Author Topic: Lawrence Agecoutay aka KaNeeKaNeet  (Read 64355 times)


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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2005, 07:43:51 am »
Ok, gotta clear a few things up. EducatedIndian, thank you for speaking more respectfully.

First my name, Ahniwanika. This is a name I was given in a Dream.  I hate the name John, it is unoriginal, so Christian. Ahniwanika is not a name a chose, but it is one I accept.

As For DreamWalker, I don't where you get that he's a wannabee indian? You don't even know what he does in his life.. he actually works his butt off for his people, Who cares that he's taken an interest in the Indigneous People in the West? Or that he's a person who walks what he dreams. If you don't like his english, try reading catalan instead...

As for the names? There is nothing wrong with having names that have real meaning in real life.

I realize we have in the past attracted newage types, that is, people who are so disastified or unfullfilled from the sense-based vaccums of Empire and all archaic Religions that they create what they can to have and know something beyond the mundane, and have not been invested in or taught to know the details of reality and what it offers; I for one would not attack them for that, as I did the same thing once, only I chose to look within myself and I refused to subscribe to any cliche, etc. Though when I encouter people talking newage stuff, I do not hesitate addressing that stuff respectfully and responsibly.

You no doubt saw in the about why we chose the name GhostChild. It dosn't matter if it somehow associates to GhostWolf, it also associates to GhostDance, which is more apt. The only time we ever talk about new age things is when someone starts calling us newagers, or Cyber NDNS (I #$%& hate that), else it's law, politics, news, issues, etc. but that isn't happening much these days.

As for the pity me thing, as I said I just didn't know what else to write. Eventually I'll change it.

And now for the Moors?  Moorish Science encapsulating the moors is no different than the Nazis encapsulating white people. Wait a second... yeah, that's right LOL, or me encapsulating all Gay People. Let's not forget Moors have been around for quite a while now, 100's of years (or thousands) Should we ask the DHS to add all Moors to the list because of a few extremists? Or disassociate from all Christians because there are so many fanatics? Of course not. The one that runs that forum is not an extremist, but a Moor who brings a very "different" view on Islam and the Muslim World,  and I haven't seen any hate or talk of violence on that forum.

I understand what you mean about making things harder, but consider for a moment the issues we are addressing, the whole reason for the site? I don't mind if people laugh about the fiction thing, because just as many mouths drop to the ground, and just as many tuck tails and run once they fully realize what's been said.  What matters is those who need to know do: Chomsky knows it, So does Zinn, so do the oneidasfordemocracy, so does churchill, splittingthesky, arundhati roy, michael albert, shiva, most anarchists, the WSF (world social forum) and many many others. That stuff can be argued ad nauseam, but a fact will always be a fact. Anyways, this isn't really the place to talk politics, so I'll stop there.

About Kaneekaneet? I don't see where he is claiming to speak for everyone? Wanbdi, where is he doing this, please? As for heredity, from what I know, Kaneekaneet's ancestor was chosen to represent the Anishinabe (the People) around the time of the Royal Proclamation, by those joined in the Turtle Island government that existed from approx. 1660 to 1880, and then was dismantled for whatever reason; many years later came the Indian Brotherhood, which bore th AFN, whom still call themselves the "Indian Brotherhood" (how's that for New Age?) And Kaneekaneet was chosen by Elders from All in the family to be the "Best Man". And that's pretty much all I know.

EducatedIndian, you may not see how it can be empowering to be aware of the fact that Empire is nothing more than an institution made by Men who don't mind killing kids or women, who have no real power other than that found in totalitarianism, but pretty much every indigneous Nation in the world has (except those in Canada and America) and they are slowly moving forward on their own the exact premise I've shared on the site regarding "the twofold path to peace." So it don't matter if we attract newagers, afterall they're people too. We also attract lawyers, professors, government folks, artists, musicians, thinktanks, and various others.

Cheers Willow for your words.

Peace. Ahniwanika


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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2005, 07:48:20 am »
educated, my name it is not an indian name and does not try to be. ? Which kind of superb ambition have you in mind? why do you think that ? only the Indians have symbolic names?
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by educatedindian »


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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2005, 09:04:35 am »
Debbie, educated,...

Although I know the dates of your defeats, I know the name of your warriors, of our Chiefs, I know your history.
Do you realize why I know your history? because our Peoples have parallel history, parallel struggle, parallel spirituality.
Is it so strange that I could be interested in your history, language, culture?
Are we not able to learn from each other?
Are we not the blood descendants of the same RH- tribe?

You are insulting me when saying that I'm a wannabee. I'm not a wasichu. Probably you are? ? You are offering me a deplorable treatment. You are not permitted to do it.

I'm sure you're not interested in to know better who the catalan Nation is, nor who I am.

Talking to you with loud voice... to you better understand Who we are and wich are our Universal Rights.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by educatedindian »

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2005, 02:20:43 pm »
Yes, I'm going to continue to call you John. In every tradition I've ever seen, including Mohawk, you don't just up and give yourself what you claim is your Indian name. It has to be given by others who have that right and duty. In most traditions that means elders, though in some traditions it has to be warriors.

I call myself Al, as does just about everybody in here. I don't make up an Apache name for myself, that'd be wrong and an offense to my ancestors. People in NAFPS call each other Debbie, Trish, as well as Piya and Wanbdi. We don't go around giving "Indian" names to our non Indian members either, certainly nothing as pompous as Cheer-Up-Sleepy-Dreamer's name.

I'm glad if at least in here you're resorting to less of the whining and self pity than what you did by crying in that thread and wailing away about being "attacked." ? Do you see the huge contradictions between arguing for Native sovereignty, which by definition must come from strength, and being so frail that both mild jokes and constructive criticism sends you into fits?

For someone who claims having the Nuagers around doesn't matter, you've managed to show just the opposite. For you personally, you imitate their practices of giving themselves faux Indian names, and you use their surreal and even Orwellian language, such as claiming criticism equals "attacks." That's almost as ridiculous as the fool on that thread claiming we were "Nazis".

About Agecourtay, he's represented as not just a chief but THE Chief of his people, over and over. And a number of your posters claim to prosecute him for pot growing is "high treason." I'm no believer in the Drug Wars, but he deserves no more attention than any other victim of them. In fact, less, since his only claim is that the British appointed his ancestor "chief".

Ghostchild doesn't have squat to do with the Ghostdance. It's a Nuage wannabe claim that THEY are the Indians now and tribes need to let them join (or even in some cases need to FOLLOW what they say). The fact remains that having that name for your site associates it with Franzone. At the least you should think about having a disclaimer distancing youself from him.

Apparently you didn't bother to read the links. Moorish Science was deeply racist FROM THE START and continues to be. It's main ideological brothers are the Nation of Islam, which came from it, and the militia movements which work alongside it. Most reading your site will associate it with Moorish Science whether you want them to or not. Again, you'd be helping yourself to put a disclaimer distancing your site from them.

You and willow's excuses for DWA are pretty lame. That a Mohawk would defend a ? wannabe talking like a stereotype of Indians can't be defended.
DWA obviously speaks fairly good English, he just chooses to talk like Tolkien writing a Lone Ranger episode. It's harder to imitate Tontospeak or Yodaspeak like he does than it is to speak conversational English. He obviously goes to a great deal of effort to do that, and it's a shame that a Catalan can't be content to BE Catalan. Even his knowledge of his own people is questionable since he's a member of OBOD, a faux-Druid group that has a faux version of Druid history.

There is another point to bring up. You link to Saq Be, which poses as an activist group helping Mayans. Saq Be is led by a Nuage fraud named Carlos Barrios. There are threads on him here and at the yahoo group Shaman Debunk.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2005, 03:45:13 pm »
Willow and DWA/Pere Cabra:

You certainly are humorless and ultrasensitive. ("Oh my, a joke! I'm being persecuted!") Apparently you can't take jokes designed to make someone realize just how foolish they're being. Sheesh, those mild jibes make you both fall to pieces?

And if DWA/Pere Cabra is a poet, he obviously is supposed to be able to use words. So your excuses fall flat.

They fall even flatter since Pere threw out the next two posts without any of the Tontospeak. In fact he showed himself to be far more venomous and insulting than anyone in here has ever been. His childish ranting was removed.

I'm actually glad if you find parallels between Catalan and Native experience, DWA. I see them too, but I don't speak to you in a bad Zorro impression, do I?

And Willow, there's more than a little hypocrisy in your stance, in what you say in here and what you argued in the "attacked" thread. You find my mild jokes offensive, yet you think spiritual exploiters are no big deal? So much for your claim of willingness to help.


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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2005, 04:57:41 pm »
let me know who UAOD are.
I don't know.

About my language:  my effort to speak in a way about your understanding me is a sign of respect towards you, even though since now you have not given me motives for making it.
That I use direct translations from my own language for expressing in yours what I have in mind should be a motive of interest, not of mockery.
We, the catalan people, never prejudge. We always concede ourselves a time before answering.

I also would like to invite you again to visit our site. Please follow the link below:,19.0.html

It is a link to an Abya Yala/Turtle Island section in wich I try to explain to my community wich are your struggles and claims. Here you can find a thread called ·Declaration of War Against Exploiters of American Indian Spirituality", the "NATIVE AMERICAN WANNABE FAQ", another one called "WHAT DO THE INDlANS WANT?", and "STRANGERS ON THEIR ANCESTOR’S LAND" and so many others.
These are not my own written threads because, beeing not an indian, it is not my duty to talk about, just inform.

And now I would like to ask you to revisite, regardless of what youthink about Ka Nee Ka Net.
There you can find what it is a common interests community were people use to speak about their own communities struggle to find common speeches. Finally, we are all facing the same problems.
It is not in the Ghostchild interest to become "THE" indian site, although most members are, like you, blood mixed. Anyway, is a very serious site and a place were we all can share with respect.
It is my point of view that native peoples of the wolrd are facing commons problems due to the same lack of wisdom. Wich should be the individual paths or the community paths it is not my duty to judge... the same way that I don't judge your community even if you fall in a desert of mistakes. Life has learned me to not to give if I'm not asked to.
Nevertheless, my People and I are receptive people that will allways care of you if you need it and if you asked it for. NO matter who you are, no matter whar have you done, no matter wich is your path, nomatter wich are your struggles. If you ask it, you have it.

Now that I read more "comfortable" words from you, I would like to invite you and your board members to honor our ancestors tomorrow, the Catalan National Day, proclaming that we will never surrender to the oppression, that we will allways face those who want us dead, those who want us silent.

About my Yoda style: I do not renounce to this style of writing... if it even is a style. Let me ask you: do you really believes that all things can be told the same way, with the same words... we are not allways talking to the "same side of ourselves".

If you're an indian, if you have some blood mix inside you, you know perfectly what I mean.

(remember to explain to me who UAOD are).


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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2005, 05:41:59 pm »
And... please, give native peoples a chance... don't give Bush a chance.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2005, 07:34:38 pm »
A wasichu? LOL! That just shows your pan Indian ignorance. If you are following an Anish and a Mohawk, why would you use a Lakota term?? Me, I am not Lakota, but I am Indian, and I do not use Lakota words because that is pan-Indianism.  

Oh,and the Druid bunch? It's on one of YOUR sites, so maybe you can explain it.

Oh, one more thing, I would rather have Dolors tell me about Catalan people because she is proud to be Catalan and not throwing around Indian words and acting like a twinkie.


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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2005, 08:23:30 pm »
That just shows your pan Indian ignorance. If you are following an Anish and a Mohawk, why would you use a Lakota term??

Oh,and the Druid bunch? It's on one of YOUR sites, so maybe you can explain it.

Oh, one more thing, I would rather have Dolors tell me about Catalan people because she is proud to be Catalan and not throwing around Indian words and acting like a twinkie.

Debbie, small cousin,
wich is the reason to use a Lakhota or a Mohawk term when you're writting in a foreign language?
Are you so blind as you shows?

About Druids: be more respectful about our legacy or you will simply be banned out from LIFE board. You show an ignorant behavior.
I don't know WHO should be your OWN CREATED druid fraud.

About your friend, my cousin, Dolors: ask her about our site... if she's a true catalan she'll be proud of our work.

Kindy small cousin, be careful about the words you shot off your mouth... sometimes bullets turns back.

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2005, 10:31:34 pm »
Oh, please, use English or Catalans, but quit trying to use Lakoata words. You are NOT Lakota and most likely don't speak it. Do no co-opt it for it makes you look ignorant.  

Banned from the board? LOL! I am not ON that board. But you just made yourself into a liar. You said you knew nothing about OBOD, and then you threaten to ban me from it. Hahahahahahahaha! Too damn funny. Good grief you are funny.

willow aliento

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2005, 12:09:59 am »
Willow and DWA/Pere Cabra:

You certainly are humorless and ultrasensitive. ("Oh my, a joke! I'm being persecuted!") Apparently you can't take jokes designed to make someone realize just how foolish they're being. Sheesh, those mild jibes make you both fall to pieces?

And Willow, there's more than a little hypocrisy in your stance, in what you say in here and what you argued in the "attacked" thread. You find my mild jokes offensive, yet you think spiritual exploiters are no big deal? So much for your claim of willingness to help.

G'Day Al,
Guess the dry Aussie humour in my posts is escaping you then?  Seems to me you've mixed me up with an academic feminist (yes, thats a joke).

And also you must have missed the two posts on the subject of fraud, referring folks to information which will give facts about it?  Its not that I don't support what you do here, but the WAY you are doing it is not one I or some others are comfortable with.

Also, there is nothing hypocritical is not seeing this as the biggest most urgent issue there is, and nothing hypocritical in pointing out there's a whole heap of great big juicy fraud types that you seem to not be targetting, like the companies behind any of the products of these people.  That's just how I see it, could be an Aussie thing.  we tend to go for the biggest guy lol.

Also I am a member of the Australian Journalists union, which has some fairly strict laws about libel & slander.  Thats one of the things I do object to here on principle, is the publishing your members do here of unverified & personal information about others which falls into that category.  You are NOT the police, the CIA OR the IRS, your right to investigate people's private affairs is shaky at best, publishing leaves you wide open.  Surely if NAFPS has a strong support base with the BIA, Elders, Chiefs, Medicine people & others in the Nations, there are better, more legal (and effective) way of tackling this.  Get along to one of the workshops and refuse to pay and tell everyone there what's wrong with it, deliver the declarations against exploitation face to face to offending shops and prophets -- that's how I am going to tackle it around here anyway.  face to face.  it's the same approach we use here with mining and forestry or anyone else (such as the refugee detention centres, the Forbes 300 meeting, Dubya visiting).  direct.  face to face.  

One thing that had occurred to me maybe you have all not understood about the people who go to these NAFPS is that they have been raised in a culture where people only truly value what they PAY for.  They are simply not set up culturally to learn by observation and respectful listening to someone who has not formally asked a fee in a workshop or similar setting.  Its like the way people will ask advice from all their wise friends about something, but not feel like they've actually heard anything useful until they've paid a tarot reader, astrologer or some other "professional" advice giver for their opinion.  Folks are gullible, and western civilisation's advance is proof.  (there is humour again in that statement BTW).

I for one don't feel persecuted by you folks, (after all, I do live in Australia where I have a life outside the internet (keep listening for that dry humour btw), but it did seem polite to check this out when Ahni brought it to our attention, and hey, unlike most folks you guys check out, we have had the guts to come forward and say G'day and introduce ourselves AND try and explain the things you have found worth laughing or howlin or screechin at.  

it would be nice to think I could "dob in a crystal sniffer" here in your on-line version of a spiritual war-on-drugs, (there are some days that'd make me feel real good) and then watch their business crumble to be replaced by a society where people seek for their own authentic ancestral wisdom yada yada yada but I "don't think we're on the same page" as my highpowered clients put it, in HOW we'd like to see this come about.

Anyhow, this has been both instructive and interesting, and you have all at least motivated me to finally get the Lakota Declaration of War against cultural exploiters out to some of the worst of the plastics around these parts.  We'll also have a good opportunity to raise this in discussions with locals next year, when the Canadian Residential Schools Survivors group is here.

I do wish you all the best in what you are doing, and if anyone has any on-ground information on mining in your area, especially names of companies doing projects on tribal lands and also special places (such as Black Mesa) or water catchments and wetlands, could you post it for me over at Jinta Jungu on the "what's happening in your neck of the woods" thread.  I'm not terribly keen on hearing any details about involvement on the part of the Illuminati/Rosicrucians/KnightsTemplar or aliens.  I can get that info in Byron Bay already lol.

Cheers to y'all (yes I DO have a right to use Kentucky speak lol)...and get off those boring high horses about lingo!  horses are NOT native to Turtle Island tee hee.
All the best,

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2005, 10:28:48 am »
Its not that I don't support what you do here, but the WAY you are doing it is not one I or some others are comfortable with.

To me it looks more like 'some others' are uncomfortable because they've been called on their twinkie behaviour.

...there's a whole heap of great big juicy fraud types that you seem to not be targetting, like the companies behind any of the products of these people.  That's just how I see it, could be an Aussie thing.  we tend to go for the biggest guy lol.

That'd take the heat off your small-potatoes friends, wouldn't it? Is their racist caricaturing of Indians somehow more acceptable to you than open-cast mining? How about naming these big juicy frauds we're not targetting?

I am a member of the Australian Journalists union, which has some fairly strict laws about libel & slander.  Thats one of the things I do object to here on principle, is the publishing your members do here of unverified & personal information about others which falls into that category.  You are NOT the police, the CIA OR the IRS, your right to investigate people's private affairs is shaky at best, publishing leaves you wide open.

You're a journalist, not a lawyer, though your apparent belief that the AJU passes laws which are binding on Indians doesn't say much for your journalistic skills. Could you verify your claim by showing us examples of unverified information we've published? If you want to help, rather than offering unasked-for advice, why not write and get published an exposé of William Two Feather who last we heard was in New South Wales. As you can see, gullible environmentalists in Australia have fallen for his spiel. There are lots of people here who'd be happy to co-operate with you on that.

Surely if NAFPS has a strong support base with the BIA, Elders, Chiefs, Medicine people & others in the Nations, there are better, more legal (and effective) way of tackling this.  Get along to one of the workshops and refuse to pay and tell everyone there what's wrong with it, deliver the declarations against exploitation face to face to offending shops and prophets -- that's how I am going to tackle it around here anyway.  face to face.

More unasked-for advice. We're already doing that; Indians have always confronted frauds face-to-face. A recent example.

One thing that had occurred to me maybe you have all not understood about the people who go to these NAFPS is that they have been raised in a culture where people only truly value what they PAY for.  They are simply not set up culturally to learn by observation and respectful listening to someone who has not formally asked a fee in a workshop or similar setting.

That's both patronising and simplistic. Patronising because Indians already know how Western culture works. Look, here they are, on the internet. It's a simplistic statement because not every Western person values only money, by a long chalk. I'm English, living in England, and about as Western as you can get. I don't know anyone who fits the caricature you've drawn. Perhaps you should just speak for yourself.

willow aliento

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2005, 12:54:42 pm »
You can call a duck a twinkie but it won't stop em quacking

get over the idea we all claim to be Indian, or even all want to be Indian.   Its just wrong.  Get over the idea there's only one right way to use English,  It's a mongrel of a tongue, in every sense of the word.

your apparent belief that the AJU passes laws which are binding on Indians doesn't say much for your journalistic skills.

 anyone leaves themselves wide open under all kinds of other laws (like federal US laws) if they publish information which can be construed as libel or slander...the reason we have such a strict code for the AJA is so we don't get into that kind of trouble.
why not write and get published an exposé of William Two Feather who last we heard was in New South Wales.
What's wrong with him, aside from being a bit of a wanker, he says he's not asking for money?  is he not Indian?
As you can see, gullible environmentalists in Australia have fallen for his spiel. There are lots of people here who'd be happy to co-operate with you on that.
Local knowledge:  Eco Active are not environmentalists.  They are the green equivalent of plastic shamans, use all the same words, and do nothing that's real or authentic.  Real Australian greenies are not kooky freaks.
 If you want to see what my wealthy local crystal sniffers get up to, google native + american + essences + byron.

Indians have always confronted frauds face-to-face. A recent example.
Glad to hear that -- it's not obvious from anything here at the site that this group does anything other than post stuff here...gee, isn't that the same kinda mis-conception that you guys got about us???  

 It's a simplistic statement because not every Western person values only money, by a long chalk. .

I take your point there are some wonderful exceptions to my experience-based observation that westerners don't value that which is free.  but they are exceptions.  Or why else did mainstream culture  only start valuing water once they started paying for it?  How else did we get in this environmental mess but through people not valuing that which life gives them more than that which they buy?  why else do they need to own land and buy and sell it?  why even invent the idea?

A true story to explain this, as we experience it here Downunda:  When we were doing non-violent direct action in the forests, it was really hard to get people out to them, but there would be people flocking to like "drum yourself to nirvana" workshops and "weekend warrior experiences", we used to joke that if only we advertised actions as workshops, and charged money for coming (plus used great phrases like "get in touch with your inner earth warrior") we'd get plenty of folks.  some thought it would only work if we issued tattoos, free piercings or certificates for all who completed the week long course tho.  of course we were joking, but it has a real grain of truth there.

I'm quite sorry we've gotten to loggerheads.  Let me just say again for the record:  I agree with your aims, I am also deeply irritated & often offended by wankers waving spirituality around they are not entitled to, and I also think people should get into their own roots and make their own ancestral cultures workable, whatever colour they are.  I also believe that we all need to haul ass together despite our differences, to fix what's wrong with the big picture on planet earth.  And that will take unity, and that will take some degree of respect for each others Native belief systems.  It aint just about "white" people anymore vs "Red people".  There's people of every colour happily profiting from Mother earth's decline.  And (thankyou spirit) There's good folk of every colour.
here's to them,

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #28 on: September 11, 2005, 05:07:04 pm »
get over the idea we all claim to be Indian, or even all want to be Indian.   Its just wrong.  Get over the idea there's only one right way to use English,  It's a mongrel of a tongue, in every sense of the word.

You're misrepresenting what's been said, rather than answering questions which evidently make you uncomfortable.

anyone leaves themselves wide open under all kinds of other laws (like federal US laws) if they publish information which can be construed as libel or slander...the reason we have such a strict code for the AJA is so we don't get into that kind of trouble.

Take another look at what you wrote originally. It didn't say what you thought it said: hence my remark about your journalistic skills.

What's wrong with him [William Two Feather], aside from being a bit of a wanker, he says he's not asking for money?

They all say that. You're a journalist: do a Google search, then follow it up with some questions here. If you want to help, that is. I get the feeling that you're more interested in persuading us to let your twinkie friends at ghostchild off the hook. I notice you've ignored my question about their racist appropriation of Indian culture. Oh, look at that; you indulge in it yourself.

Real Australian greenies are not kooky freaks.

So why is it so difficult for you to get 'bodies' for your actions? Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question.

Quote's not obvious from anything here at the site that this group does anything other than post stuff here...

It would have been if you'd done a little research. It takes very little research at to see that its owners are promoting a dope-growing pseudo-chief, exactly the kind of person we're interested in.

gee, isn't that the same kinda mis-conception that you guys got about us

I think our conceptions about you have been generally accurate.

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #29 on: September 11, 2005, 06:19:47 pm »
Hello Barnaby, everyone.

>Sigh< ?  A rant of things I have noticed and would like to comment on. ? In reading *again* the posts here. ? I see so much stuff being mixed in. ? I agree with Barnaby across the pond there, everyone gets a good idea of content. ? They do want everyone to know what they are and what their focus is or there would not be a website. ?

With the obvious over, ? It was previously stated here:

""It is not in the Ghostchild interest to become "THE" Indian site, although most members are, like you, blood mixed.""

So some of you are ? Moors, New Age, I guess there are druids and witches in your group too?. ?  If you
are primarily Indian, led by an "Anishinabe Chief," (Indian) ? why would you have such an open membership with such newage types? ? There is a posting on another group ? (below) by
perecabra inviting Druids to come over and help out on Ghost Child. ? That's fine, but what do the Indian Nations have to do with that? ? Do they sanction that have you asked them all "To join the Indian Nations of the Big Turtle Island" ? What kind of speak is that? ?  Or do you mean The Not Real Indian Nations? ? there's quite a few of them out here. ? Quote:

"to join to the Indian Nations of the Big Turtle, to join to the Aboriginal Peoples of Australia, to join to the Moor People, to join to the Catalan People, to join all the Peoples of the world... to help to heal our Mother Earth and peoples conscience."" ?

In case it has not been noticed. ? The Indian Nations don't want to mix their beliefs, ceremonies
and everything else with everyone else so how hard is it to respect that? ? If you don't believe me go ask some of the Nations, go visit their websites and read the declarations. ? Or better yet, there are Indians here on this list they can tell you real quick what they think of this or you can go read other posts on this site and get a feeling for the general air of this topic. ? It is for that purpose that this site exists to point out the exploiters who for whatever reason just don't get it! ?  Many people out here just figure they can steamroll right over what the Nations actually want and make declarations like the above. ? Does Ghostchild consider its self one of the Indian Nations? ?

The answers some of the Druid membership gave back are very good.

I agree with Frank concerning plant diseases and other pests spreading
across borders. ? I have a close friend in the USDA so I'm aware of the problems in this area.

There is also this via perecabra

We really don't know a whole lot about the Druids except from sources not partial
to them such as the Romans. ? There are many circulating non scholarly ideas of what Druids were online and there are Druids online and out there today that we, ok that I have seen at Festivals, who really do not resemble what we know of them historically. ? I don't see this statement being entirely factual: ?

""And yes, Druidism has a lot in common with Native American practice."" ?  

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by AstronomyGal »