Author Topic: Eccentric Lady Here  (Read 16065 times)

Eccentric Lady

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Eccentric Lady Here
« on: January 09, 2011, 05:04:26 am »
I chose the name Eccentric Lady since many call me Eccentric ;D

I consider myself a bit of an eccentric and a wanderer. I think of myself as a free-spirited spiritual wanderer who enjoys learning about different religions, spiritualities, races, cultures and customs. Also love learning about gemstones and crystals and have a variety that I care for in various forms from natural to polished and even carved that I enjoy meditation with; (I have quite a few gemstone and crystal skull carvings too) ;D. I like creating healing and love energy grids with the gemstones and crystals too.

I love reading anything I can learn from, gardening, knitting, and crochet.

People and years trying to "fit in" with the right group has always been challenge for me. I never felt quite right or comfortable. Always like a stranger looking in. I actually prefer the company of animals and critters like lizards and frogs as well as the wonderful birds like Crows and Ravens than most people. Ever since I can remember I felt I understood the wildlife better than humans. Maybe because with animals they have no ego to block their true feelings like people who can be fakes. At least with regards to animals you know pretty much right away where you stand in their eyes.

In the life that I have lived so far; I have learned that regardless of where we humans are upon Mother Earth, we all have the same needs of food, shelter and clothing as well as the need for love and acceptance.

I also have learned there are many who care not for others and will use them with blatant disregard just for financial and/or ego gain.

I live in the United States..born and raised in Southern California.

Well, guess that is enough boredom for now I will share more in time. :)

Nice to be here and I look forward to the learning.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 10:32:21 am by Eccentric Lady »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2011, 06:46:02 am »
Crystal Message:

"This video is in response to Little Grandmother's urgent message on the wearing of crystals to unite her community of followers. The photographs contained in this video are from various quartz mines around the globe, including those that consider themselves to be environmentally, ethically and morally responsible.

"To others who use crystals for spiritual and aesthetic purposes, please pay attention :) "
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:29:10 am by Kathryn »

Eccentric Lady

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Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2011, 08:49:51 am »
Posted by: Kathryn
Insert Quote
Crystal Message:

"This video is in response to Little Grandmother's urgent message on the wearing of crystals to unite her community of followers. The photographs contained in this video are from various quartz mines around the globe, including those that consider themselves to be environmentally, ethically and morally responsible.

"To others who use crystals for spiritual and aesthetic purposes, please pay attention  "

Hmm, not a very nice welcome.

Wouldn't it have been nice to simply say hello and welcome
and create a topic about gemstones and crystals and/or direct me to such a topic if already posted?

Well, I was told by a few people that this was a friendly place to post but I must have been mislead or misunderstood.

Truly sad how most people truly are. Reason I prefer animals, birds, lizards and other critters, wild and free at that over humans.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:29:49 am by Kathryn »

Offline Peasant

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Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2011, 09:24:41 am »
Welcome to the forums Eccentric Lady, hope you'll have a good time here and that you can find the information you're looking for :)

Offline nemesis

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Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2011, 09:36:57 am »
Posted by: Kathryn
Insert Quote
Crystal Message:

"This video is in response to Little Grandmother's urgent message on the wearing of crystals to unite her community of followers. The photographs contained in this video are from various quartz mines around the globe, including those that consider themselves to be environmentally, ethically and morally responsible.

"To others who use crystals for spiritual and aesthetic purposes, please pay attention  "

Hmm, not a very nice welcome.

Wouldn't it have been nice to simply say hello and welcome
and create a topic about gemstones and crystals and/or direct me to such a topic if already posted?

Well, I was told by a few people that this was a friendly place to post but I must have been mislead or misunderstood.

Truly sad how most people truly are. Reason I prefer animals, birds, lizards and other critters, wild and free at that over humans.

I think that you are failing to understand the reason why this forum exists.

There are plenty of internet forums that exist for people to be "nice" to each other and chat about trivia related to their lives.

This forum is not primarily about being "nice" because the subject matter we deal with here is anything other than "nice". 

This forum exists to expose newage frauds and criminals and along with that the ridiculous, dangerous and just plain silly practices that they advocate.

One example of such ridiculous practices, that has received a lot of attention and discussion here, is that of collecting crystals and investing such a practice with spirchul relevance, whereas in fact such practices merely harm the earth via environmentally catastrophic mining and various other sinister practices such as bonded and child labour.  In addition to this the fraud Kiesha Crowther has been advocating all kinds of insane practices involving crystals recently and there is a collective sense of dismay here about how many newage people buy the whole crystal thing and are oblivious to the harm caused by the crystal industry.

If you had actually bothered to spend some time reading the posts of the board you would have realised that starting a thread here all about yourself and your love of crystals is not of a good way to say hello.  You could probably compare it with, say, going to a PETA meeting wearing a fur coat.

When a respected poster like Kathryn points you in the direction of some material you need to read to start to understand your faux pas, the sensitive / respectful response would be to say thank you and go and read the material she suggests and go and consider it with an open mind and then come back to post your considered thoughts.  Throwing your toys out of the pram, insulting Kathryn and demonstrating a massive sense of entitlement is just digging yourself further into a hole.

I don't think that anyone here expects perfection from any other poster and we all make mistakes, myself included, but so far you have really not presented yourself very well. 

I would suggest that before posting again you read some recommended threads for new posters as this will help you to understand the how it works here
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:30:52 am by Kathryn »

Eccentric Lady

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Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2011, 09:38:34 am »
Thank you Crescent.

Eccentric Lady

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Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2011, 09:58:49 am »
I have been working with the gemstone and crystals for many many years, ever since I can remember. Since this is not on a separate topic but my intro page I may as well respond.

BEFORE I became aware of the problems of mining operations I adopted (bought) and was gifted many variety of stones. Ever since I was a child as far back as I recall I preferred the stones gifted to me by relatives or found lying on the ground to silly plastic dolls.

Now, as I grew older and I became aware of mining and destruction of the earth I no longer purchased (adopted) the gemstones or crystals.

It amazes me that people just love to assume they know a person well enough with just a few first words to be critical before they are given a chance to truly know them. That would be like me going into a reservation, hearing a few words and suddenly I know the people. Not going to happen but unfortunately people can be that way obviously. Just because I said I work with crystals and gemstones does not mean I am NOT AWARE of the inherent mining problems.

By the way, read my reply regarding Crowther; I can't stand the woman she looks drugged as do many of her followers. Another opinion of mine for I do not know if she nor her followers do drugs. For anyone that calls themselves "Spiritual Elder, Shaman, Etc." of the many titles and lofty names I tend to run from, shun, ignore. People of true substance need not have any fancy names to themselves and are humble and as mentioned on this here site, certainly do not advertise and charge hefty fees or any fees for that matter.

Back to the mining and destruction of the land...

 It is a terrible shame, and reminds me of farmers that farm tobacco and herbs and then tear the plants apart and kill them for their selfish uses such as smoking them or creating their "snake oil" concoctions while telling the world it is their right. Selling their concoctions making people feel they are getting a great deal all at the expense of the land. Not very environmentally ethical at all in my opinion. And then there are those who hunt and kill deer, elk, bear, seal, other animals as though it makes them a man (or woman) and brag as though it is their right of passage. Not speaking of those who have to hunt for food since no markets for them to drive to if they live on an island or are in a large snow storm and they need to survive. I am speaking of sport hunters and those who do not use the whole animal with utmost respect for the spirit.
 It is all ego and greed and is very sad indeed.

Many human beings are the most violent of all creatures; again just my opinion. Reason why I prefer the company of the animals and all critters over most humans.

Offline Saga

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Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2011, 10:29:41 am »
Welcome. :)

Think all the people EVERYWHERE have some prejudices against people from different background... So misunderstandings are always possible. This place IS a little "culture shock" tho, when being in love and lighty places before. ;p

What I like in this forum, even tho it is necessarily about being nice, is that people here seem to be usually more honest than in some other places in any case. And doing a good job cutting some lies off. :)

Offline earthw7

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Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2011, 03:14:08 pm »
Welcome to the form My real name is TaMakawastewin
I go by earthw7 because it is easier, I am Lakota and Dakota
I live on my reservation. I am very honored that this
form exists because for so many years our ways have
been abuse and misinformed about like the use of
crystals and other Gem stones, as native people we
do not allow these things in our ceremonies.
It is a joke among us that those crazy new ager will believe anything
This is a good form but it is stright forward to the point.
As a Native person we have been nice and see what happens we have people
stealing and misusing our beliefs and corrupting them
So welcome and i hope you take the time to learn about my people
In Spirit

Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2011, 04:55:51 pm »

It amazes me that people just love to assume they know a person well enough with just a few first words to be critical before they are given a chance to truly know them.

No offense, but objectively speaking here, you did the same with Kathryn and the board.

Anyway, I love rocks too.  And animals.  And plants.
I was vegetarian until I realized killing plants isn't any more or less than killing animals.
We have to kill to survive. But we have choice in how we approach this, to honor and
respect those born who support us, or to think oursevles so special that they don't matter
except on the dinner table. Selfish and ego is the way of most of this world.

Digging up rocks whether crystal or not, and removing them from Earth, may not kill the rock
but it does displace it from where it's meant to be and damages the Earth that carries it. I
don't want any "gfits" like that.

I have to eat so I have to eat. But I don't need rocks to survive, and I love them too much
to hurt them in that way, so I leave them be now. I didn't use to and so I have a nice
collection, many are just everyday rocks, and many are crystal rocks, mostly unpolished as I've
always preferred the natural rock. I would put them back, but I don't know where they go so
I just keep them and let them be.

As to my first comment, you did what you were accusing Kathryn of.  Kathryn was giving
you information. It's what you asked for isn't it? In your first post? Sometimes what we
believe others are doing is really what we are doing. Because of this, I think that it's
important to pause before reaction, and check ones self. Especially when meeting new
people. New people aren't always going to be what is expected due to our beliefs from
prior experience. A little talking helps dispel any doubts. As you will see in the forum as
new frauds come to light who the people here are unsure of. They sometimes post here,
disguised as caring folk, but a little talking routs them out pretty quick.

But everyone jumps to conclusions, my self included. It happens. Again, a little talking
sorts this out fairly quickly.

I hope you will take some time to read posts and get a better feel of the community
and people here.

Be well.

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Eccentric Lady

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Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2011, 05:40:31 pm »
I wish to offer my sincere apologies to Kathryn and anyone else I may have offended. I felt the need to "defend myself" from early judgement but still, could have expressed myself better.

Like I said, never been very good with the humans; better with animals. No excuse I know and I will try to keep typing fingers in check before I jump.

One thing I have never ever done is dig up rocks. Finding them on the ground in open when very young, or as I said, gifted them or adopting them " buying" before I knew about the mining issues. Again, I have been aware of the greed and earth destruction for a long time so stopped adopting "buying" them. I too am unable to just fly to wherever they came from to return them for most I have no idea where they are from. As for moving rocks from place to place, isn't this done during particular ceremonies? I could be mistaken but recall reading something years ago about particular ceremonies and the placement of rocks into a circle or something?

Regarding the gemstones and crystals are already in my care, what suggestions are there for their care? I guess working with them and doing what I have ever since I was a small child before I could even speak by arranging them in various ways and just sitting and holding them while in quiet space is wrong then? Not trying to be snide or rude just trying to understand. So since I already have them what should I do with them?

« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:28:28 am by Kathryn »

Offline Freija

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Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2011, 05:49:59 pm »
Welcome to the board, Eccentric :)
I am Annika from Sweden.

I have never been attracted to crystals or gems, I love the very plainlooking stones that noone else would notice. I have a few of them on my windowsill....from Sahara, Loch Lomond, Vesuvius, Rocky Mountains and other places that are special to me.

But rocks are very important to me. Descended from the place of one of the largest spiritual centers in Europe 3000 years ago, I treasure the rocks where my ancestors communicated with gods and godesses, leaving secret messages behind. And that - for me - is the most beautiful rockart you can ever find, left in its natural environment and protected for future generations.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2011, 05:55:57 pm »
Eccentric Lady

I think it reflects well on you that you are able to reflect and to apologise.

We all make mistakes and feel defensive sometimes.

Regarding your crystals, I don't think that this is the place for people to advise you regarding such things.

As you are new to the boards you probably did not realise, but people here do not give advice about any spiritual matters.  

This is especially so when the issues being discusses have long been associated with newage frauds, as is the case with crystals, crystals skulls, etc.

It sounds as though your experiences with crystals have some personal meaning for you that is specific to you and the answer to your question probably lies within yourself.

Welcome to the boards :)

Eccentric Lady

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Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2011, 06:08:19 pm »
Thank you nemesis.

 I will read more and please do read my first comments I made here when I signed on under the Crowther topics. I never cared for her in the least, nor anyone else that has come along making far out, wild claims of being Shaman, medicine people, Ascended Masters, etc. The fancier the title the further I pull away. I am still learning as always and like to know who to "watch out" for so am grateful for the site and the information shared regarding fakes.

Blessings for a wonderful day

Offline nemesis

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Re: Eccentric Lady Here
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2011, 06:25:10 pm »
Eccentric Lady

I did read your posts about Crowther and it is always good to have allies against frauds and appropriators.

Just a thought - bonding with a new group is always difficult.  In my experience it can be tempting to bond over shared enemies while at the same time making a kind of covert agreement to avoiding examining our own flaws and foibles.  This is something I have done myself in the past and I do not think it is the best foundation for good relationships and friendships.

The commitment to look at ourselves in the mirror and to check ourselves for flaws is the minimum requirement for good, long lasting relationships IMO.

It is my belief that it is only by gazing repeatedly into that mirror of our own souls, with an attitude of ruthless scrutiny and humility, that we become beings able to have meaningful relationships with other human beings. 

I think you apology was an important step and demonstrated that a friendship with other here has a chance to develop over time.

I wish you well and look forward to getting to know you :)