General > Research Needed

Are any of these familiar?

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there a guy in the UK going by the name Ady Two Crows
not sure if it the right guy or not but ady is connected to Grizzly Walking Thunder who in turn is connected to Wa-Na-Nee-Che (Lakota/Ojibwa)
plus a few more slowly compiling a list

"Grizzly" claims to be an animal reader. I get this mental picture of him trying to part the fur of a bear to look for letters...and the bear getting annoyed and swatting him.

"Kokopely"? He's using Hopi beliefs but I don't think they have too many bears on Hopiland.

I have no idea what he means by "Red and Black Pipe Bearer". And Im not too surprised he did his own version of a famous racist photo, End of the Trail.

I had started to do a search on this list when I was there - but ran out of time before coming back to the US - My personal favorite was - Kachinas Kutenai - (and I didn't even know the Kutenai had Kachinas)  Seems kinda like setting up a new-age confessional and calling yourself - Most Holy Father Yawah Steinmetz.  But on the good side - If you bring a friend for confession you can get two absolutions for the price of one.

The name made me laugh too. KK claims to be Apache, but uses holy figures from one belief as a name and a tribe from a thousand miles away as another. Like calling yourself Wakantanka Seneca and claiming to be Cherokee. I found a few sites that mention her, mostly as someone Nuage authors point to as a feminist icon to model yourself on. She doesnt have a website or a business that I can tell and does her altmed thing after having a near death experience. She reminds me of Red Elk, an eccentric being used by Nuagers IMO.

Martin High Bear was very respected Lakota man who ran the AIM sundance at Mt. Hood. After his first wife died, a woman named Rose moved in with him to take care of him. At the time of his death, she claimed they were married but many doubt that. She claims to be Athabascan but that is doubted too.


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