Author Topic: Annie Fuller & Full Circle Spiritual Healing  (Read 4838 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Annie Fuller & Full Circle Spiritual Healing
« on: July 31, 2019, 05:00:32 pm »
Got a report about her as a ceremony seller. Apparently a franchisee who fell for "Inka" frauds, mangled with claims about Hinduism, Aztecs, and anything else she stumbles upon.

Ceremony.Creating and working with a mesa (medicine bundle used by the Q’ero, descendants of the Inka.)
Exploring the belief system of shamanism....Attaining and working with power animals.
September (13) 14-15, Chico, CA.
Friday evening, September 13 – 7pm – 10:30pm.
Saturday and Sunday, September 14 and 15 – 9:30am. – about 6pm.
Ending times may change as ceremony occurs outside of linear time.
$295 – $350 sliding scale fee. $50 non-refundable deposit secures your space.

....Since 1982 when she began her homebirth midwifery practice, to her first shamanic journey ten years later, Ann Fuller, Hands-on and Shamanic Healer/Teacher....In 1996, Ann underwent an Andean initiation ritual and became recognized as a fourth level "paqo" or priest in the Andean mystical tradition by Juan Nunez del Prado, internationally known anthropologist, Andean priest and mystic. Her conscious near-death experience in 1997 fully solidified her feet on the shamanic path.

....She is the intercessor of a week long "healing quest" ceremony every summer, and leads groups on spiritual pilgrimages to countries including Tibet, Peru and Mexico. Ann is president of "Pillar of Light"...She lives in Ashland, Oregon, travels upon request, and shares her unique medicine and perspective in private sessions, classes, workshops, ceremonies...

Listed as one of those who fell for Toltec nonsense claims by Ruiz.

Mostly a midwife who sells ceremony on the side.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Annie Fuller & Full Circle Spiritual Healing
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2019, 07:11:30 pm »
In 1996, Ann underwent an Andean initiation ritual and became recognized as a fourth level "paqo" or priest in the Andean mystical tradition by Juan Nunez del Prado, internationally known anthropologist, Andean priest and mystic.

There is a thread about Juan Nunez del Prado here in the NAFPS forum: [Juan Núñez del Prado & Sons]