Author Topic: Tribal America  (Read 59736 times)

Offline Tsisqua

  • Posts: 281
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Tribal America
« on: December 22, 2007, 11:08:58 pm »
Many of my Native friends have recently emailed this site with regards to what I am about to post, yet I feel the need to post here also as we have heard no word back.

I wish to draw attention to a web site named Tribal America. ( This site started off as a Native dating site, which recently turned into an apparent Native American Unity site.

The issue here, is the owners/overseers of this site. Chief pappy, a self proclaimed Chief, is from India, not in the least Native American although he takes great pleasure in appearing on webcam wearing an eagle feather in a headband, and has no trouble taking money from Native people.

This site is also overseen by two white women who claim to be part Native, women who use this site as their own personal playground to Native bash if they are not getting their own way.Another one of Chief Pappy's many women is an Albanian woman who shows herself on webcam waving around feathers, chanting etc etc. This site is 'wannabe' central.

One of the many problems here are the strange ethics on which their chat site is run. White people are permitted to abuse Native people, taunt them, insult them etc, while these 'admin' look on. The reasoning for this, is these white people are friends of Admin

Native people are openly being abused here, and are being charged for the honor....I of course use the word honor through gritted teeth.

Something has to be done here, the site is almost 75% white people all claiming to be Native, they are running around driving out real Native people, and if Native people dare to complain in open forum, the postings are removed and the members speaking the truths are banned.

I have all forum postings of late which were removed regarding the recent troubles here with Native people speaking out against the fraud, lies and corruption going on within this site against Native people and will be happy to provide anyone with these if necessary.

What can be done? How can this man and his women followers be stopped?
This site has been left to continue in this way for too long.
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Offline educatedindian

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2007, 03:28:29 pm »
I haven't gotten any email from anyone about this site. Has anyone else?

I took a look at the site. Looking at cached material they deleted, it seems there was a lot of criticism of the site's owners and admins, esp for how they encourage East Indians to come to the site, and mislead both them and Natives.

Much of the site makes it obvious that it's run by people who are not NDN. Nothing Nuage, but a lot of vague "wisdom of the Indian" tribe never named material that sounds like it was written in 1920.

Do you know the actual name of the site's owner, "Chief Pappy"? The name is itself deceptive, like he's trying to confuse people into thinking he's Chief Pappy Hicks of the Texas Cherokee.

My advice is that you use the tactics typically used to go after deceptively run businesses. Unlike the Nuage frauds we typically deal with, this group can't hide behind people who don't understand the 1st Amendment.

Business law is not my field at all. All I can suggest is that you start looking at the laws to see what can be done.

Also, try to spread the word as much as possible. Post the truth about "Chief Pappy" in as many places as possible and it will hit him in the pocketbook.

Anyone else have suggestions?

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2007, 10:44:39 pm »
Yes the man who owns the site is named Raj Gulati
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Offline educatedindian

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2008, 05:36:05 pm »
On Indianz they turned up these sites about Gulati.

This is disturbing.

For future internet related projects, Tribal America Inc owns the following domain names:

And this:

"Members can apply to be recognized as Tribal Elders. A Tribal Elder on this network is not an age designation but someone who is committed to helping native american brothers and sisters with their issues or questions using our tribal angels section of the forums. An approved Tribal Elder can post responses to questions asked, and may also choose to be contacted directly as needed.

To be considered for being accepted as a Tribal Elder on Tribal America, please send an e-mail with your full contact information, your member id #, and your background to Chief Pappy at .

Tribal Elders
162663 489 47103

If you are an approved Tribal Elder Member, you will be able to click the image below to go to the Tribal Angels response center."

There's a suggestion box, but it's heavily censored. Seems like quite a few NDNs spoke out on the forum itself also, but Gulati has gone to a great deal of trouble to hide them. There's also lots of twinkies complaining about negativity.

Offline Ganieda

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2008, 12:23:43 am »
You might not be able to stop these people, but there is something that members can do.  First of all, quit the group, change your id & e-mail if you have to.  Put "block addresses" on any e-mail addies the group has and then go to "Tools", "Internet Options", "Security", Restricted Sites".... and add each and everyone of these domains to that list.  Sometimes, taking the bottom out of an organization will bring the whole thing down.  If not, then at least the people who have quit will no longer be allowing that group to hurt them.  Then go after those high and might mucky-mucks and take them down.
*May the Sun warm your Heart, The Moon light your Path and Sacred Mother Earth embrace and protect you always.*

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2008, 01:25:06 am »
Everything that was posted in forum regarding the abuse that takes place there... how Chief Pappy allows the teens/youths to be abused by drunk white men (since they donate heavily to his site this is turned a blind eye to by him and his 'women') he takes money from Admin abuse members and permit their friends to also abuse natives openly...and much more...was all posted in forum...Chief Pappy removed everything...all words of truth were removed as his members were beginning to question his ethics. Now his Forum is closed....he is clearly running submissions are permitted. This man has also recently gone into hiding...much money was raised for this site...and none of it can be accounted for. There are many things not quite right about Tribalamerica, the more you dig.....the worse it all looks.
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Offline educatedindian

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2008, 03:44:40 pm »
Did anyone at that site save their posts somewhere else, once they realized Gulati was deleting anything he didn't like?

Also if he was raising funds under the guise of this being some kind of cause or nonprofit site, and the funds have disappeared, I think the IRS would be very interested in finding out about it. Falsely claiming to be a charitable group, or failing to pay taxes on unreported income, both of those get the IRS involved very quickly.

And if you mean what I think you do about youths being abused, if they were underage, that's something the local DA and police should be alerted to, quick.


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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2008, 07:29:11 pm »
The IRS would be interested even if he was collecting money {donations} and not claiming it on his Tax, even he is not considered non-profit it would be considered income. Problem is you have to prove it.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2008, 06:51:17 pm by frederica »

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2008, 01:29:27 pm »
Yes, I have most of the forum postings saved in my files, also all email files concerning TA, management, monies raised and the abuse issues, they are available if anyone requires them.
There are no leaders in Unity


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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2008, 10:53:43 pm »
The only time I have ever heard of this site was recentlly when someone posted that Brooke Medicine Shield was on it making a statement about a situtation on E-Bay. That in itself says a lot. Never looked at it until now. But it looks like a business. If they are collecting money for charities, you need to know which ones and if these charities ever received any donations. If they are NOT a non-profit they do not have to give receipts at the end of the year. You have to narrow your field, you cannot deal with abuse put to another person, they have to do that. That's about all I can tell you.

Offline RunningQuail

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2008, 04:06:58 am »
O'siyo, I would like to clear up a couple of things that Tsisqua has posted on this forum about  First let me introduce myself.  I am part Cherokee and have been a member of TribalAmerica for over 5 years.  I also am a Chat Administrator and Administrator of Operations on TribalAmerica.  As I stated...I am part cherokee,not white.  Our other Administrator of chat is part Choctaw,not white.  Tsisqua knows this.  For all purposes in this post TribalAmerica will be called TS.  TS does not require a membership fee as it was decided that we wanted all our Native Brothers and Sisters to be able to members of our site, free of charge.  There are not big amounts of money missing as is claimed by Tsisqua.  We do accept donations and these are used to keep our site running.  The owner Raj Gulati is East Indian and has never claimed not to be.  Anyone can clearly tell from his name he is not Native American.  Our members voted to give Mr. Gulati the "Honorary title only" of Chief.  This was decided for a number of reasons. One of those reasons was because of his committment to keep TS running and providing a place where all our Native Brothers and Sisters, be they full blood or not, could meet and discuss issues important to all Natives.  Mr.Gulati has been using his own funds to run TS and now the donations help. as is right. Another reason that this title was given to him is this..........Here is a man who is not native, but one who realizes how important Native Americans are. He has great respect for Natives and stongly feels we have much to teach the world and our voices must be heard.  He who has provided a site where our Native Brothers and Sisters can promote their crafts, etc free of charge.  He has provided a site where Native owned and ran businesses can advertise their products free of charge.  He gets no monetary gain from TS, but rather gets a personnel reward knowing he is doing something to help our causes. All this , I believe, says alot about the man and why he was given that title only.  As far as Mr. Gulati going into hiding, well that is so aburd it is hard to believe Tsisqua stated it. Our forums are not closed as anyone can see if they visit TS.  Tsisqua was a member of TS and chose to leave.  When she chose to leave we, TS, started getting alot of posts in our forums from her friends about this.  And as people can sometimes be, they were pretty nasty postings.  We, TS , allowed these postings for quite sometime.  We did this because we do believe all voices are important although at times they can be very untrue.  After we felt all had been said and getting complaints about the tone of these messages from our members, we removed them from the forums.  So in this case, after a time they were censored or removed if you like.  In our chat room we do not allow people to be abused and try to make it a very safe place to chat.  We do not as was stated,"Native Bash."  We do not and have not had an Albanian women doing anything with feathers.  LOL White bloods are not permitted to abuse natives.  When we are made aware of a situation as stated above, we take appropriate action to stop it. Our members are not 75% white bloods.  The majority are Native Americans.  We have non natives on our site as friends.  We allow this as to promote learning and better understanding of our traditions and beliefs. Whatever reason Tsisqua has for posting what she has are her own and she owns them.  I have posted this to clear up statements that have been made about TS and Mr. Gulati and because of the great respect I have for him and TribalAmerica.  Know I realize that Tsisqua can post a response to all that has been said and we could go on and on about who is right or wrong, but this is not what I will be doing.  TribalAmerica stands strong in it's beliefs and it's endeavors to help Natives and has weathered storms before and survived and became stronger for it.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2008, 01:32:59 pm »
Tsiqua, could you repost at least some of the posts that were deleted at that forum so we can judge for ourselves if they deleted "nastiness" or simply any criticism?

RQ, there are some questions I'd like to ask you. Much of that site does not seem to be New Age (though some of the people are). Instead it seems like there's a lot of very old "wisdom of the Indians" nonsense that seems like it was written in the 1920s or even before.

As I posted before, a couple things disturb me about the site:

Gulati buying up dozens of domain names, such as or I don't see any reason for this except looking to make money by reselling them.

People being able to apply to be "tribal elders" at the site. That is not your right. It belongs to people of a tribe to say who elders are.

And yes, calling a non-Native a "chief" is offensive on a couple levels. Again, it's like something out of 1920.

How did anyone decide to call him Pappy also? That invites confusion with the real Chief Pappy, Pappy Hicks of the Texas Cherokee.

There are also literally dozens of good places for NDNs to meet and discuss.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2008, 08:25:11 pm »
Most certainly, here are some postings I have in my own files of which you can judge for yourselves, also there are many other members who also left TA, of whom have many more postings that they will be happy to provide if need be.
All postings were removed from TribalAmerica almost as soon as they were put there, and incidently TA Forum have been locked to members posting for sometime now, despite false claims. They have been locked since these postings were removed.
I have read RQ's claims in disgust, but I will allow her to speak her mind as she clearly is the one pulling the strings in TA, and this forum is not about abusing others, but in getting to the bottom of matters that pertain to native people.
Everything I have stated here is true, and I have no doubt all I say will be called otherwise to protect TA. Judging by the false claims made by TA in the past, this is nothing new, infact I expect it. I am not here to make myself look any better than the next person, I'm not working my way around the web trying to gain people's money, donations, or claiming to be something I am not, as you can see for yourself as I have recently opened a web site, of which can be viewed, it is an all native information site, with information gathered from many sources pertaining to natives, with native chat rooms on site, this site is a freeweb site, with no membership fees, no donations asked or needed ever, thus proving a web site CAN be run without focusing on greed, a site that is run by native american people. Of which we have already received the label "Racist Site" by those in TA. It seems it is not permitted to want to have a place for native people to gather without the interference of non natives, and if I am doing something wrong here, please let me know and I will correct it.

I'm simply a native woman who is sick and tired of non natives abusing our people, which was, and is still permitted in TA, hence my leaving there. I fail to fathom why native people need to pay a membership fee...or be forced to donate (by having certain things withdrawn from their membership, ie the ability to search profiles etc) be abused. Our people have been abused by non natives for centuries for free! It's high time such things were put a stop to, particularly on a site that claims to be a Native American site.

With respect,


Posted on site in the tribal voting department;

I would like to propose that all our members, tribes etc. bestow upon our founder Raj Gulati, known as Pappy, the honorary title of "Chief Pappy" and to recognize that although Pappy is not of Native American ancestry by blood, but by adoption, he truly is Native American. Pappy has the HEART and SPIRIT of a Native American as is demonstrated by his hard work for all our Sisters and .Brothers and his dedication to us all. Officially, to have this done by our members,would HONOR him and show how much we RESPECT his LOYALTY to Native Americans and thier issues.

Forum postings that were removed (Unfortunately these are in reverse order);

I sit here in disgust as I have looked upon this site and what it has turned into in the past few days. I see people pointing fingers, I see people hiding behind a status, I see children. We are all adults on this site, grown ass people, with our own lives and our own problems. This was a place of leisure, a place of unity where one could come and relax, network, make new friends. Yet this place of opportunity has become a place of grief and resentment. Chief? What does that word mean to your people? To you? Has anyone in this place earned the title of Chief? Anybody who understands what the word Chief means would never give out such a title or accept it for that matter. Yet I have seen this word thrown around like a name. Its like the word love, its not a word to be used lightly. Never have I seen someone take the title of Chief and disgrace it the way I have seen here. What kind of leadership is being demonstrated by this man and has he even proved himself capable? What kind of man, "CHIEF" would let this happen? Anybody can get a boat, but does that make all of us captain's? It takes a certain breed for one to take lead others, and I haven't seen this man do anything of that nature. I have only seen one leader in this group and SHE isn't talking about it....she is doing it. Everyday I see this woman posting new information, creating new ways of opportunity in so that our people can become one united fist. She knows what she has to do and is doing it. She is talking WITH the people and isn't talking AT them. (StickNDN)

7938 Re: TA Pool - I like how the blame is shifted to the only one who actually cared here. But, it surprises me not. And I am happy to see how you, Pappy, find this all highly amusing and entertaining. The door was closed, not left open as you all claim. Tsissy tried all day yesterday to make contact with you pappy while listening to others on your site complain about how they are being treated by your admin, I know, I was in the office with her, yet you act as though she simply 'walked away'. Have you any idea how difficult this was for her? Do you have any clue what her people mean to her? NO! Nor do you care. There is no verdict to be out, as you so say, there are many witnesses to what happened in chat, many people speaking up about admins one sided behavior. You hide behind the skirt of RQ, we all know you like it there. I hear you wished for AIM to give you a blessing? You are a laughing stock! They would not lower themselves. They already know who you are, as do many others. You could not put this right, for one reason. You have no Native American Spirit. You shift the blame like a white man, you finger point and refuse to take responsibility, like a white man, yet you preach Native unity? People would think alot better of you if you set this right. Tsissy did her best for everyone here, they know it, yet you shrugg your shoulders when she is forced to walk away. Would you prefer it if she had stayed, gone against everything she believes in and sat and watched her people be disrespected and abused?? Would that have made you happy?? Blade Yazzie. (2007-12-08 16:47:52.151934)

#7937 Re: TA Pool - Very interesting sequence of postings. I am away from Tribal America for two days and that is enough to rile up a bunch of people. As I mentioned in the other thread, the verdict is still out as to which admin ended up booting people or blocking chatids, so lets be careful how we side on this issue. However, keep the conversation going, as that is what this is here for. For the record, there is no agenda on Tribal America, nor is there any notion of taking sides. Regardless of these types of events, Tribal America has grown strong, and will become even stronger. The notion of a pool as suggested for this thread is a wonderful idea, I welcome it, and will be happy to implement it for everyone. Be sure to read my posting in the other thread. Finally a note regarding Chief Pappys so called agenda. Tell what what it is, for I would love to have a really devious one, but unfortunately my role on TA is quite boring and just as a care taker. If someone wants to stand up to be the next Chief Pappy, do contact me, I would greatly welcome that. Take a deep breath, smile. All is good. Best wishes. Love to all. Sincerely, Chief Pappy. (2007-12-08 16:29:20.872673)

#7936 Re: TA Pool - I repeat, you were not banned and I did not do something that didn't happen. On the homepage there is a place called chat blocks. Anyone can check this at anytime. There are only two people that have been blocked from chat on that list. You Lone are not one of them. And you were not banned from anything else on our site. I realize that this is hard time for those who loved Mark and I understand as I too have lost loved ones. All my actions have been based on my knowing this and I believe I have acted accordingly. I am in the chat room often and I do not always remember who is there so if I was there and you were and I don't recall it, pardon me. There are gliches that happen on our site and our chatters know this. This incidence was one of them. Lone I had nor have any reason to ban you from anything on this site. Why on earth would I do this especially at a time when you are sharing with us all your hurt and feelings about Mark? As far as Pappy ignoring you I would have to take execption to that. Pappy has his own business to run and gets busy with that and that is easily understood if one chooses to. Pappy tries to take care of matters as fast as his schedule permits him to. WE are all very lucky that after all this time Pappy devotes himself to our causes and provides us with this site. As far as me dishonoring anyone, I have not done that. All are cherished, living or passed and I would never act as you stated I have. I know you are upset and grieving and this makes it harder for us to realize things. So I ask you to please understand that I did not ban you from anything and no one else did either. Gliches do happen at TribalAmerica and that is what happened. All this anger, all these hurtful words help no one. They take away our dignity. They fester until it becomes a big ugly open wound. ONe that will not heal unless we treat it. This is what is happening now because one will not listen and trust. This need not happen. TribalAmerica has weathered many storms and we will get over this one also. WE,I, try to be very fair in decisions regarding our members and take what I do very seriously. We have varied opinions on this site from our members about what is disrespectful and what is not. What is acceptable to one maynot be acceptable to another. This is how life is. WE have a big family and sometimes we need to send someone to the corner for a timeout. It is not easy pleasing everyone and you just can't. So I ask everyone to understand this. WE,I,do my best and I take the heat like a big girl and consider the source it comes from when someone does not agree on a decision I have made. I have commented on this because I see this issue has come up also. I truly believe in Unity and what that stands for and it bothers me when there is no discussion amongst us when one is disatisfied. It bothers me that some choose to walk away and not communicate. Espcially when that door has been opened and the other party closes it. WE see the result of that in these postings and from those that have choosen to walk away. As natives we walk our own path, red road,so I would never presume that one is not because that path is not like my own. If someones road leads to leaving this site I will respect that and try to understand. But,it should also be known that I have reached out to try and rectify, communicate with persons that have choosen to walk away. This has failed as they have choosen not to answer (2007-12-08 16:25:45.798389)

#7934 Re: TA Pool - Pappy will not step in 2 rectify this issue, he sees only 2 things, himself and RQ, I have watched real close over the last 3 days while Tsissy has been in here, I have watched as she has tried 2 deal with the issues at hand, I saw no support from Pappy, only excuses, "shrug it off sis", he said, "rise above it", "Tribal America is bigger than this", "let me tell you about my own dreams for Tribal America", he said. But Tsissy would not shrug off people being abused and did not wish 2 hear of dreams etc, and why should she?? Unity begins with members being treated with respect. Pappy should have solved the issue, not sided with those allowing it to happen. Mark my words, every native american group, site, tribal council and so on, will hear of this, I will make sure of it. And now I find my brother Skylar has 2 been banned from entering the site 4 speaking his mind, but apparently people are not banned here? No doubt I will be next along with many others. This site is a joke, run by fools. A bunch of clowns running around playing NDN. They had 1 real NDN here in admin, and look what they do. They no more have any idea of unity for native people than the government does. 1st class idiots. Pappy should have stepped up 4 native people since he himself wants the status of Honorary Chief. HA! What Chief ignores his people being abused by whites in the chat room? Ignores his people being abused by others in this site? Ignores the actions of Admin who are only interested in their own white friends? Preaching about unity?? About wanting whats right 4 native people?? BS! This is a mere scam as far as Im concerned 2 elevate pappy's status and gain money from you members, it sure as hell has nothing 2 do with unity, as has been proven. As I said, I will make it widely known who these people are and what they have shown they stand 4. After all Tsissy did here, Pappy has made no apology, nothing. Chief? I see no Chief. Blade Yazzie. (2007-12-08 16:19:34.450114)

#7931 Re: TA Pool - 162954, I agree (see 'Whats your opinion') However I must take back my original posts. I did find the truth to the matter. I myself was lied to by administration here. This WAS a personal issue, and many innocent people were affected by it. The damage done by one person (RQ), cannot be undone now. Even if Pappy stepped in and did the right thing, which has not happened yet. Yes this is VERY sad. And it has caused dissention, not unity. Allowing this, has permanently hurt this site. I'll probably get booted for this post. It has been great to know you all, and I will miss you, my friends. If I'm booted, it just proves my point. So you may all need to make a decision soon. good luck... see you in chat... ??? (2007-12-08 15:53:35.500012)

#7922 Re: TA Pool - i have only been gone a few short days and i come back to find the new friends i have made either booted or gone for one reason or another.. i have read the responses and it saddens me. to see this kind of thing take place. UNITY will some one plzz define that word for me? it saddens me that we loose people over booting,and jealiousy. and people who have power egos... it senseless.. y promote a site where it has become a war zone...plzz i love tribal i have learn so much from it and made so many new friends but i dont like what its becoming a battle ground... this is just my opinion. for what it worth.. and by the way.. if i am to be booted so be it.. i will be booted with my head held high .. we should hold court proceedings and let a jury decided who gets booted and if the crime fits the booting.. (2007-12-07 22:41:12.272493)

#7921 Re: TA Pool - Well..actually, a friend of mine was 'banned' for 3 months for smart talking back to admin. Defending herself from being told she was 'hostile' to men...when the admin. had no idea who my friend was talking about or what the situation was. So please, do not say, people are not 'banned' except as a last resort. T.Y. (2007-12-07 21:16:25.049161) 

#7918 Re: TA Pool - Bill...I have not jumped to any conclusions...I am leaving here for my own reasons...I have tried to do all I can here...but sometimes without the support from those who run the site...there's little a person can do in the end....unity is about people being treated as equals...not about who is friends with whom....and it sure as heck is not about sitting idly by while natives are abused here and treated badly by non natives....I cannot sit back and watch...yet I am being forced to do so.....I I have left. You know who I am Bill....I thought you would understand this....I guess I have been very wrong about many people here. Tsisqua. (2007-12-07 19:24:46.114788)

#7915 Re: TA Pool - Hummm ? She was not booted. All this animosity among friends for nothing! It seems like a technical problem. I tried to post a suggestion that would have prevented all this, but whoever is in control, deemed it not fit to print. Because my suggestion was not allowed to be posted in the forum, is not a reason for me to leave. I will stay, and try to help make this site te best it can be, and maybe you should all do the same. It's the right thing to do. The only way to change things is from the inside, not by running away. Besides, it SEEMS AS you have jumped to conclusions for no reason, since LoneFeather is not banned from chat.... (2007-12-07 19:12:47.932975)

#7914 Re: TA Pool - Native Unity is about people standing together side by side.....not a few standing above all I have said many many times in the past...we are all the same. Everything I have done here, I did for our people...and now I have been disrespected and pushed aside, as have others in the past few weeks...well no longer. This is not unity as I know it. Dispite futile claims...there is no anger here with me....I feel pity. Native Unity can be achieved, but not by those who merely wish to govern others, who wish to allow native peoples to be abused here, disrespected and belittled...that's not what Unity is. To my many brothers and sisters here...I love you...I pray you find all you seek in life, and I too pray Creator walks your path alongside you....I am cancelling my account also....and no doubt there will be much said once I do by those who wish to stick the knife in further....its easy to do when you have no one to answer please...go ahead....I've had plenty of it over the past few weeks here.... Tsisqua (2007-12-07 19:10:53.0816)

#7913 Re: TA Pool - I am so disheartened and appalled at the treatment of so many ppl on this site but impaticular two. I thought I had found a safe place where I could come to learn about my ppl and make friends with not only native ppls but of many others . Then I come to find out the BS and crap that has expired. In paticular calling my sister a liar!!?? I've also sat by and watched as my sister Tsisqua work her butt off to make this site a safe haven for native ppls and tirelessly work to bring Unity to TA... is this not what this is all about?? Well I sure as hell don't see any others in ' power ' here trying to do the same as she. I'm outraged at the treatment of these two ppl,as well as many others. I will be closing my account with Tribal America as I no longer feel welcome here. To my many friends, whom I'll be leaving behind... walk the Red Road in peace and with dignity, as will I. Diana ( Fire Eyes ) (2007-12-07 18:48:33.748386)

#7910 Re: TA Pool - I am cancelling my membership as I refuse to be a member of a site that promotes such little respect to native people. I will also spread the word. The things I have seen here in the last three days has disgusted me. The only one interested in Native Unity was Tsissy, and you have driven her out too. Well done. (2007-12-07 17:22:48.252963)

#7909 Re: TA Pool - LoneFeather, I checked the chat blocks and you have not been banned from there. So I am not sure what is happening,but it hasn't been because you were banned. I would have hoped that I or Pappy would have gotten an email from you about this before you choose to put it in the forums. WE value or members and the very last thing that should ever happen is to ban someone. We try to communicate with a person if there is a problem. So again I will tell you.....YOu have not been banned, there is nothing that shows on the site that you have been banned. NO administrator has banned you or would without speaking to you first. (2007-12-07 14:55:57.683646)

#7908 Re: TA Pool - ummm and by the way Tsissy is not the one banning us all, she is the one who is attempting to solve the problems at hand. (2007-12-07 14:21:30.536834)

What’s Your Opinion? - Material posted by Tsissy, were her own words, and belonged solely to her. How dare you! I have all your emails to Tsissy, you did not support her attempts here, nor did you respond when she tried all yesterday to contact you. Yet now you are being made to look a fool, the fool that you are, you put the blame on her? You prove your worth with every word. Native people will know who you are, count on that. (2007-12-08 16:24:43.083089)

#7930 Re: What’s Your Opinion? - Lets be careful how we voice and take sides on this thread since the verdict is not yet out as to actually was that 'admin' that did a sequence of bootings of members from chat in the last day or so, and attempted to block otherwise good citizens of tribal america. We are also sad to see Tsisqua leave tribal america after repeated attempts to communicate with her. We are also sad to see her deliberately remove unity and native american key postings from the site, given that those postings are important for informing native americans that visit tribal america and that she was one that stood for unity and supporting methods of communication unity to all. Any material posted on Tribal America becomes the property of Tribal America, this is available in our terms and disclaimers across the site. Any malicioiusly deleted material will be restored in due time given the continuous backups that are taken of the key sections of the site. Even member profiles, as they go through changes, have each version backed up. A notice to members: if you are someone that is not able to get into a specific part of Tribal America, do contact me, because to my knowledge at this point, all such blocks have been removed. Any public site such as this can be the target of a few friends that band together to voice dissension or complaint. The site has been run for 10 years through much of the same and remains strong, and will continue to remain strong for the benefit of the majority. And of course, there will be responses to my statement, and I welcome them, the more the better, for you are then serving the very reason why this site does exist and does remain strong. Peace and love to all. One people One Voice. Chief Pappy. (2007-12-08 14:51:57.018165)

#7928 Re: What’s Your Opinion? - Hi,I do not go into chat very often anymore and do not have access to any lists.I have,however noticed that individuals who are well known to be abusive and who's motives for contacting members are self serving have been allowed to remain,while good people have left this site because of the abuse of these individuals.I kind of makes me wonder who is running this and why these people remain.(One of the users I know personally and he is still active in here).. (2007-12-08 14:21:15.484163)

#7927 Re: What’s Your Opinion? - Sparrow if you speak of Tsisqua - she had no means to check a ban list - she only had whatever tools Pappy saw fit to give her in being a part of this site and she told Lonefeather in front of me that she could not have been banned, so please do not make accusations of things you know nothing of - and since you were not around when all this took place how can you comment? It seems the work Tsisqua has done for this site has gone un noticed. She left here not because of who was banned and who was not - she left here as native people are being disrespected - and when she tried to stop this happening - you all went over her head and refused to take the matter seriously. There is no unity without the support of management here - and the only people who had that support was you Sparrow, and RQ. Tsisqua did all the leg work - while you all took the credit. Native Unity? You do not know the meaning of the word here. You get one real  native here working on the site - for the people - a person who works relentlessly for her people, always has and always will - and you cast her aside because she will not sit by and watch her people abused in chat. DISGUSTING. And FYI, you can ban my ass too! But I will publicly broadcast what this site really is and exactly what goes on here. Not ONE of you bothered to contact Tsisqua - you all shrugged your shoulders after all she has done here. Congratulations. Such native spirit you all have. (2007-12-08 12:19:41.699594)

#7924 Re: What’s Your Opinion? - I have seen there is no consistency. I see that certain administrators are imposing their own value system upon others. There appears to be no room for intellectual bannering. There is no room for joking around. The joking around maybe offensive to the administrative but not necessarily to others. I believe people must use their voice. If they are offended, they must verbalize that. If the behavior by the offender continues they should be booted out but it must be verbalized. We are all adults and a certain administrator does not have to play mother hen or create a hostile environment. I believe everyone has good intentions and we can work out our differences to become united. Is that was unity is all about? (2007-12-08 11:54:13.995684)

There are no leaders in Unity

Offline Fire Eyes

  • Posts: 1
Re: Tribal America
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2008, 10:30:28 pm »
I was a member of TA and witnessed all that occured there, I'm writing this in support of all that Tsisqua has written. I was in chat and witnessed  the abuse that was heaped on by non-natives towards our People in there. I also witnessed the so called honorary dedication ceremony that made " Chief Pappy" and honorary Chief. All it turned out to be was viewing him make a complete ass of himself on a webcam, waving feathers around. I found this highly offensive and a joke. I was also there many nights when " Chief Pappy"  came online and would start on his tangents about bringing the Native People together in Unity, I'm sure most of these were sparked by fire water as most of it, if not all of it made no sense whatsoever. I had sat with Tsisqua day after day when she worked her butt off to try to make TA a place any Native American would be proud to come too and learn and make friends, only to have her hopes dashed because " Chief Pappy " would take all the credit for her hard work and not once give the credit to the one person who really wanted Unity. I have seen e-mails she sent him with great ideas on how to make TA a better place only to have them ignored or used but for him to take credit. I have since gone on to the NAU site with Tsisqua and try to help as much as possible... I know 100 % that this place is a safe haven for Native Americans a place we can all be proud to come too.
~ Even a small mouse shows anger ~

~ Diana ~

Offline Tsisqua

  • Posts: 281
    • Native American Unity ~ NAU
Re: Tribal America
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2008, 02:30:50 pm »
I am including emails from my own personal yahoo account...these were from the day before, and the day I left TA, (Dec 6th/7th 2007) they are original emails, and I have no problem forwarded them to anyone who wishes to see them to prove so. They clearly show how nothing was done, nothing was taken seriously etc. I hope they will be of help.

Incidently, the following message now appears on forum there; This content is the property of the and is freely posted by members after logging in. Any duplication or distribution without our consent is strictly forbidden per federal and state regulations and is prosecutable under law.

So I will make it clear, these emails are from my own personal account, of which I am free to use as I so wish per federal and state regulations. The forum postings in my last post, pertained to me in person, were stored in my own personal files, thus being such, I am obliged to use them as I see fit.

With respect,


----- Original Message ----
From: Fry Bread <>
Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2007 8:09:26 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: hello

I have just been repremanded by RQ for removing two white members from chat today for abusing natives, talking about how all natives are drunks, are dirty and have alcohol of these members has been rude and disrespecful to me from day one of being on the site...of which I have always let slide....but when they are causing disrespect to native people here, I cannot sit by and watch. Now if I have done something wrong by kicking out two people for disrespecting native people....on the grounds that they should be permitted to stay 'Just Because' they are RQ's white friends, then that is perfectly fine....I clearly do not understand where the line me disrespect is disrespect...whom ever it comes from.
I have seen enough over the past weeks. I will remove my writings and my name from Tribal America.
Tsisqua wrote:
Before you take any such action out of hurt or haste, you and I will chat about it please.
Just not just this minute, I am deep into a deliverable due tonight at midnight.
Talk to you soon, my sister.

----- Original Message ----
From: Fry Bread <>
Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2007 8:22:00 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: hello

I can't believe you are dismissing this and not wanting to sort this out! When people come to they do all throughout the day....and complain about behaviour on chat, people being offensive, rude, disrespectful, etc etc and expect me to do something about it...which I DO....I am then made to look highly stupid when others dismiss the whys and fail to understand that while Im sitting there all day (18 hours a day)...doing the best I can for native people and Tribal America..while your other admin stroll in once in a while to cause a problem and reinstate those who offend others....making me look as though Im all talk and no responsibility to the saftey and peace of the room and site, it gets pretty damn old. RQ is the FIRST person to complain and boot others when people talk about alcohol etc to her....but not it seems when its her own personal friends calling all natives alcoholics etc?
I do not act out of hurt of haste....I spend alot of time, my own time, which I do freely trying to help on the site as you know...on top of my own work....I dont HAVE to be there....and I sure as heck WONT be there while Im being made to look a fool, and while native people are wantonly disrespected by non natives while being charged a membership fee for the right. Pisses me off. wrote:
rq just came in to chat, i am also on messenger yahoo, but brb cant talk right now

----- Original Message ----
From: Fry Bread <>
Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2007 8:40:28 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: hello

I have calls to make and work to do here, Im logged off TA....if keeping friends on TA is more important to you than the safety and peace of mind of all there, then RQ can take over where I leave off as she clearly know better than anyone else.....let your members be sarcastically abused by Avondale...constanly belittling native people and their ways....what a wonderful place to bring a native you know how many people leave the room/site due to him alone? Let RQ's other friends rant on about how all natives are alcoholics etc....let them drive members away in disgust that these things are permitted....just because they are someones friends....that is fine by me...but I refuse to be involved in that kind of thing. Keep bringing back drunks who verbally sexually abuse members on site, our teens and our woman 'just because' they donate every month. I will have no part in this.
Native people are my number one priority...not who my friends are or who other peoples friends are...I stand for native rights...not for the right for natives to be sitting in a chat room shaking their head in disgust wondering what the heck they are doing there in the first place with the abuse you are allowing to continue....we are suppose to be bringing in more members...not driving them away.....I posted in womens forum how people like this need to be perminently kept out and how I will ensure they are....I had many emails, p2p's etc expressing thanks for stepping up to the plate as other admin had refused to do so....hard to step up to a plate that is goverened by 'who someones white friends are'....I dont understand this, I dont appreciate it and I dont see how priority is given in this case....If one of my own family came in and disrespected others...I would be the first to remove them...makes no difference who they are. wrote:
ok, i'll stop waiting
talk to you soon, before you make any judgements and decisions, ensure you sync with me live!
love, paps

----- Original Message ----
From: Fry Bread <>
Sent: Friday, December 7, 2007 5:54:29 PM

I have tried to contact you today, all day long.....I also sat in chat for hours....perhaps 10...watched and read.
RQ obviously has full reign there for whatever Im sure she can continue where I leave I am tired of being patronized and belittled by her, and sick to my stomach of how she treats natives there if they do not belong in her 'friend' catagory or if they 'dare' to complain about admin...and tired of many members complaining about her and the way this place is run by you and the other admins. You said you support me 100%? but that's not exactly true is it? support me to my face...and behind my back to RQ its another story, I have seen this from her today. Seems you both find this entertaining...the abuse of native people entertains you? This make me sick to my stomach.
Lonefeather has mailed you, as have I today....but to no avail. It seems there are no answers to our many questions, and we are clearly being ignored, and the problems on site are being openly dismissed.
You are both obviously not concerned with the same issues that concern me, that concern the native people and other organizations that fight for native rights and unity, the concerns of your native members...and with that being said....obviously our people, nor I, have no place there.
RQ seems to think Im just upset over Marks passing.....and is making excuses for my leaving to all who will listen. I will make it clear right now. I have left because of the abuse of natives here, the two faced backstabbing, allowing non natives to run a native site and for admin to sit there and get off on the abuse that takes place, pure ignorance. Some of the things I have been informed of today, have cleared matters up for me, now I see with my eyes open. Im done here. wrote:
I have been away from the the internet, just got home, and saw this message of yours. I am sorry to hear of your pain and anger.
At some point, I'll get to reading the chat logs to see what happened. I have been contacted by RQ and Sparrow separately as well. I also just replied to Lonefeather's e-mail.
It sounds like from your multiple e-mails, that your mind is already made up and the "I have left because" suggests you are not returning to TA.
It hurts me to read you say "and behind my back to RQ", I favor no one yet do my best to stand by everyone, to a point.

I think you are better communicating with RQ since she is the only one who seems to be for Sparrow....she knew nothing of what has happened...only what RQ has told her as she was not there...RQ wants things her way...regardless of anyone else there...especially if they do not fall into her 'white friend' catagory.....and Im too old for playground games. Its YOUR site...and you clearly see the ways things are going on there not to be a problem, and as you will get to things at 'some point'....this is not good enough when natives are being abused here....and on that, we obviously dont see eye to eye. I have too much at stake bringing in youths and new members etc to be abused....I wont put more people in the way of what Ive experienced myself and have already seen towards other natives....I've been pushed out, taken for granted, used and belittled as have many others.....thats not my idea of unity. Goodbye.

* That was the last I heard from tribalamerica, until the forum postings.
There are no leaders in Unity