Author Topic: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl  (Read 173256 times)


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2013, 08:13:18 pm »
In this video a survivor describes being given poisonous substances by Erick Gonzalez, he said they would produce a "shamanic death". The other people present were local community members, leaders, people she trusted. She assumed they had gone safely through this and that there was nothing to fear, that she was being initiated in some way.

When she came to after being passed out for awhile, she found that her shirt was torn. No one would tell her what had happened, Erick directed that she would have to remember herself.

Eventually someone told her that she had gone through a full scale freak out. The survivor then felt shame, embarrassed, because this had been viewed by all these people.

The survivor also went through other drug experiences where she and others passed out in comas that could last 8 hours, drenched in sweat, with no awareness of their surroundings or passage of time.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #31 on: November 28, 2013, 07:52:13 pm »
Erick is working to keep his devotees close, he is posting messages especially for the people of Haida Gwaii.

The cactus image seen in this clip is of Wachuma, a powerful hallucinogen.

Devotees are also expressing their loyalty.

As I sit here, on Haida Gwaii, and reflect upon my gratitude, I feel humble. What you Tata Erick and Nana Heddi, have shared with my family and my people, is an immeasurable gift.

For many years my people have gone without spiritual guidance, other than Christianity that was forced on us since first contact, a little over a hundred years ago. There has been a void of native ceremonial spiritual celebration of life for far too long. In my heart I always knew that there was traditional native ceremonies somewhere out there, which still continued, so that my people could pray in their own way to our creator. When you came to our homeland, I had no idea when I went to my first fire ceremony, that this was the answer to my prayer. You have shared always, generously, your knowledge and wisdom from your lifelong training of spiritual ways. You opened a door for me, that I had been searching for forever. One that will never close. You showed me how to pray, how to connect with our creator Salaana, in a way that our native people have been doing since the beginning of time. This is my right as a daughter of an indigenous nation, Haida. There is no one who can dictate to me about my right to pray in this sacred way. I am proud to call myself a ceremonial person, a medicine person, who walks this red road beside you.

Meanwhile those who disagree with Gonzalez have also been making their opinions known. They say that the foundation of Erick's operation is drug dealing, that people return from EPU sessions in Guatemala as mules for the drug running operation. They say that it doesn't matter what you call the drugs, "medicine" or whatever, they are still dangerous drugs, many of them illegal. Several people say they have lost family members to EPU, divorces can be traced to EPU involvement.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 08:01:47 pm by Piff »


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #32 on: November 29, 2013, 06:03:47 pm »
Erick Gonzalez gives poisonous drugs to youth and adults. One of the drugs he gives them is crystallized frog venom smoked in a glass pipe. Some people pass out, and when they come to, they are told that they have gone through a shamanic death, some are also told that they are reincarnated shamans. Some youth have lost their memory for several days while in Guatemala. A 15 year old youth was given their own personal bowl of peyote for use during a ceremony.

Erick tells people that they must follow his directions or bad spirits will get them, their children may get into bad accidents, or they themselves will suffer misfortune.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #33 on: December 07, 2013, 04:42:14 pm »
Gonzalez unintentionally revealed in his message how his beliefs are a Nuage hodgepodge not Native.

Shared by Tat Erick Gonzalez on Wuku (7) Imux -
November 27, 2013 Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala

As I sit at the edge of the world between the water and the land in the mist of spiritual reflections, observing the serenity of the water, the memories are of deep gratitude. Of humble honoring of how blessed some of us have been and continue to receive the blessing from Spirit... And so I think of you, All my Relations, and of this wonderful journey of life through this world....

...To understand "what's it going to take?" and "what do we have to do?" so that our children, grandchildren, and the 7th generation can be grateful for what we have done to gift them a better future.

... Places that became the vortexes for universal and spiritual forces to enter and leave this world. 

....Places where the memory of the Lemurian records live through the stone people. Places where the elementals continue to express themselves at their full potential and full force.


Let's see. Mixed together in one message he's got a phrase used among Plains tribes, Iroquois beliefs, Nuage ideas about vortexes, and pagan beliefs about elementals, and finally the old pseudo history nonsense about Lemuria.

Offline Late Worm

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2013, 07:38:32 am »
I've known Eric for several years, although the last time I saw him was around 1985.  I sad to see him take this path.  Eric was born to Guatemala but moved to LA at an early age.  Culturally he is what is known as "Ladino" in Guatemala.  As a teen he got involved in gangs in Culver City, and his family moved to Humboldt County (Arcata)  to get him in a better environment.  Around 1979 a group visited Humboldt State University who were connected with the Four Arrows movement (Cuatro Fleches).  Among them was Francisco "Tlakaelel" Jimenez from Coacalco, Mx; Jeonimo Camposeco, who was then the Director of the Indian Institute of Guatemala; and Jesus Chacach, village traditional elder from San Jose Poaquil, Guatemala.  Dennis Banks and Oren Lyons were also speaking.  Of utmost importance was the address of Jesus Chacach, who was reporting a horrible incident that had just taken place in Panzos, Guatemala. (Google "Massacre of Panzos" for information.  I believe this was the first time Eric was in contact with Mayan Indians (there was also a marimba group traveling with them.)  To make a long story short, Eric and I ended up traveling to Mexico City with the group on Tlakaelel's invitation to attend a new year ceremony on Coatepec, a mountain that overlooks Mexico City.  It was at Tlakaelel's home in Coacalco that he got his Aztec (Nahuatl, actually) name:  Omeakaehekatl Ome= 1, Akatl = reed, Ehekatl = wind.  That's Eric's birthday according to Tlakaelel's corelation of the Aztec calender with the modern calender.  I was sitting right there when he got it - and there was nothing sacred about it - Francisco was just telling us how Nahuas named their children with the calender date of their birth.  I got one too, but I've forgotten it.

The last time I saw Eric he had a great job with Pacific Gas and Electric at the geysers power plant at Clear Lake, Ca.  He didn't give me any indication then that he was an aspiring witch doctor.  This really surprises me - but I have to chuckle too...

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #35 on: January 07, 2014, 12:49:08 pm »
Gonzalez is now listing his white American wife Nan Heddi Neale as an elder. Also this guy.

Shamanic Astrology Readings with Daniel Giamario me for a 75 minute phone consultation. Payment is due two weeks in advance of the scheduled session.

New Client Procedure
Be sure to provide:
•Complete birth data including the DATE, TIME (exact as possible) and PLACE.
•A list of questions, or any information pertaining to your intent for the session.
•Your picture. This is optional, and the picture will be returned if requested.
•You may include birth data for up to three significant others in your life for comparison with your chart. Add $15.00 for each additional chart you wish to have me calculate...

Daniel Giamario is the Director of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School and creator of the Shamanic Astrology paradigm. He joins together an academic background in Comparative Philosophy and Religion, with teaching meditation in two worldwide organizations, and extensive world travel. Daniel learned astrology in the late 1960’s and was part of Dane Rudhyar’s humanistic astrological movement in the 1970s. After a vision quest experience on Mount Shasta in 1981, his astrological vision and spiritual path became more earth centered and a shamanically oriented astrology was born. For many years, his specialty has been connecting astrology to the night sky at secluded locations and sacred sites to directly experience “As Above So Below.” He has been a full time astrological consultant since 1984.

Shamanic Astrology has evolved as a rich blend of psychological, mythological, spiritual, and shamanistic elements, specifically designed to assist in the unfoldment of the individual’s life purpose and in navigating this pivoltal point of the Turning of the Ages.

In the early 1990s Daniel Giamario, with the help of Cayelin Castell, began the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School

Shamanic Astrology Lineage
We as Shamanic Astrologer’s honor our ancestors, predecessors, and the prior lineages of Shamanic Astrology including, but not limited to:
• The Ancient Ones
•The Greater Shamanic Council of Light
•Thoth/Hermes Trismegistus And The Ark of Grace where the As Above So Below Mysteries originate.
•The Merlin Traditions
•Avalon and the Priests and Priestesses of other Ancient and Emerging Traditions
•The Magi
•The Great Shining Ones
•The Sky Shamans of The Anasazi and Other Native Americans
•The Calendric Wizardry of the Maya and Inca traditions
•The Ancient Babylonians and Sumerians
•The Contributions of the Vedic Astrologers and their work with the Lunar Mansions
•The Contributions of the Chinese and their work with the Jupiter Cycle
•The Mystery Teachings of Neolithic Peoples
•The Builders of the Ancient Stone Circles, Pyramids, Petroglyph Sites, Temples and other ancient Calendric Devices
•Plus all other Earth and Sky Teachers Not In Human Form
•And more recently The Astrosophy of Rudolph Steiner
•The Cosmology of Dane Rudhyar

Also lists Mario Ovalle Chavez and Amalia Tun Chinico as elders, who only show up online with Gonzalez exploiting the 2012 nonsense.

And there's Uqualla, a Havasupai exploiter whose been needing his own thread for a long time.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2014, 04:21:42 pm »
Erick Gonzalez is now using the name Spirit Jaguar on Facebook, and yet another web site is expected soon.

Contrary to the hype at the end of the year 2012, the Mayan calendar did not come to an end. It is still alive and can serve as a powerful guiding tool for our lives. The sacred Mayan calendar that we follow, called the Cholq’ij, is made up of 260 days (approximately 9 months, which is the gestation period for a human being). Within this calendar there are cycles of 13 days that we call a week, where the vibrations of the days go from 1 to 13, and then start again in a 1 vibration. These vibrations are moving along side of the 20 Daylords, creating the completion of the Cholq’ij: the one cycle of the Mayan calendar in its 260 days (13 x 20).

The importance of these 13-day weeks is that they tell a story of an evolutionary process of humanity and all the beings with which we share this matrix. The matrix is what we call Kaj Uleu, the place between sky and earth, where all of life is manifested. In the same way that we have planetary influences (the basis for astrology), we have frequency, elemental, and cosmic influences, as individuals and a collective, that are reflected through the Mayan Calendar and that create a direct influence on our 7 divine bodies.

One of the things we will be sharing with this Facebook page is this creation story that comes from the spiritual, elemental and cosmic energies of the 13-day Mayan Calendar week. This creation story can be read in the sacred book of the Popul Vuh, as well the oral traditional stories that go with the ceremonies of the Maya. The Mayan Aj Q’ijab, shamans, the Daykeepers, they know this story. We want to share it in this way to expand this knowledge into the consciousness of humanity.

On the one vibration of each 13-day week we will be sharing a brief overview of the energies at play for that week, in which we can attune ourselves for a more cohesive and harmonized life. Each week initiates with a 1 energy and moves through an evolutionary process to reach its full potential in the frequency of 13. The frequencies move through the 20 Daylords. The week describes not only part of a story of creation, but the story unfolding into a future that we can participate in. This smaller cycle of the 13-day weeks and the journey of the Daylords gives us an episode of an unfolding, everlasting story of which we are part (we are the actors in co-creating our future).

In the same way that when we look at the stars we are looking at the past, there is also a future in which the gear of the 13-day week is part of an everlasting clock. This clock has some degree of predictability in which we can plan and participate with, and align ourselves with, to be in harmonious frequency.

This sharing will be brief and touch on the important aspects of the week. It is in essence a mini “forecast” using the Mayan Calendar. For a deeper sharing, we encourage people to get a personal reading and/or support our teachings in multiple forms that can be accessed on our website (coming soon!): You can also reach us here on this page and we can send you more information.
Many blessings and may this sharing serve humanity in its evolution!

Love from Erick and Heddi
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 02:40:32 am by Piff »


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2014, 01:52:10 am »
Spirit Jaguar says this photo is him in 1978. Facebook caption that goes with the photo:

...JESUS CHACACH (CAKCHIKEL ELDER) passed me his ceremonial garments of an Mayan AJ Q"IJ 1978

(Jesus Chacach mentioned here: )
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 02:22:51 am by Piff »


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #38 on: January 23, 2014, 10:26:51 pm »
The drug intensives that Erick Gonzalez holds in Guatemala and elsewhere are very dangerous. Participants have had bad panic attacks, believing that they are having heart attacks. Amanita is used extensively, in some cases people are instructed to go to the altar 4 times and drink a cup of amanita brew each time. Some people have gone into psychotic rages caused by the various drugs Erick has them take.

Survivors say that Erick is just a bad drug dealer who disguises himself as a "medicine man" and who exploits indigenous peoples as a way to further his own agendas. Erick claims he has special powers, but actually he has devotees spy on each other, he then uses this information to to appear psychic.

Erick keeps his people very busy. They have to recruit youth, access funding, check on people who may be leaving the group, research fellow members, hold ceremonial fires, and serve Erick.

Erick has ceremonies held where he is a guest, but he acts like an invader. He keeps some of what he is actually doing as a secret, this spreads fear. Erick invokes deities at the fires, people don't know what all is happening. He seems to want to keep people guessing and afraid.

Erick has people name out loud various ancestors and sacred places, in some places this goes against cultural norms, people do not want the ancestors stirred up. Erick does not behave respectfully. He behaves as if he is more up to evil witchcraft style business than anything healthy.

Erick has people feed blood, animal and human, to fires, this is very controversial, he does this even in locations where this specifically is not okay.

He is changing his marketing, claiming that he is Spirit Jaguar. Teachings that used to be used as bait and dragged out over a four year span of time are now sold as much more quickly available. His followers continue to believe that they must protect him, and that the poisonous drugs Erick gives them are actually  "medicines".
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 10:32:31 pm by Piff »


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2014, 03:26:21 pm »

Photo gallery - so many photos of ceremonies, of groups of identifiable people including young children

Tat Erick has gone through an intensive ceremonial life with many initiations in various native traditions to receive many ceremonial bundles and to now hold the elemental and spiritual forces at the sanctuaries that he has co-created at Deer Mountain (north of Mt Shasta) and Patziapa (Lake Atitlan, Guatemala). As a hollow bone or spiritual medium, the elemental, natural, supernatural forces come through him, and for each individual Erick can show them the door to walk through and experience a true spiritual experience for themselves, and on their own terms. As the conductor of the ceremonies, Erick continues to fulfill the "door in, door out" concept that all goes well. So that from the moment of the initial thought to performing the ceremony, to the door out when people take responsibility for the instructions given, he is responsible for the wellness of the individual (provided they follow the instructions given).


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #40 on: February 14, 2014, 06:55:11 pm »
Here are examples of what Erick has taken from the Haida people, these photos from his FB. Haida community members recognize these pieces, know the stories behind them. Erick has people bring precious items to the altar, the altar is actually him, he goes home with everything he has manipulated out of his devotees.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #41 on: February 16, 2014, 09:46:59 pm »
Another image from Erick's FB, more of the treasures he has taken from Haida people. These are very valuable pieces of art, passed down to family members as heirlooms. They are Haida argillite carvings. Argillite is very important to the Haida people, there is only one quarry site on Haida Gwaii. The pipe seen in the photo is a panel pipe, which are more difficult to carve.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #42 on: February 23, 2014, 09:36:51 pm »
This is a public statement from Albert Joseph Brooks. Photos that include him are on the site, posted without his permission. Erick Gonzalez has also been notified of this via email.

This is Albert Joseph Brooks.
Spokesman for the Tsimshian and Gitsan  people..
I do not agree with what you (Erick Gonzalez) do and I want my picture taken off your Spirit Jaguar web site, you can see my face between your self and Babs Stevens..
I want it removed immediately if not sooner.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 09:53:03 pm by Piff »


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #43 on: February 23, 2014, 09:46:50 pm »
At an event in Canada, Erick Gonzalez rolled a bunch of raisins in his hand and then had participants kiss it, he said this object would be used in the ceremony.

Afterwards Erick asked everyone to pay $100. One person told Erick to back off, that there should never be a charge for ceremonies, and this person left.

Later it was learned that Erick had already charged $10,000 for that fire ceremony.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #44 on: February 23, 2014, 11:24:57 pm »
This is a public statement from Albert Joseph Brooks. Photos that include him are on the site, posted without his permission. Erick Gonzalez has also been notified of this via email.

This is Albert Joseph Brooks.
Spokesman for the Tsimshian and Gitsan  people..
I do not agree with what you (Erick Gonzalez) do and I want my picture taken off your Spirit Jaguar web site, you can see my face between your self and Babs Stevens..
I want it removed immediately if not sooner.

This is the photo.  It is pretty clear what his thoughts were when the photo was taken: