Author Topic: Jask (was "Medical matters")  (Read 11459 times)


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Re: Jask (was "Medical matters")
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2014, 04:44:41 am »
You know, really, I'm not gonna even try here. POV (Christopher Spezzano and others) is attempting to demonize one of the public survivors who is speaking out, by claiming that she is a scorned woman. Enough with the bullying, with the whining that we aren't saying it right, enough with the trying to shoot the messengers. The message stands.

Piff. Yes. Your message stands. Please, please don't requote those personal things I said and have just deleted. I'm going up to Haida Gwaii soon and really will apologize. Not only that but my wife is going be extremely cross I said that about someone she knows and thinks of so well. And who I don't at all. And who is being bullied. Sheez.

I'm going to have to go into writing about my real concerns with POV but I'm going to check with First Nations first.


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Re: Jask (was "Medical matters")
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2014, 03:27:20 am »
I absolutely apologize for what I said in my deleted post.. It was NOT about any form of personal relationship I emphasize. Please don't misinterpret that. I'm deeply sorry and shamed by the fact that I said what I said out of turn.  Also I cannot answer for First Nations. They answer for themselves.

I'm sorry to everyone on this forum too. I'm sorry for my intrusion and my style. I hear a lot of what you say.

but will be going to England soon and not Haida Gwaii

all the best