Author Topic: Margaret R Alelyunas/ Lino Alelyunas / "White Star"  (Read 9746 times)


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Re: Margaret R Alelyunas/ Lino Alelyunas / "White Star"
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2019, 09:47:15 pm »
Another student is Iena SpiritWalker Robinson

My teacher is Internationally acclaimed Psychic & Medicine Woman, White Star (formerly known as Lino Alelyunes). Her Grandmother was full Cherokee. But, she lived in the time when the settlers came, took the babies & convinced them that their way was wrong. This shame prevented her Grandmother from sharing the native traditions with her lineage. However, it was in White Star's destiny to learn native traditions. She became a blood sister & lived with the Lakota Tribe for many years. This is why my Shamanic training is in Lakota traditions.

"I am not Native American & I have never claimed to be. Certainly, my Spirit is. The sound of the drums always call me home."?

~ Iena SpiritWalker

Robinson recently reviewed for Osho News (Rajneesh) Alelyunas' book The "Experience of the Ultimate. The Journeys of a Psychic Mystic"

Excerpt from book

Alelyunas is described as still being a sannyasin, a devotee of Osho. Her sannyasin name is Ma Prem Lino.

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Re: Margaret R Alelyunas/ Lino Alelyunas / "White Star"
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2019, 01:20:34 am »
Alelyunas is described as still being a sannyasin, a devotee of Osho. Her sannyasin name is Ma Prem Lino.

Noting for the record that the Osho people are cultural appropriators from Hindus as well as Natives. They misuse the term "sannyasin". It doesn't mean what they say it means. I know you're using their lingo here as an indicator of what people are going by in their group, but their misuse of this term is offensive. Their misrepresentations are grotesque and not at all representative of South Asian religion. Only newage Westerners mistake them for Hindus.