Author Topic: Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico  (Read 63892 times)

Offline Ramona1

  • Posts: 39
July 9-11 weekend,2010: Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico
at the Best Western Inn
700 Scott Avenue, Farmington, New Mexico, 87401-7151, US
Phone: 505/327-5221, or Toll Free Room Reservations: 800-780-7234

Chief Golden Eagle/Standing Elk announces a Star Family Gathering/Star Knowledge Conference.
Star Knowledge Conference Program
(Provisional Schedule, subject to change)

July 9 (Friday), 2010

9:00–9:30 am Master of Ceremonies - Unci Yuha Woonspe – Rev. Jean Holmes - Cherokee
9:30-9:50 Bill Tenuto- Dream Message - works with "a gift of foresight"
10:00–10:50 Keynote Speaker - Reynolds Kamakawiwoole – Hawaiian Elder
11:00–11:50 Speaker - Amor Luz – Pilipino Elder, transformation energy specialist
11:50-1:00 Lunch Break
1:00–1:50 Speaker – Grandmother SilverStar (Cherokee-Oglala Dakota) - 13 tests of the Moon presentation
2:00–2:50 Speaker - Maxayanahaik/Taskara (Mayan/Aztec)– Mayan Calendar
3:00–3:50 Speaker - Grandmother White Star - 13 Constellation presentation
4:00–4:50 Speaker - James Gilliland * -
5:00–5:50 Speaker – Grandmother Ka”lili/Carol Petersen - Niquirano-Nordic, founder, Rainbow Medicine Blanket
5:50-7:00 Dinner Break
7:00–7:50 Speaker – Chief Walking Bear – Choctaw Sundance Chief
8:00–8:50 Speaker - Grandmother Roanna Kagenveama – Hopi traditional wisdom-keeper

July 10 (Saturday), 2010

9:00-9:50 Master of Ceremonies - Unci Yuha Woonspe–Rev. Jean Holmes - Cherokee
10:00–10:50 Keynote Speaker - Reynolds Kamakawiwoole – Hawaiian Elder
11:00 – 11:50 Speaker - Dr. Richard J. Boylan, Star Nations Councillor of Earth, speaking about Star Nations' public emergence; and Star Seeds' role in the Transition from Fourth World to transformed Fifth World society
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break
1:00–1:50 Speaker - Chief Grey Eagle – Choctaw Sundance Chief
2:00–2:50 Speaker – Grandmother Shakina Blue-Star – Lakota/Cherokee, Sedona spirit guide portrait reader
3:00–3:50 Speaker – Grandmother Chandra * - Galactic Spider Grandma
4:00-5:50 Speaker - Mazatzin - Aztec, "The Return of Ketzalkoatl: Preparing for 2012 and Beyond"
5:00–5:50 Speaker – Tacanupa Yuwakanpi - Sherwyn Zephier – Dakota Sundance Chief, sharing traditional wisdom from the elders
6:00-6:50 pm Dinner Break, with music
7:00 - 7:50 pm - Speaker – Blue Thunder/Bennie LeBeau, Elder of Wind River Indian Reservation, Eastern Shoshone Nation, Medicine Wheel ceremonialist, works with Earth healing ceremonies
8:00–8:50 Speaker – BearCloud - Osage Artist and Author, “7 Fires”

July 11 (Sunday), 2010

8:00 - 8:30 - Julie Piatt * - Jai Seed Freedom Meditation & Being program
9:00 - 9:15 - Master of Ceremonies – Unci Yuha Woonspe – Rev. Jean Holmes
9:20 - 9:50 - Ananda Shreemati aka Julie Piatt * with Rich Roll * and Nicole Duran * - "a galactic emmissary in service to the healing of humanity"
10:00 - 10:50 - Charles Bolta - Electricity and 2012
11:00 - 11:50 - Ho Waste Winyan - Terri Rivera (Pima-Aztec-Metis), is a gifted psychic and Curandera
12:00 - 12:50 - Lunch Break
1:00 - 1:50 - Anaya-Ra/Nina Brown, "Ambassador for the Council of Thirteen"
2:00 - 2:50 - Unci Mato Zizi/Grandmother Golden Bear (Ozark Mountain Cherokee Elder and Spiritual Interpreter) carries the Star Altar of the MorningStar Teachings
3:00 - 3:50 - Nancy Red Star (Eastern Band Cherokee), author of six books, including the Star Ancestors trilogy
4:00 - 5:00 - Closing Ceremonies: lead by Tacanupa Yuwakanpi Itancan and Reynolds Kamakawiwoole and presenters.

* indicates energy signature of being under Cabal influence.

(Traditional Hawai'ian Elder Reynolds Kamakawiwoole's announcement of the Star Family Gathering may be seen at: )

Conference site lodging: The Best Western Hotel-Farmington has Special Conference Rates (mention "Star Family Reunion") of 192 Rooms made available @ $70.00 for 1, and $75.00 for 2 people. There is a cheaper room rate if you stay three nights: "Special Discount for Three Nights Stay". This can be found on-line under "Rates" when you reserve a room on-line at the Best Western website,

To Register to Attend the Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion: , Registration is $111.00 (before July 1), or $150.00 (after July 1st).
Make check payable to "Star Family Reunion" in the amount of $111.00 (or $150) and mail to:
"Star Family Reunion"
5052 S. Vision Quest Ct.
Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 USA
Registration also may be paid by Credit Card/Paypal, go to:
Questions? 1-(480)-288-1955

To reach the helper of Chief Golden Eagle, Lelie and Earth Star, email her at: , or call her at 1-800-801-9207, or (970) 472-0224

To reach Standing Elk/Chief Golden Eagle, email him at:
Mitakuye Oyasin (All are My Relatives)


Offline Ramona1

  • Posts: 39
Here is another site that list  bios of the people involved
 in the Star Family Reunion/Gathering/Conference


« Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 12:04:40 am by Ramona1 »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Standing Elk / Chief Golden Eagle has apparently changed his name to "Chief Golden Light Eagle"

There are lots of excruciatingly bad videos of this man on youtube

I feel bad posting them but feel it has to be done

Please accept my apologies in advance

here's a link to just one, you can access the others via this user channel (his own channel?)

Apart from all this insane nonsense he seems to be suffering from a delusion that he can sing.  This one had me rolling around the floor laughing

Offline MattOKC

  • Posts: 33
Re: Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2010, 07:38:51 pm »
Bump--I just had a run-in with these people (I started another thread about it). They defended this man as a traditional Yankton sun dance chief. Hell, they went further than that--they claim him as THE Yankton Sioux chief!

Anyone here from Yankton who can comment on him? He's clearly NDN, but what is his standing among his Oyate?

Offline Twinkie_Slayer

  • Posts: 39
Re: Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2010, 11:40:34 pm »

1:00–1:50 Speaker - Chief Grey Eagle – Choctaw Sundance Chief


 Choctaw sundance chief? WTF?

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2010, 01:52:46 pm »
Looks like these people are having some kind of gathering on 11th November in Ohio

A full list of speakers and their bios here

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2010, 05:13:22 pm »
Dontcha just love a super spirchul siter that blocks copying their site?

Some of those spirchul leaders are comical in their claims. It's intresting the criticism is having an effect. Far fewer NDNs, either real or alleged, take part in these conferences than used to. It used to be primarily actual NDN elders, many of them duped or misled. Now there's a grand total of three or four possible NDNs out of close to two dozen people. Some self proclaimed psychics and healers, a flute player, and even a Spanish teacher.

One that jumped out at me, Mazatzin, who claims he is Chichimecatl and Kikapu. There is a Kickapoo community right on the TX MX border. Chichimeca or "dog eater"  is an old insult for northern NDN tribes. Then he adds a Nahuatl ending to it, -atl. He's basically a Latino activist with some pseudo Aztec trappings. His sites include Anahuac and Tawantinsuyo in them, both Latino activist terms for the old Aztec and Inca homelands, respectively.

His bio is here. His "elders" are mostly Latino professors.

I'm certainly all for Latinos reconnecting to their NDN roots, but this guy is not the way to do that, with pseudo Aztec nonsense about the calendars.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2010, 01:54:48 pm »
Bump--I just had a run-in with these people (I started another thread about it). They defended this man as a traditional Yankton sun dance chief. Hell, they went further than that--they claim him as THE Yankton Sioux chief!

Anyone here from Yankton who can comment on him? He's clearly NDN, but what is his standing among his Oyate?

Too Funny Sherwyn Zephier, I know him, yes is is from Yankton Tribe
He runs some kind of star knowledge sun dance for white people down at Yankton SD
He is not a chief and whoever heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is not respected among the people, if fact he is made fun of.
He talked at conference and we just was shocked at what he was
In Spirit

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 37
Re: Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2010, 12:18:38 am »
11:00 – 11:50 Speaker - Dr. Richard J. Boylan, Star Nations Councillor of Earth, speaking about Star Nations' public emergence; and Star Seeds' role in the Transition from Fourth World to transformed Fifth World society

Councillor of/for Earth - A Role Description
"...My responsibilities include both representation and communication. As Councillor I officially represent Humankind and planet Earth to Star Nations High Council for matters of policy development as concerns Earth.... "
"...After an intensive period where Councillor Asheoma educated and briefed the Councillor of Earth on Star Nations lore which the Councillor of Earth had not remembered in this incarnation, it was time to hold a Formal Hearing on the long train of crimes by the Cabal in violation of the11 Universal Laws and the 11 Spiritual Laws of the cosmos. (See: ..."

Some reports by R.Boylan of past conferences:

Report on the 11:11 Star Knowledge Gathering, Colorado Springs, CO, Nov. 08-10, 2002
"........When I heard of Golden Eagle (Standing Elk’s newest lifestage name) convening a Star Knowledge Conference at Colorado Springs Colorado, it was clear to me what some of the purpose was to be. Colorado Springs is home to five military installations, all of which have a role in plans to conduct space war against Star Visitor incoming vessels. ........"
"........Golden Eagle, Keeper of the Dakota Star Altar and Lakota traditional knowledge of Star Visitors contacts, was directed by Spirit to gather the next Star Knowledge Conference at Colorado Springs. Golden Eagle told me that he was doing major ceremony there to buffer the deadly karma and hostile energy directed towards the Star Nations. In addition to several prayer ceremonies during the conference, Golden Eagle and other Native American spirituality practitioners adjourned after the Conference to a location to the west of Cheyenne Mountain for a week of prayer, fasting, sweat lodges, and pipe ceremony......."
"Rod BearCloud Berry spoke Saturday evening about his work with children. He utilizes a kind of Native American-base hanblaceya (vision quest ) ceremony to ritually prepare coming-of-age youths for individual spiritual growth and knowledge, and for clarity about their life work and adult path."
"Wise elder Grandmother Jean Holmes spoke about the upcoming Earth Changes as predicted in Native prophecy...........She also went into trance mediumship and brought through a message from Red Cloud................."
"Grandmother Chandra, a 19-year-old intuitive challenged by muscular dystrophy, answered many questions from the audience. About upcoming times of tribulation, ............"
"......Crow (Jeret), a Metis apprenticing as a spiritual teacher-advisor, accompanied Golden Eagle during the various spiritual ceremonies. He provided teachings about the 11:11 Universal and Spiritual Laws of the cosmos, which Golden Eagle and his associates had translated from the Star Nations symbols found on metal wreckage of the Roswell UFO crash in 1947. ...."
"(I presented a photograph of these symbols to Golden Eagle before the first Star Knowledge Conference, when he first introduced himself to me, and told me that Spirit had directed that he invite me to be a part of the Star Knowledge Conferences. (Note: I gave Golden Eagle my only copy of these photographed symbols, as a big gift, and thus cannot provide any more copies.)"
"....Golden Eagle’s brother, Sherwyn Zephier spoke of the importance of maintaining a spiritual point-of-reference in dealing with the tumultuous times ahead. ..."
".....Golden Eagle echoed this theme. He concluded the Gathering by leading all the participants in a traditional Snake Dance, to shed the “skin” of old ways of thinking and being, and put on the new “skin” (of Fifth World consciousness and spiritual outlook)...."
"......After the official closing, the Native grandmothers directed that Golden Eagle do a special Pipe Ceremony. He did so, with many gathered around in a circle. There was extensive prayer in Dakota (Sioux)....."

Transition from Fourth To Fifth World: The "Thunder Beings" Return
"At the Native American Star Knowledge Conference held in South Dakota in June, 1996, senior Oglala Sioux spiritual elder Looks-For-Buffalo (Floyd Hand) revealed that ancient prophecies are now coming true. These prophecies, heralding immense changes for humankind, point to the imminent return of the Star Nations, what the white man would call extraterrestrial cultures....."
"......The Hopi, Sioux and other tribal traditions hold that at this point in history, we are about to transition from the current pattern of civilization to a radically-different way of living. This change is so profound that it is called the passage from the Fourth (current) World to the Fifth World!...."
".....Mac Ruka, a Maori spiritual teacher, has toured America at the behest of his Maori people to share their ancient history. Ruka tells of a civilization, Mu, from which the Maori came......"
"....As we transition from the Fourth into the Fifth World, it occurs to me that not all heyokasare Plains Indians. Some have yellow skin, others black, others white. These heyokas of every color are experiencers, and have been changed by their experience of extraterrestrial contact by messengers from the sky (Thunder Beings). ..................And there are others, too, who have not had a personal extraterrestrial encounter, but who are actively helping humanity move towards cosmic citizenship, and helping usher in the Fifth World society. These are heyokas as well.........."
"......But it is important to realize that the Fifth World has already begun. Just as the Period of Purification which will end the Fourth World has already begun. During this painful but exciting period of transition, each of us must stand up and choose: status quo, or helping usher in the Fifth World....."
"...Some years ago I did a hanblechia (vision quest) in the desert near Death Valley. During my isolation, I was presented with a image of a Thunderbird ..............................."
"......Another large component of the Transition to Fifth World is the transforming, or establishing from scratch, new social structures: truly-participatory democracies of ecologically-natural and manageable size; schools for Star Kids, and institutes of higher learning for Star Seed adults and regular humans who want to learn the new ways;.............."


Some qoutes from reports on R.Boylan's 'The Star Kids Project':

Report on the Star Kids/Parents/Star Seed Adults Workshop - Nashville, Sept. 29-30, 2006
"...This Workshop was unique in being the first where I was honored to have as co-facilitators Wendi Powers, extraordinary psychic and Star Seed, and Eastern Shoshone Teacher Blue Thunder (Bennie LeBeau),Earth healer and a friend. It was unique in having the most intimate group skywatch encounter by star beings I have heard of. More about that in a minute...."

Report on the November 15-16, 2008 International Symposium on Star Nations, Rome, Italy.
"....Famed Italian UFO investigator and actor Enzo Braschi spoke about how the kachina figures of Hopi culture are actually stylized representations of Star Visitor teachers who had come among them in earlier times. He also spoke about the Hopi, Sioux and Navajo accounts of contacts with other worlds. ...."

Report on the Star Kids & Star Seeds Workshop in British Columbia, (May 21-22, '06)
"....Chris, a Cherokee Metis, helped open each Workshop day with Native American drumming and singing. He shared poignantly his experience of not being accepted by many in the Indian and White communities because he was mixed-race; and how this is like the situation of trying to figure out your identity when you are of the stars (have hybrid genes) as well as are a Human....."

Report on the Sept. 29-30, 2005 Star Kids & Star Seeds Workshop - Nashville, Tennessee
"...It was a memorable experience to be taken by Wendi Powers, along with Marja Roberts, to Old Stone Fort State Park, TN, which actually is a very rich conjunction point for various ley energy lines.
I also learned that this place was an ancient Native American spiritual site, and that what the White Man called a "fort" was actually an earthworks, buttressed by stakes, to create a huge flat landing pad for star craft bringing down Star Visitors to interact with the Native people...."

Report on the Star Kids/Star Seeds Workshop
Aug. 23-25, 2002, at The Integratron, CA
".....The workshop was led by Dr. Richard Boylan, noted researcher of Star Visitor-human encounters. Also assisting were co-facilitators Rev. Barbara Lindsey, internationally-noted psychic, healer and experiencer, and Marian MacNeil, CHT, psychic and experiencer...."
".....Saturday morning the participants filed into the Integratron to begin the Workshop. Each participant went through a brief Native American purification ceremony, being smudged by smoke from a burning bundle of sage....."
".....Dr. Boylan began the Workshop by discussing what makes Star Kids and Star Seeds different. He spoke of the special transformation of these starfolk, whether by alteration during an encounter with the Star Visitors, or by their parents’ reproductive material having been upgraded during a Visitor contact. ...."
"......Sunday morning, Workshop participants who so chose attended an early-morning Native American spiritual Star Elders ceremony in the underground kiva (4), also on the Integratron property. After traditional smudging of those in attendance, there was a period of meditation. Then Dr. Boylan did a sacred pipe prayer ceremony, asking the Spirits of the Six Directions to advance the Star Kids Project and all those attending the Workshop. He then told the story of the Blue Star Kachina: when she returned to dance in the plaza of a Hopi village, that would signal the end of the Fourth World and the return of the Star Elders. He then prayed for the return soon of the Blue Star Kachina......"
".......The starfolk then adjourned back to the Integratron for additional learning. Dr. Boylan utilized two 11-year-old twin Star Kids, Allen and aaron, to demonstrate the use of a pendulum to access universal mind, and determine answers to questions. He also demonstrated psychic diagnosis, using a volunteer, Carrie. Passing his hand over her auric field, he detected two locations of health imbalance. Dr. Boylan then enlisted four volunteers with Therapeutic Touch training, Bente, Margo, Lisa and Belle, to assist him in doing a psychic healing. They used only the natural powers of the cosmos [Tunkashila, (Lakota for the Grandfather)] and of Mother Earth [Maka Unce, (Lakota for the Grandmother).] These powers were invoked and drawn through the practitioner, and sent via their palm chakra into the auric field and body of the one in need. Soon after, Carrie reported that she felt much better......"


He has alot of followers.

- Spandex

Re: Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2010, 04:23:19 am »
Who the heck authorized him to "officially represent Humankind and planet Earth"?

Officially?  Huh?
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2010, 01:26:10 pm »
Who the heck authorized him to "officially represent Humankind and planet Earth"?

Officially?  Huh?

That would be The Council of The Watchers, which is apparently a department under the High Council of the Star Nations.

That's The Watchers of Biblical repute........

No doves coming down from the sky were involved.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2010, 02:52:39 pm »
In Indian Country he is not choosen to represent us.
In Spirit

Offline Ric_Richardson

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Metis star people?
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2010, 03:00:22 pm »

I cannot understand how it is that a "metis" person has the name "Crow".  No wonder he wasn't accepted by the Native and non-natives, if he makes a false claim of being Metis!  Another attempt at gaining some form of credibility, by claiming that he's something he's clearly NOT!

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 37
Re: Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2010, 06:43:36 pm »
Yep, this guy really mixes it up doesn't he?

One particular statement that I found very concerning is this:

"....schools for Star Kids, and institutes of higher learning for Star Seed adults and regular humans who want to learn the new ways;..."

It's really nice that 'regular humans' are given some place in the new way, alongside the genetically upgraded star-youth.
Something sounds familiar and dark here.

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
Re: Star Knowledge Conference/Star Family Reunion, Farmington, New Mexico
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2010, 04:17:58 am »
Star Knowledge?
do these people twinkle to or could they be compared to a black hole?