Did you ever take the time to actually sit down and talk with Pete and Nora?
No I haven't. I don't live in Canada. I have however, spoke with people living within the Algonquin community. People allowed to speak for the community, who lead TRADITIONAL ceremony within community. I defer to them.
You wrote I was doing damage to the NDN community. What? because I came in and defended a friend? "When you take from another culture, when you sell ceremony and 'initiation' to members of the dominant culture". When did Nora ever do any of that?
Yes, what you are doing is damaging to the community. You are making excuses for your friend, who's conduct is disheartening and who's impressions are inaccurate. Nora is all over the place with her spirituality and she is providing disrespectful and inaccurate information. I private messaged you about one particular instance. Pete is initiating people when he has no authority to do so. It is offensive that you feel it is okay to tell indigenous peoples and their allies that simply because she is a good person we should not question her, period end of sentence.
I don't feel you have really done your research here...sorry, but I was really disturbed by this.
And the more I look into her goings on the more I am disturbed.
I totally understand the mission here, I get it...but be careful and really investigate people before you make these arbitrary decisions.
No, I don't think you get it at all. Again, the more I look into her, the more disturbed I am.
To take a good native woman who has had her own profound life experience and is trying to do some good in the world and to just drag her through the mud because no one has bothered to really talk to her or get her story is not something I can participate in...I'm sorry.
She is not doing good in the world when she is teaching things like the universal medicine wheel (that's obnoxious, she is imposing on the many many Nations and cultures that do not ascribe to this 'teaching').
I've met Pete once, he seemed like a good guy. The Bernards are very respected in Canada and Pete and Nora are members of that family.
Pete may be a fantastic guy but he's conducting himself in a not so good way. I know the Bernards are respected.
I don't know everything that Pete is up too, so I can't comment on that, but I do know Nora and I know her to be genuine and sincere.
If you don't know what he's up to then you may want to reconsider defending or making excuses for him. Nora may be sincere however she has a lot of stuff wrong when it comes to other cultures and communities.
Talk to them first and then decide. I know traditional people from the Algonquin community too. I live here and they don't have a problem with Pete or Nora so you should really put both of them in the "research some more" column. It is so upsetting to see her sitting in "Fraud" with all these negative and nasty comments surrounding her. She's a good soul. It's just really sad to me and disturbing and I can't be part of this if this is how this works...sorry...
Please do not tell us what to do. The elders I've spoken with DO take issue with them, more-so Pete. She may be a good soul but again she is doing damaging activities. I truly hope that your desire to help her is because you are her friend, not because of the association you both have to Cherry Valley, which host new age workshops where you both have taught/facilitated