General > Frauds

Paul Edward Driskill AKA Qwo-Li Driskill

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Some more information. Driskill claims descent from their mother as well as their father, and this is the source of the Cherokee claim. The whole article isn't available free, but on this page the claim is made:
"My mother is Cherokee, Irish, Lenape, Lumbee, and Black. My father was Irish and Osage but thought of himself as Irish and had little connection to his Osage history."

In this article, in footnote 6 on page 162, they specifically claim a "Black Cherokee tradition." The article includes discussions of doing theatre workshops specifically for Indigenous people not in Indigenous communities.

Here they discuss weaving wampum and participating in Cherokee dance.

As noted above, people aren't hired in academe because of their race or ethnicity, but this person is certainly gaining publishing and speaking opportunities, and being recognized as an authority on Cherokee traditions, based on their claims.

From the Willamette Week:

Students, Faculty and a Watchdog Say Oregon State University Is Ignoring Allegations of Identity Fraud
The accusations were leveled against a prominent professor—who claims to be the real victim.

By Nigel Jaquiss
November 15, 2023 at 6:11 am PST

--- Quote ---Allegations of identity fraud against a distinguished professor and author are roiling Oregon State University, pitting faculty against one of their own and causing graduate students to turn against a mentor.

The catalyst that caused a long-simmering controversy to boil over: an investigative report released Oct. 25 by the North Carolina-based Tribal Alliance Against Frauds. The Indigenous watchdog group says it investigates people who “falsely represent American Indian cultures, histories, and spiritual practices and/or falsely claim American Indian identity as individuals for profit or fame.”

The most recent subject of the group’s scrutiny is Qwo Li Driskill, a tenured associate professor of Women, Gender and Sexual Studies & Queer Studies in OSU’s College of Liberal Arts. Driskill, 48, identifies as “trans, nonbinary, two-spirit, and queer multiracial and Indigenous,” according to a faculty biography.

After a four-month investigation, the group determined Driskill’s claims of Indigenous and Black ancestry were bogus.

“The Tribal Alliance Against Frauds is asking Oregon State University to fire…Driskill for academic dishonesty and ethnic fraud unless Driskill makes a public statement admitting that they are not American Indian at all and gives a public apology,” the group wrote.


In this case, the Tribal Alliance Against Frauds alleged that Driskill’s claims of ancestral ties to the Cherokee, Lenape and Osage tribes were concocted.

“[Driskill has] zero ancestry from any American Indian tribal nation whatsoever,” the group’s report said. “This is supported by hundreds of unimpeachable genealogical documents that trace Driskill in a direct line back several generations on both sides of their family. It is also supported by letters from all the nations they falsely claim ancestry from.”
--- End quote ---

Read full article


--- Quote from: RedRightHand on November 19, 2023, 11:17:34 pm ---From the Willamette Week:
The catalyst that caused a long-simmering controversy to boil over: an investigative report released Oct. 25 by the North Carolina-based Tribal Alliance Against Frauds. The Indigenous watchdog group says it investigates people who “falsely represent American Indian cultures, histories, and spiritual practices and/or falsely claim American Indian identity as individuals for profit or fame.”
--- End quote ---

Here is that report:

At the bottom there is a downlodable fan chart of his genealogy, as well as five other PDF downloads.

The TAAF also maintains a Facebook page on the subject:
[Proof that Paul Edward "Qwo-Li" Driskill is NOT American Indian]

TAAF also has a general FB page with lots of interesting posts:

The TAAF Twitter (X) page;

Some other news items sparked by the TAAF investigative report:

Lastly, I will add this petition, started Nov. 9, 2023:

Came across this today and just a quick note on the name "Qwo-Li".  It appears Asian, but it is actually the Cherokee phonetization of "Paul".  So it's Paul's attempt to turn "Paul" into a Cherokee sounding name. 

At TAAF we're still hanging in there to work to get him fired from his university.  A tall order for tenure professors.  Most folks there can't stand him anyway.  Especially his students.  You'd think he wouldn't stay where he's clearly not wanted....

Defend the Sacred:
Oct 10, 2024: Non-Binary Oregon State University Professor Steps Down After Being Accused Of Faking Mixed-Race Black-Indigenous “Two-Spirit” Identity

And earlier in the year:Allegations against OSU professor emerge as students come forward with complaints

Long overdue, but, finally. Let's hope he doesn't reinvent himself on the nuage workshop circuit or similar.


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