Author Topic: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman  (Read 700682 times)

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #315 on: May 03, 2008, 02:57:37 am »
How it looks to me is this woman just uses everything as a stage prop . The story about her using that young Wampanoag mans blood in this way really bothered me. She continues to use a drum with his blood on it - which she took and used as one more stage prop - knowing full well she did not have his permission and what she was doing was horribly offensive to him . I feel the only right thing for her to do is to return what she took, and let this man take care of it .  Meaning that she would need to hand over that drum to the Mashpee Wampanoag.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #316 on: May 03, 2008, 04:08:46 am »
The following is Suraj's closing statement from the meeting... ... "I DON’T LIKE THE NAME WHITE! I am Suraj and a human being…There is no question In my heart… "

Uh, she's the one who gave herself a "medicine name" with "white" in it. Interesting that she doesn't like how it feels to be represented in a way that she feels is inaccurate or offensive. Maybe now she has a tiny, tiny inkling of what the people she's misrepresented and offended are feeling.

And it sounds to me like there are still quite a few questions.

That she did not address the main points, confirms to me she just wants to weasel out of this. I wasn't there in person, but I'm just not getting the impression that she's done anything but try to make this go away. She said she won't do her schtick in Michigan... then why does she still have events scheduled? And what about it other parts of the country and the world. Nope, not buying it. Not yet, anyway.

I agree with Moma: That drum has Hartman's blood on it. His blood was stolen and rubbed/soaked into the skin of the drumhead. It cannot be washed out. The drum should be given to Hartman and the Wampanoags to do with as they see fit.

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #317 on: May 03, 2008, 04:20:10 am »
I thought the meeting with Holzwarth wasn't supposed to start until 6:00 pm. It started early? Really surprised she gave us that much time.

I agree, I don't think Holzwarth has any intention of stopping what she's doing. As others have said, the fact that she didn't address key issues and questions is very telling. What about the events scheduled for Saturday and Sunday? She's not going to wear her regalia or use her drum? Those folks paid $333 for two days of Holzwarth beating on her drum playing Indian. Wonder what she's going to do.


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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #318 on: May 03, 2008, 04:29:18 am »
Well, all you have to do is look at the line-up for West YellowStone. It has Jim Tree and a list of others. He suppose to be a Ceremonial Pipe Keeper, and I believe he claims to be Cherokee. As far as the Drum, is this the Drum  with the cremation in it. I not sure you will find a Nation that would take it under those circumstances. There would have to be some changes for it even to be accepted, that is if it was ever offered. But it's a good idea.

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #319 on: May 03, 2008, 04:58:25 am »
Whirling Rainbow Foundation Newsletter has been updated, with letters of support for Holzwarth and the Grandmother Drum. Can't say for sure when these letters were added, but I know they weren't there on the 26th when she opened up tonight for the meeting or on the 29th, when she added the quote from Pastor Wright. Does printing these letters sound like the act of someone who has really had a change of heart?



"I had the honor and great joy of hosting you (White Eagle) and the GrandMother Drum International Peace Project to come to Weymouth, Massachusetts to share your vision of peace for the world.

My greatest fear was that you would not be real – that your stage presence was an act. I found you are the most "real" person I have ever had the privilege to meet. Whether you are 25% , 12% or 0% of Native American blood, you represent 100% of the indigenous grandmother spirit. You message of finding peace within ourselves so we can find peace within the world is real. Your passion for your work is real. In a recent phone conversation you even commented how heartfelt it was to see some of the Native American tribes coming together as a community. Unfortunately, you are bearing the brunt of that unity.

That Friday night we went from a joyful peaceful community to a lock-down situation with police patrolling the parking lot. You said the experience was teaching us how to walk the talk of peace. To be able to work though our fear and anger and send peace to people who tried to make a mockery of a peaceful event and destroy a sacred drum of the people.

It has taken time to deal with the anger of seeing my granddaughter and other people terrorized. It has taken time to deal with the fear of my words adding fuel to this whirlwind hysteria of half truths, complete fabrications and character assassination. It has taken time to deal with the rage against those who are attempting to destroy you and your gift to the world. Walking the talk of peace is not easy, but I don't need to tell you that. You are living it constantly with grace and passion. You are the light.

Know that you loved and supported as an individual and as a spiritual leader.

Peace and blessings to you, Tymoreye' and all those carrying the message of GrandMother Drum.
Aurora aka Shirley Richardson
Wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, teacher, peace keeper, drum keeper, member of the clan of humanity.

Aloha Dearest White Eagle Medicine Woman,

"I am aghast! Thank you for writing to us about this challenging situation.
It seems that the darkness has been brought to the light to be healed.
Stand strong in your Love.
Stand strong in your commitment to Peace.
As we grow we are tested in our willingness to be vulnerable and open vs.defensive and right.
Yet acting firm in our convictions, responding not reacting, which is what you are doing!
This situation will be the inspiration for all of us who must encounter the darkness, as we grow in the Light.
Thank God the drum is OK!
It must have been so scarey!
I am praying for the people who did this, sending them Light and Love.
The Force Be With You!

My Prayer:

Great Spirit, you are everywhere in all people, in all situations, in all relationships.
I pray for your Love to be manifest.
I pray for Understanding and Peace to prevail.

I pray for the healing of the people who wish to hurt and harm.
May they find their own Spirits. May they find the Great Reality deep down within them; the Great Reality of Peace, Harmony, Love and Understanding.

May your all pervading Truth be expressed.
May all hear the beat of Grandmother Drum. And so it is.

Mahalo ke Akua!"-White Dove, Hawaii

"I can't be in Troy with you, but stand with you in prayer and spirit.
If there is a specific time for prayers and/or common intention, please let me know and I will hold space and pray with you for the highest good,
As you know, this painful cleaning of the wound(s) is a necessary part of
healing. Be safe and stay strong in the love of the heart my friend.
My love, blessings and prayers to you and The GMD team.

-Ed, North Carolina

"My prayers are with you as you meet with the Native Americans and others who will chose to come and talk with you on May 2nd.
May this dialog bring understanding and peace to all. I will be anxiously awaiting the outcome and praying that it is all to the good."
Kris, Cape Cod, Mass.

Greetings and Peace Suraj, and Tymoreye,
"I wanted to let you know that I was in attendance at the Weymouth April 4 ceremony, and I was deeply impressed by all of it.

I have been following the story since that evening, and would like to express my regret for any misguided behavior, as well as my respect for you in your attempts to understand and forgive.

But on the ceremony itself, and what it did for, and to me....One word, and it is hard to put it into one word, amazing. I was positively overwhelmed by the drum, the people, what you give forth from your own hearts. Then, here is the MOST amazing thing, I had a dream about you almost three weeks after the event, this week, which was one of the most heart opening dreams of my life....Enough said. Keep up the good work, you are needed, obviously, on the planet to do this good work. Thank you SO much, and much luck for your meeting." From, The Dragonfly, Massachusetts

"Dear White Eagle:
I am sending my best wishes and energy to your meeting with Native American people. Anger, pain and fear are not good advisers and I pray so the people who are going to come to your meeting to be enough self-centered to speak from their wise heart and not from their pain. Nevertheless, I think you need to try in advance to gather truly representative leaders of Native American people to your meeting so they can hold back the anger of the radical people. Radical people perceive themselves as the victims and perceive you as the "torturer" so they are not going to listen to you, so they need to be controlled by their own fellows. May the spirit of grandfather fire and grandmother drum be forever in your heart! We will be in heart with you in your meeting!
Armando, Oaxaca, Mexico ¡Te invitamos a compartir nuestra esencia!

"Beautiful letter. I have also experienced the persecution, accusations and misunderstandings myself. I knew when you told the story of the Australians that you had the experience to walk this US tour. What the Grandmother Drum Project represents is able to transcend the hurdle. I will be there to support you from the perspective of healing these deep tribal wounds that are held within the hearts and collective cellular memory of us all. I am planning to hold a gathering at my office for the (Beltane) Global Love Day. I will be sure to get the people who show up to help with a vigil to support your work in Detroit on the 2nd. What you are doing is very powerful and I admire your strength, compassion and concern for the future of Planet Earth and all of her inhabitants.

My prayers and support are with you as you walk this path. Plahechkapo (Lakota:Take courage and have faith.)~Suzanne, Colorado

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #320 on: May 03, 2008, 05:54:58 am »
WOW!  I couldn't even get home and the moccasin telegraph was working already.
OK, let's see where to start.  Rachel , "don't call me that! my name is Suraj" Holzwarth requested a private audience for 2:00PM today.  Then when everyone was already underway to get there in time, she called and rescheduled it for 4:30.  Her initial approach showed a definite hostility toward all the women who had come to speak to her in a good way.  so we left her with one grandmother from the area and the one who initially set up this "private" meeting.  Fish and Wildlife showed up during that meeting and Ms. Holzwarth from the apparent look on her face as she spoke with the officer in the hall, was stricken with fear. 
The meeting actually got started around 7:00.  Many good words were said by the community, it was all very peaceful and respectful.  At times she paid close attention to the speaker, at others she seemed oblivious. 
She started by admitting that some of the grandmothers in Australia would not let her play her drum in their area either.  She felt this was because her drum was too strong and they and we in Michigan were not ready for it.   She was corrected in that it was not the strength of her drum that was in question, but that "We are too strong for it!"
There was some expression of anger from some of her supporters saying that they "Paid to come and Pray" and others who felt we were not allowing them to express themselves in prayer and ceremony in the way they feel is right.  Their concerns (with the exception of the one who claimed anger that she had "paid to pray") were addressed by some of our people.  There werre 2 gentlemen who expressed deep and heartfelt gratitude at our openess and felt they had learned something and understood how strong our belief in our culture is.
After all had their chance to speak, her response skirted many of the issues and questions raised.  What was actually said was that she agreed to not wear her "Outfit" nor play her drum in Michigan.  (So what are all the people who paid all this money for her going to see?).
She also noted that the man from Fish and Wildlfe, who was blocking the door was going to escort her to her hotel and take her feathers from her, "even though they are from Australia" she pleaded.  As if eagles from Australia are less sacred than eagles from here.
The meeting ended and we went to dinner.  Over dinner many expressed their concern that she is not a woman of honor and may not honor her words, so we will be there tomorrow to guarantee that she keeps her promise to our grandmothers.
I want to Thank you all for your prayers and the strength you sent to us.  We must contiue our fight and put a stop to this from all who will try again.
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #321 on: May 03, 2008, 11:11:53 am »
OK it is morning and I am up although dead tired.  I may not relate these items in the order which they occured, we were not allowed to record this event and I had not brought a paper and pen, so am relating them to you in the order I remember them and not in the order they occured.
It was mentioned in a blog last night she was told to find her own way.  One of our veterans (President of the Navtive American Veterans in our area) who was guarding one of the gates came to the other side of the circle to hand her a tobacco tie, keep in mind she claimed to have grown up in the "Seneca Traditions" she attempted to take it with her right hand.  He corrected her and told her to use her left hand.  He then told her to find her own way.  During the meeting she untied it to see what was inside, this
She became quite irate and actually yelled at the people gathered that her name was NOT RACHEL!  she was Suraj.  This WHITE Ego RACHEL Woman had to be repeatedly counselled by Samantha Elliot who also used a psuedonym of Timoreye and did not intorduce herself by her given name.
The "moderator" she brought with her to maintain order was Re. Mary Gayorski one of the people presented in Weymouth as being an Iroquois from the Algonquin Medicine Society.  One of the Natives in the audience corrected her respectfully by saying the Iroquois whom they know will either tell you which of the nations of the Iorquois Confederacy they are from or else call themself in the traditional "Haudonausonee". 
None of the Native people spoke of pain or hurt, but rather that she should not charge for healing, this is not our way.  A young woman known to most stood and spoke of her own struggle to live being healed in the traditional way, that this woman would not want the burden palced on her that our traditional healers must bear, that she was not ready for this, that they spend years learning and then do not charge for their gift.
I do not understand how she could be sorry for what we told her, unless she is sorry for HER abuse of our ways, but this is not the impression I got from her.  We related who we are, what is our individual heritage, many spoke in Ojibwe as that is the Native tongue of this area, and then translated for those who do not understand the language.  All gave her their real name, yet we were told her name is Suraj, I could not help but wonder why she did not ask us to call her by one of her other names she has used over the years, MaAnand Suraj, or her WHITE name, since she wanted a pseudonym to be used.
I wonder what the people are paying to see if she is not wearing her "outfit" as she called it, or playing her drum.  They will not see what is on her video that I personally think should no longer be sold since it shows her wearing the eagle feathers illeaglely. 
for bls, I think the times being related are due to the time changes recognized across the land, the general audience started around 7:00 and ran until after 10:00 (much to the chargrin of the moderator who tried desperately to rush us out, but being who we are we would not be rushed.  It had to happen in the creator's time not hers.
I will report all that I can tonight after we get home, the protest is still going to happen tonight.  We want to make certain that she stands behind her word, because we all question her integrity on that.  I was taught not to lie as a child, because your story will change and that is how you will be caught, well we have seen her story change already, and yes grandma I remember "Once a liar always a liar".
The drum is the same drum with the ashes in it and the warrior's blood on it.
For her letters, I notice several seem to say these people were asked for a letter, they appear to be response letters. 
Look at the one from Ed in North Carolina, it is an OBVIOUS call from her for help; after all it is VERY specific about Troy, Mi. 
If she is real why does she deny her real name of Rachel, this is the name she grew up with, is she now a different person than the one who supposedly ran in the woods learning her Seneca traditions?  I cannot help but wonder how with the events of last night, being an actual witness to her "whirlwind hysteria of half truths, complete fabrications and character assassination" would be perceived by her host, although like some at the meeting, even one of her supporters who looked at her in OBVIOUS anger when she announced she would wear her "outfit".
"As we grow we are tested in our willingness to be vulnerable and open vs. defensive and right."  This sounds to me as though they are vulnerable because they know she is wrong for using a culture for profit.  They are willing to be open and vulnerable and not defend what is right.  They have no courage, no strength of spirit.
These people most certainly do not know us, but are using the words she placed in their minds, as I mentioned none of us claimed any fear or pain and the only anger was ather abuse of our culture.
I would also like to note to all who read this, she found herself basically unable to "buffalo" using the Australian crawl when one of our Native Pueblo members revealed she to had been to Australia.  Rachel found herself swimming in her own half truths, and dropped the subject.
Well I must get ready for today's events. I will let you know tonight what occurs.
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #322 on: May 03, 2008, 11:58:10 am »
Thank you for the update: all the best to everyone who'll be there in person or in spirit.

Offline taraverti

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #323 on: May 03, 2008, 12:30:28 pm »
Thank you for the comprehensive report.

This woman is a known liar, and will most likely continue to be so. He character is not likely to change. However she MAY change her behavior. Not because she has a change of heart, but because she is being watched and held accountable. I believe that is the best we can expect.

There is such an incongruency between what she says and what she really is.  I believe she knows exactly what she is and has been doing, and just doesn't care.

My thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue the efforts today.


Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #324 on: May 03, 2008, 12:49:33 pm »
Thanks for the update, Half-Wolf. Y'all remain in my thoughts and prayers.

How was Holzwarth dressed for the meeting? Wonder what she'll do today?

I realize those letters from her supporters were written and probably printed in her newsletter before the meeting. I think she printed them to show everyone that we are the radical fringes; we don't speak for all American Indians. One of those letters states as much.

"Dear White Eagle:
I am sending my best wishes and energy to your meeting with Native American people. Anger, pain and fear are not good advisers and I pray so the people who are going to come to your meeting to be enough self-centered to speak from their wise heart and not from their pain. Nevertheless, I think you need to try in advance to gather truly representative leaders of Native American people to your meeting so they can hold back the anger of the radical people. Radical people perceive themselves as the victims and perceive you as the "torturer" so they are not going to listen to you, so they need to be controlled by their own fellows. May the spirit of grandfather fire and grandmother drum be forever in your heart! We will be in heart with you in your meeting!
Armando, Oaxaca, Mexico ¡Te invitamos a compartir nuestra esencia!

She wants her supporters to think she did a wonderful, loving, generous, peaceful thing just by meeting with y'all. I wonder how Holzwarth will describe the meeting last night. Wonder how soon she'll update her newsletter.

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #325 on: May 03, 2008, 12:57:08 pm »
Thanks to all for their strong stand and their efforts against this abuser.

Was she charged by Fish and Wildlife? It seems to me that illegally importing eagle feathers would be a criminal charge under federal law. She should be facing a big fine or a bit of jail time.

I wonder if a lawyer could find a creative legal remedy Hartman could do about his blood being used without his permission, smeared on an object he finds so offensive.

That supporter Armando from Mexico sounds like a cross between a Castaneda supporter and a character from Dr. Strangelove. "Torturer" is sometimes used by the Castaneda people to describe people who ask for proof. And what he said in Spanish was "We invite you to partake of our essence."


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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #326 on: May 03, 2008, 02:15:40 pm »
Over all that's a very good job. Got a lot more than I expected, just have to hold her to it. Good work.

Offline Cat

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #327 on: May 03, 2008, 05:26:18 pm »
I thought the meeting with Holzwarth wasn't supposed to start until 6:00 pm. It started early? Really surprised she gave us that much time.

I agree, I don't think Holzwarth has any intention of stopping what she's doing. As others have said, the fact that she didn't address key issues and questions is very telling. What about the events scheduled for Saturday and Sunday? She's not going to wear her regalia or use her drum? Those folks paid $333 for two days of Holzwarth beating on her drum playing Indian. Wonder what she's going to do.

my apologies lol - I am in Colorado - it was 4:00 my time - it was a long day...:)

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #328 on: May 04, 2008, 12:46:23 am »
Update for today.  Ms. Holzwarth, since she gets a little over the edge if you call her by her given name, was a woman of her word, or maybe some of her supporters kept her to it.  I do not know for sure.
It was a long day yesterday and a short night last night, so my typing may have missed a bit.  In brief since 4:00AM yesterday morning (It is now 8:30PM today) I have managed 2 hours sleep, so forgive me if my typing is worse than last night please.
We gathered between 9:00 and 9:30 this morning.  The hosts were all there.  Pictures were taken of our license plates.  One of the hosts came and was speaking with us, trying to get us to leave.  We told him we were there peacefully and with respect to ensure she was an honorable woman, following the agreement she had with us.  The Sheriff was called. He came and asked us what was going on.  We explained the situation and that the Fish and Wildlife had taken her eagle feathers last night and we only wanted to ascertain that the agreement was being followed.  He showed great respect for our purpose and asked us to move all our vehicles to one side of the road for safety purposes which we were in the process of doing when a police officer from a neighboring town drove up.  They had a brief talk and the sheriff came back with him and again asked our purpose, we explained we were there peacefully and with no anger but simply assuring our agreement of the previous evening was being met.  The Sheriff informed us that they were told (of all things to say about natives I was in shock over this) we were protesting against a veteran who had just come home from the war.  I am positive they saw by our reaction that nothing could be further from the truth.  As the police left they waved at us, realizing we were there in a good way. 
The owner of the property came back and asked two of us to come and walk his land and speak with him.  This we did.  We walked and spoke honestly from the heart.  I felt him to be an honest man who had made a simple mistake in not understanding our protocols.  He asked us to bless the land, which we did, this blessing was for the earth and to ask the creator to remove any bad spirits from this place and cause it to be a place of understanding.  He guaranteed us by his word that the drum would be kept in its trailer.  We chose not to enter the event at that point not wanting to taint the good that was happening.  Our drum came and sang a song to bring us all good feelings.  One of our members proceeded to go to the event and see what needed to be seen.  Ms. Holzwarth was dressed in the same outfit we had seen the night before, a white robe, covered by a long white coarse woven poncho.  She had a small hand drum and was using it to sing.  Our member returned and we sang some more.  We had discussed leaving after a couple more songs and the Sheriff returned.  He had been told more people had arrived wer causing a traffic hazard on a dirt road, and came to see.  He informed us he felt we were doing this in a good way but needed to be sure there were no emotions going to flare.   Our people were well aware of our position here and were all in a peaceful way.  A tow truck with a motor home and a following car drove by and blew the horns giving our singers a thumbs up.  A woman drove up and welcomed us, she told us if the parking was an issue we could park on her land just down the road.  She is appalled by the pay to pray concept of this venue.  So it was a good day.
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline LittleOldMan

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #329 on: May 04, 2008, 01:40:32 am »
It is said that when an Elder is needed that one will come.  It seems that the greatest of all Elders ( CREATOR ) was with you last night.  Remember that one battle does not make a war vigilance is a must.  "LittleOldMan"
Blind unfocused anger is unproductive and can get you hurt.  Controlled and focused anger directed tactically wins wars. Remember the sheath is not the sword.