General > Frauds

"Redman" Wellness & Pamela Nine/Pamela Martinez

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 It seems that her (Pamela's) site is either moved or offline. I hope it's offline because it was the most offensive things I've ever saw in quite some time.   :-\
  As for playing on the hopes of parents of missing and deceased children. That is offensive beyond any realm.......and should be criminal....

Defend the Sacred:
Looks who's turned up again:

Now she's preying on the grief-stricken. What appears to me to be amateur "Grief Counseling", over the phone, for $200 an hour.

I must have missed the name of the Institution that allegedly granted her the alleged Doctorate degree in Religion. Can't seem to find who to blame for this. And note - even if she did get some kind of degree (I'm betting that if it exists it's mail-order), there is nothing about her being a licensed counselor. I think if she had any legitimate credentials in any of these fields she'd be hanging them out with the rest of her shingles.

She's on Facebook, too:

 Ms Martinez's tantrum has done little to restore any credibilty on her part. Panic, empty threats and name calling just don't cut it.  :-\ 

Defend the Sacred:

--- Quote from: NDN_Outlaw on December 27, 2009, 03:39:47 am --- Ms Martinez's tantrum has done little to restore any credibilty on her part. Panic, empty threats and name calling just don't cut it.  :-\ 

--- End quote ---

No, they don't.

And she's still claiming the "Cherokee grandmother" as part of what makes her so super-spirchul that strangers on the Intarwebs should pay to talk to her.

critter - a white non-ndn person:
Seems a bit much on cosmetic appearance of.  Seems shallow.  Also.. truth is subjective.  Any one proclaiming to be teaching the 'truth' doesn't seem to realize they can't teach truth.  

I can say that the truth is, she's making lots of money off people's pain and suffering.  She'd probably disagree...  that's the truth about truth.  No one can teach it.  


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