Author Topic: Gabriel Cousens  (Read 27123 times)

Offline AlessandroItaly

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Gabriel Cousens
« on: May 22, 2007, 08:04:09 am »
I read that Dr. Cousens is also a Doctor of Divinity (D.D.), a Rebbe who has received rabbinical initiation, a student of Ecstatic Kabbalah since 1986, a certified Senior Essene Teacher in the Kabbalistic tradition, a recognized Yogi, a four-year Sundancer adopted into the Lakota Nation, and the White Buffalo Spirit Dance Chief.????
What this your opinion?
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 11:39:30 am by educatedindian »


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Re: Gabriel Cousens???
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2007, 02:20:42 pm »
My opinion is that nobody could do that many things and get all of them right.  Maybe not even any of them.   :)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Gabriel Cousens???
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2007, 02:46:32 pm »
I'll leave the claims about Judaism, Kabbalah, and yoga to others. His claim to be a Sundance chief and adopted Lakota?

Actually he just set up a Nuage version of a Sundance (strictly for Nuage people) that mixes other beliefs in, a bizarre mix of Nuage pseudo-Lakota with Hinduism and Judaism.

Notice first that this is a site on a Dutch server.
"One World Spirit Dance is the fulfillment of Crazy Horse's vision of all peoples, colors, and nations dancing together for Peace under one tree."

Pretty bizarre claim, since Crazy Horse was best known for defeating whites with military stratgey.

"It is an opportunity to create Peace by Being Peace."

In other words, be passive and don't do anything unless it makes you feel good.

"The One World Spirit Dance, formerly the White Buffalo Spirit Dance,"

No explanation why the name changed.

"is an expression of the White Buffalo Medicine which is a high teaching of the Native American Way"

More generic NDN claims. White Buffalo is not a part of the teachings of MOST tribes.

"that belongs to all peoples, all of the Rainbow Nations upon the Earth."

Spiritual colonialism.

"It is a path of holiness and purification involving vegetarianism, abstinence from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco,"

NDNs have nicknames for vegetarians. "Poor hunters." And abstaining from tobacco?

"The One World Spirit Dance is held in the National Forest behind the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona.  This fifth annual Spirit Dance is sponsored by the Essene Order of Light, a branch of the Tree of Life Foundation.  It is facilitated by Yellow Horse (Rebbe Gabriel Cousens, M.D.).  Yellow Horse is a four-year Sun Dancer, Spirit Dancer, Pipe Carrier, and head of the Horse Clan."

In other words, a Nuage group that has nothing to do with NDNs except distorted versions of some Lakota practices.

"Representing the presence of the Sacred Feminine, Parashakti, serves a Co-facilitator. Jerusalem-born Parashakti is a certified Shamanic Practitioner, Yoga instructor and TranceDance Facilitator in private practice in NYC.  She has apprenticed with the Shoshone and Lakota Indians and has Spirit Danced for four years."

ALL the Shoshone and Lakota? Impressive, meeting tens of thousands.

"The One World Spirit Dance begins with three and one half Preparations Days that are a time of intensive purification for Dancers and Supporters, those who assist with the physical needs of the dance. 
During the Prep Days:
Daily Sunrise and Sunset inipis (sweat lodges)
Daily teachings with Yellow Horse
Daily Mikvah (spiritual purification bath)
Daily Yoga Class
Daily Meditation
Daily work-time to prepare the Dance Circle (Medicine Wheel)
One evening of DanceRitual with Parashakti
Simple organic, vegan, live-food meals provided
Non-smoking environment"

Judaism, yoga, Hindusm, and who knows what.

"In alignment with the White Buffalo Medicine, it is imperative to begin the purification process even before the Preparation Days.  A 40-day period of purification and energy preparation before the Dance helps protect you from detoxing during the ceremony so that everyone's energy will be focused on merging with the Divine."

Is that more Buddhist of Hindu?

"In order to participate in the One World Spirit Dance you are asked to commit to observe the following practices:
For 40 Days before the Dance
Abstain from drug use including: alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, hallucinogenic plant medicine, narcotics, and highly caffeinated substances (i.e., coffee).
Minimize Sexual Activity
In order to preserve one's energy for the Dance in the traditional way, please limit sexual activity to that which occurs within a committed partnership.  It is best to minimize sexual activity, especially ejaculation."

Seems mostly Hindu practices.

"World Peace Meditation: Two times per week, at sunrise or sunset, practice 40 minutes of sitting meditation. At some point in the meditation create an intentional vision of World Peace's Light surrounding the planet, people living in harmony with one another and the planet, etc. This visualization may only last a few minutes.  To greater support the group matrix, those residing in Patagonia have committed to meditating as a group in the Temple on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at sunset."

Know the secret of the Matrix!

"The Spirit Dance itself is a four-day Dance during which Dancers remain in the Dance Circle (Medicine Wheel) except for calls of Nature.  The Dance is a deeply meditative process, stepping to the beat of the drum, becoming the heartbeat of the Earth.  At all times there will be dancing, with dancers rotating to sleep.  During these four days Dancers water fast.  The Dance itself is beyond the process of purification.  It is an invocation of Divine Union."

Actually it sounds cult-like, deliberately exhausting the dancers so their resistance will break down.

"The One World Spirit Dance is a world healing ceremony sponsored by the Essene Order of Light."

The original Essenes were a Jewish cult from before the time of Christ. Don't know about this new group.

"Mitakuye Oyasin
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
Shalom, Shalom, Shalom"

Pseudo Lakota

Offline nemesis

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Re: Gabriel Cousens???
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2012, 11:48:12 am »
His FB page is here

He is FB friends with many people involved with THB networks including

"Baba" Dez Nichols (newage pimp)
Joshua Matthew Duncan (Ashram Shambala recruiter)
Erika Henson (Ashram Shambala recruiter)
Kalki Being Love (real name Kyrie Collins - Ashram Shambala recruiter)
Karen Duncan (Ashram Shambala recruiter)
Eve Glimma ("sacred sexual healer" with dozens of friends involved in THB)

This guy's website and business,  the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia Arizona, are one of a number of apparently dodgy (IMO) entities linked to by a website that appears to be a front for Ashram Shambala.  I am still researching that connection but this guy himself provides a lot of cause for concern even if the AS link is a weak one (which I don't think it is - more on that later).

I have some very serious concerns about this person

his fill bio (completely crazy stuff IMO) is on his website here

I would advise using a proxy server to check it out so C&P here for those who do not have access to a decent proxy

His bio reads as follows (emphasis mine)

Gabriel Cousens M.D., M.D.(H), D.D. (Doctor of Divinity), Diplomate of American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine, Diplomate Ayurveda is considered the leading live-food medical doctors and spiritual nutrition experts in the world, and, is recognized as "the fasting guru and detoxification expert" by the New York Times. He is also a psychiatrist, family therapist, Ayurvedic practitioner, homeopath, acupuncturist, medical researcher, ecological leader, and bestselling author of books such as Spiritual Nutrition, Conscious Eating, Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine, and There Is a Cure for Diabetes.

A cum laude graduate of Amherst College, where he was captain of an undefeated football team, Dr. Cousens was selected as an All New England lineman and one of eleven National Scholar Athletes inducted into the National Football Hall of Fame. He received his M.D. degree from Columbia Medical School in 1969 and completed his psychiatry residency in 1973. Dr. Cousens was the Chief Mental Health Consultant for the Sonoma County Operation Head Start and a consultant for the California State Department of Mental Health. He is listed in the Who’s Who in California, Who’s Who among Top Executives, Strathmore’s Who’s Who, and National Register’s Who’s Who and is a former member of the Board of Trustees of the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA).

A Senior Essene teacher, Reiki Master, and meditation teacher since 1973, Dr. Cousens has presented seminars on many topics including health and nutrition, psycho-spiritual healing, meditation, and spiritual awareness throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. As a spiritual facilitator, Dr. Cousens received much of his training and experience during a seven-year sadhana with Swami Muktananda. In 1981, Swami Prakashananda, Muktananda’s first liberated disciple, recognized him as a “yogi of real spiritual attainment” who has “realized the innate perfection.” Dr. Cousens is recognized as an internationally celebrated spiritual teacher, rabbi and founder of the Essene Order of Light, a yogi of 40 years, and a 4-year Native American Sundancer and Spirit Dance chief in the High Horse Lakota clan, to which he has been adopted. Dr. Cousens' spiritual background involves extensive study and personal experience with the kabbalistic, Essene, Judaic, yogic, and Native American aspects of self-liberation, which have given him a unique, authentic, ecumenical, unified worldview. His many designations attest to a dynamic, eclectic, comprehensive body of practical knowledge that composes his teachings on Whole Person Enlightenment and Holistic Veganism.

Gabriel Cousens, MD has developed the first live-food, vegan Masters program in the world in conjunction with University of Integrated Science California. He is the director and founder of the Tree of Life Foundation and the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, called by Harper’s Magazine, “One of the world’s best 10 yoga and detoxification retreats”. Dr. Cousens has taught about live-foods, spirituality, and diabetes prevention in United States, Israel, Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, Ecuador, North Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Bali, and almost every country in Europe. He is a co-founder of a West African NGO called the West African Rural Health Empowerment Society, and has established health and diabetes prevention programs in Nigeria, Ghana, Mexico, and with farm workers in the U.S. His work in Africa has earned him adoption into the Baika tribe of the Buem traditional area of Ghana, and he has spoken at the University of Ghana’s medical school in Ho.

Gabriel Cousens, M.D. is listed in the "Who’s Who in California", the "Who’s Who Among Top Executives", the "Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals", and "Strathmore’s Who’s Who”. He appears frequently on radio, television, and magazine publications worldwide. Gabriel Cousens is married to Shanti Golds Cousens and has two children and three grandchildren.


Gabriel Cousens received his MD from Columbia Medical School. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine, a Diplomate in Ayurveda, and has also earned a Homeopathic MD. He has over 35 years experience in healing diabetes naturally.

Recognized worldwide as the leading medical authority on live-food nutrition and as a spiritual teacher, he is a holistic physician, psychiatrist, family therapist, international lecturer, medical researcher, green-juice spiritual fasting and detoxification expert, acupuncturist, and the author of the books: There Is A Cure For Diabetes, Spiritual Nutrition, Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine, Depression- Free for Life, Conscious Eating, , Tachyon Energy, and Creating Peace by Being Peace. Gabriel Cousens, MD, has published research in J of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Psychopharmacology, School Health, and J of Orthomolecular Medicine.

Dr. Cousens has practiced yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda for thirty-five years, and is an acupuncturist. He has worked extensively with black communities in central Harlem and the South side of Chicago, as well as Latino community in the Southwest. He has unique and powerful multi-ethno-cultural understanding and background, which he brings to his discussion of holistic healing.

Dr. Cousens has created family-centered teen centers in Boston and in Petaluma. He is the founder of the Petaluma services center, which has a forty year history of integrating about forty different medical and social services in southern Sonoma county. He was the chief mental health consultant for Sonoma county Head Start and the mental health consultant for the state of California. He also taught family therapy dynamics to a variety of groups from Head Start teachers and a 2-year Masters course for PhD students as well as running family therapy psychosomatic seminars at the family practice residency program in Sonoma county.

He regularly speaks on radio, appears on television, and addresses a variety of medical audiences and medical centers on the topics of reversing diabetes naturally, reversing depression naturally, and the biochemical and psychosomatic interface of depression and heart disease. He also speaks nationally and internationally on the importance of live food nutrition and meditation for health.

His adolescent interest in health and medicine led him to construct a heart-lung  from Amherst College, where he published his first scientific paper in Biochemica et Biophysica Acta. Dr. Cousens was captain of an undefeated college football team, and was inducted into the National Football Hall of Fame. He graduated from Columbia Medical School, where he published his second paper in School Health, based on his three year experience living in Central Harlem. There he developed a training program that was accepted in half the schools in Central Harlem and eventually accepted by the N.Y. Department of Health. During his psychiatry residency he taught psychopharmacology to first year residents and published a paper in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. His current focus is speaking at medical schools and to medical audiences in the US and internationally on how to reverse diabetes naturally. He is currently involved in creating a study of 500 type 2 diabetics using the principles of natural healing, diet, and herbs.

Since 1993 Dr. Cousens has been the director of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center and Tree of Life Foundation. He has a program to reverse diabetes in twenty-one days, in which 33% of type 1 diabetics have come off their insulin and have a blood sugar of less than 100. 55% of the varieties of type 2’s have come off all medications and have a blood sugar of less than 100 within twenty-one days.

Gabriel Cousens, MD is married to Shanti Golds Cousens, and is the father of two and a grandfather of two. Gabriel and Shanti share the teaching of a Sacred Relationship Course for couples. The essence of Cousens’ work is establishing programs to help individuals, families, nations, and the planet come into balance and health on all levels.


Dr. Cousens' spiritual path began in 1943 at the age of one, when he faced near death from miliary TB prior to the introduction of antibiotics.  At this time, his older brother was also close to death from rheumatic fever. At the age of 9 he began having explicit visions of white robed ancients in a desert setting.  Neither he nor his parents understood these visions. At the age of 15 his older brother was killed in a car accident. This event served as a spiritual wake-up call.  Gabriel spent hours in silence in his brother’s room for several years.  During this time he created a heart-lung machine which won the Illinois state science fair. His father died when he was 21, and his mother died when he was 33.  He had no teacher to illuminate the mystery of death for him.

When Gabriel received Shaktipat initiation from Swami Muktananda in 1975, and in a direct aperception of the truth, he realized: "There is no death for the Self; only the body dies".  Gabriel then began an eleven year period of intense spiritual lifestyle (sadana) under the guidance of Swamis Muktananda and Prakashananda simultaneously.  Swami Prakashanda was the first person to be acknowledged as liberated by Swami Muktananda in 1969.   Swami Prakaskananda acknowledged Gabriel's liberation in 1981.  Shortly thereafter Swami Muktananda acknowledged Gabriel's liberation just prior to leaving his physical body. In 1983, at the end of a 40-day fast and three days of unbroken nothing awareness, a small voice broke the eternal silence with a whispered message (chasmal); he was now to serve his people of birth.

As a result of that Divine direction, Gabriel entered into a study of the mystical Kabbalistic and Essene aspects of Judaism to realize truth as bitul hayesh, in which the personal I disappears leaving only Hashem (God); all else being the dance of the illusionary matrix.  In 2008 Rabbi Gershon Winkler initiated Gabriel as Rabbi into a lineage that may be traced back to the Bal Shem Tov, the Maggid of Mezerich, and Rabbi Elimelek. Gabriel also explored the mystical Jewish/Native American connection.  He completed four years of traditional Sundance as well as the Eagle Dance in the fourth year. He was adopted into the Lakota High Horse Clan and given the name Yellow Horse. He then became a Spirit Dancer (traditional Ghost Dancer).  He has continued this since 2000.  Gabriel has realized Mitakuye Oyasin as the "unity of the four worlds and the four levels of physical creation and life".

These Kabbalistic/Essene/Judaic, Yogic, and Native American aspects of Self-Liberation have brought Gabriel to a Rama Krishna level of attainment and have given him a unique, authentic, ecumenical, unified world view.  Presently he serves as the Rabbi for the Etz Haim shul; "Rabbi at large"; and an Essene Rabbi bringing Jewish (B’nei Israel) and non-Jewish (B’nei Noach) peoples into unity for the healing of the planet. He has developed a two-year Essene training program for this purpose. As the founder and director of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center and Foundation, Gabriel has combined these three traditions into a way of living which he calls the Six Foundations and Sevenfold Peace.  This is a pre-conditional lifestyle for liberation. Woven into this is his work as the physician leading the planet in living plant source nutrition and the development of natural healing modalities for diabetes and depression. As a family therapist and psychiatrist, he teaches a sacred relations course with his wife Shanti.  He leads spiritual fasting retreats, teaches conscious eating courses, and has developed a Western Jnana Yoga program called Zero Point. He co-created the Kundalini Crises Clinic in 1976 with Dr. Lee Sanella, and is a vehicle for shaktipat transmission at the direction and empowerment of Swami Muktananda. He is considered a master of kundalini as well as a teacher of meditation, prayer, jnana, bakti, karma, and mantra yogas.  Gabriel has been a student of hatha yoga since 1975.

As a part of his world service, Gabriel functions as a live-food vegan peace worker reactivating the prophetic teachings of Genesis 1:29 for the healing of individuals and the planet from the ravages of global weather instabilities such as warming.  In this capacity, he participates in moving the world from the ecologically destructive "Culture of Death" toward the green "Culture of Life". As a husband, father, and grandfather, he supports families on the spiritual path.  In summation, Gabriel is a world teacher, a servant, and an inspiration to thousands for the paradigm of whole person liberation.


the quote in Al's post above mentions

"Representing the presence of the Sacred Feminine, Parashakti, serves a Co-facilitator. Jerusalem-born Parashakti is a certified Shamanic Practitioner, Yoga instructor and TranceDance Facilitator in private practice in NYC.  She has apprenticed with the Shoshone and Lakota Indians and has Spirit Danced for four years."

He has a Parashakti in his FB friends list

Parashakti Sigalit Bat Haim
FB page here
shows that she has many friends involved in the sex industry and in THB including
"Baba" Dez Nichols (newage pimp)
Viryam Robertson (newage pimp based in New Zealand)
Joshua Matthew Duncan (Ashram Shambala recruiter)
Erika Henson (Ashram Shambala recruiter)
Kalki Being Love (real name Kyrie Collins - Ashram Shambala recruiter)
Jade Lotus Tantra (newage brothel linked to the DTMMS)
Eve Glimma ("sacred sexual healer" with dozens of friends involved in THB)
Aadara Tantra Berlin (German newage brothel)
Jaiya Ma (newage sex worker and pornographer)

anyway, I hope you get the point, this woman is clearly involved in the dodgy side of the Goddess spirituality movement. 

« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 12:34:44 pm by nemesis »


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Re: Gabriel Cousens???
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2017, 11:52:31 pm »

In 1998, Charles Levy, 57, booked a flight to Arizona. Levy, an insurance agent, told his family he was in good health and planned to visit the Tree of Life Spa for a time of rejuvenation with a homeopathic doctor.

He looked forward to the live organic vegan diet and spiritual rest described by Dr. Gabriel Cousens, whose Web site promotes him as an M.D. and M.D.h.

Cousens is not eligible for an M.D. license in Arizona because his license was once taken away (but reinstated) in California and remains censured in New York. According to Arizona Medical Board spokesman Roger Downey, that makes a doctor ineligible for an Arizona medical license. If Cousens were a D.O., he would be eligible. But he's not. He's been practicing here as a homeopath for 15 years.

According to court records from a civil suit filed by Levy's family, Levy showed up at Cousens' secluded campus in the green hills of Patagonia, Arizona. He was hoping for a time of physical and spiritual rest. Cousens told him that injections of cow adrenaline and/or sheep DNA could energize his body. Levy agreed to five injections, which aren't a homeopathic treatment but are allowed by Arizona's homeopathic board.

Unfortunately, the injection site — on Levy's right buttock — grew infected, so he went to see Cousens about it. Cousens didn't recommend an antibiotic. Instead, he treated the growing abscess with acupuncture and massage.

The infected area became green and black. It spread down Levy's thigh, and on March 1, 1998, Levy did not wake up in his dorm room at the Tree of Life Spa. Cousens found Levy unconscious and attempted CPR, with no success.

Cousens did not call 911. Instead, he called an air ambulance, and arranged for a helicopter pickup on the football field of a nearby high school.

Cousens and a nurse carried Levy — draped in a bathrobe, bleeding from his mouth and groin — to a car and drove him five minutes to the field.

A Patagonia police officer was driving by the school when he saw Cousens and a number of spa guests gathered around an unclothed body lying on the grass.

Levy's buttock and thigh were black and swollen. His eyes were wide open. He was dead. After the helicopter took the body, Dr. Cousens told the officer that he'd injected Levy with sheep DNA. Later, Cousens contradicted his statement, saying the injection was actually cow hormones.

Whether the injection was cow or sheep didn't matter to Santa Cruz County Medical Examiner Dr. Cynthia Porterfield. She examined Levy's body and ruled that the injection and subsequent infection killed him. Specifically, she found that Levy died from Clostridium perfringens, a bacteria that grows in gas gangrene. During the Civil War, that bacteria claimed thousands of soldiers' lives when it grew in their battle wounds. Modern antibiotics can kill the bacteria easily when used.

"I spoke with him the day before. The next day, I got a phone call that he was gone," Levy's son, Howard, says. "I pretty much haven't recovered since. He was not on any medication, didn't have high blood pressure, or a weight problem. He could go out and run three miles on the boardwalk."

Levy filed a lawsuit against Cousens, and Cousens paid an undisclosed amount to settle the suit after the medical examiner pinned the death directly on him.

The osteopathic medical board also examined the autopsy and ruled that the medical examiner was right to name the injection and infection as the causes of death.

Arizona's homeopathic board is the second chance for doctors who may not deserve one

Offline DontGiveUP

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Re: Gabriel Cousens???
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2019, 02:24:40 pm »
Hello do you know how Gabriel Cousens is connected to Carl Jensen? Carl Jensen, Mark Comings and Denise Attewell (and more) are engaged in defrauding people out of any money that can be achieved, using spirituality as their guise. I have heard Cousens and Jensen are in connection and contact. If this is the case anyone who seeks help from Cousens should be forewarned.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Gabriel Cousens???
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2019, 05:55:22 pm »
His FB page is here

Several links in this thread don't work anymore. Here is an update of his Internet presence.

Adding an 's' (and another 's') to the above FB link yields

This seems to be an inactive account. I found updated stuff here: [FB page]

Internet sites:
In Spanish:

Offline Sparks

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Re: Gabriel Cousens???
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2019, 12:56:22 am »
I found some interesting quotes about Gabriel Cousens elsewhere in the forum (my bolding):

Same website links to Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, Arizona, Gabriel Cousens. He's an educated, MD/Rabbi. Native name: Little Golden Bear of the Yellow Horse Clan. It's a spa, holisitic commune of some kind; they sell expensive packages and sweat lodges.
"To read more about of sacred spiritual services, see the TOL Experiences page and specifically the pictoral Shabbat Ceremony, the Havdallah Ceremony , consciousness-shifting vibrational music & Inipi (Sweat Lodge) pages."

They link to, which has this event advertisement:
**** One World Spirit Dance
March 17-24, 2006
Patagonia, Arizona
For gatekeeping please contact Parashakti: 212 501 3760
"Mitakuye Oyasin"
- To All My Relations
"The Purpose of the One World Spirit Dance is to invoke the forces of the heavens and the Earth to create a synergy of World Peace and to bring upon ourselves the revelation of God's Light."
- Yellow Horse (Rebbe Gabriel Cousens), One World Spirit Dance Chief

He [Gudni Gudnason] gathered a nice crowd of usual suspects, alt-medicine frauds, pseudo-scientists etc:

Cousens – claims he can cure severe diseases with a special diet, founded Nuage religion „Essene Order of Life“.   Has had at least one death occuring due to Cousen's „therapy“ on his premises in Arizona, more fatal cases due to patients relying on Cousen's nutritional recommendations for diabetics:

The Wikipedia article, which has not been mentioned before in this thread, is an interesting read.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Gabriel Cousens???
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2019, 01:39:38 am »
Hello do you know how Gabriel Cousens is connected to Carl Jensen? Carl Jensen, Mark Comings and Denise Attewell (and more) are engaged in defrauding people out of any money that can be achieved, using spirituality as their guise. I have heard Cousens and Jensen are in connection and contact. If this is the case anyone who seeks help from Cousens should be forewarned.

I searched for these names on the Friends list on Gabriel Cousens' three FB profiles that I listed recently, with no hits.

When googling for Cousens and possible connections to and between those other persons I got only three hits, they all go to discussions on Rick Ross' Cult Education Forum. Only one of them links Gabriel Cousens to one Carl Jensen (a very common name BTW). I guess this is where you found the connection, too?

Re: Gabrielle Klonek, Carl Jensen, Mark Comings
Posted by: sat-chit-ananda ()
Date: March 09, 2019 08:39AM

Dr. Gabriel Cousens from The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center is currently in contact with Carl Jensen and Stephen Gold. If you contact Dr. Cousens, he will put you in touch with Carl Jensen in Hong Kong

Denise Attewell is mentioned twice on that page #9. There are a total of ten pages about Gabrielle Klonek, Carl Jensen, Mark Comings; start here:,60599,page=1

See also this discussion about Gabriel Cousens:
[Tree of Life Center Patagonia AZ - New Age Jewish Cult masking as raw food, healing retreat]

Offline Sparks

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Re: Gabriel Cousens
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2019, 04:45:26 am »
I found some sites and articles with quite critical views on Mr. Cousens:

Rip off and scam professionals—Review of Tree of Life Center US—Reviewed October 28, 2016
Rooms are over priced zero star and the extremely over priced medical treatment for diabetics is pathetic. Medical tests done on site were lost and all Dr. Gabriel Cousens did was prescribe almost $4,000 of supplements a MONTH!!!! Their walk does NOT match their flowery talk.
What they advertise is far from reality. Scam artists.
Stay well away from this place! (Many links.)