Author Topic: Braco  (Read 43783 times)

Offline RedRightHand

  • Posts: 177
Re: Braco
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2014, 06:20:32 pm »
A family I know was exploited and harmed by Braco and/or his organization.

I say "organization" as I don't know if they ever spoke directly with Braco himself, or just with the people who surround him. 

Desperate for a cure, they spent money they didn't have to travel and be gazed at. A person who needs medication to live was encouraged to believe he no longer needed his meds. This had devastating consequences, both in the severe downturn in his condition, as well as the dashed hopes and broken hearts of the family members who just wanted a cure for their loved one. They got their hopes up and then their loved one wound up in the hospital, fighting for his life.

Braco is clearly a fraud and harming people. He and his staff are clever about protecting him from liability. But when they speak to people one on one they are giving out amateur medical advice and playing the nuage belief game: That if you want to be cured, you have to believe. And if you believe, you don't need your meds, and if you continue to take your meds that means you weren't cured because you just didn't believe. It is very dangerous. They are exploiting and harming desperate people. I won't be surprised if there are deaths due to their approach. The person I know almost died due to Braco's fraud and exploitation.