Author Topic: More on CKY  (Read 30780 times)

Offline educatedindian

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More on CKY
« on: August 16, 2006, 05:42:19 pm »
From the yahoo group.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
To All Those Concerned:
I had originally sent a letter concerning Jerry Ray Edwards and the Cherokee of Kentucky Chicamaugas and would like to bring some clarity on some of my original concerns.
Charlie Lame Deer and James Plenty Stars are no longer associated with Jerry Edwards in any form. Charlie Lame Deer, in fact, has a state recognized group of Lakotas out of Alabama.
James Plenty Stars is with him. They were deemed "Ukus" by Jerry Edwards aka Uku Yonv.
He had actually given names and titles to many of the members within the yahoo group and the CKYC.
Although, I haven't given up on justifying the wrongs done by this man, I have been contacting those who may be of help with this subject. I plan to try and draw up a petition as an attempt to get things going. I've reported Jerry Edwards to many different people and places somewhat as a warning. I'm hoping for an investigation on this. Most of what I'd reported, and that, which was reported to me,
was written as well as verbal. Some of these things I gave witness to myself.
I've not come to this "venture" in vein. I simply feel it necessary to try and make sure this type of thing is stopped and that no one else is victimized from such behavior.
I have come to suspect that "Yonv's" wife Laura Obiso, or "Clan Mother Nogwisi" as she's much known may very well be just as involved with the whole scenario. She has come to his defense most recently. She's been with him through all of this and has, in the opinion of many, given the avenues to forward his fraudulent behavior. In conclusion, if she has known of his activities and has not reported them then she is just as responsible as he is.
As I come along with my intentions, I will try to bring updates on the progress. I hope that with enough stimulation in an attempt in finding a solution, there will one day frauds/fraudulent acts will be non-existant.
Thank You for your time,
Ann McKitric
Note: I'm posting a picture of this man in the photos.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
To Whom It May Concern:
I have something that I feel needs addressing. As both a citizen of Kentucky and a Cherokee, it is very important that I try to shed some light on some things which are going on in one part of our state. I am trying to contact your newspaper and others, which are local to the area of my concerns. There's a group called the Cherokees of Kentucky Chickamauga (CKYC) formerly known as the United Free Cherokee Nation, whose Department of Tribal Affairs is based and ran from Burnside. This is also the root of a Yahoo group online. According to some sources, Jerry Edwards has recently changed the name of his group to the Chickamauga-Wazhazhe. He has also stated that if he gets in any kind of trouble with the authorities here in Kentucky, that he will pack up and move to Alabama. As of now, he is claiming to be Cherokee and of course he is nothing more than a white man who is turning a scam.
I have reason to believe that I should warn all people that there are, and could eventually be, people affected by the negative actions of this man. So, this is a warning! This man had supposedly scheduled an interview with his local newspaper and had canceled interviews on several occasions. This person also has a police record and had spent some time in prison.
First of all, I should give a little history on this person. His name is Jerry Ray Edwards, although he uses the title "Uku Yonv"(uku, meaning chief in the Cherokee language), and considers himself a priest/spiritual leader. He was born in McCreary County and raised in Somerset, I believe. He has bipolar illness and is without medication. If that gives you any idea on his state of mind.
He has stated that his is the "All Knowing" and that he has been abducted by aliens and has deities within guiding him. He is, number one, mentally ill and is misleading many people who live in
Kentucky, as well as, other states. This person has and is still, misusing funds, which have been donated. He's already gained a not for profit and is fraudulent in that aspect as well.
This isn't an attempt to get back at someone who has angered me. It's quite the opposite really. I have the concern of many in mind here.
Jerry Edwards has been investigated before, for fraud, online. His picture, with warnings, is currently being circulated there. I'm not sure what else to do but, report him. Luckily, I got out of this
group once I noticed his behavior. Though there are many, with whom I'd become acquainted, which are not aware of what's going on. Most of the people, as with many online groups, are in some fashion,
unstable to some extent and look to him for stability. His ideas and actions leave me, giving comparison to the "Waco" incident. An example to that is his wanting to put up barriers around the land upon which the citizens of this tribe are to reside. Keep in mind that there are to be no husbands, children nor grandchildren allowed to live upon this land. That doesn't mean that the men who will live
there cannot have their wives living there.
There are some that have left the group or have been thrown out, so to speak. But, there are still so many that are susceptible. And there's the matter of drug usage and the selling of drugs, welfare
fraud and so much more being done by this man. He is growing psychodelic mushrooms inside his home and has been selling them. He is also purchasing, by land contract, 80 acres of land at Little South Fork, which is supposed to be "tribal land", and is paying for it with donations from citizens, yahoo group members and folks who try to get into this CKYC.
It is important that this matter be investigated and that this man is stopped by the authorities, as well as the media. It is my intention to make reports to all those that should be notified. I do have some proof to what I've written here and I pray that this isn't "one of those things" that is put into a stack of papers
marked "forgotten".
Thank you so much for your time. I pray that you can help me protect others and bring this man to justice. I'm also attaching a picture of Jerry Edwards aka Uku Yonv.

Sincerely, Mary Anna McKitric

A list of other places of which I'm sending this letter (either via
email or postal) or by telephone, the following:
1. Commonwealth Journal – Ken Shmidheiser, Editor
2. McCreary County Record – Janie Slaven, Staff Reporter
3. The Lexington Herald Leader
4. Kentucky State Police
5. Pulaski County Sheriff's Department
6. McCreary County Sheriff's Department
7. Office of the Inspector General
8. Commonwealth of Kentucky – Cabinet for Health and Family Services
9. Social Security Administration
10. Omsbudsman
11. Native Voices Radio
12. Cherokee Nation (Online Group)
13. Tsalagi Language (Online Group)
14. Cherokee Tradition (Online Group)
15. Cherokee Talk (Online Group)
16. Native Internet Users
17. Cherokee Phoenix Newspaper
18. Red Nation
19. The Advocate Messenger
20. Red Road Newsletter
21. Cherokee Nation – Mexico
22. Various Other Yahoo Groups, Native American Organizations,
Media, Family and Friends
23. Salt Lake Tribune
24. The Hamilton Spectator
25. CTV Native Protesters
CKRZ Radio


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Re: More on CKY
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2006, 08:04:43 am »
from a yahoo group;

Prayer and smoke for all those in need. I have had a stressful week. a sister who belonged to a group I belonged to attempted suicide and is on a respirator another one who stayed longer just killed herself Friday and one just rushed her mother to the E.R. with hypertension. Please keep them all in your Good Thoughts and even the ones who demeaned and demoralized these woman. They especially need prayer to see the light before it is too late. It is sad to see how hurtful people can be.
Much thanks in advance.


                                                           WEHELI >:(


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Re: More on CKY
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 06:20:06 am »
Could this be Jerry"s new site?????

scroll down to Osiyo Jason, I know we have had this site for Edwards before but now by his name at the end of the posting is
With Respect
Yona, Principal Chief
Unified Free Cherokee Nation [Please visit their brilliant and inspiring Website.]

 That takes you to

Click on  YONA and you will be here

HMMMM is this him?  If so seems he is now legit???


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Re: More on CKY
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2006, 06:22:21 am »
Post Script::
UFCN is unified Free Cherokee Nation.

Re: More on CKY
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2006, 01:45:08 pm »
<snip...quoting Ann McKritik>
Charlie Lame Deer and James Plenty Stars are no longer associated with Jerry Edwards in any form. Charlie Lame Deer, in fact, has a state recognized group of Lakotas out of Alabama.

Just FYI...there is not a "state recognized group of Lakotas" in Alabama.  (Source:,%20Chiefs%20&%20Commissioners.htm)

They sound dangerous, to state the obvious.  If they are seeking recognition in Alabama, it might be a good idea to make sure this information also gets to the tribes recognized in Alabama and to their representatives on the IAC before UFCN petitions.  It is certainly not in the existing tribes' interest to have a dangerous cultist state-recognized, and I think they would likely have the sense to fight recognition for this group.


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Re: More on CKY
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2006, 02:03:46 pm »
I went into other threads to gather info on the Cky. Isn't softspeaker starr a former member, maybe they could tell us more what is going on with the info that was given as far as charlie lame deer and jerry edwards is concerned. Soft speaker are you aware of this new site, is it jerry edwards?


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Re: More on CKY
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2006, 09:21:09 pm »
I don't think Jerry Edwards will ever be legitimate. He is just to unstable. He packed in in July and left. Most think for Flordia. He has not re-surfaced. Probably will but under a different group name. Lame Deer the last I heard was Osage.  There are a couple of these tribes in Alabama they could join. That system is a little shakey, but mostly legitimate. Jerry Edwards being from Atlantis would have to have his own tribe. Not many will buy into that nonsence. But I am always suprised at the ones that do. frederica


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Re: More on CKY
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2006, 10:04:25 pm »
Thanks for that information, does validate emails I have received. Yep will need "Cherokee Atlantis" group.


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Re: More on CKY
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2006, 06:20:11 am »
Since the last he was really heard of was when his girl friend  Obiso was taking donation on the East Coast under the name of "Real Human Beings" thought of checking for any stray Ani Yua Wiya Nations. But no new ones. Just the deflunked on in TN and the State recognized one in Alabama. Nothing in Flordia, Georgia or Louisana yet.  frederica


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Re: More on CKY
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2007, 10:43:54 pm »
Is this the Burnside Jerry Edwards? It is pretty recent and makes sense if he needs quick money. In Georgia.

a friend from North Georgia said he said he thinks it is the same person. It happen in Cherokee county where he is. 

Also by going into the records I found this Jerry Edwards, 55, from Borden Springs, ALA, Piedmont, Ala.

Does anyone have a way to see if this is the Jerry Edwards we have exposed?

                                                                     Wado Weheli


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Re: More on CKY
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2007, 06:19:24 pm »
Weheli, The photo posted here doesn't look like he is 55. And I gather it was a fairly recent photo. Is there an age on him? I am wondering if the time line is right. Sentencing comes later. I wonder when  the actual event took place. Maybe the Newspaper has information. frederica


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Re: More on CKY
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2007, 06:56:27 pm »
 Thanks Fredrica ,yes I did do a people search on him last year I believe and he was listed as 54, I will not give up on tracking him, I do pray this is him and 7 years + is not enought if it is him. From a friend who did belong to the group, she told me, he was into drugs, weapons ect.


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Re: More on CKY
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2007, 07:01:24 pm »
Try the Cherokee Ledger News in Woodstock. They do not have an archives. But might be able to email one of the reporters and see if their is a police report or more information. The paper is online.  frederica

Offline educatedindian

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Re: More on CKY
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2007, 09:20:37 pm »
It looks like the CKY is trying for a comeback.

Please contact the editor, who is also the author of the article, to let him know the kind of man he made the mistake of promoting. Thoughtful letters asking for a follow up discussing the man who believe CKY to be a destructive cult are probably the best approach.

Send to Bill Mardis, editor emeritus at bmardisl @


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Re: More on CKY
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2007, 02:31:26 am »
Thanks Al for this article.
Very interesting eh? Couldn't even tell the truth to the reporter. I thought they had land called "Otter Creek", still calls himself a Yona,UKU ect.LOL!!! Than goes on to say he knows the language and culture, well I have to say I chocked on that one ;D. Still says they are a "TRIBE".

I will be sending the Editor a email. lets see where all this goes.