Author Topic: Clifford Alford  (Read 41766 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Clifford Alford
« on: April 17, 2006, 09:52:24 pm »
The "Cherokee shaman" who used to sell seminars to police depts on how to spot Satanists is now part of the anti immigrant movement.
"The Nativists ? Page 2
AGE: 50
Clifford Alford is a man of many talents (so many, in fact, that his résumé gives him the unusual composite title of "Dr. Sir Chief"), and one of them, he says, is his expertise on the occult. Long before he announced himself as leader of a group he calls New Mexico Border Watch, Alford conducted law enforcement training on Satanism that included advice on how to confront suspected occultists.

In a pamphlet, he warned police officers that even children and senior citizens can attack without warning when under Satan's influence. Therefore, he suggested, when approaching occult criminal
suspects, "always have your holster strap or flap undone and your hand around the grip with your thumb over the hammer."

That's not the only surprising thing Alford has done. Even after he became active in the anti-immigration movement last spring, he retained his membership in the American Civil Liberties Union -- despite the fact that the ACLU was on record as being vigorously opposed to the Minutemen and similar citizens patrol groups. Then Alford ran last June for the board of directors of the ACLU's chapter in his home town of Las Cruces, N.M., and won -- a development that caused national ACLU officials embarrassed by the situation to suspend the entire chapter.

Now, Alford and his followers are promising that they are in it for the long haul. They were patrolling on the border well before the Minutemen and their leader Chris Simcox arrived there in October for
patrols of their own. And they say they'll be there long after Simcox's crew is forgotten, patrolling a 70-mile stretch between Columbus and Sunland Park. In fact, Alford has harsh words for Simcox, who Alford points out "is not almighty God and ... not Grand Prior of the Knights Templar." Alford should know; he is himself a Templar knight.

And Dr. Sir Chief Alford says he's a few other things, too: a Cherokee shaman, ex-felon (no further details offered), Wiccan sorcerer, CIA operative and Reiki master. When he's not busy patrolling the border, Alford teaches classes on personal magnetism, Cherokee knuckle reading and forming your own coven."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2006, 10:30:36 pm »
ACLU Suspends Southern Chapter Over Minuteman Issue
Source: Albuquerque Journal
URL Source:
Published: Jun 21, 2005
Author: Associated Press
The American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico suspended its Las Cruces chapter Monday after learning that a member of the group's board was heading the formation of a Minuteman-style organization in New Mexico.
Gary Mitchell, a Ruidoso attorney and president of the ACLU board of directors, said the suspension of the southern chapter was a technical move to make sure the leader of the New Mexico Minutemen — a spinoff of the controversial civilian border patrol group the Minuteman Project — no longer had authority to act or speak on behalf of the ACLU.
"We will not tolerate racism and vigilantism in the leadership structure of our organization,'' Mitchell said. "They are repugnant to the principles of civil liberties and the mission of the ACLU.''
Clifford Alford is the leader of the New Mexico Minutemen. The phone went unanswered Monday evening at his home in Organ.
Alford has said he's not a hateful vigilante and that he would like to see immigration policy reformed. He has said that if the federal government allowed more immigrant workers to enter the country legally, many problems on the border would be solved.
Alford scouted the New Mexico-Mexico border two weeks ago, looking for sites to station his 42 volunteers to detect illegal immigrants sneaking into the country. His group plans to offer food, water and medical aid but still report the illegal immigrants to the U.S. Border Patrol.
ACLU officials have said they will work to stop Alford's group and the Minuteman Project in New Mexico from taking the law into their own hands.
The southern ACLU chapter has agreed to comply with bylaws, policies and rules of the national ACLU and the New Mexico affiliate, and Mitchell said it's likely the group will be up and running again in a short time.
"Las Cruces has a large number of passionate, committed civil libertarians,'' he said. "The ACLU intends to work with them to protect all people's civil liberties, regardless of their race, national origin or immigration status.''

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2006, 10:47:47 pm »
"Please be advised ...
by Dr. Clifford Alford
Occult Crimes Consultant
6927 N. W. 13th St., Apt. B\
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
In the introduction to his manual, Dr. Alford claims that his credentials include "3.5 years with the Central Intelligence Agency's Tactical Anti-Terrorist Force (TATF). From the contents of his manual and the quality of the "intelligence" therein, I doubt it.
Of all the manuals we have read and/or reviewed, this is the most poorly researched, ill considered, and badly presented example we have encountered.
It begins with a general overview of some major occult religions including Wicca, Voodoo, Satanism, and "the New Age Movement." His knowledge of even the basics of Wicca is limited to material which is taught in a correspondence course of Gavin and Yvonne Frosts "Church and School of Wicca."
Alford makes such sweeping statements as "Most of Wicca's covens in the Western hemi-sphere fall under the authority of the Church and School of Wicca, which is headquartered in New Bern, North Carolina. The world recognized leaders of this religion are GAvin Frost, Ph. D, D. D. and his wife, Yvonne Stone Frost, D.D." Such a statement is patently ridiculous and I'm sure the vast numbers of Gardnerians, Alexandrians, Georgians, Feminist Dianic and other traditions of Wicca would be very interested in hearing this. The above-mentioned traditions, as well as many others which have not been mentioned, are autonomous, fiercely independent, and owe no allegiance whatsoever to the Frosts and their teachings.
Alford also mentions something he calls the Witches Coven Council of America. We assume he is referring to the "Witches International Coven Council of America" which was reportedly responsible for the fraudulent "WICCA letters", derivative of the"Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," a document used to justify persecution of the Jews in the past.
Alford refers to "spiritual warfare" and tells the readers "there is no such thing as a dabbler...To forget this could easily cost you your life."
He advocates a strong mixture of fundamentalist Christianity (not surprising since Dr. Alford was at one time an employee of Vinelife Ministries in Oklahoma City) and paranoia in the worst possible mixture,
Under the heading PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS, we find "I would not be able to survive this type of activity without faith in Jesus Christ. Anyone who takes a stand against the occult eventually begins receiving threats."
Students of this manual are warned that occultists reverse the meaning of what they say, so that their statements should be interpreted in reverse and "what is normally a non-threatening attitude may just as easily be a prelude to a violent confrontation." Under a section entitled CONFRONTING OCCULT RELATED CRIME SUSPECTS, he tells the reader, "When you approach an occult crime suspect always have your holster strap or flap undone and your hand around the grip with your thumb over the hammer ready to draw and fire." Dr. Alford's advice is likely to get someone seriously injured if not killed!
The remainder of the manual is taken up with a list of resources; a reprint of an article entitled "Ritualistic Crime in America, Emerging Nightmare" which appeared in the PFIA Protector in August of 1988, for which he gives no source, leading the reader to believe it is his own work; several lists of items to look for in a search warrant; a list of "known occult groups in Oklahoma", which I presume is his work, and diagrams of "occultic symbols" many of which look like drawings from Heavy Metal album covers.
I find nothing to recommend this manual to our readers. It is poorly researched, badly produced, and full of paranoid suggestions that have no place in the professional manner of a law enforcement officer whose salary is paid for by the tax dollars of ALL citizens. Were I a pagan in Oklahoma who found out that this man had trained MY police department on "occult related crime, I would have some serious questions about the uses to which my tax dollars were put!
Vicki Copeland"

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2006, 11:35:44 pm »
Why do these fake Cherokees hate Mexicans? First Harley Reagan, now this fool.

Trisha's page on Alford.

Exposé by a Wiccan police officer, Charles Ennis, of Alford's rich fantasy life.

The section on Clifford starts halfway down that page. The most germane part, though now evidently out of date what with Alford's move into racist politics, is on the last page:

Alford's latest endeavor, as was mentioned earlier in this article, is his founding of Naturopathic & Shamanic Services, Inc. in 1995. Alford, who certainly appears to be a Caucasian, is now claiming Cherokee ancestry and is currently teaching classes in "indigenous Cherokee Shamanism." [...] This leaves me with the impression that Alford is a chameleon who takes on the appearance of whatever spirituality seems to suit his purpose of the moment.


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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2006, 05:48:28 am »
Wow, even the Yunsai society is dissing him. LMAO. I love it when one group of nuts beat up on another one.

The Yunsai society is run by Pa'Ris'Ha (Patricia) Taylor. That nut who buried a woman in sand during a "ceremony" a few years back. The woman didnt survive.


That's just too funny.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2010, 07:14:33 am »
This man is now selling various new age nonsense and fake Cherokee and Bon rituals under the name of the Naked Shaman

The Naked Shaman is the official public forum of Naturopathic and Shamanic Services, Inc. which is a 501(c)3 Native American Religious Association dedicated to advancing Goddess-oriented spirituality in the world, and assisting both women and men in receiving healing from the abuses of patriarchy, bringing empowerment to all people, and helping the inhabitants of Mother Earth learn to live in Balance with both themselves and all of the rest of Creation.
Naturopathic and Shamanic Services, Inc. was founded by Dr. Sir Clifford Alford, Th.D, DD, MH, S/RMT, in May of 1995 in Tahlequah, OK for the purpose of protecting and reviving indigenous matriarchal shamanic traditions of the Cherokee Tribe and other similar traditions worldwide. Clifford began his training in Cherokee Medicine and Shamanism at the age of five when his grandmother, a Texas Cherokee Medicine Woman, recognized the calling of the Spirits on his life. Clifford apprenticed with her for fourteen years, and with other Asaga Adawehi (Spiritual leaders and Shamans) for another 11 years. During most of this time, all forms of Native American spirituality were illegal so most of his training and experience was gained in secret until the law was changed in August of 1978. Clifford is a member of the Texas Cherokee Nation, one of only three Native nations that have never surrendered to the United States Government, and so still has it's heritage intact.
Clifford has continuously studied a variety of traditions worldwide that are in line with the principals of Cherokee Medicine with special emphasis being given to the study of Tantra and pre-Hindu Tibetan Bon Jhankri Shamanism. Within this framework, Clifford has led the revival of Mahakali Tantra, and the introduction of it here in the United States of America, and is a Reiki Grand Master as well as a Mahakali Tantra Grand Master Teacher. As is done in the Asaga Cherokee tradition, and in Tantra, Clifford works nude because of the power and clarity of vision that it brings. The same is true for all of our apprentices, and you are encouraged to do the same if you work with us, or to wear only loose natural fiber clothing that does not restrict the body in any way.
Clifford is also a Vajra Master in gTummo Mao-Shan, and is pursuing the Mahakala Initiation in Sathya gTummo under the tutelage of the great Indonesian gTummo Master, Dharmasatya Sarvayudhavisarada (Hari Andri Winarso), who is the Founder of Ivanath International.
Here is what we know: There is no problem in this world that cannot be solved if people will listen to the Spirits of Nature. Nor is there any disease that cannot be overcome if people will only seek the highest good of all. If you need help then know that we and our apprentices are here to assist you using methods that have been proven by countless people for over sixty thousand years. We are available to help you, train you, and empower you in every way possible. And, we are available to speak on any subject related to the work we do, and to teach seminars either here in Tulsa, OK or at your location. Contact us today!

It would also appear that he is now operating as a pimp - or at least that's how it looks to me (emphasis in text is mine)

Mahakali Priestess Training
Requirements for those who apply to train to serve in our Mahakali Temples are as follows:
You must be intelligent, dynamic and physically fit and attractive.
You must enjoy doing energy work, healing and teaching, and be willing to go through the process of becoming a Oneness Blessing Giver as well.
You must be willing to commit to three years of apprenticeship in Mahakali Shamanism and Tantra.
You must be willing to wear a red silk sari when in public, and be willing to do your ritual work and healing in the temples nude except for ritual jewelry and symbols of your position.
That being said, you are expected to come to us with an active membership in either The Naturist Society, the American Association for Nude Recreation or the International Nudist Federation, and adhere to their membership ethics and guidelines. Preference will always be given to memberships in The Naturist Society headquartered in Oshkosh, Wisconsin USA.
You must be willing to relocate to a temple as needed, and commit to serve for an additional three years following your training. And...
You must love the Goddess with every fiber of your being, and strive to serve Her at all times in ways that will honor Her.
What you will receive in return:
You will be trained in Mahakali Shamanism and Tantra, receive all of the attunements, initiations and training reflected on the website, and be trained to work with the rituals honoring Mahakali as the Goddess of the Shamans, and to provide Healing, Blessing and Liberation with the Phurba (Ritual Dagger) as well as with the Khatvanga (a shamanic magic wand made from meteoric iron).
Your training will include an education concerning the various Goddesses of the world including Mahakali and Her ten Wisdom Goddess manifestations, Inanna (the Sumerian Queen of Heaven and Earth), Lilith (The Sumerian Dark Mother Goddess who has been much maligned by patriarchy for being unwilling to be subjugated by men), The Goddesses of ancient Egypt, the Goddesses of the Celts, The Goddesses of Tibet, Monolah (the Earth Mother of the Cherokee Tribe, the various Goddess figures of Native America and Africa, Pele Honua Mea (the Hawaiian Goddess of the volcano and fire), various other Goddesses and Quan Yin/Mahakala (the man who has com to embody the fullness of feminine energy and compassion). You will be expected to know each of them, and various rituals and mantras associated with each of them, well enough to teach about them in your temples.
Each temple complex will have both interior and outside temple areas, and living quarters for the unmarried priestesses living there. Any priestess that is married will be expected to live with her family, and guest quarters will be available in case of inclement weather not permitting her to go home after her shift. The temple complex will be supported by land used to grow fruit, berries and nuts as well as a garden having both edible and medicinal herbs, vegetables and flowers. Priestesses will be expected to work in the sun, moonlight and the soil to maintain a strong connection to the spirits of nature as well as to help support the temple.
In as much as is possible, each temple will function autonomously, and each priestess will be expected to fulfill her assigned role under the guidance of the Temple High Priestess. Guidance and limited over site will be given through the headquarters in Ithaca, NY. All temples will function with one basic rule of conduct which states: "An it harm none, do what you will, except in the case of self-defense or the defense of others. To that end, you will also receive ongoing training in self-defense.
Initial applications to join the Mahakali Priestess-hood should be made by applying through the contact form at After that, you will be expected to send a resume, photo, and an essay as to why you should be chosen to serve the Great Mother Goddess in this way. You would do well to begin by reading everything about Mahakali given on our website.
May your lives be filled with Bliss!

Given his ambition to build temples all over the US, all staffed by naked priestesses doing tantric "energy work" in he service f the Goddess (yeah right - heard that before) perhaps it is unsurprising that he publishes information that he claims will help to induce abortions of unwanted pregnancies.  These are DIY abortion methods using acupuncture and herbs.  Personally I am "pro choice" re the abortion debate, however I feel rather disturbed by the fact that a fraudulent shaman and aspiring pimp has such an interest in promoting DIY abortions.

also an interesting article here
AGE: 50

Clifford Alford is a man of many talents (so many, in fact, that his résumé gives him the unusual composite title of “Dr. Sir Chief”), and one of them, he says, is his expertise on the occult. Long before he announced himself as leader of a group he calls New Mexico Border Watch, Alford conducted law enforcement training on Satanism that included advice on how to confront suspected occultists.

In a pamphlet, he warned police officers that even children and senior citizens can attack without warning when under Satan’s influence. Therefore, he suggested, when approaching occult criminal suspects, “always have your holster strap or flap undone and your hand around the grip with your thumb over the hammer.”

That’s not the only surprising thing Alford has done. Even after he became active in the anti-immigration movement last spring, he retained his membership in the American Civil Liberties Union — despite the fact that the ACLU was on record as being vigorously opposed to the Minutemen and similar citizens patrol groups. Then Alford ran last June for the board of directors of the ACLU’s chapter in his home town of Las Cruces, N.M., and won — a development that caused national ACLU officials embarrassed by the situation to suspend the entire chapter.

Now, Alford and his followers are promising that they are in it for the long haul. They were patrolling on the border well before the Minutemen and their leader Chris Simcox arrived there in October for patrols of their own. And they say they’ll be there long after Simcox’s crew is forgotten, patrolling a 70-mile stretch between Columbus and Sunland Park. In fact, Alford has harsh words for Simcox, who Alford points out “is not almighty God and … not Grand Prior of the Knights Templar.” Alford should know; he is himself a Templar knight.

And Dr. Sir Chief Alford says he’s a few other things, too: a Cherokee shaman, ex-felon (no further details offered), Wiccan sorcerer, CIA operative and Reiki master. When he’s not busy patrolling the border, Alford teaches classes on personal magnetism, Cherokee knuckle reading and forming your own coven.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 07:58:12 am by nemesis »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2010, 12:18:52 pm »
This below seems to be practicing medicine without a license. If not illegal, it's certainly unethical and stupid as can be to post how-to- do-an-abortion. Dangerous information not reposted. Some of it was frankly the opposite of widely known information. Douching, for example, makes it more likely a woman will become pregnant.

And at the very end, when informed one herbal treament was illegal, he then goes on to include several others possibly as dangerous. Whose in Oklahoma and can go to the DA to get him prosecuted before he gets someone killed with his stupidity?

While I am personally against abortion for any reasons other than rape, unwilling incest or the health of the mother, I think the current political maneuvering to outlaw abortion for any reason is nothing short of criminal. Therefore, I have decided to write this article in protest of that possibility.
I caution you not to try the abortive techniques on your own unless it is an emergency in which you have no other choice. That emergency will likely only present itself if our currently repressive government forces it upon you. Until then, seek competent health care advice.
In this article, I will cover a way to prevent pregnancy by herbal means, and several different ways to cause an abortion. Some of these will require an acupuncture chart of which many can be found on line. If you pull up one now, and make a copy of it, you will be prepared when the time comes that you need it. Just remember that some acupuncture points are found on both sides of the body....

If this does not end the pregnancy after just a few hours or days then it is the will of the Lords and Ladies of Karma that you have this child, and there is nothing that can prevent it....
Once again, do not use these points without competent supervision by a health care professional unless the laws of a repressive government leave you no other choice. Then, do what you will shall be the whole of the Law.
This information has not been given without careful consideration of the consequences, But, the greater evil would be to not make this information available while it is still legal to do so, and have countless women suffer needlessly, and possibly die, for the lack of it. This writer will now be able to sleep at night, and will not be worried about the antics of the current Congress or about the two members of the two most rabid fundamentalist and patriarchal religions in the world who are currently running for President of the United States.
Last month, we had a bit of herbal fact to share about both birth control and abortion. Since then, I have been informed that the Food and Drug Administration has banned the sale of both American and European Pennyroyal for the very reason that it can be used for these purposes. So, here are a couple of other herbal teas you can use to achieve the same results, and in the same ways....

Offline nemesis

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2010, 04:11:40 pm »
The reason it really concerned me Al, apart from all the good reasons you provide, is that in religious cults where prostitution is advocated as some kind of spiritually enlightening activity, it is very common for women to be pressurised to terminate their pregnancies.  The market for pregnant sex workers is very limited.  

It is also not uncommon for human traffickers and pimps to perform abortions on the women and girls who they consider their property.

Another thing that suggests enslavement to me is are these statements:

Requirements for those who apply to train to serve in our Mahakali Temples are as follows:
You must be intelligent, dynamic and physically fit and attractive.

Unless this is sex work why should attractiveness be relevant?

You must enjoy doing energy work, healing and teaching, and be willing to go through the process of becoming a Oneness Blessing Giver as well.

"Energy work" is a common newage euphemism for massage with a "happy ending".
You must be willing to commit to three years of apprenticeship in Mahakali Shamanism and Tantra.

This sounds like bonded labour / enslavement.  3 years?  Outrageous.
You must be willing to wear a red silk sari when in public, and be willing to do your ritual work and healing in the temples nude except for ritual jewelry and symbols of your position.

That being said, you are expected to come to us with an active membership in either The Naturist Society, the American Association for Nude Recreation or the International Nudist Federation, and adhere to their membership ethics and guidelines. Preference will always be given to memberships in The Naturist Society headquartered in Oshkosh, Wisconsin USA.

The reasons why this is cause for concern are so obvious that I'm not going to bother writing them.
You must be willing to relocate to a temple as needed, and commit to serve for an additional three years following your training. And...

Sounds like bonded labour / trafficking / enslavement to me.

With the DIY abortion advice as the sh*t icing on the cake, it just all looks very, very seriously wrong.

Can it really be true that this horrible man acted as a consultant to the police? If so how on earth did that happen?
« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 04:13:33 pm by nemesis »

Offline Lodro

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2010, 04:29:11 pm »
special emphasis being given to the study of Tantra and pre-Hindu Tibetan Bon Jhankri Shamanism. Within this framework, Clifford has led the revival of Mahakali Tantra, and the introduction of it here in the United States of America, and is a Reiki Grand Master as well as a Mahakali Tantra Grand Master Teacher. As is done in the Asaga Cherokee tradition, and in Tantra, Clifford works nude because of the power and clarity of vision that it brings. The same is true for all of our apprentices, and you are encouraged to do the same if you work with us, or to wear only loose natural fiber clothing that does not restrict the body in any way.
Clifford is also a Vajra Master in gTummo Mao-Shan, and is pursuing the Mahakala Initiation in Sathya gTummo under the tutelage of the great Indonesian gTummo Master, Dharmasatya Sarvayudhavisarada (Hari Andri Winarso), who is the Founder of Ivanath International.

"Tibetan Bon" of course is hard to investigate and verify, yet I doubt whether this man is at all known within Bon circles. Of course he may claim he found some Nepali shaman somewhere. However, all this does not connect with the so-called "Mahakali Tantra", which is a fraudulent practice masquerading as spirituality. That the guru of this tantra should be Indonesian is another case for wonder: it seems to be some sort of Reiki. Here is is site:, of which the purpose is:

Ivanath International founded by Hari Andri Winarso in the end of 2009, dedicated to making available to the public esoteric energy work from all major spiritual traditions. The goal is goal is to assist people in progressing more effectively on their personal spiritual path, and their daily life. Ivanath International offer some great and powerful energy systems based on workshop system.

It looks very much like a Reiki breakaway and that is where the Mahakali comes in: it's a reiki variant.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2010, 05:47:50 pm »
"Herbal Abortion" Tangent:

For safety's sake in case anyone wanders over there looking for that sort of info: Many think herbs are always safer and more "natural" than other medical means, but herbs can kill you when used wrong.

His information concerning Pennyroyal is completely wrong, and shows a total lack of understanding of how toxic herbs work. Lobelia can cause respiratory distress and vomiting even in small quantities. It is criminal that he lists these and other toxic herbs with no safety warnings, and lists them aside other herbs (such as Mullein) which have no abortifacient properties at all.

Pennyroyal is not birth control, and drinking tea regularly will not prevent pregnancy. Pennyroyal, when it works, induces miscarriage by making the pregnant woman's body too toxic and sick to maintain a pregnancy - so miscarriage results. The women I know of who managed to induce a miscarriage with strong Pennyroyal tea/infusion drank massive quantities of it and felt like they were going to die. Before they miscarried they were vomiting and dizzy - showing all the signs of being poisoned, which they were. Another woman, not knowing the other women used tea, ingested Pennyroyal essential oil and did die.

Any herb strong enough to induce miscarriage is usually also strong enough to damage the fetus. So if a woman is willing to risk her life and health by ingesting toxic herbs, she must also be willing to have a medical abortion if it fails, or give birth to a possibly deformed child.

There are websites out there where women post whether or not they did a pregnancy test before attempting herbal abortions, with a variety of herbs. There is also information about vitamins to take right after unsafe sex to make it less likely a fertilized egg will embed in the uterine lining. I do not know if that method is effective. But most of the information circulating in hippie circles (and now among newagers) is anecdotal and from a time before we had home pregnancy tests. Many of the women who say they successfully had "an herbal abortion" were never pregnant in the first place. Among many of the hippie women I knew back in the day, they wouldn't have wanted to know if they were really pregnant.

While it's possible some of these things work, most agree that medical methods - whether it's the morning after pill or a D&C - are far safer. For someone to be advocating that women poison themselves rather than use birth control, or only use condoms some of the time while STDs are rampant, is seriously misogynist. To me it's another sign that the man who wrote that sees women as commodities.

/ end tangent.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:51:40 am by Kathryn »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2010, 06:10:54 pm »

"The Native American Shaman Package courses normally sell for $150.00 USD. By ordering all of these courses together you are receiving them for $120.00 USD."

"The Shamanism Package is pretty much like "basic training" for the Shaman, although there is a lot that is good for those of us who are experienced in the Great Work as well. I enjoyed them immensely, and it occasionally helped renew some connections that I had let slip along the way. The same is true for the first course we offer in this package.
"Most of the remaining courses are from information that was taught to me over the course of the 25 years in which I apprenticed in Asaga Cherokee Medicine. Some of those came into their present form when my current Teacher, Maya Moonshadow, directed me to write some of my own manuals rather than depending upon those of others. It was wonderful advice, and I learned even more about these great spirits of nature in the process.
"Sacred Breath: A Journey of Remembering
I received this attunement from a healer named Audra Dinino, and it was a wonderfully nostalgic energetic trip! A large part of the process of apprenticeship in the Asaga medicine Society was involved in making alliances with the spirits of nature, and that is what this course is all about. In the medicine society that meant alliances with over 280 different spiritual entities in 13 different realms, 7 dimensions, 28 sub-dimensions, and the 9 regions of the Underworld. This course gives you a great start on that process, and originally came with one attunement.
"In the medicine society we also went through 4 initiations and 7 vision quests. The initiations were as follows:"

read more

[emphasis added]
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:52:39 am by Kathryn »

Offline Julia

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2010, 06:32:22 pm »
I'm still reeling from the "Dr Sir Chief" bit.  It's easy enough to get a PhD from a diploma mill or pass yourself off as a chief, but where did he get his knighthood?!  :o

Offline Laurel

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2010, 07:55:18 pm »
Dr. Sir Chief reminds me of a fellow whose photo I saw in a zine/paper called The Pan Indian [Something] many years ago......"Lord Coyote Herne."


Offline Saga

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2010, 05:39:31 am »
"Sacred Breath: A Journey of Remembering
I received this attunement from a healer named Audra Dinino, and it was a wonderfully nostalgic energetic trip! A large part of the process of apprenticeship in the Asaga medicine Society was involved in making alliances with the spirits of nature, and that is what this course is all about. In the medicine society that meant alliances with over 280 different spiritual entities in 13 different realms, 7 dimensions, 28 sub-dimensions, and the 9 regions of the Underworld. This course gives you a great start on that process, and originally came with one attunement

It seems to me that more complicated you make things, better it sells to some people... my bells start ringing when things are added in too big doses. Nature spirits... sure... But the rest of it is just telling me "I am trying to make this look big so it sells".

Didn't want to quote much since I don't have much else to say than "Unhealthy"...

And @ Julia, I was wondering the same thing... maybe Queen has special division of knights who wear something yellow inside their helmets (or heads more likely) or something. (bad joke, I know :))

Offline Light Priestess

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Re: Clifford Alford
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2011, 04:00:59 am »
Thank you for having something like this up.

This Clifford Alford I find is a fake. I have been in and around supernatural and psychic abilities for a long time and know how to spot frauds. This man recently came onto my website forum and started abusing people, he even drove off one of my spiritual administrators, she was that upset, she left the site. After that he got hold of my email somehow and has been very abusive, negative, projecting anger, arrogance and making lots of empty threats. He has started a group together who were also at some stage sending me threats, hatemail and other things, passing around lies and false gossip every other day, he has even tried to get my site shut down and also have me banned from facebook. I do not beleive for a second he has all the connections he says he does as his vibrations are very low and I had to, in the end, short of hiring a solicitor to sue him for defamation, had to contact Archangels Micheal and Metatron to get him to stop his loathesome campaign. He is a nasty person and a fraud and I will not support him and its a shame that 'so called' lightworkers like him would turn around and harrass innocent people like myself who have done nothing to him or to any of his so called other low vibrational friends, I only hope one day he can learn that continuing to beat a dead horse is useless and that he should let the poor thing rest in peace and get over his greif at being exposed for what he is and return back to the light someday.

So it was a godsend for me to find this forum and discover that Mr Alford is indeed a fake. I do not write this as a vindication of his or my own actions, this is just a statement I wanted to make and to thank the people of this forum for having information like this around.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 01:09:04 am by Light Priestess »