Episode 2: Healing The Ancestral Wounds
There is a Universal Wound that connects us all, and many of us have been disconnected from our Indigenous roots. Domination of the Indigenous spirit and the stamping out of their ancient cultures in the name of profit, resources and religion has to cease globally. Can we re-purpose the old betrayal system and instead be answerable to Universal Law?
- Cause no harm
- Cause no loss
- Do no damage
- Don’t impose your will on others
So, this episode is even more horrible.
We are told that we are all indigenous. That we ultimately have the same story.
A white guy tells his fellow white people that we can blame Rome. Romans did it to us, that is our trauma.
The indigenous speakers usually aren't given enough time. Their words are chopped in as if a salad is being made.
I imagine that many viewers will believe that they now understand how to engage in "Healing Our Ancestral Wounds".
Andrea Kranmer, member of the 'Namgis First Nation, tells us about experiencing "joining". She tells us that a white woman told her that Andrea's anger about genocide would kill her. That Andrea needs to shift her mind. Andrea reports that this was helpful.
Andrea Kranmer has been involved extensively with Psychology of Vision (
http://www.newagefraud.org/smf/index.php?topic=4179.msg35544#msg35544 ) She'd be referring in this video to a "joining" (prolonged staring/hypnosis between two people) with Lency Spezzano.
White guy anthropologist William S Lyon pontificates at length about supposed Lakota ceremonies and shamanism.
Caroline Carey is yet another soft spoken white lady nutjob. At one point she is shown doing some sort of flailing dance, that involves tossing of long blonde hair, and some sort of bad experience with a rose (?).
Various forms of catharsis and trance dance are promoted by several people. We are also told that prescription drugs are bad.
"Medicine Wolf" wearing long white braids and a doctor's white coat, shows us gloved hands pouring a liquid through a funnel into a bottle. This liquid has been infused with the divine harmonics of unconditional love, or something like that. I'll start a thread on him soon.
Leo Rutherford continues to be so very horrible. He really does have a thing about saying "puke" and then laughing. He does so in this video and I've seen him do it elsewhere too. This is related to his recommendation that people take ayahuasca and/or dance until they vomit. Some footage was shown of people doing his trance dancing, many had blindfolds on, some were screaming and writhing.
Leo said something extra bizarre that I replayed several times to make sure I really heard it. He says that America, Australia, New Zealand etc. have been decimated by capitalism disguised by religion. So "it's no good looking there". Apparently we have to look elsewhere for our spiritual goodies to plunder.
I'm not covering everything in these reviews, just the extra low points that stand out to me.