Author Topic: ‘Druid’ ruse lured Island County girl to be raped  (Read 5606 times)

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‘Druid’ ruse lured Island County girl to be raped
« on: December 24, 2009, 03:00:20 am »

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Last updated 9:30 a.m. PT

Druid’ ruse lured Island County girl to be raped


A 53-year-old carnival worker is being held in Alabama on a $500,000 warrant out of Island County for allegedly raping a girl numerous times after convincing her that the sex acts were part of a Druid religion, court documents indicate.

Prosecutors charged Daniel Doherty, a former Oak Harbor resident, in Island County Superior Court with one count of child molestation in the first degree, one count of rape of a child in the first degree and 14 counts of rape of a child in the second degree.

If convicted of the charges against him, Doherty could face more than 20 years in prison under the standard sentencing range.

Detective Laura Price with the Island County Sheriff’s Office investigated the case after the alleged victim, who is now 21 years old, came to her office and reported the abuse last month.

The woman claimed that Doherty raped and molested her from the ages of about 11 to 19. She said the sexual assaults were frequent, usually one or more times a week.

“He convinced her that she should keep their relationship a secret, and that the sexual acts were part of a Druid religion where they were pleasing the Goddess, Epona,” Price wrote.

The woman claimed Doherty sexually assaulted her every Equinox and Solstice in “celebration,” the report states. He told her that the sex acts “strengthened the bond between Druid teacher and student,” the detective wrote.

The woman described an incident in 2002 when she had friends sleeping over and Doherty asked her to wake them so he could sexually assault them. When she refused, he forcefully raped her on the couch, the report indicates.

Price wrote that Doherty left Whidbey Island in April of 2009 and moved to Alabama, where he works for a carnival company. On Thursday, Price said Doherty is in custody in Alabama on the Island County warrant, but she didn’t know when he will be sent to Island County. Of course, there’s always a chance he will make bail.

This article was originally published in the Whidbey News Times on December 11, 2009.

The predators come in all shades and styles.

btw, the Druids were the priests, teachers, healers and other educated professionals of the Ancient Celts. While there are modern revivalists (or fanatasy-prone types) who call themselves "Druids", no legitimate ceremony involves rape. And as the goddess Epona is a sovereignty goddess - one of the goddesses of the land, who chooses who is worthy to lead the people - this criminal has most likely gained extra spiritual harm for doing evil in her name. May his ancestors reject him, all powers fail him, all spirits turn against him till his victims and their families decide he has fully paid and atoned for what he has done. I doubt it will be in this lifetime, if ever. Sin e.

Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: ‘Druid’ ruse lured Island County girl to be raped
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2010, 04:54:03 pm »
Just as with native culture and ceremony, there are many Druid/Pagan wannbes and frauds.  Seems there are many who will capitalize on anything regardless.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: ‘Druid’ ruse lured Island County girl to be raped
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2010, 09:30:15 pm »
I think the sentence is far too light. I think this guy should get life, at a minimum, locked up with men much bigger and tougher than himself. Or be given a knife and told he also has the option to end it for himself and cease being a burden on society.

Island County judge rejects plea bargain for ‘Druid’ child rapist

Whidbey News Times Assistant editor
Apr 19 2010, 8:37 AM · UPDATED

Island County Superior Court Judge Alan Hancock made a rare deviation from a plea-bargained, recommended sentence and sent a child rapist to prison for well over 12 years.

Daniel Doherty, a 53-year-old former Oak Harbor resident, appeared in court March 12 for sentencing. Under a plea agreement, Doherty pleaded guilty Feb. 18 to first-degree child rape and first-degree child molestation.

Doherty had frequently raped and molested the victim for nine years, beginning when she was just 11 years old. He convinced her that the sexual abuse was part of a Druid religion.

Both the defense and prosecution recommended that Doherty serve 12 years in prison, but the judge did not agree. Hancock stressed how heinous the crimes were.

“The court is appalled by your conduct,” he said. “You victimized and exploited this young person. ... Words cannot express how deplorable your actions were.”

Doherty, a bearded carnival worker and former member of the Navy, didn’t say a word during the hearing and showed little emotion.

In the end, Hancock sentenced Doherty to 12 years and eight months in prison, which is eight months shy of the maximum. Hancock said he gave Doherty some credit for pleading guilty and not forcing the victim to go through a trial.

Hancock thanked the victim, who wasn’t present, for her heart-felt victim impact statement. The young woman described how the nine years of abuse robbed her of her childhood and turned her into a person who suffers from constant flashbacks, bad dreams, day terrors, anger, depression and regret.

“Nine years. Nine years I should have been a kid... Should have been able to learn to trust and make friends. Should have been able to enjoy life and just be a kid,” she wrote.

The girl’s father spoke at the hearing and asked the judge to give Doherty the maximum sentence.

“It irritates me that he says he’s going to take full responsibility. Then take all of it. Take every last day of it,” the man said.

The Department of Corrections also recommended that Doherty receive the maximum sentence in the pre-sentence investigation report, which is required for sex offenders. Doherty told the corrections officer that he didn’t think all the years of abuse affected the victim at all since she didn’t have to go through a trial. The report describes how Doherty continually raped the girl, employing coercion, threats and violence. He warned her that if she told anyone, her mother and brother wouldn’t love her anymore and she would become an outcast.

“It was not until she was confident her mother would still love her, did she disclose the sexual and emotional abuse by Doherty,” the report states.

The victim, who is now 21, reported the history of abuse to the Island County Sheriff’s Office last fall.

“He convinced her that she should keep their relationship a secret, and that the sexual acts were part of a Druid religion where they were pleasing the Goddess, Epona,” Detective Laura Price wrote in her report.

Whidbey News Times Assistant editor Jessie Stensland can be reached at or 360.675.6611.