Author Topic: Daniel Foor  (Read 46504 times)

Online Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Daniel Foor
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2020, 02:18:03 am »
On November 30, 2020, Daniel Foor posted a statement on his website regarding the Open Letter Regarding Daniel Foor & Ancestral Medicine published October 19, 2020.

That statement is here:

That statement is extensively quoted and commented on in this response:

Full text here:

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Daniel Foor
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2020, 02:17:03 pm »
No matter what Foor's treatment of associates and followers, he definitely is falsely claiming to teach Native and other ways for cash, mixed with Nuage gibberish, originally trained by frauds that pose as traditional elders.

...Additional resources on epigenetics and Chinese ancestral traditions

...Additional resources on Mexican and Central American traditions

...Additional resources on West African and African-American wisdoms

...Additional resources on Buryat Mongol tradition and shamanism

...Additional resources on Yoruba traditions and cyclic time

...Additional resources on Native traditions and ancestors of place

...Additional resources on European and North African revival traditions

Daniel has trained with teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and diverse Indigenous paths, including the older ways of his English, Irish, and German ancestors. He is a student of Yoruba culture and makes regular pilgrimages to work with elders in West Africa as an initiate (?m? awo) of Ifá, ?bàtálá, ???un, and Egúngún in the lineage of Olúwo Fálolú Adésànyà Awoyadé from Òdè R??m?.

Please. That's about as credible as claiming to be a doctor in a dozen different specializations. "I'm a heart, brain, plastic, and eye surgeon, and I'll train you to be one too for a couple hundred bucks."


Offline ekhalfin

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Re: Daniel Foor
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2020, 06:19:40 am »
Absolutely. This is very clear.

This appropriation and colonialism and obscuration feels connected to mistreating his associates and followers.

It's a multi-faceted expression of the same kind of narcissistic, unethical behavior.

Online Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Daniel Foor
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2020, 08:42:21 am »
Daniel Foor's website also has a Facebook presence:

As has Daniel Foor himself:

Online Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Daniel Foor
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2022, 01:11:31 am »
Daniel Foor in new thread: [Animist Arts]:

… Dare Sohei (originally trained by Daniel Foor who is listed as Fraud on here) …

It should be noted that Sohei came out against Daniel Foor, yet has set up their own business that's clearly similar to Foor's Ancestral Medicine in it's focus on ancestor work and "animism" (a term of course originally coined as pejorative against indigenous people).

They seem to use a lot of social justice rhetoric. Daniel Foor does the same thing now, continuing his plastic shaman "animism" business with a social justice twist. It seems that if you sprinkle in buzzwords like "decolonization", then you get a pass. When Foor was outed on here for his plastic shaman lineage, he distanced himself from his original teacher.

Offline fairbanks

  • Posts: 43
Re: Daniel Foor
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2022, 06:49:33 am »
Daniel Foor's Ancestral Medicine mentioned in New Yorker article:

As genealogy in the twenty-first century increasingly became the province of science and corporate laboratories, Newton’s own quest turned spiritual. She began to practice “ancestral lineage healing,” a New Age-style initiative informed by shamanism and other kinds of ancestor veneration, and her book delivers a heartfelt endorsement of its individual emotional and psychological rewards. This approach firmly rejects the quantitative logic of genetic tests, which reduces people to percentages. It’s revealing, however, that the term of art for the process is “ancestor work” (echoing the Mormon “temple work”), as opposed to, say, “ancestor worship.” As marketed by companies such as the North Carolina-based Ancestral Medicine, it shares the commercial apparatus of retreats, courses, trainings, and self-help books characteristic of today’s “wellness” and “mindfulness” movements. In the genetic-testing industry, customers pay to surrender their property; in this one, they pay to do the work.