General > Frauds

Charlotte Goodrich AKA Char Sundust

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I'm skimming through a Kindle copy of With the Sun in My Eyes: The Story of Char Sundust, Psychic Healer and Shamanic Practitioner. I find it disturbed and disturbing.

The author writes that she's "partially fictionalized' the earlier years of Char's life to "make the story readable, to round out the facts that were relayed to me by Char herself, her mother, and her brothers.". Author claims that the portrayal of Char's healing power as an adult are all true. The author also writes that Char, as a healer, has unimpeachable integrity.

Char claims she learned shamanism from her step father Keith, starting when she was 14 years old, this would have been in about 1977. He was tall and had "striking blue eyes inherited from his white father". Char in this book says that her own father was white also. Keith took her to his home in Wenatchee, Washington. He named her "Little Fawn" in a cerermony. He took her out of school and kept her locked up at home.

"Keith, whose native name was Koheehut, was known in certain circles as a healer.". People came to the house for healings. Keith also used the chanupa "with different herbal mixtures for different situations". He could read minds. He was a Vietnam vet, a binge alcoholic, abusive and violent. He molested Char often and told her this was his way of transferring information to her. Char says he died when she was 21, about 1984.

Char claims to be incredibly psychic and gifted. She claims that she can find missing children and adults, and that police often consult with her. She claims that a PI consulted with her about a death of a young woman who had died in New York, he brought a box of bloody sheets from NY to Char in Seattle, she stuck the box in a closet for a few days and then when she took the box back out, the bloody sheets smelled like roses.

She describes witnessing a healing of a mentally ill woman by Kenny Moses "last of the real West Coast medicine men".

Char also drops Johnny Moses' name, says he lived in an apartment building she managed.

Char claims a connection with Yemaya, which is an entirely different culture and spiritual system, so she is ripping that off also.

She sees dead people too.

I am sorry to have Kenny Moses' name associated with this. He would heal anyone who asked and was a good man. Johnny Moses is known for associating with twinkies. He is still a respected storyteller.


--- Quote from: debbieredbear on November 09, 2013, 05:44:25 pm ---I am sorry to have Kenny Moses' name associated with this. He would heal anyone who asked and was a good man. Johnny Moses is known for associating with twinkies. He is still a respected storyteller.

--- End quote ---

Char claims she could see what Kenny Moses did during the healing, "in other realms". Char says she was impressed, wanted to learn how to do that work herself, and that she eventually decided that much of what he did was a "soul retrieval". She says Barbara Means Adams was at the healing also.

So Char is pretty much trying to buff up her reputation by connecting herself in some manner to Kenny Moses.

If Char really did do what she claims in this book,she could be charged with false imprisonment, she claims she locked up a suicidal, psychotic woman in a house. Also in a later event she claims she treated a homicidal, psychotic woman.

Other ways that Char claims she is special and cool is by claiming that she knows how to deal with people in the throes of crack addiction, also that gay men love her. All of this reads like she is trying to claim street cred, that she is cool and hip. Much of this supposedly does take place in Seattle and rings true for the actual preoccupations of some white Nuager women in Seattle, in my own experience.

Char's stuff is a mish mash of Nuage fakery. "Letting go of scarcity mentality", praying in medicine wheels, power animals, tarot cards, psychic powers, poltergeists, speaking with spirits, goddess worship, astral realms, possession, "Lakota buffalo rattle", spirit allies, shapeshifting, pseudo hinduism, auras, crystals, and more, all mashed together.


--- Quote from: Piff on November 08, 2013, 09:38:02 pm ---
--- Quote ---Sundust is the medicine name given to Char by her first teacher at sixteen years of age after two years of intense training. It is an Apache family name.
--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---

 :D ;D
My impression is she must be a very dumb naïve hippie to think that...
Apache names are mostly Latino. Or Anglo, both given by missionaries. If they still have the original name meaning, they keep the name in the Apache dialect, not an English translation.

Char claims that one day while sorting through animal hides in a leather store, one of the hides told her to make prayer dolls out of it. Char had seen Apache dolls before and the hide itself told her what do do. She eventually made tribes of dolls. "Each one told her how much to charge. They might say, 'The person who is going to buy me needs to spend $230... ' "

Char says she was asked to show these at the Seattle Art Museum.

On another note, Char says then when she worked as a certified nurses's aide at a nursing home - "A number of other very sick people died while she worked there, perhaps because she gave them permission to depart.".


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