Author Topic: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman  (Read 56047 times)

Offline Hapechi Wea

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Leah Sampson is claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman and she channels the Intergalactic Grandmothers Council 
and supports something called the Great Turtle Island Federation///

This is a copy from her  Facebook page...
I am Clan Mother Standing White Buffalo from the Great Turtle Island Federation, Anishinabe Soto Muscowpetung

The prophecy of Buffalo Calf Woman Woman has been fulfilled for let it be known to the people that I am Buffalo Calf Woman.

Today the Grandmothers woke me with this message and asked me to send it out. Please forward it, as quickly as possible to our people in the Idle No More Movement so that we reach as many people as possible. 

Offline Laurel

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from above FB page:

...the town formerly known as Okotoks is in my Country now. Anishinabe Soto Country, Muscowpetung area. I have to define my borders, once I receive my official citizenship identification, I'm taking over and restructuring. No more chemicals, GMO's no chlorine or fluride in the water, hemp, salvia and toacco are legal - alcohol is ILLEGAL.

She recommends smoking all three of those last substances around children so they can inhale the "harmless" secondhand smoke. She also discusses chemtrails, gray aliens, a NWO, the delusion that we can somehow let nothing "man-made" touch us, colon cleanses, and naturally she's's a cornucopia of scary-crazy.   :-\ Also...

Idle No More needs more drums--- White Buffalo Calf Woman is calling for MORE DRUMS!

What an ego!

Offline educatedindian

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Her page is already down or hidden.

Here's the Great Turtle Island Federation, but we don't know if she's a member or just supports them.

Note there was a group with a similar name and claims, their site is now down.

No sign online of that "Intergalactic Grandmothers Council". I did see some Nuage mentions of a Galactic GM's Council.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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I think this makes at least a dozen people who have now claimed to be WBCW, each of them crazier than the last.

Interesting how none of them that I'm aware of are Lakota, or even NDN. I didn't see the Leah Sampson pages before they were down, but would I be right in guessing that, like all the others, she's a white newager?


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White Buffalo Calf Woman - Sunday, December 30, 2012

The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers requests that Circle Dances happen across the nation in each village, town, and city at their New Year Eve Celebrations.

All colours and creeds are to participate in the Circle Dance, Bring drums of all kinds, all sacred instruments, signs about every corrupt thing the government did to the human holding the sign. Now is the time to show the world that humans of Turtle Island are done with the old system and that we are BRINGING IN A NEW ONE.

Now is the time to carry the Idle No More wave into 2013 and bring awareness across the globe that it is the beginning of the upheaval of governments across the scattered pieces of Turtle Island as humans unite as one.

Mayan relatives were correct! The end of the world has happened and more humans are waking up every day!

Your future can be glorious if you UNITE!

Above a recent post from her FB page. Along with:

And I lost my pipe today.... I will be back in another lifetime to retrieve it. They are the keeper of the pipe for my next return.

Good example of

Offline AnnOminous

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She is in need of some geography lessons too.  Okotoks is in south central Alberta....Blackfoot Country.  Anishinabe Soto [sic] Country is in south central Saskatchewan.  But accuracy, legitimacy and credibility are obviously mere inconveniences. >:(

Offline earthw7

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ok i should of never read this :(
Forgive me for what i say BUT>>>>>>>>>>
Only the Lakota have the White Buffalo Calf Pipe woman and she is not coming back as a woman but a buffalo
and not as a white woman, Anishinabe are Chippewa what are they doing with our story.
Then is has taken our movement Idle No More and think she has the right to call us to come.
This is not what this is about we are fighting for our lives not these fakes to fill their pocket with money
It hurts my heart that these people are out there, they do so much damage to the Native people
In Spirit

Offline earthw7

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I check out her facebook page something is wrong with this woman
In Spirit

Offline debbieredbear

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I also wonder about this. I wonder especially why so many white women seem to think THEY are WBCW. It seems so egotistical and arrogant to claim to be a holy person. There was a local couple, who are Indian, but kinda con artist types. Neither are Lakota and I won't name their tribes. They had a young daughter, around 12, and they started alluding to her being WBCW. The woman's own sister said "How can you tell?" And the woman said "Well LOOK at HER!! You can TELL!!" And all of these rich white people were running around talking about the little holy woman. Excuse me, this is a child, I wanted to scream. But they would not have heard me. They saw what they wanted to see. Sadly, the young girl became a drug addict at 14 and a mother at 15. And I blame her idiot parents.

One white woman I know was asking me about what a certain bird meant to Indians and I said, "what does it matter to you? You are not from a tribe. It should be What does the bird mean to YOU."

Ok, rant is over. I am just tired of these people running around claiming things like this.

Offline earthw7

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what i dont understand is the White Buffalo Calf woman is a Dakota/Lakota story not any other tribe
then it is a buffalo that comes back not a woman, and why would we have this person come back as white
person who knows nothing about our culture, it is like people running around say they are Jesus.
In Spirit

Offline debbieredbear

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I have tried to tell that to friends. That she came only to your people and not to everyone. That this is a specific prophecy for one group of people. Not the world as a whole. They do not get that. I think when that first calf was born, people got really caught up in it. And sometimes they cannot see beyond the end of their own noses.

Offline AnnOminous

  • Posts: 99
Here's the latest from this crack-pot from her facebook page at  (emphasis mine)

THE END OF THE WORLD HAPPENED December 21, 2012 as predicted by Mayans.
The Answer to resolve the Human Condition
Any individual ANYWHERE in the world can obtain SOVEREIGNTY and be recognized as a person who wanders the globe.

I come back WHITE as White Buffalo Calf Woman for a REASON. Lakota Sundance Chief and Medicine Man David Swallow, Jr. explains the white buffalo, “It has come to speak to you…and it’s telling you something here…you have to listen It’s not an Indian thing; it’s for humanity.”

The Great Turtle Island Federation Peace Mission has been established to quite literally... save EVERYONE's assets.
This began as a Grassroots Movement in 1986 and they are IDLE NO MORE for it began repatriating the United States of America region with the first repatriation on October 20, 2002.

What many don’t know is that EARTH is really called TURTLE ISLAND and a Government has been formed called The Great Turtle Island Federation, which represents ALL people that live on it. Peace talks have already begun with the United Nations as to how we can unite together as one culture, one people.

You were once free and were tricked by the Trickster, Satan, Lucifer, Evil Forces call it what you may. What happened is that the vast majority signed away your life, or made a Deal with the Devil, which is a company that calls themselves a “Country” named as Canada, USA, Mexico, Jamaica, Haiti etc and you have unknowingly re-sided to live in within this companies rules and regulations even agreeing to pay them taxes of which 60% goes to the Crown Queen’s coffers at the Palace and 40% of it stays here. That’s not a country at all - that’s a dictatorship. This Deal you Made with The Devil, is being RESTORED, if you side with the Source of Creation, Source of the Three Sons.

These companies are the one running the TOP of the Illuminati Pyramid. The head of the Beast is the Crown Queen and the branches of Lucifer are the businesses called “Countries”. They have been constantly branching out with goals of more money, more money, more money and conducting a very toxic business on the lands that we live on and we all know what they’re doing is wrong.
How do we stop it? UNIFICATION

You can be from any area on the globe, Turtle Island, to join, you just need to be a person who wants to change their life for the better and is willing to live by The Great Law, want to help restore Mother Earth, live in peace and happiness which is EXACTLY what the SOURCE wants for you. You can be Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jainist, Jewish, Native American, Shinto, Sikh, Sufi, Tibetan, or Zoroastrian, it doesn’t matter, you just need to be a person who wants to be unbound from the ties that restrict you.

The Great Turtle Island Federation Warrior Law as per the Warriors’ Hand Book - Karoniaktajen

“The Great Law has definite functions for the War Chief and his men (Warrior Society). They are charged with the protection, defense and welfare of the people. These duties may take many forms. Keeping the peace, teaching, public speaking, repossessing lost lands and human rights; and work of all useful kinds to promote the welfare of the people. Upholding the Great Law results in Peace – Righteousness – Power a noble work entrusted to the care of the Warrior Society.”

If you’re willing to uphold these laws, you will receive new internationally accepted identification acknowledging your allegiance to the global world, the Great Turtle Island Federation. This identification will assist everyone with Customs, TSA, cashing checks, renting cars, boarding planes, etc.

This identifies you with the ULTIMATE HUMAN RIGHTS as a person of the planet that is called Turtle Island. You are free to walk the globe and will have identification to prove where you come from, The Great Turtle Island Federation.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, that’s how the Creator restores the Earth every time and I’m always the Messenger.

The Great Turtle Island Federation is legitimate as it currently has a Convention before the United Nations (similar to the "Geneva Convention") and will have 7-13 Representatives that will travel the United Nations in the near future.

As with this awful system of paperwork, there are administration costs, IT’S STILL GRASSROOTS with costs for identification, phones, legal council, travel, licensing, certified copies and that cost right now is $150 for adult and $50 for children.

Now what about those that can’t afford the costs? Wouldn’t the world be a nicer place if those that had extra money would donate a bit so that those that don’t have money would be able to achieve freedom & sovereignty too? That’s how the Great Law works. Please, if you have anything extra to donate, please consider an uncorrupt charity like, as they are the non-profit organization that is supporting this World Peace Mission. has also stepped up to the plate and will also help the people to re-identify without having to use a Canadian SIN #/ US Social Security Number / Mexican #/s etc, as this is one of the problems that the Federation has encountered, otherwise it is a case of identity theft and theft by deception (People-Land Rights) Etc.

The Royal Pro and the Treaty of Ghent, Article 9 will assist with getting the Police to understand your rights. More will be shared on this later.

Now please – I ask you to share this with your friends, your neighbors, and the world, the reds, the whites, the yellows and the browns.

The Source of the Three Sons said that he would always be there for the people, the aboriginals were Keepers of the Land for a reason and it is time to UNITE the WORLD - please kindly spread the word.

These are the forms you will need to fill out and email

On a personal level, the things that have happened to me blow my mind, but I know who I am and I’d like to share it with you.

My white name was Leah Christine Sampson, I was Canadian but now am with the Great Turtle Island Federation. On July 10, 2012 I was finally acknowledged by the Government of Canada as aboriginal and was registered under the Indian Act as a Bill C-3 Gender Equality Act Treaty Indian HOWEVER I have renounced my ties and citizenship to Canada last week and re-patriated with the Great Turtle Island Federation. I am now SOVERIGN and there are many other aboriginals in the USA & Canada regions that have fought for sovereignty themselves. There are areas in Kelowna that have remained sovereign forever, and thankfully posted YouTube videos like this one:

Many do not believe that it is I, White Buffalo Calf Woman and I pray that your eyes have been opened or at least receptive to what I have to sing, for THIS IS MY SONG.

I am Aboriginal; we all are from somewhere here on Turtle Island. I am also a SOURCE of LIGHT and practice what I preach. I have an Indian Drum, and unfortunately sold my Jamaican drums when times got tough. I smudge regularly and I pray quite a bit for I thank our SOURCE all the time for what He brings into my life, whether it is good or bad. I know now that it all happens for a reason and now I have learned to just hand my life over to the SOURCE and go with the flow. What I did unknown to me at the time was to tap into the Network of Light that is enveloping the planet creating awareness on all levels.

I have been baptized three times, Roman Catholic, First Assembly, and lastly Apostolic Arc Pentecostal on Christmas Day 2011. I baptized my son, Strong Warrior, formerly known as Andre Jr. with sweet grass dipped in distilled, blessed water. I meditate and now have a temple in my house with all my Sacred Gifts, which I began doing after visiting Kim’s Nails and asking about her Chinese religion and the temple she had set up in her store. I practice Feng Shui, and placed a temple in the center of my home. It has Buddha, a cross, a running fountain, incense, crystals, my token stones, other earth stones, a medicine wheel, my medicine pouch, 52 Inspiration Cards from Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, and a candle burner that I fill with distilled water and few drops of different essential oils. I have been doing this for over a year now.

I have taken a bit of everything from every culture I’ve ever come across and implemented what I felt were the parts that I was missing into my own life. I do morning prayers every morning when I open the blinds, I eat raw organic fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds, nuts, berries and drink distilled water, I try to get outside in the sun as much as possible.

I smoke my pipe filled with sage, cannabis and tobacco and wear Vibram Five Finger shoes when I’m not wearing my moccasins. I learned about sustainable building, hemp, water issues, oil issues (Big Oil), mass-farming and groceries (Big Agriculture). I learned about Big Banks when I had to file Bankruptcy. I understand Big Pharma because I had two sick kids and also myself with chronic pain, migraines and fibromyalgia. I used prescription drugs to combat the pain for 31 years with the pain only getting worse, not better. I now practice homeopathy, acupuncture, Feldenkrais Methods, Yoga, physiotherapy. If I could afford it I’d get acupuncture, Reiki, massage therapy and chiropractic care too. I now understand a lot more ast o what harms the body and what heals it. I have walked the path and started healing my family first. It’s our food, our environment, it’s what we let happen to ourselves by voluntarily ingesting, inhaling and injecting stuff into our light bodies.

I had a Medical Marijuana license for Fibromyalgia with the Government of Canada and by December 21, 2012 my vaporizer broke and had figured out the conspiracy on the Tobacco industry (tobacco does not cause cancer, the filter, paper and treatment of the tobacco does) so I started smoking again. So many things have been switched around to defeat us and that helped my eyes open up even further.

I started putting these things in my pipe: organic sage, Government of Canada issued cannabis and raw tobacco from Tsuu T’ina Nation. I can’t find Salvia Divinorium because it’s illegal, so we can be sure that it’s good for us.

I was later told by the SOURCE that these sacred herbs are special because THEY are the HOLY GHOST that you INVITE into your body.

That’s why my legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman brings a Sacred Pipe grasp the stem with your right hand and the bowl with your left and pray to the Creator for the Holy Spirit, you become one with the earth again and connect. I can only explain it as it’s like plugging into His Source programming and getting all your content uploaded. The sun does this also. I was also intent on setting up a sweat lodge earlier in December in my back yard well before I found out about who White Buffalo Calf Woman truly was and in turn made a bathroom one after I purchased a shower head water filter (to filter out the chlorine) so I too now partake in long sweats every night.

I understand that chemicals are killing us as I use natural, organic products and essential oils for cleaning, baking soda, vinegar and essential oils I have discovered work better. I don’t wear perfume, make up, I try to wear organic natural fibers.

I started composting, reducing, reusing, buying second hand clothes and items, there is SO MUCH WASTE. I got a juicer for $3, and switched my son to natural juices, his distended belly due to an enlarged spleen. I’ve also been praying while touching him, learned about “priory” from attending my church, of which most of the time I’m the only whitish colored one. I wear a hat because that is respectful to the culture.

I understand what has happened to us a bit better through the teachings of Roger Bezanis, Kevin Trudeau, Eckhart Tolle, The Dali Lama, Ghandi, Wika, Aura’s and Light. I’m learning new stuff every day.

I learned many things when I stopped watching traditional cable television and started using the internet to watch documentaries and exchanged information with friends and discussed ideas of how to beat the system in place.

The greatest gift has been talking to people. I was tight for money and rented a room in my house and I met some wonderful people. I have done Hindu morning prayers with East Indian renters here on work visa’s and I’ve welcomed people with criminal records, I understand the system and how it works. Kevin & Shaun were aboriginal twins who were brutally traumatized in foster care. I listened to their pain and supported them through their journey while I went through mine, only to later have my own children apprehended. I have walked the path my friends. It took a lot of work, praying and understanding of the human condition to get where I have. A very nice gentleman named Joe from New Zealand who stayed here and I shared Sheesha and conversation with him when he wasn’t on the Pro Rodeo circuit.

I understand what many call the New World Order or the Illuminati, for this is the Iron Horse, Satan, Lucifer, the Trickster, sorry I do not know the names that all religions refer to the dark forces as or I would list them, but they are REAL and are responsible for the negative aspects happening in the world. I understand SuperStorms, Drones, Chemtrails, GMO’s, BPA’s and BPB’s, the Bluebeam Project and mind control that is happening on television and the media outlets, and know that there are devices that that beam thoughts into your head. I have not seen a UFO yet but I know that they’re out there as I had another renter named Joan, an amazing chef and her friend who saw them all the time. They had have even seen them transform, and described several beings to me. I thought they were crazy, but I listened and did not judge. Joan led me too look into crop circles and other alien beings. I know that they are indeed there and in time I will see them too. She also led me to Eckhardt Tolle who taught me that my Ego is Satan, and that I indeed was correct in my feeling that there indeed was Hell on Earth and were walking in it every day. He showed me out to stop Suicidal Ideology and be peaceful and in the moment, he taught me how to stop the thoughts, go with the flow and be at peace with myself.

I now also know that we are not the only planet in the world and are what is referred to as the Dark Star.

I am the merely a Messenger, a person who struggled to find my way and then a few days ago I find out that I am indeed who I say I am for I know I have had past lives.

I sobbed when I watched a documentary on Jesus’ Crucifixion it greatly disturbed me. I know from my therapy and Eckhardt that when an emotion rises it is unresolved issues coming to the surface that need to be addressed if you want to heal and help yourself.

What I know is that the Rapture happened on December 21, 2012 as per the prophesized for the end of the Age / World as predicted by the Mayans. The sun reaches a point where it does not move for 3 days (3 days dead), and then begins moving again and in 7 days from the 25th to midnight on the 1st of January are the days in which I received all of the information on how to restore the Earth and on January 1st. (12 Days of Christ Mass). We celebrate New Year’s Eve because it’s a celebration of the beginning of the Age that is carried forward every calendar year. We just began the Age of Aquarius and have started another 26,000 year cycle, so the Bible is being re-written for the Age of Aquarius. This means that John the Baptist and all of the other Figures in the Bible are walking around out there right now too, we’ve all been bodies of light that keep returning when the physical body dies and explains all the other Prophecies that have been fulfilled.

What I have gone through has been a very difficult birthing, but it was necessary to be who I am today, Akasha, Jesus Christ and many other names that I have reappeared as every 26,000 years at the beginning of every Age as predicted by the Mayans December 21, 2012 preciously on the Equinox it was the end of the Age of Pisces and we are now into the Age of Aquarius, the Water Bearer. I now know that we have past lives and that we are eternal beings of light, Spirit Science exists.

I have experienced reincarnation, and can confirm that it is indeed real and what death, rebirth and seeing the light is really like, for that’s the true birthing process.

So – write it down, in 26,000 years another rapture will happen and we’ll all return again to help restore the planet. The Aboriginals once again predict it.

I too wondered how Jesus Christ was going to reappear again, maybe a space ship? I honestly didn’t know how it would happen but now I do. This explains why Jesus suddenly was declared the Son of God at the age of 30; I always wondered how that worked and why Jesus didn’t know all his life that he was Jesus Christ.

First I was told to get back to my roots, change my name to my middle name Christine, then later my Facebook name to Standing White Buffalo and I was told to remember who I was and where I came from. I then stumbled upon Chief Arvol Looking Horse speaking about White Buffalo Calf Woman about six months ago and thought to myself, “Cool”.

I kept doing my thing, using my vaporizer, with just cannabis, doing my sweats, started improving my diet, lost more weight. Never did I think that I was Akasha, until December 21, 2012. I cannot explain the exhilaration I felt from the 25th to the 31st. I even forgot to help a friend out at her store, I was in a trance with ideas filling my head in a massive download on how we are to restore the world and why, it was what I would explain as a true paradigm shift.

I participated in an IDLE NO MORE Round Dance in Down Town Calgary on New Year’s Eve, it was something I just felt I needed to do. I took a sage stick and smudged praying for each and every one of them. I spoke with people, offered my guidance; police told me that the smudge was offensive so we agreed that I could do the outer edge. I had people come up to me and ask me if I could smudge them, and so I did. It was an AWESOME night, even if they turned up the music while we pounded our drums.

I’ve walked a mile in your moccasins and I feel your pain. I too figure new things out everyday as I walk the path that is laid out before me.

So please, please dear hearts hear my pure love ? message and heartfelt words and understand that we have all endured a lot of hardship and that it is going to get better but we must unit if we are going to rebuild TOGETHER.

I'm here to help guide people as to the way SOURCE wants it done. He wants Eden restored and tells me that I am to UNITE the people and help them live healthier, happier lives with this gift that he has given us, a do over. We are supposed to live long healthy happy lives and will if we follow his ways.

There are greater plans for Eden and Heaven on Earth. He has shared with me the ways that we must go in order to achieve that, we will be moving to sustainable living, organic farming, raw organic food, animal rights, no banks, no more mass-farming, and where righteousness is restored upon the planet as promised all the things that have been wrong can now be restored if you take the power back.

We have homeless people, aboriginals with poor housing and those people are to receive the empty houses now sitting vacant, to do this you must register with The Great Turtle Island Federation and enact the “Seizing lost lands clause”.

People will uphold the law and help each other out. Prisoners and the critically ill need homeopathy, natural treatments, not prescription drugs and confinement. They need therapy for emotional trauma, a diet change and a lifestyle change. We need to get the best organic raw food there first and get some therapy for them instead of treating them like animals, we are especially to respect our Elders and care for them at home, not in Nursing Homes, again trapped as caged animals.

Parents will get Parenting School on learning how to become better parents, children will be educated by Clan Mothers, those that love to teach. Not caged like animals with a nose in a textbook. Schools will be on survivalist skills, exercise, spiritualism, love, caring, understanding and nurturing all the things that we know that we now need. The future is going to get nasty, nuclear fall out and all and we must prepare our future generations for it.

We will talk to all religions and figure out what is corrupt and what isn’t and implement those UNITED teachings world wide for the greater good of mankind.

Greenhouses and open fields of heritage seeds, hemp, tobacco, sage, healing herbs and organic food will replace grocery stores; people will trade products they produce for services of others. We will put the seeds in the pyramids for they are our fertilizer and what the Egytions left for their future generations. Our sacred places are sacred, why? We need to share the information with everyone and the IDLE NO MORE movement truly is an aboriginal movement and was prophesized to bring about change in the world.

The Creator wants crops of sustainable heritage seed plants and building material like hemp and bamboo saving our trees from deforestation. He wants us to stop desecrating the land and to start respecting it. No more pipelines, mass transportation and oil, no more unnecessary torture to our animals. We will be moving into the direction of free energy and we will come together regardless of our race, religion or creed for the betterment of mankind but the key is that we have to do it TOGETHER, UNITED and EQUAL.

We all did this to ourselves and it’s time that we all figure out how we’re going to right the world again, these are the Creator’s instructions.

There is much that I have to share with you as I am honored to be the one who’s here on behalf of our Creator.

These are the Age of Aquarius’ 10 Commandments

1. Treat Turtle Island and all that dwell theron with respect
2. Remain close to the Great Spirit
3. Show great respect for your fellow beings
4. Work together for the benefit of all humankind
5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
6. Do what you know to be right
7. Look after the well-being of mind and body
8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good
9. Be truthful and honest at all times
10. Take full responsibility for your actions

Nvwatohiyadv = ? Peace To All Our Relations
Great Turtle Island Federation
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Offline AnnOminous

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I found a toll free number for the Muscowpetung First Nation
Band Administration Office:  1-866-848-4747.

I'm sure they would be interested in knowing that Leah Sampson is not only claiming status with the Muscowpetung First Nation, but also that this Nation will be overtaking Indian Country.  I wonder if they are aware that their Nation of less than 300 people is planning to over take vast portions of Canada/US because of one woman's delusions of being White Buffalo Calf Woman, formerly Jesus Christ????

Perhaps you would like to phone them and ask if she is operating with their knowledge, consent and approval.

Offline earthw7

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what is wrong with people this woman is high on drugs, she has mixed so many things up that nothing makes sense.
In Spirit


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She's running a version of the Sovereign Citizens Movement

The strange subculture of the sovereign citizens movement, whose adherents hold truly bizarre, complex antigovernment beliefs, has been growing at a fast pace since the late 2000s. Sovereigns believe that they — not judges, juries, law enforcement or elected officials — get to decide which laws to obey and which to ignore, and they don't think they should have to pay taxes. Sovereigns are clogging up the courts with indecipherable filings and when cornered, many of them lash out in rage, frustration and, in the most extreme cases, acts of deadly violence, usually directed against government officials