Author Topic: Chris Long AKA Wahehe Yuha Maniktelo, Andrea Long & Buffalo Goddess Society  (Read 39530 times)


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Christopher Long has been practicing palmistry for over 20 years. His readings come from a background of intense study and memorization that still continues. Versed in all major systems, he has learned to actually interpret the lines and signs of the hand. By combining various forms of palmistry, Christopher can accurately pinpoint all of the major events of one's life. He can also describe why they occurred. He is able to make such accurate predictions because sometimes we are karmically obligated to act out particular things. Most people will agree that they have never heard a more accurate and in depth personal description of their life character. A great addition for parties, events, fundraisers, and all celebrations! Christopher is also available for workshops, lectures, mail order readings, and group readings.

Are you unable to see Christopher in person but interested in receiving a reading?

Simply scan your palm or send a digital image of your palm, face, moles, or other areas that you would like to know more about. Readings may be recorded and sent through email, put on a disc, or taped.

Have you ever wondered what it means to have a certain mole or birth mark? Did you ever think that the shape of your nose could actually mean something? Perhaps you have a picture of someone you think you would like to get to know a little better.

From his 2008 site

Currently, both Chris and Andrea Long list their relationship status on Facebook  as "separated".

Also uploaded here is a copy of their waiver and release form.

Offline educatedindian

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The couple are selling peyote ceremony, vision quests, and "tipi ceremonies."

The Singing Stone <>
Subject: Fwd: All Night Prayer Ceremony March 31st, 2017

The Singing Stone Community, 
....This will be a Peyote Ceremony, more details below. Please let me know if you would like to attend by RSVP. I know it is a bit short notice but we'd love to pray with you if you are able to make it. It has been awhile and will be the next time that Chris Long will be able to lead a ceremony since he will be traveling. The next scheduled Peyote Ceremony (All Night Prayer) is scheduled for May 25th and will be led by me. More details about that and vision quest to come. See you soon!
- Andrea Long

 All Night Prayer Ceremony March 31st April 1st 7pm Sunrise to Sunset

Join The Singing Stone for our first 2017 Tipi Ceremony taking place in Crestone, Colorado....
- A tobacco offering is presented to the Roadman (Chris Long), this is traditionally a new, unopened package of tobacco. You are also welcome to offer new pouches, rolled tobacco or cloth bags of tobacco to the Fire Keeper, Cedar Person, Drummer and Door Person.
- It's nice to Dress Up as you feel you would like to be seen by our Creator. Ladies will need to wear a long skirt, and usually bring to use. Men usually wear long pants and a nice shirt. In this Ceremony we dress modestly and also want to bring extra layers as nights tend to be chilly here in Colorado....
- Suggested donation for this Ceremony is $50 to $100.
We do not turn those away who are in need.
Monetary is the most helpful form of donation. If you are unable to make this kind of donation, we would need to be contacted 1 week prior to the ceremony to decide upon the most appropriate exchange.
If you would like to donate in the form of cash, you may make a donation to our Paypal account.
We would like to make a friendly reminder to everyone that we prefer organic foods but welcome all food contributions. Visiting local food banks sometimes is a great way to share....
R.S.V.P. at read more about this ceremony visit our website: Peyote Ceremony Details

You are invited to visit Buffalo Goddess Facebook Shop Page, my new online creation. As I am increasingly traveling to various locations offering ceremonies, I figured why not support artists from different areas birthing new and amazing manifestations of Spirit....

This will include a Store with clothing, jewelry, herbs, artwork, drums, digital downloads, and other sacred adornments. Also available on this site are Divine Feminine Teachings, Travel Blog, Prayer Requests, and much, much more. Updates about Ceremonies and events taking place at home in Crestone, Colorado as well as at other locations will be available. Keep checking in!

Offline DCBirtch

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I apologize for my seeming ignorance, but....what the heck is a "Buffalo Goddess"???  I had no idea that there even was such a thing....perhaps these people are smoking/drinking/eating way too much peyote???  :P

Offline educatedindian

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Andrea Long is still offering ceremony for sale and for "donations" and falsely claiming to be NAC. For Nuagers in CO.

Sweats in the wealthy city of Boulder.

In the twinkie capital of UK, Glastonbury.

Tourists in MX.

Tourists in Costa Rica. Mangled mix of faux Lakota, faux Hinduism, yoga, and taking yage, for $2000 each.

Happy to say we are the first link listed in searches for "Andrea Long" shaman and 3 of the top ten in searches for "Andrea Long" goddess.


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This is quite the claim they make concerning their peyote ceremonies:

If you suffer from Schizophrenia you can expect a safe episode free experience.

Here is an archived version of one of their past websites:


Unfortunately Andrea Long now has their daughter doing events and ceremonies with her.

Offline cdoggg

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Re: Chris Long AKA Wahehe Yuha Maniktelo, Andrea Long & Buffalo Goddess Society
« Reply #35 on: September 10, 2017, 08:30:10 pm »
I am glad you have this guy on here.  I had a friend who had learned a song from the old site and I teased my friend beacuse I said "you sing it like a white guy" haha.  He has since learned to sing properly. 

 After reading about Chris Long on here I checked out his site again and I saw he was selling:

I told some other friends about it who had met him and they were upset.  I havent been in Colorado since 2000, but I remember being driven to a ceremony in southern Colorado around 1994-1995.  I believe it was these guys, but they didn't sing back then.  Thats why we were driven down there.  Never went back.


Offline JodiKay

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Here is the link to their godundme

Offline educatedindian

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You can write a complaint to GoFundMe here.

Here's what I sent. Anyone is welcome to use it as a model.


The group is NOT part of the Native American Church nor traditional. NAC is only American Indians enrolled with registered tribes. All members of this are white outsiders. One of its two leaders Andrea Long is a white pagan imposter. The other Chris Long is English ancestry with unproven claims of Choctaw ancestry while teaching New Age ideas about an unrelated tribe, the Lakota.

They also use illegal drugs in their fake ceremonies, the real reason for their existence, both ayahuasca and marijuana. The real NAC has condemned these imposters and their drug use posing as ceremony.

By sponsoring drug users posing as a church, GoFundMe leaves itself open to legal and liability issues.

More on these imposters at