Author Topic: William Two Feather AKA William Schober  (Read 156220 times)

Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #60 on: November 18, 2010, 09:28:16 pm »
that video link nemesis posted is a totally disgusting, degrading, dehumanizing depiction of women.
i'd say what i think of winston, but the vile i feel is probably best left unsaid.
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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #61 on: October 10, 2011, 04:14:46 pm »
Trying to get back to this subject's topic: This character is doing a show in Oslo, Norway, tomorrow:

Have you ever wondered why the Creator put you here and what your mission in life is? Ask no more – TwoFeather is here to share the wisdom of the Native American People with those of you who want to know.

According to Native American Wisdom there are Special Archetypes that make up our society. They are not chosen by you, but rather they are assigned according to birth season, month and day. Also given are your stone of power and balance, your plant of longevity and good health and a color that increases your special gifts given by the Creator. We are all given special gifts to assist others and to be in our power and authority.

During these teachings we can learn about ourselves and those significant to us by understanding these ancient teachings. You can choose mates, family, friends, staff – whoever you associate with.

Quite disgusting, in my opinion.

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #62 on: February 06, 2012, 10:24:26 pm »
Wu has passed along some more information on Schober.

As Wu notes, there are many more disturbing allegations of abuse of children, even family. I hasten to say these are only allegations at this point.

As for WTF's new claims of having been Special Forces, I think it's time for the websites that go after phonies falsely claiming to be war vets to take a look at Mr. Schober.


Hey check this out. William Two Feather just did an interview in some foreign country. I can't tell what the language is, but I recognize some Slavic Russian words in it. What language is it?


Here is a news report in some foreign country about his healing work, where he explains what he does. lol. I'll bet he loved the part where he smelled the neck of that hot blonde. lol


Here is a 14 minute interview with him in Europe about his life and mission, where he claims to have been in the Marine Corps Special Forces, holds a 4th degree black belt in Kung Fu (lol as far as I know, there are no "ranking belts" in Kung Fu lol), is the current title holder of the US knife fighting championship, has been in 200 street fights and bar brawls, was a star athlete in high school, and was an academic scholar. lol Wow, that's a lot of amazing accomplishments. lol I wonder if the interviewer really believed all that? lol. Is there really an official tournament in the USA where the contestants fight with knives? lol WTF?! That's highly improbable, unless he's referring to some underground tournament. In the last 30 seconds of the interview, he gave a message to all his bashers in my blog comments.


Check out the response to it in the comments section of my blog page about him. Now there are over 50 comments about him, most of which are vehement attacks with disturbing allegations. Dang.

LOL I asked my friend who is a mental health counselor about the interview above, and here is his response:

lol, I think I am actually friends with this guy on Facebook.  His persona on there is quite a bit different from how he comes across in this interview.  This guy is an obvious fake and sociopath.  I Googled "US Knife-fighting championship" and came up with nothing, though I'm sure, as you say, that this guy would probably claim it is an "underground" sort of thing.  He looks remarkably unscarred for a knife fighter and veteran brawler with 200+ street fights.

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #63 on: February 07, 2012, 12:25:08 am »
William Two Feather just did an interview in some foreign country. I can't tell what the language is, but I recognize some Slavic Russian words in it. What language is it?


WTF is being interviewed by a TV station in Serbia in this video. Questions are translated to English for him, and he answers in English with his assistant translating to Serbian.

Here is a news report in some foreign country about his healing work, where he explains what he does. lol. I'll bet he loved the part where he smelled the neck of that hot blonde. lol


Serbian TV again; he is being subtitled.

They seem to translate his name, he gets called Vilijam Dva Pera - there are probably more videos up at youtube using this spelling.

Offline MsWilma

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #64 on: February 15, 2012, 10:28:51 am »
Hi from Australia,

William Two Feathers is, apparently, " available to Australian people for the month of Feb and March of 2012.  Ancient verbal history of Native American people has waited in the dust for many generations waiting for the time just before Our Mother (Gaia) Earth Changes. This is now that time for the verbal history of Traditional Spiritual and Healing Ways to be shared with the light workers for the coming thousand years of Bliss."

check him out at the Byron Spirit Festival website:

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #65 on: February 15, 2012, 09:34:58 pm »
MsWilma, have you thought about contacting the local media and pointing them to this site? It might be too late to get WTF pulled from that festival, but maybe some others can be persuaded not to waste their money and time on him. I think I recall WTF facing exposes last time he was down in Australia, so perhaps try that angle.

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #66 on: February 16, 2012, 06:11:33 pm »
Here's the facebook page promoting the same event.  Looks like the wall is unedited as there are several people coming out against WTF:

Here's how the event describes WTF:

"Thursday 16th of February :
William Two Feather - Native American Apache Medicine Man (Sanador)

Traditional Native American Spiritual Techniques
~ Acknowledged by Science ~

William Two Feather is a multi-faceted maverick with many special gifts.
At an early age he acquired the many secrets of American-Indian healing tradition from his great grand-mother – a medicine woman.
Then For over 10 years, Two Feather trained in Native American Spiritual Traditions with three Elders from three different tribes in the South-western United States. This included amongst other modalities – a specialization in Native American version of chiro-practic branch of medicine. As well as psychic / energetic shamanic healing
In the years that have followed he has given his flesh and blood Ceremonially to assist his walk upon the Red Road. Now after 15 years as a professional healer Two-Feather is ready to share these time tested wisdom traditions with the people of Australia during his stay here in the months of February and March of 2012.

William is an author of 5 completed books and he says that he has another 22 books to write over the coming years.
Two Feather is now dedicated to passing his knowledge to others. He was a party to a spiritual contract which goes like this. "You will apprentice, then do as your were trained for ~ to be a Spiritual Advisor, become a Pipe Carrier and do Healing Work. You will take these ways across the pond to share with other lands. Then you will train & teach. Then you will teach the teachers. Then you will write oral history so the knowledge doses not die with us, and take that to the world. Then you can do as you please…""


Just gotta shake your's kind of like "Really???  Seriously??"  But yeah...that's how he's being billed over there.   But there's some encouraging news.  AIM Australia is all over him I guess and there's a poster that said she contacted the venue and got word they have no connection to him whatsoever, but are just renting to space...


Poster Stacy:  "I wanted to share with you that I spoke to the Unity Centre where he is 'speaking' tonight. They wish for me to clarify that they are IN NO WAY involved with two feathers, and in fact are only renting the space to Nexus who will be calling me to disucuss a more appropriate AND REAL Native American speaker for any future events...."

Poster Redhorse:  "You are all being fooled by this trickster!!!! Do not condone this fraud. The American Indian Movment is on to him. I wrote to this person, William Schober aka William Two Feather sometime ago when I saw that he said he was a Mescalero Apache. I wrote that I too am a Mescalero Apache and asked him to join us here at the American Indian Movement here in Australia to fight against people posing as Native Americans and doing the wrong thing. Guess what he never wrote back and he also took off that he is a Mescaslero Apache. Do not be fooled he has a silver tongue and is good with it. He is no Native American."

It will be interesting to see what happens after the event.  I'll try and update.


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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #67 on: February 23, 2012, 05:36:21 pm »
Not much to update on the Australia Nexus gig he did.  However, if you follow the spirit festival link posted by MsWilma you'll see in the comments where WTF is trying to defend himself.  

He, of course, uses generalities and has the attitude that if you don't want to listen then you don't "deserve" to learn "his teachings".

Winston's blog has some interesting information in the comments section, from someone who says she's a family member.

(current last comment)  Anonymous:
"Wwu777. I like what I read from you. You clearly see him fully..... I'm one of his first cousins with stories so out there going back to childhood. Your so correct why lie about things so easily checked out....
He never was in war, no special forces ...yes a marine stationed over seas and there is where he started martial arts...basic martial arts.... No winning of anything... Nothing he said on that utube video made I think nov .2011 ...anyway nothing he said about his family life is true... He was a joke growing up until he started his Sick behavior towards us that point he wasn't allowed in anyones home..even his own grandmother felt uncomfortable in his presence... He tried to kiss her mouth open as she says.... The stories go on and on...anyway ..thank you wwu777
Ive tried not go anonymous.. I blame the's really dummy... (e-mail address removed, on original post)"

Seems to be some first hand info.  She debunks pretty much everything he says and makes some shocking charges against him.  There is an e-mail attached to the the post, but i removed it here as the original poster put that on Winston's board and not here.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 06:06:20 pm by Superdog »

Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #68 on: February 23, 2012, 06:44:39 pm »
geez... :(  well, i guess if you're a kid and your family treats you like a joke, you just may
end up being crazy like this. how sad.
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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #69 on: June 17, 2012, 05:47:50 am »

Looks like he recently responded to the comments on this video.

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #70 on: September 29, 2012, 11:58:10 pm »
Some new developments. The comments over on Winston Wu's site continued, raging for all these months to now number over 170, plus some removed. This includes many allegations of abuse of women and girls, including family.

His workshop in Denmark is said to have been canceled, the only reason named word getting out he is a bad person.

The most humorous twist is Schober blustering, threatening to sue Wu, and Wu laughing it off. Here's the exchange. I find it pretty amusing he mizes legal threats with the super spirchul pose. And since when did spelling or punctuation become unspirchul?


WWu777September 21, 2012 8:29 AM
I just received a second lawsuit threat from WTF:

"i am now i contact with a special lawyer we are drawing up multiple charges to begin the lawsuit filing with
he will get all that's possible and your $300 loss will pale in comparison

i have a partner i am working with out of Houston and i don't want to pay the lawyers fees ( my hard earned living money) but I am prepared and wiling
it will come out of your bank account some day soon i promise you and much much more
its taken a little more time than I thought to start i sware to sue you for what you have done by allowing providing places and encouraging people to assault me ect
you must think what you are doing to me is worth your money time and what will heappen to your web site legally in short order once charges are filed - were gonna test that to the max

once i pay you have no other choice than get your own lawyer he will cost you to start
then cost you more \
and more winston money
I am going for the maximum possible for what you have done to me and my ability to produce income
my last gig was canceled because of your web site and i have proof

you could still pull everything you have related to me and an apology before i pay... but when i pay... my very specialized lawyer... to sue you then your choices are gone

when i pay him i will send you a copy minus the law firms name so we can come after you Full Force too the very limit of the law
and goggle mind set will get multiplied
i will ask my lawyer how i can return some of what you have done to me
google is a good idea that had sent my mind in thought
i can return to you what you have done to me
your new enemy
trainer of spiritual warriors of the light

i literally don't have time for (winston) this but i am making time too do this i am very serious once you looked into my eyes and i yours think of what i am capable of
and imagining that coming after you in a legal seance"


WWu777September 21, 2012 8:31 AM

My response to him:

Man you are pissed aren't you? lol You should learn to ask nicely.
Dude, look at the facts. I know the law. You can't sue me. You have no legal case against me. Your threats are silly. Consider the following facts:

1. You can't afford a lawyer. Suing someone is very expensive. You can't afford it.
2. I live in Taiwan. You'd have to come here to sue me and you won't do that. US courts are not going to order me to come to the USA for a civil trial. They would only order someone back for a criminal trial, not a civil one. Thus, you have no power to bring me back.
3. You have no legal case against me. I did not libel you or slander you. I merely provided a blog in which others (your victims) posted ugly allegations against you. I'm not the one who posted those comments. Your victims did. You know who they are. Why don't you sue them? Or better yet, issue them an apology.
4. Under internet defamation law, a blogger is NOT liable for the comments posted by others in his blog, even if they are libelous. Look it up. I know the laws concerning the internet. Ask your lawyer. Tell me his name and law firm and website, and I will contact him for you. He doesn't have to contact me. I'll contact him, and have a laugh with him.
5. Hundreds of CEO's have tried to sue the site for damaging their company's reputation. Yet they ALL failed. NONE of them succeeded in getting the court to force RipoffReport to remove their name. If hundreds of CEO's fail, what can YOU on a tight budget do that they can't? LOL. Get real.

Your threats are silly. Why don't you ask nicely for the blog to be taken down? Why don't you issue an apology to your accusers on that blog? I didn't do anything to you except provide a platform for your victims to speak out.

Technically, you can't do anything to me. So please ask nicely instead of making silly threats. I never did anything to you anyway. I merely promoted you because I found you entertaining and amusing. I didn't know so many people would be making those allegations against you. Not my fault. You know who they are and why they are making the allegations, and you know it.

You are in Denmark now. How are you going to sue me exactly? lol

Ok show me evidence that your last workshop was canceled due to my blog. I'd like to see it.


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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #71 on: October 05, 2012, 12:43:46 am »
More examples of Schober's megalomania.  Apparently he got involved with Benjamin Fulford (NESARA conspiracy theorist extraordinaire).  Fulford's mistaken Schober as some kind of spokesman for all Natives. 

Here you can read an article by Fulford where he notes Two Feather's support for an organization called the White Dragons:

"…the White Dragon Society was offered support by William Twofeather, an Apache war-chief and spiritual war leader of the original native inhabitants of Turtle Island (…North America)…"


Nauseating isn't it?  Here's a video of an awkward "ceremony" where Fulford decides to give Schober a feather...



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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #72 on: October 07, 2012, 03:32:46 pm »
One of the Australian posters ( Latrodectus Mactans) in the comment's section on Winston's blog has just put up her own blog.

Pretty strong accusations in Winston's comments section as well as her own blog.  She seems to be setting it up as a place for others who may have been victimized by him to get together.  Just as a reminder....none of these accusations have been proven in a court of law and so these can only be classified as allegations.


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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #73 on: October 07, 2012, 03:48:32 pm »
A truly hilarious interview on television somewhere in Europe.....

Truly hilarious.....however....the part where he sniffs the lady's neck....a bit disturbing and awkward.

And another on Serbian television....including some really bad flute playing....!

« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 03:51:25 pm by Superdog »

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Re: William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« Reply #74 on: October 07, 2012, 03:53:56 pm »
Because Schober has never been convicted or charged, it's something of a problem. Obviously if he has done this abuse he should be imprisoned. But many of the alleged victims are now adults. Statute of limitations have often passed. And that's on top of the very great trauma of asking the victims to relive the memories in order to get the abuser convicted.

Plus Schober bounces around from not just city to city but country to country. Schober, if he is guilty, may take an effort something like Gary Glitter's case to finally get him tracked down and convicted. What'd be needed would be getting a more recent victim or witness to the abuse to come forward and file charges and Interpol could finally track him down.

But until that happens, it's completely prudent to warn people to not let ANYONE claiming to be a healer to carry out suspicious "healing" involving nudity, mixed sweats, or claiming sex is a ceremony. Even a supposed healer hitting on his disciples should be a red flag, and groping, exposure, etc should be reason enough to not only stay away from them but slap them with the "lesser" sexual assault charges short of forcible rape.