending long periods of time looking or reading it.. but then, most realize that's the purpose of having a website. And, if there's something they don't want publicly displayed and shared, then they don't put it out on the net..
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #69 on: March 28, 2013, 01:59:41 am »
Revenge, this is a thread on Roy Spotted Eagle Glass. What can you tell us about Roy?

Have you introduced yourself yet?

Well I could tell you a bunch depending on what you want to know--ask away!
I know Roy's a good man, got his head screwed on right. I've known him for only two years now (maybe three???) but he's been nothing short of a decent human being.

I'll head down to the introductory thread here soon.

Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #70 on: March 28, 2013, 02:00:29 am »

Do you know the definition of stalking?

Pursue or approach stealthily
Harass or persecute (someone) with unwanted and obsessive attention

Do your research.
This "Chikasha" was visiting the pages multiple times a day and staying for long periods of time which is both unwelcome and quite obsessive.

Would you like to see the screenshots instead--screenshots of the visits to Tumblr and DeviantArt including the one I have JUST now. Visit #84 from the same IP address
The same IP address, browser information, latitude and longitude--coming from the very account you're using here.

Having actually been stalked, yes, I know the meaning. Looking up someone's IP address, browser info, and the lat/long of where they live IS stalking. Visiting a website multiple times and staying on it to read it is NOT stalking.

One is personal violation of a person's privacy, the other is making use of a website intentionally put on the internet for public view.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #71 on: March 28, 2013, 02:31:29 am »
Have you got any facts about Mr.Glass and his claims or not? Opinions are just that.

Offline loudcrow

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #72 on: March 28, 2013, 02:36:09 am »
Ok Mr. Internet Guru, are you aware that monitoring someone's online activities and tracing ip addresses is
called cyber stalking? It's illegal. I would cease and desist immediately if I were you. And don't be so sure
the ip address you have is correct. Some of us are using proxy servers  ;D

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #73 on: March 28, 2013, 02:51:27 am »
Mr "revenge" (talk about a pompous nickname) you need to grow up. Stay on topic, show greater emotional maturity than the average 8 year old, and knock off the personal insults and bizarre behavior.

You can still login but temporarily can't post. Contact a moderator and apologize, and you'll be allowed to post.

Mr Glass, there are many questions awaiting you. Try using basic punctuation, it's very difficult to understand you.

Let's all stay on topic and not let one person's immaturity become the focus.

ETA: He/she is now banned, along with their attempted sockpuppets.

Offline ChikashaTruth

  • Posts: 143
Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #74 on: March 28, 2013, 03:30:21 am »
I don't think he will reply, he has no truth to offer. Here is a new post on facebook.

Roy Spotted Eagle: And the fact it is newagefraud is a fraud so don't worry about that ether that is the biggest fraud buster sight I have ever seen
about a minute ago via mobile · Like · 1