Author Topic: Introduction from Taraverti  (Read 5926 times)

Offline taraverti

  • Posts: 82
Introduction from Taraverti
« on: May 03, 2008, 12:50:09 pm »
Well since I have been posting in the Rachel thread, I guess it would be the polite thing to introduce myself.

I originaly joined and posted to this site because a group I was dancing with (I bellydance) was considering performing at a gathering that I felt was suspect. I asked if anyone knew of them, and got the information I needed. We discussed it as a group and decided we did not want to be involved in it.

However I had been aware of the site and the work being done before that.

I am white with some indigenous ancestry. One way I respect my Indian ancestors is to not pretend to be one.  I saw people begin to do this in the 70's and it felt wrong to me to trivialize and disrespect what is and has been happening to American Indian people by being a weekend Indian.

I also have some very strong feelings when it comes to Andrew Jackson. I think he was a genicidal murderer, a criminal, an evil man. I do not believe he should be honored by having his picture on the 20 dollar bill, and I don't think those he attempted genicide upon should have to look at him on it either. So I have this Don Quioxte-ish project going on at

Bellydancers frequently choose a dance name, and mine is Taraverti, which is why I used it when I signed up here. I go by Pixie Nona at most other places on the net

Glad to be here.


Offline taraverti

  • Posts: 82
Re: Introduction from Taraverti
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2008, 07:40:58 pm »

Hello all,

I just discovered that 6 of my third cousins (I think that's what they are, my great grandmother's sister's children) were students at Carlisle. A cousin was doing research and found out.

They are listed as Delaware, although greatgrandmother, when she would talk about it,  always said she was Cherokee. So mystery remains. Although I am inclined to believe my great granny. Seems to me that accuracy about it would be more important to her than to clerks at Carlisle.

I have suspected for a while now that one reason she was so reticent about it was an old fear that her children would be taken, which carried over even after her children were grown. I don't know the circumstances of her older sister's children getting to Carlisle, so cannot say if that had any influence or not, but I do think my intuition about it is supported to some degree. 

This does not change who I am, I remain a PODIA, however I have to say, reconnecting with this part of my family has brought me a peace of heart and mind.

It felt appropriate to me to share this as a part of my introduction, to give  more information on who I am.
