Author Topic: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman  (Read 700788 times)

Offline Cat

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #405 on: May 09, 2008, 07:25:05 pm »

Hello everyone,

Bernard missed his flight. Please contact Bernard if you want your donations sent back. He can keep ours (the moderators of this site ( and others who have said for another good cause.

In solidarity,
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 08:32:16 pm by Cat »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #406 on: May 09, 2008, 10:01:09 pm »
many people will have heard her, as I did, and she spoke positive of you and your people and although she may have made money, so what, move on,   and she may not be of true Native American origin but she has spread the word, so to speak of your culture, and painfull as it may be to you, proberly more than anyone since Grey Owl, AKA Archibald Belaney, from Scotland. Perhaps you can learn something from this the second time around, ,

Respectfully, Jim, I think you have a misunderstanding about Native American cultures and how they work. It really doesn't matter if a white person thinks it's interesting. It's not up to white people to decide. If the Native American elders are saying what she is doing is wrong, she has to stop. Or, she has to stop pretending it's Native American. Or of any traditional culture, for that matter. She is not helping Native Americans, she is causing harm. May I also suggest that you're statement, "maybe you can learn something" is rather condescending. Native people, especially the elders and tradition-keepers, have already learned quite a lot, thank you. I would suggest you need to listen to them.

... people are prepared to pay you if you so demand, if it is free so much the better, so teach us, rise like the Phoenix from the ashes, Thunderbird, as you know it, ......take note,...... teach us,.....what are you waiting for, we are listening. Ofcourse your path is not the only path, but you should make sure there are many ushers/guides to show the way to all who seek it.

People have to earn the right to be taught things. People have to prove, over time, that they are trustworthy. What those who are paying attention have seen is that, over and over, white people have taken the teachings that have been shared with them... and abused them. As Rachel is doing. No one has the right to teachings. But if you really want to learn, again, I suggest you listen to what actual Native Americans are saying. I don't get the impression that that is what you are doing.

Edited to Add: PS - I see others have already covered this, and well, and Jim you appear to be taking it in. That's what I get for responding before I've read the entire thread.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2008, 10:08:26 pm by Kathryn NicDh? na »

Offline Jim

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #407 on: May 09, 2008, 10:32:23 pm »
Hi Kathryn, I have delated the offending words, and  if I could retract them I would. Once again I appologise to all.

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #408 on: May 10, 2008, 11:53:27 am »
We understand, you have been learning and this is how in truth we will all find peace, by speaking openly and honestly and listening with an open mind, not by paying someone to play a drum and denegrate anything or anyone.
Anyhow, I came here this morning to relate the events of last night.

We went to see what this woman whose eagle feathers were taken by Fish and wildlife was doing. We had purchased tickets so we could go in. While waiting for some friends to arrive, before we went in the police were called. We were speaking with the local police when the state police arrived. The state police went and spoke to the sponsors of this woman who had given her word NOT to do anything Native when in this area. The sponsors told the State police we had no right to be on the road. This is not what was said last week. The police told them we had tickets to go their “show???.
Leaving some of our friends outside, we went in after everything got started, and stood quietly in the back of the dome, since there were no chairs available, as they were all stacked on the opposite side of the room. Rachel Hozwarth was speaking as we quietly entered trying to avoid disrupting this event since we were there only to observe. Before the six of us could get in and close the door Rachel turned the remainder of the night over to Samantha Elliot. I will not say we were not invited to sit, as at some point during Samantha’s monlogue one of the hosts came across to ask if we would like to have chairs, not wanting to disturb the rest of the audience we declined. Two other women entered considerably later.
Samantha spoke at length appearing to often forget what she wanted to say, filling the gaps with “Um??? and “Ahh??? I am sorry, but I notice these things since I posess a degree in Adult Education. I also noticed she appeared to have problems understanding the difference between the sciences, during her discussion of molecular excitement saying this was biology at one point and chemistry at another before finishing with physics, among other equally distinct errors in her monologue. This woman received a Bachelors degree in Alaska which makes we wonder if the term “College Illiterate??? applies. The PROOF of this comes from the website of Rachel Holzwarth where Samantha Elliot has her autobiography described. So here I must wonder what is a lie and what is just do to nervousness.
Samantha spoke at length often appearing to forget what she was saying, possibly this is my perception due to the distraction caused by the continually repeated “UM??? and “AHH???. She spoke of the Traditional Mayan Fire Ceremony she was performing that night (I thought Mayans were also North American Indians), explaining she learned it nine months ago and this would be her fourth Mayan Fire Ceremony and she would be reading the steps to speak to the spirits during the ceremony. I was shocked since I didn’t think the Mayans had such a short term apprenticeship for their sacred rites, nor did I realize they traditionally wrote down what they were teaching them, but maybe because they allow their apprentices to “teach??? these dangerous ceremonies in such a short time frame this is how it is done. I in all honesty do not believe this is the way of the Mayans and will speak Monday with a Mayan gentleman where I work.
At the close of the discussion we were announced by Rachel and Samantha to the audience. Rachel specifically told the audience the local Native American people were here and there was tension and she would speak with us later. (She only introduced herself and did not take any time to speak to us).  One of our members had picked up a song book noticing specific mention of several native ceremonies. Samantha said she saw us looking in the song book and we were welcome to take them. It should also be noted there were several drums, jewelery, CDs and crafts available for sale on the tables with the books.
The 43 women and 12 men in the audience including us (two women and four men) proceeded outside. Most people came and shook our hands and welcomed us, Rachel came and recognizing one of our members as a leader from the meeting last week, came and introduced herself to him. Most of the audience proceeded down to the fire however several had questions so we stayed and spoke at length to them openly and honestly before proceeding down ourselves.
When we arrived Samantha was reading some of the steps from her book. They passed around a bowl of Hersheys kisses to offer the fire. I somehow found this a very odd offering since chocolate as we know it is processed and not of a natural state, so because of my own beliefs I chose not to offer any choclate to the fire. The gathering went on, however I personally left, feeing sickened at all that I had seen.
Returning to the warmth and friendship of companions left standing vigil at the entrance to the property, I was asked if I knew who was swearing saying "Who do they think they are?  They don't f---ing belong here".  I was also told of a truck which drove by turned around and waited at the top of the hill. A golf cart from the sponsor's land drove through the trees to the property next door, flashed its lights twice and the truck then started up and drove past my friends again. This suspicious behavior seemed strangely out of place.
As the night wore on, we heard our spiritual leader, who came with us singing. I recognized his distinctive voice above the trees, echoing out over the land, this is a voice I know from having been in his sweat lodge, bringing peace to my spirit.
Shortly after this the remainder of our group returned to us gathering at the entrance, we smudged ourselves and left.
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Offline educatedindian

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #409 on: May 10, 2008, 12:40:25 pm »
I think it's most likely she went to one of the pay to pray version of the Mayan Fire Ceremony widely available for tourists.
Cost $777 plus accomodations start at $450 and up.

Apparently you don't even need to go to Mexico. There are people doing the ceremony in Europe.

And in that other great center of Mayan culture, Colorado.

Sometimes people will pay $1500 per group or 50 per person just for looking at video of the ceremony.

I don't want to sidetrack the thread too much, but why was Bernard detained? There have been many activists who are not allowed to fly, and I hope this didn't happen to him.

Offline Cat

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #410 on: May 10, 2008, 05:04:38 pm »
Hi Al,

Bernard has told different people different stories about why he missed his flight we dont know what really happened
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 08:35:33 pm by Cat »

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #411 on: May 12, 2008, 02:42:37 am »
It looks like Holzwarth couldn't keep her word for even one week. 
Does she think it's okay if Samantha Elliot performs the ceremony? No one will be upset as long as she isn't doing it? Or doesn't she realize the Mayan people are Native American? Edward Jones didn't seem as warm and friendly as he was last week either.


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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #412 on: May 12, 2008, 02:59:41 am »
Is she wearing regalia again or her other costume?

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #413 on: May 12, 2008, 03:22:33 am »
Is she wearing regalia again or her other costume?

Half-Wolf didn't say what Holzwarth and Elliot were wearing Friday night. Didn't mention the Grandmother Drum either. I'm hoping Holzwarth at least kept that part of her promise. It bothers me that Elliot performed a Mayan Fire Ceremony; the part about the Hershey Kisses was more than a little weird. Edward Jones, who tried to appear so sympathetic and understanding on video last week, sure did a turn-around; calling the police and then telling them that Half-Wolf and the others didn't have a right to be there. Guess his true nature came out when he wasn't being recorded. Can't trust any of them.


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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #414 on: May 12, 2008, 03:27:08 am »
I am sure it hurting their business, and that's all they are worried about anyway. Not suprised.

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #415 on: May 12, 2008, 08:53:57 am »
There will be pictures of what went on coming out.  We had two photographer/vidoegraphers with us on Friday.  One who stayed up on the road and one who came down and came in to the "show".  They also took pictures of us, so we told them they could NOT use those pictures in ANY of her promotional media.  We told her we would REFUSe to sign any releases permitting such unlawful and false claims.  If anyone sees or hears of such instances please let us know, we do have lawyers avalable who have aleready won supreme court cases and set precedence there.
Rachel and her cronies were not wearing Native style costumes, (I refuse to call it regalia when it is dishonored in the way she uses it).  She was wearing the same outfit as in the video from May 2nd and 3rd.  Samantha was wearing some New Aging thing.
I think they thought they could get us off their behind by doing something from a differernt area, but we must all stand together and let them know the original inhabitants of this entire continent wil not let them abuse any of our saccred items, ceremonies or ways.
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
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Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #416 on: May 12, 2008, 01:02:40 pm »
The woman is unbelievable...any way to make a buck.

How many were there? Does she seem to be losing followers? And is she making any excuses for the drum not being present etc?
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Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #417 on: May 12, 2008, 03:12:50 pm »
"The 43 women and 12 men in the audience including us (two women and four men) proceeded outside. Most people came and shook our hands and welcomed us, Rachel came and recognizing one of our members as a leader from the meeting last week, came and introduced herself to him. Most of the audience proceeded down to the fire however several had questions so we stayed and spoke at length to them openly and honestly before proceeding down ourselves."
She had told them she would not be playing the drum because of our agreement, exactly how it was worded I do not know.  One of the audience did mention to us they were disappointed the drum was  not allowed to be played.
"At the close of the discussion we were announced by Rachel and Samantha to the audience. Rachel specifically told the audience the local Native American people were here and there was tension and she would speak with us later. (She only introduced herself and did not take any time to speak to us).  One of our members had picked up a song book noticing specific mention of several native ceremonies. Samantha said she saw us looking in the song book and we were welcome to take them. It should also be noted there were several drums, jewelery, CDs and crafts available for sale on the tables with the books."
I would note that the tension was on the part of the audience, Rachel and her cronies, not of our doing, we came in a good way with peace.

Having reviewed the song book at length, I think it time to note some of the songs from the book which may be of interest to the people who read these posts.  She says some songs included in the book are ones she and her friends wrote, They are specifically marked in the book and are included in a second list.  Since I do not know the authenticity of these songs for certain, I am not the one to judge.  If someone specifically wants to know what is contained in an individual song pelease send a message so we can discuss it.
Opening Song
Spirit Calling Song  (credit given to Nanaimo BC)
Navajo Prayer Song
Hawaiian Prayer Song (credit given to a Cherokee Woman)
Navajo Women's Sheep Herding Song (credit given to David Holloday)
Friendship Song (credit given is obscure, during a Winter Solstice Ceremony 2004)
Cherokee Morning Song
Chumash Song
Ute Children's Song
Arapaho Ghost Dance Song May We All Fly Like Eagles
Eagle Song Arapahoe Ghost Dance
Mother Earth and Father Sky (credit given to Native and Non Natives)
The Dream Is Waking (credit given to Holly Randall Gautemala 2007)
Beauty Song (credit given Rumi poem gifted by Everly in San Francisco 2007)
Sacred Corn Song (credit given to Stella Jane Hunnicut in Ashland Oregon May 2007 ftom Coyote Feather Dancer Grandmother)
Ancient Mother (credit given to traditonal african song with verses added by Brooke Medicine Eagle)
Sacred Peyote Song of the Native American Church (NO credit given to use this song!)
My Roots Go Down
The Healing Water Song (Credit given to Grandmother Catherine (First Nations Elder, no Nation mentioned) 150 year old song song by 13 grandmothers)
Song of the Mari Anna  (credit given 2007 no name mentioned)
The River She Is Flowing
Tongo (credit given Polynesian)
Neesa (credit given traditional Seneca)
Ana Ha A Cote Ye (credit given Australia 2003, dedicated to Amrahla North, whose ashes are in the drum)
Gratitude Song (credit given to Shanti Ramana Uluru Australia 1994 from a Tibetan woman)
Gratitude Circle Song (credit given to White ... Woman Elks Lake Palmer Alaska, June 2001)
We Are Opening
Cho Maya Cho La (credit given to Larry Merculieff (her husband or exhusband I  beleive, I know I saw the name related to her on a website before) a Traditional Alaskan Aluet Song)
Rabbit Dance Song (credit given Traditional Seneca Song)
Crab Song (credit given to Digeridoo player Stephen Kent, San Francisco 2007, Australina Aboriginal children's song)
The Way Home  (credit given to Amrahla North who died on her tour in July 2003)
Yemaya, Yahweh (credit given by spirit to White ... Woman and her current protege')
I Am A Circle
It should be noted that she does give credit to some of these songs, but not all.  She also gives credit to some but has them marked as being written by her, so I am not truly certain as to which is what.  I will note that the Peyote Song of the NAC is not shown as credited to anyone and makes me wonder if the DEA would be interested when she sings that song without the spiritual authorization to it.  Here  is a list of the ones she says she wrote.
Honoring Our Ancestors
Denali Wind Song
Weaving Our Ancestors Voices (from a dream of a Navajo Grandmother)
Welcoming The Sun Morning Song
Gathering Our Medicine(from a dream of 3 Mayan Grandmothers 2000)
Traveling Bear Song Two River Reservation (gifted by Paiute Elder, Golden Eagle, Sept. 2005)
Awakening Our Power
Receiving Our Visions Vision Quest Song (confusing dedication sounds like it was already in existense but is not credited June 2001)
The Earth Pledge (Sept. 11, 2001)
Rain Dance (1999)
Traveling Song (Dream of the Seneca forced removal?)
Euman Da (Love Song)
Igniting A Heart Revolution (with Jenn Starr 2005 honoring Grandmother Ana Maya from her dreams)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2008, 03:21:26 pm by Half-Wolf »
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #418 on: May 12, 2008, 04:27:22 pm »
Thank you Half Wolf....My apologies...I've read that already and it clearly didnt register with me...but thank you for repeating it....I think I need more coffee  ::)

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Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #419 on: May 12, 2008, 05:11:41 pm »
The connection between Rachel Holzwarth and Larry Merculieff is Osho. He may have been married to her at one time, may still be, but I haven't heard that.

Osho Information Center
Ma Anand Suraj (Rachel Holzwarth)
Sw Anand Shantam (Larry Mercutieff)
PO Box 773556
Eagle River 99577
Tel.: +1-907-688-2226
Fax: +1-907-688-2285

Merculieff's name is misspelled on that site.

Larry Merculieff, Kuuyux, is a Messenger for the Aleut Nation, a spiritual leader. I find his involvement with Holzwarth and Osho unsettling, to say the least. Does anyone else see the conflict here? New Age Mysticism in one hand and Native American Spirituality in the other.