Author Topic: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman  (Read 701742 times)

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #45 on: April 12, 2008, 08:39:13 pm »
Hello RedRightHand. Just when we all thought it couldn't get any worse. I think it's be hard to compose a picture that better sums up the raison d'ètre of NAFPS.

Here's a direct link:

Hey Barnaby, thanks for providing the direct link to the pic! And I agree the pic epitomizes the raison d'ètre of NAFPS. There's something incredibly horrifying and infuriating about the juxtaposition of the toy figure with the drum that just encapsulates this kind of Newage attitude. The crystal skulls are just as bad (or worse in some ways) but for some reason the toy just gets to me on a more visceral level. Perhaps because it is visually such a completely artificial and manufactured image.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #46 on: April 12, 2008, 09:56:28 pm »
Playing NDN, playing with toys, dressing up like an NDN, dressing up as a superhero, I think it's all the same to them. What a horrifying state of mind! They even have some scary stuff on there about how some white woman in Australia gave them an "Indian" doll... that they now use as some sort of ceremonial fetish to symbolize how much they're helping actual Native Americans. Right. By banging on the GrandFraud Crystal Skull drum. Sickening.

A really sad thing is that I read in one comment from someone who checked out her "prayerformance" [sic] that they went because they "wanted to know more about Native American culture." Because most people don't investigate when she claims to be Seneca, they assume she's in a position to represent something of which she is totally ignorant. And she sure does all she can to make them believe they should treat her as a representative.

We all need to be emailing and calling every place this woman plans to perform. Oh, and, just saying, in that slideshow you can also see the vehicles and box trailer they use to haul the bloody GrandFraud drum around. It's orange and covered with a tarp. Just saying...

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #48 on: April 13, 2008, 02:52:39 am »
Sunday, April 27- 10:00AM - 3:00PM......$50 (20 mins) $70 (30 mins)

Eagle Skyfire is a shaman with the Caney Circle who is well versed in Spiritual matters. Consultations or Readings as they are also called, are done in the Traditional Native American way as they have been done for thousands of years. No cards or candles are used, but rather a blessing is performed with a Prayer Fan. This blessing cleanses the person's aura and "pierces the veil" between this world and the next allowing the shaman to listen specifically to your Spirit Guardians and to hers. According to Native American beliefs, the Great Spirit gives us all Life Lessons to learn, but how we express them is up to us. Individuals have Power over their own lives and destiny. The consultations will focus on your Life Lessons, the different Paths ahead of you, and the Energy that surrounds you. With this knowledge, you can empower yourself and make you own best decisions.

this guy is at the soulutions for daily living

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #49 on: April 13, 2008, 03:07:56 am »
Suraj Holzwarth AKA White Eagle Medicine Woman on YouTube:


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White Eagle Medicine Woman (Suraj Holzwarth) is the director and DrumKeeper of the International GrandMother Drum Peace Project. She is an international renowned shaman, seer and performance artist of Seneca and Celtic descent. Her CDs include Journey of the Heart and Songlines of the Soul. She is the director and co-producer of the newly released documentary film GrandMother Drum: Awakening the Global Heart. She is also the founder and director of The Whirling Rainbow Foundation and the Rainbow Fire Dream Institute in Palmer, Alaska.

White Eagle's voice has a primal and mesmerizing quality, penetrating to the very heart and soul of our indigenous connection with each other and the earth. White Eagle's dynamic performances are well known for transforming the hearts of all involved, leading audiences in unified action on global issues of world peace, racial reconciliation, environmental stewardship and earth sustainability.

Formation Date: 05 June 2001
Record Label: Rainbow Fire Dream Studios
Label Type: Independent
Influences: Brooke Medicine Eagle, Indigo Girls, Enigma, Deep Forrest, Yolanda Martinez
City: Palmer, Alaska
Hometown: Wantagh, New York
Country: United States

She has three videos:

GrandMother Drum White Eagle

Earth Pledge

Grandmother Drum Global Heart

I left comments on all three videos.

Have also left a couple comments on the Weymouth newspaper.

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #50 on: April 13, 2008, 03:38:03 am »
i just contacted the local tv stations and informed them there will be a protest at the newtown pa event
there responce was "is this woman crazy"
we shall see
in pa a tempory commitment can be done it you act out of the mental norm\danger to others or your self
its called a 302 commitment 72 hours intake evalaution

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #51 on: April 13, 2008, 11:30:03 am »
I have not seen anyone comment about the ashes of her cremated friend; who died 13 days after a snake bite in Australia, that are supposed to be in the drum.
I think we all agree this woman is sick.  Her "Dream" that she is Seneca reminds me of "My Great Grandmother was a NDN Princess".  Her true heritage ,at least this is what she told the Unitarian Universalist Church when she was in Chatanooga Tennessee this year is Jewish and Celtic; so can we stop aluding to her Seneca heritage and call it like it is she is NOT NATIVE at all.  She is nothing but a carpet bagger. 
I would also like to clarify that the gentleman who reported the blood smear was not a supporter of hers but was merely reporting what he saw.  It is his report of this event that finally brought to light who she REALLY is.  I have been researching her for months now and responded to this gentleman immediately after his post.  I have come to find him honestly sympathetic toward the true Native Spirituality and aghast at this fraud.
Also I would like to hear from more Hopi, Navajo or Shoshone regarding their culture and traditions so we can debunk her before she continues to perpetuate this fraud.
If there are any lawyers out there can she be stopped under PL 95-341?
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #52 on: April 13, 2008, 03:04:17 pm »
I have not seen anyone comment about the ashes of her cremated friend; who died 13 days after a snake bite in Australia, that are supposed to be in the drum.

I did not know this....dang! Crystal Skulls and ashes! Holay Smokes!

I would also like to clarify that the gentleman who reported the blood smear was not a supporter of hers but was merely reporting what he saw.  It is his report of this event that finally brought to light who she REALLY is.  I have been researching her for months now and responded to this gentleman immediately after his post.  I have come to find him honestly sympathetic toward the true Native Spirituality and aghast at this fraud.

This thread was by no means posted to raise question regarding the man who reported...Mr Jay Fulton....and I hope that impression was not given...I have also read Mr Fulton's comments and find him as you state above. This was posted to show what this woman is capable of...and that we must act. Without Mr Fulton's words...we would not have had the information needed...his words are appreciated....but I only speak for myself.

With respect,

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Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #53 on: April 13, 2008, 03:20:16 pm »
I would also like to clarify that the gentleman who reported the blood smear was not a supporter of hers but was merely reporting what he saw.  It is his report of this event that finally brought to light who she REALLY is.  I have been researching her for months now and responded to this gentleman immediately after his post.  I have come to find him honestly sympathetic toward the true Native Spirituality and aghast at this fraud.
Most people have known Holzwarth was a fraud long before she visited Weymouth or Jay Fulton ever heard of the Whirling Rainbow Foundation or the Grandmother Drum. While he has permitted everyone to post freely on his blog and listened to everyone's comments, his initial blog about the event was less than favorable to the Wampanoag demonstrators. It is the many people who have commented on his blog who have educated Fulton, not the other way around.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #54 on: April 13, 2008, 03:37:34 pm »
It is the many people who have commented on his blog who have educated Fulton, not the other way around.

I have also noticed this while reading the comments made on Mr Fultons page...and as I said in my post...I only speak for myself.

This is the contact info for Suraj should anyone wish to contact her...I expect 'trying' to educate this woman would be a great task indeed...if even remotely possible...yet I feel she needs to hear from many people regarding the great wrongs she is committing.

Suraj Holzwarth, DrumKeeper
The Whirling Rainbow Center
P.O. Box 110224
Anchorage, Alaska 99511-0224

Phone or fax Alaska Office: 907-336-7439

West Coast Office: 707-477-4246

Email: RainbowDream@Chugach.NET
URL: WWW.WhirlingRainbow.COM

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Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #55 on: April 13, 2008, 06:26:30 pm »
GRRRR I am soooooo angry right now since reading this:

From the Chattanooga Free Press, March 2, 2008

The Grandmother Drum represents the heartbeat of humanity, according to drum keeper White Eagle medicine woman.

“One drum, one heartbeat, one family, one Earth,??? is how White Eagle, born Suraj Holzwarth, describes the seven-foot diameter drum.

About 1,500 strips of wood form the kettle-shaped drum that is in Chattanooga as part of an international tour for peace.

“The drum is a living, beating symbol that Mother Earth is our one country, that love is stronger than fear and that peace and freedom are the birthright of all humanity,??? the drum keeper said.

Not only is the tour dedicated to peace, both within individuals and among the world’s nations, it also aims to heal past hurts, White Eagle said.

“We have walked on many sacred lands,??? she said. “This drum tour is an undoing of the suffering for souls who walked the Trail of Tears."

More than 100 people gathered at the Unitarian Universalist Church heard tales related to the drum’s seven-year touring history, learned about American Indian lore and joined in a tribal drum circle.

“For nine months in the womb we hear the drumbeat of our mother’s heart,??? said Rita Burrows, of Vancover Island, British Columbia. “People are looking to connect their heartbeat with the rest of the world."

That drumbeat — that heartbeat — was the central element of more than four hours of New Age prayer/performance Saturday afternoon.

“I really felt a lot of energy from it,??? said Ray Minkler, of Monteagle, Tenn., after resting his hands on the buffalo hide drumhead.

Pat Bridges, of McDonald, Tenn., described the Grandmother Drum sound as “the heartbeat of the Earth??? and said participating in Saturday’s event was part of an ongoing 30-year spiritual journey.

The drum will be used during the 11 a.m. service at the Unitarian Universalist Church this morning, according to Suzanna Alexander, coordinator for the Grandmother Drum tour in Chattanooga.

In addition to a 10,000-year-old Mayan Fire Ceremony that is being held this afternoon at the church, White Eagle on Monday will visit Ross’s Landing, The Passage and other Cherokee related sites downtown before visiting Red Clay State Park, site of Cherokee government from 1832 until the Trail of Tears in 1838.

Well UNDO THIS White Eagle...

Tears from the Heart!

She sat on her heels rocking gently back and forth, soft, sweet lullaby surrounding her and the tiny child she holds close.

The riders who came upon the scene were touched so deeply inside, a picture of love that words can never speak, and no painting ever capture.

Too late they saw, for warning,though that was their intent, the village was destroyed, the woman, the only living thing in sight.

Torn down or burning, were the lodges of the families who lived here, trampled and leveled the crops they had planted with such care.

Bodies were strewn like carelessly broken toys, bloody scene of war, where once peace had walked, shocked surprise was there on every face upon the ground.

A little boy of maybe three lay as if sleeping, but when they looked closely, his ears and thumbs were missing, even the hardest warrior was sickened.
Madness was the only word their unbelieving minds accepted, there is no way a sane human would do these things to another human, especially children.

Quietly they approached the woman, wondering how she had escaped the slaughter, near her lay the body of an older woman, bone splattered scull exploded by a bullet.

As they came closer they saw she was blood covered, all down her front ran the blood of the baby she was holding, the side of his tiny perfect head was missing.

Days it took to calm her down, and hear of the horror, she had been in the woman's place when the screaming started, afraid to leave, afraid to stay, but she needed to find her baby.

Her mother had her baby, who was two months old and had been bringing him for feeding, when the settlers rode them down and killed them.

These men had been here before, and told those who lived here they must move, these lands were theirs they said, given to them for service to their country.

You must go away by order of the Great White Father, our war against the English has been won and these lands are our payment.

Our headman stood against them, told them they were mistaken, our people have lived on these lands forever, they were given by Creator.

Angry and yelling, faces red with frustration, they swore they would return and the soldiers would clear the way for their families.

She looked at her kin as they stood and listened, how can they take our homes and kill our people, who gave the right to do this, to their Great White Father?

Written By Granny (A Cherokee Elder)

Note: The ears of our children were sliced off and strung on strings and sold by length! The thumbs of our male children were too sliced off and sold!! And this is just 2% of all the Cherokee people suffered during the Trail Of is this woman going to remove and undo the suffering of our people??!

Sorry but this just makes me livid!
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Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #56 on: April 13, 2008, 07:15:06 pm »
I thought people here may find this WOZ makes some valid points although many we already are aware of...posted on MySpace Bulletin...from the page.. 

From: WoZ (Nituhkuyin Mahikan Mist.. iguso)
Date: Apr 13, 2008 10:15 AM

First let me state that I have read both sites and have formed my own opinions on both. And throughout this, that’s what it will remain. My opinion.

I held off posting anything on this subject, to give me time to research and form an informed opinion. I did not want to jump into the fray half cocked and make any statements in the heat of the moment. This is what I have come up with.

On the blog page of White Eagle Fraud, "Dear Friends" I think it was stated very clearly. The argument here is not whether this woman should be allowed to hold her ceremonies, but rather that she be honest about them. The drum is not the sole property of one tribe or nation. It a universal instrument that has been used by all nations since the beginning of time. She has every right in the world to use her drum to promote peace and harmony. But she needs to be honest about her intentions. She is not representing Native Americans or any other indigenous nation. But she is in fact imitating them. And this is where she starts to go wrong. While although nowhere can I see where she claims this to be a sanctioned or recognized traditional ceremony.

She implies such by way of her made up background and her regalia. This in my opinion is out and out fraud. It would really be no different than me dressing like a Doctor and offering to perform surgery. Even if my intentions were good. It would be fraud. Or if I dressed like a Priest or Rabbi and offered to conduct Sunday school classes. Of course charging a slight fee for tuition.

That’s fraud. And I can assure you that churches would make a point of stopping me.

She reminds me very much of the TV evangelist who claim the power to heal. Of course again for a slight fee. I have often wondered why it is that if these devout people of God were given such a gift that there is still a need for doctors and hospitals. See my point here.

Now for a little detail. I have looked through her entire web site. And other than where she performs ceremonies on inanimate objects, who attempts to heal waterways or mountains.

I can find nowhere where she or organization performs any charitable works. Yet she claims to be a 501(c)(3) . How can that be? Let’s look at what a 501c3 is.

Organizations described in section 501(c)(3) are commonly referred to as charitable organizations. Organizations described in section 501(c)(3), other than testing for public safety organizations, are eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance with Code section 170.

The organization must not be organized or operated for the benefit of private interests, and no part of a section 501(c)(3) organization's net earnings may inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. If the organization engages in an excess benefit transaction with a person having substantial influence over the organization, an excise tax may be imposed on the person and any organization managers agreeing to the transaction.

Doesn’t seem to fit, does it. Hmmm perhaps the IRS should check into this.

Next, clue as to her deception is the fact that she has to tell people she is a healer, a shaman and she had visions and that she is “Part Indian???
When was the last time you found a true healer or medicine person advertising themselves that way. And when was the last time they charged you.

Did any of them sell DVD’s or CD’s ?
Got any medicine man T-Shirts, jewelry, drum making kits, an official medicine pouch?

From her page :

The Mission

The Whirling Rainbow Foundation is an international spiritual and educational 501c3 organization which honors and celebrates the diverse cultural and spiritual paths of the human family. The foundation cultivates the universal teachings of inner peace, loving compassion, wisdom and understanding at the core of every culture and spiritual tradition.

Our mission is to awaken the spiritual intelligence (divinity) of the heart of humanity, manifesting the full potential of the human spirit to co-create a world of unity, love and peace with the self, family, community and the earth. Through its own projects and working together with like organizations, the Whirling Rainbow Foundation celebrates all paths to wholeness through the universal languages of music, dance, cultural, visual and healing arts.

And then this:

We have received numerous requests from people wanting to travel the entire USA Tour with us and particpate in all the ceremonies, workshops and healing sessions. The GMD USA Tour begins February 8, 2008 in Loveland, Colorado and will close in Vancouver Island, Canada on July 6, 2008. A discounted cost to join this transformational journey with all venues, weekends and healing sessions of our five month tour is $3666 if paid before Febraury 8, 2008.

You must provide your own transportation, food and lodging. Contact our office for details.

Again, it doesn’t seem to fit.

And what exactly is she teaching?
Well this is one of her lesson plans:
These 64 Lessons will be taught directly by the Ascended Master Metatron through White Eagle Medicine Woman. Metatron's teachings are like a laser, giving us detailed guidance and clarity on the next level of awakening our fullest Divine Potential by activating the soundscapes of our Prismatic Fire Light Body in communion with the Dream of Mother Earth.

The Language of One: 64 Lessons of Metatron: Seventh Wave begins February 14, 2008.


And who is Metatron ?

Metatron (Hebrew ?????? or ???????), is the name of an angel in Judaism and some branches of Christianity and Islam. There are no references to him in the Jewish Tanakh (Old Testament), Christian Scriptures (New Testament), or the Quran, though he is mentioned in a few brief passages in the Talmud, the Jewish Oral Law. Metatron appears primarily in medieval Jewish mystical texts and other post-scriptural esoteric and occult sources. In Rabbinic tradition he is the highest of the angels and serves as the celestial scribe, though there is no consensus as to his genesis, nor as to what position he should best be understood to have in the Christian hierarchy of angels, if any.

So why isn’t she dressed like a Rabbi, or Mullah or a Priest?
Because they don’t sell. Indians sell !!!. Because we are somehow mystical and romantic.

We wear pretty colorful regalia and dance real nice. And all those people and their followers can pretend to commune with nature through us. Funny though, I don’t see a lot of them rushing to the rez to get their commodity cheese. And I don’t see anywhere where this good native woman(note sarcasm here) is rushing to any rez with a helping hand, other than helping herself to traditions that are not hers.

So my point in all of this is:

I respect this woman for what she is. A masterful charlatan, a first class sales person. And who knows, possibly a good person who wants peace. But she is not representing me, or any other person who knows and RESPECTS indigenous traditions. She is no different than mascots.

You can not be honoring someone, if they tell you that they are not honored by your actions.

So I give my full support to White Eagle Fraud’s page and ask that White Eagle Medicine Woman cease and desist her portrayal of a representative of any Native nation.

Give back any eagle feathers she may have.

And apologize to all she has offended by here actions.

Nituhkuyin Mahikan Mist..iguso
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Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #57 on: April 13, 2008, 10:18:29 pm »
Has anyone else who wrote the promoters of today's performance in PA heard back?  I have yet to receive a reply.

Does anyone have updates on what happened today? (The debacle was scheduled for this morning.)

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #58 on: April 13, 2008, 10:26:40 pm »
We have heard nothing back as of yet...nor has any of the protesters as far as I am aware....and nothing has been posted yet either. If I hear of anything I will post it up though.
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Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #59 on: April 13, 2008, 10:45:49 pm »
Here is a link to an article written by Suraj, some of you may be interested in reading about Amrahla North, whose ashes are inside the drum, two spirits, that of the drum and that of Amrahla together, now Hartman's blood on top of it all.
or google Amrahla North
You tell me what is right.
In answer to some of the other replies posted here, there is on page 1 of this site, I think, a link to a delaware news article regarding her "medicine doll" and how one man described to his children that this is what real natives are like.  Sorry I do not use nor approve of dolls being used in ceremony, nor have I seen them at any ceremony I have been to, not even a teletubby.
Then there is the bit about the Unitarian Church in Chatanooga, contact them yourself, she told them she is NOT NATIVE and is in fact Jewish and Irish, yet her website claims she is Seneca Metis and grew up in New York.  She told the audience in Weymouth she was Seneca, yet spoke of Natives in the 3rd person, not first as would any native I know it would be I, we, us, our, not they, their, etc.
She has told people she was given permission to do HOPI, NAVAJO, MAYAN ceremony using CHEROKEE MEDICINE by PINE RIDGE on a drum made by ATHABASCANS, blessed by the CHICALOONS, (albeit they are ATHABASCAN) now how does this all make sense?
So is she a fraud, I think so, at least a liar as proven by her own statements. 
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck